BulletMagnet879 ago

RIP Stonenchizel

MichelleObamasWang ago

God bless x

TippyHome ago

Dear David’s daughter, whenever I saw Stoney's Name with a post, I always read it and always smiled. His illness sounds much like I have helped family members with. Those struggles are heartbreaking and difficult. Just know you are in my prayers and hope for the very best for you, after the sting of this loss has started to pass and you can reflect on the beautiful life he had. Yes, Heaven has gained an American patriot warrior who will be there for us from beyond. Prayers-tippy

PrayRosary ago

@StonenChizel May you Rest In Peace. What a great voice on this platform.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

My condolences to the son of a great Patriot. I am certain he will watch future events with great pride and joy. Take care of yourself, and please join us and tell us your handle here!

QbertAnonymatti ago

rest in peace patriot

VotingGodWins ago

My sincere condolences to you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to let us all know why your dad won't be joining us here any longer. God bless and keep you and your family during this very difficult time. RIP @stonechizel, you will be greatly missed.

Ziggyspeaks ago

May God welcome him with open arms and comfort you and your family as you mourn. Your Pops was an important part of this community and we will miss his contributions to our group. God speed Stonechizel!

HateTheCabal ago

I am very very thankful he is no longer suffering. He is at peace. Running around heaven telling everyone about Voat and everything our President is doing. Soon as I get there I’ll look for your dad! Thank you for writing this wonderful piece to let us know.

doublejj ago

My Dad just passed away a week ago. He was also a true Patriot. I miss being able to talk to him about the the things I learned from Q. But I will carry on in his name. I love you Dad.

hamman365 ago

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Peace and comfort be upon you in your loss

JoeBeets ago

God bless your Dad's soul and may you find some comfort that he is in the Lord's arms. I loved reading his posts and took great inspiration from them. It's always very hard to lose a parent, but it's also very hard to watch them suffer. (((Hugs)))

KYanon ago

@Stonenchizel will be missed. I am praying for your family. WWG1WGA means we will all be united again in his heaven.

CR302 ago

Respect and thanks for his contributions. He will be missed here also.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

God bless your father and God bless you for sharing this wonderful message. It really hurts to lose one of our own, whom you share the knowledge that we have to awaken a sleeping public. May rest in peace. I miss my father everyday and my heart goes out to you.

d00danon ago

God Bless you Son :o)

EnchantedMermaid ago

God bless you

chocolatepatriot2 ago

To Son of Stonechizel: so very sorry for your loss. You were blessed with a special father, He was respected and beloved here we all will miss him greatly. He was a humble man, many of us here prayed for him I had such great faith in God that he would be OK. but i trust God's plan is perfect and I am comforted knowing we will all get to meet him on the other-side. May Gods Peace and comfort fill your family.

gr8tinfo ago

Father thank you for the time we had with @Stonenchizel he was a blessing to us here and will be missed. In Jesus name.

Sutie ago

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Stonenchizel will be greatly missed. He was a vital part of the Voat community and I always loved his post. May God bless you and keep you in is hands.🇺🇸🙏🏻😊

Qackerjak ago

I'm so sorry for your loss... for all of our loss. He was a patriot who will be missed here. Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family.

tweety51 ago

Death is the door we must open to inherit eternal life. Knowing your dad is walking on streets of gold and worshipping at the throne of God is such an encouragement. I am sorry for your loss but rejoice that you dad has been set free from the constraints of this temporal body. You were blessed to have such a thoughtful, articulate patriot for a father. God bless your family during this time of seperation.

Shiftworker1976 ago

WWG1WGA, I will shake your hand in Heaven. Friend

Star_Trek_Q ago

Please accept my prayers and condolences on the loss of your father.

keeponsearchin ago

I would love to know how/why he picked the handle Stonechizel. Awesome visual

Akqj10jr ago

Hi this is his daughter who wrote the post above. It’s honestly a bit silly. Some years ago I was working on a paper for school while we were chatting and he said “you know backs in my day we didn’t have computers to help us out with everything” and I jokingly said “so what did you use? A stone and chisel?” He used it as a tag for years on different platforms.

keeponsearchin ago

So sweet of you to share that. Well I think it probably stuck because it was like him. The world needs more of that.

Bee4Q ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. He was an amazing patriot and we will miss his posts. This is only a temporary goodbye though. We will meet face to face one day. It will be glorious. 🙏 may he rest in peace in Jesus name, Amen!


A solid moral rock in this family. See you soon David.

wasupwitdis ago

Sorry for your loss. To Stonenchizel you will be missed our Patriot brother. We have had a few post convos. Tour insite was always welcome. Gods speed

scoripowarrior ago

Thank you so much for this update on your father. He has always been such a wonderful partner here in our community. His posts and perspective will sadly be greatly missed. Thank you for the time we had with him. RIP...may God hold him in the palm of his hands.

comprametu ago

So sorry he left us. We will certainly miss him here. However, he is walking in the streets of gold, free of pain and in the presence of God. Nothing can be better than knowing that.

Dani_is_Nice ago

So sorry for your loss. Prayers for peace and comfort to you and your family.

letouejil ago

Rest In Peace with Jesus @stonenechizel! You fought a good fight and helped to inform so many! ❤️

anamazonslittle ago

Sorry about you dad man, that sucks.

KyJane ago

Oh no... This brings tears for me. I didn't know him by seeing him physically, but here I knew him as a great and very smart person. I loved his posts here, always wise and I will sure miss them. I'm so thankful that he went peacefully in his sleep. It will not be the same here without him. My heart hurts with the loss. May you rest in peace, dear Stonenchizel. 😪

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers for peace and comfort. I'm glad he is finally free of his pain and ailments. Thank you for taking the time to update his anonymous "family". I always enjoyed his posts.

Elfchiro ago

Prayers for your father, for you and you family

amenanon ago

Child of Stonenchizel, know that he is alive in Jesus, just as you probably are. Therefore you are both alive together and perhaps you can no longer see him, or touch him since he left the garments of flesh, but he is still there right beside you, only without all that pain. Heaven is closer than we have been taught. And love? Well, that just keeps right on getting stronger as time passes.

A little secret, I will share. Stonenchizel was a teacher to me. I studied what he posted, when he posted and how often he posted, hoping to learn the ropes of Voat a little better. He bettered me, for what that's worth, as he did for all in this community. His submission history should win a world record. I will miss reading these posts and I am so happy to learn that this community comforted him through the pain. He was loved much by many.

Black_beauty7 ago

So sorry for your loss. Sending prayers of comfort to you and your family.

HISdaughter ago

To @Stonenchizel family, my condolences, may the Lord comfort and be with you in this season, may He be what you need Him to be and may your joy be in the memories of him. I looked forward to his posts and always read what he posted.

MarineMom ago

My sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father. God Bless, Stonenchizel. RIP.

TheNightBeacon ago

Truly sorry for your loss. I might be losing my own dad very soon so I understand your pain. Your father has inspired many on here. We will remember him as a hero in this war to take back our nation and world for Jesus Christ.

CryptoBard ago

Damn man, I really enjoyed chatting with him on voat, a real loss, my condolences, your dad was a good guy.

DickTick ago

Good Lord, I hope he was actually seeking help from a doctor and not just asking everyone here to pray for him while fighting a major infection..

Rest easy buddy. We might not have always seen eye-to-eye, but we were definitely both Patriots fighting the same fight, together.

brylyant ago

Your father was a special man who would have a son like you, who honors him. RIP.

ScotAnon17 ago

Sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your memories of your father, and in the love of your family, at this saddest of times.

Backoftheqanon ago

RIP to a great anon. Stonenchizel will be sorely missed.

I expect he is still in the process of waking others up, those who dwell in a higher realm.

God bless.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Stonenchizel was a great contributer here. Sorry for your loss. See ya on the other side my friend.

libertarianleeluu ago

Rest in Peace @stonenchizel.

rokarljosef ago

Sorry for your loss. He provided us with many great postings.

WillowMinxy ago

Thank you for letting us know. I didn't know your dad but I hope you will follow his lead and come around here once in a while for some information. Sorry for your loss and our own. God Bless your family.

jcuriousity18 ago

RIP Stonenchizel. Peace and comfort to the family from your larger family.

Archangel_79 ago

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

I enjoyed your father's insight and perspective. We will miss him. Rest in peace, Patriot.

SpacemanSpliff187 ago

Godspeed and God bless

ditzee ago

God bless your family. Please accept my sympathy.

SeekingUltimatums ago

Your fathers blood runs in you, he is not gone, just away for a while. RIP and may God have mercy on our souls.

Qcalanthevalentine ago

Awe. I’m going to miss him. A lot. Prayers and condolences to you and your family.

75usmc79 ago

He will be missed deeply, prayers to your family and loved ones.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸 Semper Fi

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

My deepest condolences for your loss. We enjoyed @Stonenchizel's submissions and comments very much, we will miss that. God Bless him and his family.

thelatestme ago


hildberht ago

Gee the last few days have been full of shit for me. Nothing but bad news. May your dad RIP.

robertdebruce ago

He'll be welcomed by Jesus and all the angels in Heaven, God bless you and your family.

Modernminuteman ago

As a Patriot David set an example for Patriots everywhere for he led by example and he knew how important the movement is and worked hard to awaken those not quite awake even though no one could have blamed him if he did nothing. I said a few days ago he was a great Patriot i just did not realize just how great he really was. I know that you know you were blessed to have a father like David. :)

369693936 ago

Thank you for sharing. Wishing you grace as you deal with the loss of your father. I so much appreciated his posts, he will be missed here.

akilyoung ago

Rip. Now he can get more work done on the other side, unrestrained.

Peace and love patriot

Ddboomer ago

Oh, I’m so sorry!!! Your father had so many great posts!! He is now in heaven, but it is always hard for those left on Earth.

I wish you peace!! He will be missed.

God Bless you and your family!

BeeBop71 ago

So sorry for the loss of @stonenchizel his comments were informative, and he made me laugh many times. I'm going to miss you!!

Acen ago

RIP Goat...

DebGS54 ago

I’m so sorry for your loss.

UnbreakablePatriot ago

Prayers for your family to find comfort in one another and god during your loss. Rest in peace patriot.

LadyPatriot ago

I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Thank you for letting us know. He was loved and respected here and will most definitely be missed. He was an important part of "our family", for sure. May you rest in peace Stonechizel. 🙏

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

RIP patriot

Boysrback07 ago

God bless and Godspeed Stonechizel on your new journey without pain!!

CaptSarcasm ago

My sincerest condolences on the passing of your Father. You may not be able to him, but you will ALWAYS feel him. My Momma and Daddy are both both at peace now and it's a rare day that something doesn't happen that makes me think of them. Time does help, but you need to understand things will never go back to normal. You and your family just have to let a new normal emerge, day by day.

FEMAcampsforever ago

SOOOOO.... your dad was a boomer. Ok.... did he RECON THAT (((TRUMP IS A JEW AND THAT JEWS ARE ON ALL SIDES RESPONSIBLE FOR 200+ YEARS OF NOT 9K YEARSOF COMBINED MISERY"???? If he did not. It eas a life wasted. Sorry for yourloss, hope you recon (((Trump is a jew before you die yourself)))

Tsilent_Tsunami ago


Joe10jo ago


MolochHunter ago

condolences for your loss

he was a good man, a solid contributor, and had our backs whenever the permachimps attacked

he will be missed

JaynetheNurse ago

I am so sorry for your loss. Your dad was a wonderful contributor, I learned so much from him. What blessings God brought us through him.

GritD2 ago

RIP @Stonechizel . May we execute the plan in your honor.

Maersk ago

....God Bless your family

DaraChaos ago

My heart is broken! I lurked more than I commented, but I always looked forward to your Dad's posts and comments. Unfortunately, I know what it's like to lose your Dad. I'm so sorry! He will be greatly missed by us, but even more by his family. God bless him, and all of his loved ones. 😢🙏😥🙏😥💔

Battlefat ago

A good man

They are rare and your father was one

POdPatriot ago

Your father would love that you wrote this. Not only is it a wonderful tribute to him, but it also reminds us that there are real people with their own stories behind these posts. You're an amazing son, and I hope you will find peace in your memories of the father you love so much. His thought-provoking posts will live on, and I hope you will continue the tradition by posting more of your own.


I'm sorry for our loss! Yours and ours!

May God grant you the peace that passes understanding.

Winnowil ago

His memory will live on forever in your heart and may those memories also bring you and your family peace and joy in this time of mourning until that time when you are reunited once more.

MuckeyDuck ago

I am so saddened by this, that it happened so suddenly. I would have love to had the opportunity to tell @Stonechizel how much I have enjoyed his meaningful contribution to this site, how I always know that what ever he posted would be of value.

I feel like I have lost a great friend. I prayed for Stonechizel just a day, or two ago, that God would bring comfort in his suffering, and ease his pain. I guess the prayer was answered. I now pray that God will bring comfort to you, and your family. may God help you to celebrate his life, rather than morn his death.

Here's to remembering you @Stonechizel! You will be missed.

Oh! Say hello to my mom and dad when you see them in heaven.

TheNiggerFaggot ago


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DrSelfAppointed ago

True NiggerFaggot's Never Die.

ZombiClown ago

Your father was an inspiration and friend ,I am truly sorry for your loss.Our loss as well.Mrs 'Chizel please know that we will truly miss him in here.He has been called Home . He did not go quietly into that goodnight. I hope you keep logged in long enough to study a search you fathers archives ,posts , and DM's . they are part of his legacy. perhaps you will continue it. GodBless

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HillarysNoose ago

God rest his soul _ i am sorry for your loss.

summerstormAK ago

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for letting us know.

standwithuQ ago

I just read this post and it blew me away! I am now crying over the death of a man that I never met....but I feel on some level I knew him and I greatly respected him.It is a great loss and I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting. I know your loss. I lost my mom 4 years ago and my dad will be going soon. From your kind words, i see he raised you well. Again, I AM SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and he will be greatly missed!

VoatMikeNolan ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. You father was a very well liked member of this unique community. He was a patriot and his faith was strong as reflected in the the prayers he wrote which are powerful and worthy of remembrance. I'm going to spend some time over the next few days looking at his posts and thinking of @stonenchizel the man, your family, and contemplating our own frail existence as we struggle in earnest to keep the spirit of our country and our faith in God alive in these dark times.

MudPuddlePie ago

...speechless atm.

Thank you for telling us. Stone will be missed greatly here. I am so sorry for your loss and agree with all the other poster's sentiments. While my eyes are leaking for someone I only knew here on v/...and like the other believers here state so well, it is comforting to know we'll all see each other again someday. So, it's not goodbye, but see you in a little while.

May God hold your hearts and give you peace. May God comfort you and bless you.

See you on the other side, Stonenchizel.

lightmeup77 ago

Rest in peace @Stonenchizel. Thank you for all you have done for this community.

To Stonenchizel's family. Know that your dad was a patriot who made a difference for the better.

God Bless you all and may he ease your pain during this time.

Where We Go One We Go All

FreedBy45 ago

We mourn his loss - heaven welcomes an angel.

May his spirit live on not just in your family - but in all of us.

There will be a great reunion one day, but until then, prayers.

kestrel9 ago

May his memory be eternal.

Sorry for your loss and thank you for letting us know.

Agapechik57 ago

So very sorry for your loss. Loved your Father’s posts! He is now in the real Heavenly Patriot Army taking his place in Our Lord’s great myriads of perfected warriors. We will see him riding on the clouds with Christ Jesus when we all meet Him in the air. God bless fellow patriot! Feel free to become part of our family❤️

Shiftworker1976 ago

Having had many conversations with this fine man I will miss him. We've battled each other and sided together over topics. True Patriots are immediately felt here. I do pray for the family left behind. Godspeed @Stonenchizel Digital Warrior.

Trollstomper ago

Sorry for your loss!

ImmaLueserBaby ago

Rest in peace, and may the good Lord receive your spirit. I enjoyed reading your posts, SnC. You will be missed by the community.

PatEldo5 ago

Out of everyone that participates in this space-it seemed to me that no one had a greater love and appreciation for the privilege of spending time and sharing opinions- with his fellow goats. We pulled for him to get well- but eventually we all must pass. He will be remembered fondly, by many...Thanks for letting us know. We are sorry for your loss and please accept our wholehearted condolences.He will be missed....

TSEdgar88 ago

May God grant your family peace as you say, 'See you later' May your memories be sweet and His legacy live on. God bless you all

Rhondaher ago

Several times Stonenchizel asked for prayer and it has been my pleasure to pray for him. We are from all walks of life and anonymous to each other but comrades in this battle of good over evil. Thank God that we shall all meet again one day and rejoice in meeting in person and sharing our stories of the greatest battle in history, fought in prayer and faith.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Be well in this saddened time Patriot. We all lost a piece of the Whole you and your family have lost.

RIP. We won't let him down and he'll smile upon us preserving his legacy.

bignose317 ago

I will miss him. Rest in peace Brother.

Q20191776 ago

Before my brother died, he said "You're going to miss me when I'm gone.". He was correct, I do miss him dearly.

So, I suspect that you will feel that great loss too and it hurts. If you share your father's faith (which I sense you do), you will find comfort in that everlasting connection to Him through God. My brother and I called it "quantum entanglement through God."

Lifting up your family and the rest of our community here in My prayers as we grieve together for your (our) loss.

We will miss @Stonenchizel.


Secret_1 ago

May our GREAT GOD embrace you, your father, our fellow warrior and us all. We are all, only a short time from joining them.

Cloudrdr ago

To say he will be missed is dire understatement.

Thanks to YOU for your kind and heartfelt words.

Wishing you and your family ease moving into the next phase which follows.


MeetGeorgeJetson ago

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. And for our loss of a friend who we never met, but enjoyed his many wise and thoughtful contributions to our conversations. He will be missed by so many.

4joe ago

Sorry for your loss. Enjoyed his insight. Peace to you and yours.

Witsend ago

So sorry for your loss. Stonechizel will be remembered as a patriot and friend, and will be greatly missed by the community.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Shocked to read this sad news. He has entered the Lord's rest. "Well done, good and faithful servant...." Some day we shall meet, in the beyond, with those who have gone before us. The Lord comfort you and your fam in this time of loss. Godspeed.

avenger1 ago

Beautiful post and so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace!

Witsend ago

Truly sorry for your loss. In this community it is easy to become blinded by the shills and attention seekers. Your post is greatly appreciated as it helps to hone in on the true reason we are here. I hope that peace will find you and your family. Please know that his fight will continue on in his absence.

3Pea_Kabuki3 ago

Faring three well Stonechizel. Praying for you and your family dear daughter of this great man.

11Wildflower11 ago

RIP @Stonenchizel,

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family as you were ours. You will be missed.

And thank you to your son who kindly let us know of your passing.

Prayers for your family.

CloseTheCircusDown ago

Sorry to hear of your loss.

51JesTuck ago

RIP to a great patriot!❤

Crisbeau ago

Forever stonechizle

abattoirdaydream ago

Oh no! I offer condolences to you and your family. Thank you for letting us know. He was loved here, and will be sorely missed.

MarauderShields ago

Make sure he knows how to vote in the November election.

RIP brother.

zaakir1 ago

So sad :( RIP

KeepUrFork ago

Blessings, comfort, and peace in Jesus.

Buzzsaw ago

My heart breaks to hear this news. I never met him but yet, I loved him. He was a giant..I stand in his shadow. Peace be with him now. God Bless.

Busangirl19 ago

So sad but know Stone chisel is in a better place, your Dad's posts encouraged me more than I can say, peace

Qanonplus1 ago

Thank you so much for telling us. Yes, I remember seeing that handle many, many times. Condolences to you and God bless him. I am terribly sorry for you and yours.

God bless you all.

Thank you for letting us know.

HistoryQuest ago

This makes me very sad to see, but thank you for posting. I'm sorry you have lost him.

SuckaFree ago

Reat In Peace, Brother StoneChizel. You will be missed.

doginventer ago

Deep condolences to all his loved ones, and may Stonenchizel rest in peace.

BigBadSal ago

R.I.P. Stonechizel, I will pray for him and your family.

Dauphin ago

God bless you and your family.

Anarae ago

Blessings to you and your family-he will be missed here as well.

Zomorftruk ago

May God bless @stonenchizel's soul and bring peace and comfort to his his family. His presence will be missed here.🙏

User7867 ago

A great loss for both families. Rest well, Patriot.

Jivicus ago

Long live, Stonechizel!

4841400209 ago

Loved reading his posts, and learned so much from your father. He was brilliant, compassionate, and at times humorous. He will be missed greatly. Condolences to your family.

Overland_bound ago

A patriot who kept me coming back and giving me knowledge of the great awakening. RIP. WWG1WGA!!!

Time4puff ago

Rest In Peace Patriot. Your watch on earth is done but we know you will fight on forever with us. We will meet once again.

MIDefender ago

So sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting an update. I really enjoyed his posts.

MAIDENanon ago

oh man.

I still have the post I sent him when he got declared cancer free.

Always looked forward to his posts. They were always good.

Hang in there man.

Jigsy17 ago

I am so sad hearing of your loss. I truly enjoyed reading his point of view. God bless. Rest In Peace David.

OregonAngel2 ago

Thank you for sharing your father's time with us. He will be missed and we will carry on in his spirit.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

My condolences. Sorry for your loss.

slumbermachine ago

Wow. God bless you stonechizel.

FirstDamsel ago

RIP @Stonenchizel. The fireworks will be beautiful from heaven-the show is just about to begin.

mustang10 ago

My condolences to you, and your family. May Stonechizel RIP with the Lord, and be with the ones he loved. God Bless!

themagarhino ago

God Bless

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you for telling us. Rest easy. We will see him at the resurrection. Thank you Jesus!

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Celebrate his life. That dude was fucking cool.

Lonegunman65 ago

Thank you so much for giving us a little insight into the person behind the username! Often times those of us on these chat boards are anonymous individuals that have interest in common and sometimes not in common. It’s good to know that Stonenchizel was a believer and all believers will see him again someday. Rest In Peace.

StormWarning ago

Your Dad will be greatly missed here, but will be greatly enjoyed in glory. Thank you from all of us for making this post on his behalf. We would be honored to have you here one day when you are feeling the need to fill your Dad's spot. God bless you and your family.

RebelMomAnon ago

May he rest in peace. So sorry for your loss.

everlastingphelps ago

Bye boomer.

theoldones ago



grace8 ago

On a board like this, we are all anonymous. But your Dad was a big part of things here and allowed his sense of humor and personality to come through in his posts and comments. He recently aid he was going to be 57 in April. He will have to celebrate that birthday with the family in heaven. Your Dad showed us constant faith in and love for God.

He now knows the answers to the questions we all want to know. He got there before us all. He will enjoy the world being set free from oppression from above us all. He and my Dad and many other patriots will be cheering to celebrate all of the triumphs of patriots as he liked to call those who fight against evil here.

There is a great line in Harry Potter where Dumbledore says the Harry don't pity the dead Harry, pity the living. He is now wrapped in a love greater than we can experience here on this earth. I am sorry you lost him young for your sake, but not for his. He now knows a fullness of joy and peace rarely felt in this world. I pray you find peace and that God makes his love for you clear as you grieve your great, wise, patriot Dad.

We will miss him everyday!

letouejil ago

Beautiful comment grace8!

grace8 ago

Thanks. We will miss him! But we will meet again.

glassuser ago

RIP Stonenchizel

98fordcontour ago

May he Rest In Peace 🙏🏻

Dragon1481 ago


Scablifter ago

Amen. May we all meet again in a far better world than this, one that has been purged of evil by the Power of God. RIP Stonechizel.

bopper ago

wow, had no idea, he was a great poster..sorry to hear this..

angelCole ago

From our family to yours, we are so sorry to hear of @Stonechizel, your father's, passing. We will keep your family in our prayers. God bless you.

Juneysunshine ago

I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. He reached out for prayers a couple of weeks back. Thought he was recovering. I will say a special prayer for your Dad, you,and all whom he held dear! Thank you for posting one last time, or perhaps you’ll pickup where your Dad left off.?

FriendofAbe ago

Rest in peace :(

dontmindthemess ago

May he Rest In Peace. I’m happy to know that our community is much more than racial slurs and boob pics. We are the sane in the storm of the insane.

Crensch ago

Your father was a great man. Always active and supportive and posting great things here. One of my favourites, for sure.

He will be missed.

CMAnon ago

In God's hands may his spirit rest. He was a fighter and a person who had no shame asking others for prayers on his behalf which we willingly gave in hope that he would be free of pain and illness. Your kind words indicate that he is now in a better place beyond physical ailments and politics. I always enjoyed his comments and thank you for reaching out to us. We wish you and your loved ones peace and healing. His spirit will remain on this board and in all of our hearts.

God bless you thinking of us at this difficult time. We all mourn your loss.

USAMatters ago

Thank you for letting us know about your dad's trip to heaven. He will be very much missed. Stonechizel's posts were always well researched and I looked for them each day.

He was also blessed to have you as his son.

Our prayers are with you and your family.

I shall look forward to meeting your dad in person - not just back and forth as anonymous people.

I believe many of us on this site would be really good friends in person.

We we go one we will one day find all.

Q-0so ago

God bless y’all!!!

8pinkstars ago

I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautifully written post. Your father was a true patriot and one of my favorites here, he will truly be missed. God bless you and your family and we will pray for you all. ❤️🙏🏼

HelloDolly ago

So sorry for your loss. It is a loss to us here as well. God bless.

TexasPatriot972 ago

I’m saddened to read this. May he Rest In Peace and God carry you through these difficult times.

fbcf7b6d27 ago

May he Rest In Peace May God bless his soul and grant you comfort and meaning in you grief!


Blacksmith21 ago

Rest in Peace brother! You have overwatch now.

mark7 ago

I always enjoyed reading @Stonenchizel. He will be missed, and sympathies to the family, as well as Thanks for letting us know. God Bless!

Specific_Fox ago

Condolences. Sorry for your loss.

bato ago

God bless you and your family son of stonenchizel - thank you for sharing. WWG1WGA

IamJulianAssange ago

My your father rest in peace never to be found in our fallen world.

Be glad you had him so long as you did. Fathers are a blessing, even if they are terrible they made each of us.

PGLiterati2 ago

I am so sorry for your loss--that saddens me, Stonechizel was a comforting presence on this board and always very positive--a true patriot.

LostandFound ago

Sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace. He will be missed.

Lauraingalls ago

So incredibly sorry for you loss. I don't even know what to say. Even though we didn't really know him, all of us concerned him to be a friend.

The only thing that helps is to think he is now with God.

138 ago

RIP Stonechizel may God always be with you.

Trfsrfr ago

My condolences. RIP Stonenchizel.

Lurker17 ago


Lurker17 ago

My last message to your Dad was "It's great to have you back, we missed you!" after he returned to post on VOAT last week. I had no idea he might turn for the worse. He was smart and insightful, a giant on this board. He will be well remembered and sorely missed.

My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Tracimariesimmons ago

RIP @Stonechizel. May the angels serenade you and the Good Lord welcome you with open arms.

Please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss. May God bless and keep you in your time of grieving.🙏

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

My deepest sympathy to you and yours. Your father was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed. Thank you for letting us know. 🙏🙏

1618 ago

He was such a bright light on this board. May he rest in peace for his service in saving humanity from evil.

TurquoiseLover ago

@stonenchizel has a better vantage point on Q now than all of us. RIP, we will miss his kind wisdom.

Hortance ago

RIP to Stonenchizel and God's peace to your family.

He has all the answers now that he so stubbornly fought for...God Bless

numina18 ago

We will miss him so much! I will pray for him. I hope he is in a good place.

Nwpa ago

Beautiful words from a loving child. My prayers to you and your family during this incredibly sad time for you. Yes, your father is free from his earthly bonds. May you be comforted by happy memories. Thank you for taking the time to let us know.

TXtombstone ago


892012518HEROS ago


mcpaperclip ago

I am sorry for your loss. Stonenchizel was a friend and a guide to us here. May he rest in peace, and may your heart find some comfort.

Chasmaniac ago

Very sorry for your loss. Your dad was one of those who I read all of his posts.

zxcvbnasdf ago

God our Father,

Your power brings us to birth,

Your providence guides our lives,

and by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,

their lives change but do not end.

I pray in hope for my family,

relatives and friends,

and for all the dead known to You alone.

In company with Christ,

Who died and now lives,

may they rejoice in Your kingdom,

where all our tears are wiped away.

Unite us together again in one family,

to sing Your praise forever and ever.


DaraChaos ago

Amen! Lord hear our prayers!

ZombiClown ago


Peanuttles ago

OMG--I'm so sorry. Godspeed to your father. This makes me sad for us. He was a great Patriot and shared a lot of great stuff with everyone out here. God bless you and your family.

baloneyman ago

Sincere condolences to you and your family. Your father was blessed to have family like you around. I am confident he is walking proudly with the Lord. Stay safe.

1awakened- ago

Rip Stonechizel condolence to the families

Wingrider ago

Go With God, Rest In Peace.

RockmanRaiden ago


God bless. It was a pleasure having him here.

tossitrightinthere ago

I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. I have thought about Stonechizel many times knowing he was ill. He and you will be in my prayers.

Enaashby ago

Sorry for the loss of your father, David. May he rest in peace.

crazy_eyes ago

You have my condolence. I would like to thank you for taking the time out to let us all know, that is very much appreciated.

Patriotknife100 ago

Tough losing a parent. I'm confident that your father is lovingly looking on you for your poignant, eloquent post. God speed, patriot. May God bless, comfort, and keep all of you as you mourn. Blessings.

Double_D ago

Very sorry for your loss.

Revel4ti0n ago

Sorry for your loss and condolences from my side. He was really a good contributor. I will miss him.

May Jesus take care of his soul and free it of all sins so he can enter paradise. Amen

29again ago

I'm sorry for your loss. I enjoyed his posts and comments, and he will be sorely missed on here.

swimrobin ago

May he rest in peace. Prayers for your family.

Anonymous754 ago

RIP David. Sincere condolences for your loss

asymptote_12 ago


He's reached the Great Awakening. His absence will be felt here and he was a great poster. I'm sure you will have days when missing him will be tough. I've lost both of my parents in the past couple years. Knowing they've found peace is helpful at those moments..

HelloThankYou ago

Sad news. RIP @Stonenchizel

clickclone ago

May @Stonenchizel rest in everlasting Peace , our friend and your Dad, David.

Thanks for coming here and telling us.

Love and comfort to @Stonenchizel's family and loved ones.

AUSAFVet ago

A Patriot to the end.. RIP Stonechizel..Now you know the whole story. Watch over us in our quest

Humanizzimo ago

God bless you and yours during this time,goodbye for now my friend

tradstew ago

Not only did Stonenchizel post meaningful and insightful work, his comments were always gracious, civil & well thought out.

Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord,

grace8 ago

Except to the SBBH crowd. He appropriately responded to their work, "FUCK OFF"! And so should we all to all Trolls!

AUSAFVet ago

And let perpetual light shine upon him

TNLunatick ago

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace.

tradstew ago


veteran88 ago


redtoe_skipper ago

Sorry to hear of this loss to your family.

I am convinced he saw the fulfilment of the plan from afar. He left us with a great legacy of everything he posted here.

May God bless you and comfort you and your family.

JJS1 ago

Walk with GOD and bless your spirit

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

https://youtu.be/OO5y2O_hv3I Brings me to tears. God Bless!


His contributions were many. Sorry for your loss.

hamman365 ago

May we meet again in Heaven my friend. Prayers of peace and comfort for your family. Stonechizel was a ray of light in this dark and dreary world, i will miss him, farewell patriot.

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

VQTmom ago

I know he will meet my beloved who went home before he could vote for PDT. Soon, I will see him and Stonechizel too. Thank you for John 14:1-4.

hamman365 ago

I have those verses ingrained in my heart, I do not know what I would do without faith. Our sadness for our loved ones is with us always, but the hope and joy in knowing that they are with the Lord and that we will be together again is heartening.

VQTmom ago

Like you, I live by every word of God. Thanks again.

mac1221 ago

Thank you for those words friend. My prayers also for peace and comfort for Stonechizel's family. We are not those who have no hope because we know who we believe in and where we are going. This is only a temporary separation and we will meet our friend again. Go in peace my brother.

hamman365 ago

Amen and amen

Flutterby49 ago

May the Lord bless and keep him.

rickki6 ago

so very very sorry for your loss . Prayers

ReMs-71 ago

So sorry to hear this. @Stonenchizel will be missed. RIP

Silverfuck ago

So sorry for your loss. Stonechizel provided some very great insight and humor and he will be missed.

ArielQflip ago

I hope someone achieved @Stonechizel.

Great rest in peace.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta submission by @MadWorld.

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Crensch ago

MadWorld ago

That is the second Goat passed away that I know of.

Rest in peace... That lucky bastard went to Heaven, doing what he loved to do, even to the last of his breath...

I hope someone archived @Stonechizel.

Consider it done.


ArielQflip ago

Thank you @Crensch @Madworld.

May @Stonechizel words live on.

Joys1Daughter ago

Tanks and Blessings to All of you!




Joys1Daughter ago

Yes, I do hope someone archived Stonenchizel's posts!

It would be a fitting tribute as are all of these heartfelt comments of our memories of him.

Dearest child of Stonenchizel,

We thank your for sharing this difficult message from your family to our Patriot family here at Voat.

You honored him with your loving words...you have the eloquent gift of being a wordsmith like your Father.

I know that he is in Heaven with our Lord and now we have another Angel watching over us.

When I read your post my heart sank because my last communication with your Dad was 10 days ago to respond to prayer request for health.

I take comfort that your Father will guide your family until the day when you are reunited.

May God Bless and keep you all and my only wish would be for you to continue to post here in your father's footsteps. I think he would love that!

His name is David. 💔🙏

DickTick ago

Every single post is automatically archived, it's literally the first comment of every single post. It blows me away that so many people post and comment here without ever noticing that even once.

Joys1Daughter ago

Thanks Dick Tick...I didn't know, kinda new to this.

bfriend13 ago

Great to see he was a follower of Christ! See you on the other side @Stonenchizel.

paperfolder1 ago

My condolences. RIP Stonenchizel