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SpottyMatt ago

A key facet of people who make this argument is an actual distinction between "speech," and "expression," which Westerners frequently interchange when talking about the freedom of. This distinction is one of three things necessary to understand in order for folks that don't take this position to accurately understand & respond to it:

Different Definitions of "Speech" & "Expression"

  • Expression is just about any message in just about any medium that someone can emit.
  • Speech is communicative, exchanging a substantive message between two or more parties of one or more people. It's either constructive, instructive, or informative.

Speech is a narrower subset of "expression."

Except for true "free-speech absolutists," everyone generally agrees that some forms of expression are detrimental-enough to society as a whole that they should be restricted. Think the classic examples of "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater," or "making death threats to the President."

"Speech" has redeeming qualities that earn it stricter protections - protecting it is a valuable thing for a group to concern itself with. "Expression" that isn't speech has (by definition) fewer such qualities, and the bar for restricting it is lower. Expression that isn't speech is less-valuable.

Pornography is Expression, not Speech

People that make the above distinction, then also decide that pornography as a broadcast, mass-market product largely consumed by individuals for the end goal of making temporary high good brain feelings, does not meet the criteria for "speech."

It's just "expression," and not inherently worthy of protecting.

Pornography is a Net Harm to Society

The "Porn isn't speech; ban it" crowd arrive at the first part of that sentence - "porn isn't speech;" - from the first two points above.

They then also - through whatever individual processes that aren't relevant to us here - determine that pornography is a net harm to society.

Their conclusion then, is that it's good & just to ban it. Their "slippery slope" leads only to a place where valueless, harmful things are frowned upon!

The key thing to remember if you engage in a "porn isn't speech; ban it" discussion is to make sure y'all mean the same things when you say "speech" - I've found that the "porn shouldn't be banned; it's unbannable speech" crowd almost never makes the "expression / speech" distinction that their ideological opposites have. That makes fruitful discussions difficult.