KyJane ago

I didn't know Stonenchizel in the flesh, but I very much knew him as a great guy on here and considered him a friend. I loved his posts and comments which seemed to always be knowledgeable and insightful. I have no doubt that he's in a better place and pain free now. Rest in peace, Stonenchizel. You are missed very much already.

VotingGodWins ago

Thank you for honoring our friend and fellow patriot. whenever I would sign in, @stonechizel was one of the first posts I would look for. loved his work. my heart is still so sad at the news of his passing. may he be watching this great fight, from above, in a front row seat. God bless his family and friends. and God bless you for archiving his work.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Thanks so much Madworld for for doing this. I never knew you could archive voat submissions and comments. Wish Stonenchizel would have been with us until the great reckoning.

Anarae ago

This is awesome - thank you! His was a special voice here.

Jigsy17 ago

What a wonderful tribute. Thank you!

DaraChaos ago

@MadWorld Thank you so much for doing this! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

scoripowarrior ago

Thank you for making his work worth archiving. He would be very proud and humbled.

Ddboomer ago

Such a nice tribute!! Thank you for posting this!!!

Revel4ti0n ago

The link to this should be even on the right side to keep it permanently.

May he look down at us sitting next to Jesus christs feet

J99 ago

This really sums it all up, doesn't it? The difference between us and them. An outpouring of love for a man that very few of us had probably never actually met. But it didn't matter. Because where we go one, we go all. And we know the true meaning of that.

MudPuddlePie ago

A thousand up voats.

Joys1Daughter ago


Wise words Patriot... We are a true brotherhood.

J99 ago

Absolutely! Thank you!

Joys1Daughter ago

You're welcome! It's an honor to be among so many Patriots here!


J99 ago

Despite what we have been told, one person CAN make a difference. When that one person finds other "one persons" then a group of people can make a huge difference. We have seen it happen and I hope we can continue to make Stonenchizel proud!

Joys1Daughter ago

I think we will continue to honor Stonenchizel by our continued vigilance for the cause and care for each other.

I'm praying for his family to be lifted during this difficult time and hope they will find comfort knowing how much we respected him.

I wish his child, not sure if it was son or daughter that wrote that wonderful post, will continue in David's stead.

ZombiClown ago

nice thing you did. t/y

IsaacJan ago

What happened, did one of you realize Q’s fake and off themselves? Is this the celebration post?

hamman365 ago

Well i guess a douche has to douche.

IsaacJan ago

So I’m right?

MudPuddlePie ago

Yes, you are right about being a douche.

IsaacJan ago

Well I’m sorry your fellow QPatriot

MudPuddlePie ago

Yes...he will be greatly missed.

Preamble ago

Terrible. Wow. I know he’s in a MUCH better place than we are. GOD BLESS him.

BlueDrache ago


UnitedStatesPatriot ago

This is a very nice thing to do to honor one of our community members. Glad you are able to do this.

On_Fire ago

Beautiful. So utterly grateful to be a part of this community. πŸ˜”

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

I hope somebody archives all my shit when I die. I've got gigs of scat porn, antisemitic memes and all kinds of good stuff

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you. I CRIED over this. Heartbreaking.

BeeBop71 ago

I used to come to /GA just for him. Poor guy. Life takes the good and the young first.

Lauraingalls ago

He was a kindly gentleman. It upset me that he died.

QuickAnon ago

Damn, I loved reading his posts, RIP Stone!

Lauraingalls ago

I know. Heartbreaking.

Emiliopoochie23 ago

I did to .I was sad that he didn't get to see the take downs.

Then I thought where he is he probably has the best seat.and will have a better idea of what's going on then all of us .I hope so.God Bless his soul.

Ddboomer ago

He has the best seat for sure!!

Lauraingalls ago

I'm SURE Jesus will let him see all he wants to see. God Bless him.

It still upsets me. BUT he is with GOD.

angelCole ago

Heartbreaking. My father passed last year. I wish he could have held on to see what's coming. Stonechizel is looking down on us with a smile. Where he's at there is no pain, God bless his soul. RIP Stonechizel. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™

chocolatepatriot2 ago

I always loved his name Stonechizel.

Lauraingalls ago

I agree. Jesus is KIND and will fill him in and let his see. YOUR FATHER too.

They watch over us,

ArielQflip ago

Wow. Thank YOU!

70times7 ago

Oh another poop in a bag crensh sub.

Well, get it over with.

Roughpatch ago

Was? As in dead?

Ddboomer ago

He passed away and his son told us. He is now in heaven!!

Crensch ago


ZombiClown ago

nice thing you did,real respectable.

Crensch ago

What's that?

ZombiClown ago

Archive of @Stonenchizel's account.

Crensch ago

That was @MadWorld; all I did was ping him.

MadWorld is a saint to all that fight the good fight on this platform.

ZombiClown ago

i saw when you did that,and I thanked him as well, it was an honorable thing, notable,human, compassionate T/Y