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Crensch ago

The guy invited you to argue.

He even made solid arguments for you to work with.

All you've done is engage in false equivalence, shaming, and argument from non-agreed-upon axioms.

I'm interested to see how you fare against him.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

If he'd actually respond to anyone, we would know

BoomerHater1488er ago

Maybe he'll ban him like a kike for "infringing on their first amendment right to peaceful assembly" or whatever you Boomer faggots banned me for from your sub. People there need to know that Christcuckery is Judaism for Gullible Goyim and that multiracial societies are white genocide. Grow a pair of fucking testicles and unban me you absolute faggots.

Crensch ago

Mmmmm salty

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yes, I am salty when kikes act like kikes contrary to the spirit of Voat. But apparently @Puttitout is fucking dead or something.

Crensch ago

What you call the spirit of vote was put in place by a bunch of Reddit cabal mods that wanted this place to be an insignificant shithole quarantine for the people they didn't want to speak over there.

Congratulations, you're the one being led around by the nose if you yourself are not a kike

BoomerHater1488er ago

No, Reddit banned these ideas from their website. When they found out there were alternative platforms, their sperg mods came over censored those ideas here, too. Voat's entire existence has been a struggle against that.

@PuttitOut has replaced mods who shat all over the spirit of Voat before but, like I said, he's MIA.

Crensch ago

It's literally exactly what I said it was. Reddit cabal mods didn't want this place being a safehaven for other ideas, so they set up a globalist cabal (PV) and refugee niggers (SBBH) to destroy any mod and every community on this site that didn't follow their rules.

22363702? ago

Kinda like you do? Maybe he'll be your friend?

JunOS ago

His arguments counter themselves in numerous instances. 'what re your arguments?' then 'im not the problem, MGTOW isn't the problem'... Then what are you wanting to argue. He's making MGTOW some epherial topic then. Lol

You want to go your own way and ruin your lineage, that's your choice ... And fault.

Rotteuxx ago

Why no reply to this @Crensch?

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

You're only looking 1 step ahead. Finding some chick to have kids with isn't hard at all. It's what happens after that that's the problem.

Have kids for what? So they can be ripped from you? Taken to public indoctrination camps? Grow up in a single mother home while you're portrayed as the bad guy?

The problem lies with society and the people who are allowed to make decisions with it. Take away no fault divorce, take away social media, remove women voters, take away welfare and child support, and you'll see community come back. You'll see the relationships you're autistically reeeing for.

There are so many different angles that you're either too stupid to see or are refusing to see. It's going to take a monumental shift in how our faggot society operates before you see mgtow guys going away

JunOS ago

Have kids for what? So they can be ripped from you? Taken to public indoctrination camps? Grow up in a single mother home while you're portrayed as the bad guy?

The whole point of having kids is taking all of that into consideration. If the woman you're with and the kids you could have aren't fitting to that, that isn't called MGTOW, it's called finding a good partner.

I say stop using society as a crutch. You are responsible for who you procreate with.