MadWorld ago

You are so full of shit!

Attack sequence:

Vote manipulation:

Forum sliding/spamming in GA:

Banlog spam:

More ping+banlog spam, even in the anon subverse:

The jew cries censorship.

obvious-throwaway- ago

None of that has anything to do with me. I called some power hungry Jew mod a faggot on a different forum because someone told me he was banhappy. Then was banned. Nobody comes to a free speech platform that bans users for speech. You are simply trying to ruin voat because Jews are vile creatures who envy all others.

MadWorld ago

Good luck with your bullshit!

obvious-throwaway- ago

You mean that thread I posted about the truth? Yeah, I hope no one finds out about that, oh no!

MadWorld ago

Nice work sane, still pushing that bullshit 1.8 years later.

[–] obvious-throwaway- [S] 3.4 minutes ago (edited 1.1 minutes ago)

You mean that thread I posted about the absolute truth? I hope no one finds out about that, oh no!

obvious-throwaway- ago

You support banning people for speech. Calling someone a nigger faggot on an open forum allows that person to ban speech on their sub. And now you sit here, just like a Jew would do, and try to twist it around to make it seem like you are the sane person and I'm crazy for wanting a website with free speech. Nobody is falling for it or believing it.

Answer this question, do you support free unlimited speech or are you a Jew?

MadWorld ago

Answer this question, do you support free unlimited speech or are you a Jew?

LOLs, good luck sanegoat.

argosciv ago

As always, they cry about freeze peach but otherwise engage in every possible tactic to smash the frozen peaches of others.

MadWorld ago

They were mildly brigading earlier.

XD My "Truth!!" --(((obvious-throwaway-)))

argosciv ago

They were mildly brigading earlier.

Yeah no doubt some of them are using @SearchVoat's alert system to stalk me.

We need an ability to have ourselves exempt from people creating alerts about our content.

anticlutch ago


obvious-throwaway- ago

No proof. No evidence. Just Crensh's shit on his lips as it cheers for more censorship on voat.

maaaxheadroom ago

He’s got skinny legs like kermet the frog

DrSelfAppointed ago

Well, Putt has a abandoned us and sold us to a company that was bought by a jew. So I don't know what you expect anymore. But hey, we got all those new members so many people wanted.

Crensch ago

Horseshit contrived narrative, debunked by people that actually give a damn about this site.

DrSelfAppointed ago

You just banned me for using the word niggerfaggot. Don't act like you care about this site at all. Not shit has been debunked

obvious-throwaway- ago

He's some sort of Reddit carryover cripple who is drunk on power that he gets to control one tiny aspect of a honeypot website. Probably Jewish, their envy of us knows no bounds.

Crensch ago

DrSelfAppointed ago

Who the fuck made you the arbiter of what this site should or shouldn't be? I recall quite the history of users flinging all kinds of words you don't approve of. You weren't shit on this site before the great migration of Q's and Awaken-retards. And as to what you are on this site, the only things I have every read anyone say about you, has been shit. If we are all lucky, some higher power will see fit to smote your kike ass.

Crensch ago

Who the fuck made you the arbiter of what this site should or shouldn't be?

Who made you or kev the arbiter?

Because that's the narrative you're pushing.

I recall quite the history of users flinging all kinds of words you don't approve of. You weren't shit on this site before the great migration of Q's and Awaken-retards. And as to what you are on this site, the only things I have every read anyone say about you, has been shit. If we are all lucky, some higher power will see fit to smote your kike ass.


DrSelfAppointed ago

Who's the one banning users for language and wrong think, while running around telling them they lost and are wrong?

You silence people. I scream beside them. The users in your corner are the boomers who begrudgingly came here as a last resort and now think this is their site. Well, if we lost, why is that I can still say nigger, and Hitler was right, on all the default subs? All your effort to silence goats, and yet we still get our messages on the front page.

You keep saying we lost, Kike. I guess we will see in the end.

Crensch ago

Who's the one banning users for language and wrong think, while running around telling them they lost and are wrong?


You silence people. I scream beside them.

None of you have any right to join my club. I can oust you at any point.

The users in your corner are the boomers who begrudgingly came here as a last resort and now think this is their site.

It is their site.

Well, if we lost, why is that I can still say nigger, and Hitler was right, on all the default subs?

You lost because none of you can dictate what happens on private subs anymore.

All your effort to silence goats, and yet we still get our messages on the front page.

Then are you really silenced?


You keep saying we lost, Kike. I guess we will see in the end.

You did. All of you did. Tried to drown us out and run us off, and now you are powerless to do so.

argosciv ago

Horseshit contrived narrative, debunked by people that actually give a damn about this site.

his Narrative is just as dead as his username
