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MadWorld ago

You are so full of shit!

Attack sequence:

Vote manipulation:

Forum sliding/spamming in GA:

Banlog spam:

More ping+banlog spam, even in the anon subverse:

The jew cries censorship.

obvious-throwaway- ago

None of that has anything to do with me. I called some power hungry Jew mod a faggot on a different forum because someone told me he was banhappy. Then was banned. Nobody comes to a free speech platform that bans users for speech. You are simply trying to ruin voat because Jews are vile creatures who envy all others.

MadWorld ago

Good luck with your bullshit!

obvious-throwaway- ago

You mean that thread I posted about the truth? Yeah, I hope no one finds out about that, oh no!

MadWorld ago

Nice work sane, still pushing that bullshit 1.8 years later.

[–] obvious-throwaway- [S] 3.4 minutes ago (edited 1.1 minutes ago)

You mean that thread I posted about the absolute truth? I hope no one finds out about that, oh no!

obvious-throwaway- ago

You support banning people for speech. Calling someone a nigger faggot on an open forum allows that person to ban speech on their sub. And now you sit here, just like a Jew would do, and try to twist it around to make it seem like you are the sane person and I'm crazy for wanting a website with free speech. Nobody is falling for it or believing it.

Answer this question, do you support free unlimited speech or are you a Jew?

MadWorld ago

Answer this question, do you support free unlimited speech or are you a Jew?

LOLs, good luck sanegoat.

argosciv ago

As always, they cry about freeze peach but otherwise engage in every possible tactic to smash the frozen peaches of others.

MadWorld ago

They were mildly brigading earlier.

XD My "Truth!!" --(((obvious-throwaway-)))

argosciv ago

They were mildly brigading earlier.

Yeah no doubt some of them are using @SearchVoat's alert system to stalk me.

We need an ability to have ourselves exempt from people creating alerts about our content.