Long_sofa ago

you don’t like child porn? Hurr durr why not???

I’m not assuming anything. It’s very clear how conditioned you are into thinking that free speech = good. You take it to be a universal fact so much that when I say child porn is free speech, you take it to mean that I support child porn rather than the actual meaning which is that I don’t support free speech.

In fact this actually proves that you take ‘free speech = good’ as more of a universal truth than ‘child porn = bad’. Nowhere did I ever even hint that I support child porn, and yet you keep pushing that I’m a pedophile - why is that? It’s because when I say “child porn is free speech” you interpret it as me saying “child porn is good”, when in fact what I’m saying is “free speech is bad”. This means that “good” and “free speech” are entirely interchangeable in your mind, yet “bad” and “child porn” don’t seem to be.

When I say that cp is free speech I’m not defending cp; I’m attacking free speech. Whether or not something is free speech is an objective fact and has nothing to do with personal opinions; this is the topic of the discussion by the way (look at the OP again).

If you still can’t grasp what I’m getting at then there’s really no point left in arguing. As for a discussion this is completely hopeless since if it takes this much effort for you to even arrive at the first prerequisite of the topic then you won’t be able to do much with it when/if you actually get there.

Inb4 “yeah but u didn’t answer why u don’t like CP!”

MaunaLoona ago

There's porn on voat? Blocked a few subs long ago. Haven't seen any in a long time.

scrimmmy ago

If you think the state should ban anything you area statist bootlicking faggot and should be thrown to the fuckin wolves.

scrimmmy ago

If you Dont have the self control, self respect and desire to stay away from that shit, that's on you.

jingler ago

Dont look at it then

Long_sofa ago

No you fucking retard. Never once did I say anything to suggest that I would either.

I don’t give a shit

Yeah, you’re actually just not capable of discussing simple abstract concepts from the looks of it, so you can only discuss individual characteristics of people instead.

Since you’re only interested in projecting pedophilic tendencies in order to compensate being a brainlet I’ll spell it out again; porn is just as much free speech as innocent cat pictures. Therefore free speech is bad

noob_tube ago

Kys you useless, weak faggot. You can't stop yourself from masturbating so everyone else has to never post anything that might make you want to?

zxcvzxcv ago

Lies needs to be censored. Spam and porn are lies.

SpiritExpedition ago

Should hypnotizing an unwitting victim be protected free speech?

Free speech for whites. Ball gags for kikes. Hell, they'd probably enjoy that.

inyourfacedunk ago

It isn't just pictures of degenerate whores. It's also videos of hot chicks banging well hung studs.

Glipglup ago

Jewish subversive.

Keep showing your real colors, this thread has been amazingly informative

Seriously you guys don't understand how revealing this all is, I have complete confirmation on who's a degenerate, who's a shill, who the real users are and even where all the mods and eveb the site admin putt himself has been fully exposed.

inyourfacedunk ago

Rock and roll saves lives.

Long_sofa ago

If I take a picture of a kid at a grocery store and post it online is it considered to be on the same level as pornography?

xenoPsychologist ago

well, porn is everywhere else on the internet. it doesnt need to be here, too.

t9spjtws ago

Are private home sex videos considered porn? If so then OP can fuck off

slowcrash101 ago

Free speech is the key, porn is not free speech. Someone had to pay to make it happen, if cameras weren't involved it would be prostitution. That's not free speech.

Astroqualia ago

Nice try, rabbi. Once you limit what free speech is, authority will use similarly crafted arguments to stifle anything critical of the government, eventually.

Glipglup ago

Gay pride parades are expression but I'd wager most on Voat would support banning them.

Hitler burned the porn, by the way, and he did it for a reason.

Astroqualia ago

I agree with you there. Burn all faggot and tranny and bestiality and pedophilia material. Anything outside of a man and woman having natural sex should be banned. This is the natural order of things that we should embrace fully.

But talking about them and possessing them shouldn't be a crime.

Glipglup ago

Okay, here's the thing though, while I think you make points, I gotta clear something up.

See, I get how people make the correlation, but I don't get why, because you see, I never made mention of the government, or of legality of any kind. I only ever said it doesn't belong on Voat. So again, I get how people got from point A to point B but I don't get why.

pby1000 ago

Porn is posted mostly off-topic. It should be removed for that reason.

Thedude1942 ago

Change the channel. Don’t like it don’t look at it. The is plenty of shit I would care not to see ergo I do not seek it. Anything banned has to be enforced fuck you and your blue jeans.

Enok-Stroth ago

If you can't control yourself from masturbating is that a jew problem or a you problem?

Glipglup ago

Wow, that's the 5th or 6th time someone has used exactly the same joke.

Your jewishness is showing you subversive faggot. You idiots are completely exposing yourself, man I'm going to talk about porn and Jews a lot more because wow you people can't seem to help yourselves, you can't stop yourself from exposing as a Jewish subversive.

Enok-Stroth ago

Shalom my niggeroni. I must be a jew because I ask a question. Not a joke a question.

You are an idiot believing everyone to be a JEW. What kind of fucking foolish retard thinking is that? Same damn Mindset those liberals have when someone questions their shit. Oh You are one of those Alt right nazis.

Oh well. Believe what you will. THis is the land of Make believe. Do as you do.

BraunF14 ago

I don't view porn. But porn is free speech as long as it's a consenting party.

Glipglup ago

What is it saying?

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Anti porn is a Jewish stance. Op is Jewish.

Glipglup ago

Wow amazing when you consider all porn sites are run by kikes. Keep exposing yourself.

awildbanannaphone ago

It certainly is covered under free speech, but as you said child porn is justifiably banned, if certain subverses would like to ban it also I support this. I would not support a site wide ban only due to principal.

Long_sofa ago

defending child porn

never did that. however, if a picture of a cat is free speech then so is a picture of a penis. porn is free speech and therefore free speech bad.

CouldBeTrump ago

CP is just pornographic pictures but there's not a soul that would defend it as free speech.

I could have sworn there was an Aaron Swartz quote to this effect but I can't seem to find it anymore.

Glipglup ago

Emphasis on the "sane" part. I'm aware that crazy people are defending CP, sadly.

Repent ago

Yes, I agree.

slwsnowman40 ago

It isn't speech, it is expression. If the degenerate whores choose to express themselves by having pictures, or video, taken of them naked, or having sex, and shared online they can do that.

Glipglup ago

Cool but this is a private forum blocked from public view and @puttitout condones censoring talk about the USS Liberty and Israel on the Q related subs. Don't believe me? Just ask @crensch, as you can see he was given admin and putt condones his actions, if you look at the mod log you can see this.

The fact that I'm literally the only user that noticed this and put two and two together us just sad, this site is not that smart, most people here are a bit better than liberals but they still tend to be low IQ retards. How out of the thousands of users who have closely monitored Voat for years haven't realized what the site is and why it exists and who runs it.

I'm literally the only one who figured it out, and that's why I say that Voat belongs to me now. I'm the big cheese.

By the way, putt, how is that block chain doing? Hopefully us goy forgot about it.

Crensch ago

You sound butthurt.


allahead ago

  1. Porn is documented prostitution.
  2. Porn is a kike weapon to slow white birth rates and destroy families.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

All speech should be free except for the things I don't like!

Anonfag ago

Do we have to argue about this every week? Fine. OP's probably a kike trying to push away some important article but I'll play along.

tell us what the message is. What is it trying to communicate?

Speech isn't dependent on what the message is, otherwise we wouldn't be allowed to talk at all.

Voat already crossed that line of censorship when CP was rightfully banned. CP is just pornographic pictures but there's not a soul that would defend it as free speech.

False equivalence. CP is illegal and it's very creation is an act of child abuse. Regular porn involves consenting adults and/or an artist willing to make it.

If you see anyone posting porn on Voat, there's a 100% chance they are a subversive Jewish troll.

I don't post porn because I don't care for it and frankly voat is at its best when posting news above all else, but that holier than thou attitude almost makes me want to.

Long_sofa ago

if your worldview supports free speech but also supports the prohibition of porn then it has a bit of conflict, doesn't it?

SpunRecord ago

Allow the porn poster to post his porn. But put a mandatory badge next to the user name so everyone knows the poster is a porn peddler.

That way he gets to express himself, and we get to see the person is a faggot who needs to be reminded of it.

Glipglup ago

I completely approve of this

tastelessinvective ago

I don't like the left's blasphemy laws and I don't like yours.

Go start your own forum if you need to censor people.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Everything is free speech or nothing is. Speech that no one is offended by doesnt require protection. It is specifically because porn offends you that it is protected under the first amendment.

Whether your saying that porn is not of a spoken word, then you are crossing a dangerous line that I wont join you in supporting. Wearing clothes that you like is not speech. Wearing a maga hat, hanging a Confederate flag, putting up a presidential candidate sign in the front yard, possibly even posts on the internet could all be considered not speech if you really want to open the door to regulating things that is not speech. This is why we say freedom of expression too is protected.

peacegnome ago

It doesn't matter if it is free speech or not; regulations, both websites and government, are just ways to centralize power. Voat does this correctly, people can voice their disapproval and shun to get rid of porn, and it works.

SpottyMatt ago

I'll disagree with the "ban it" crowd's conclusion, though:

If we accept the expression/speech distinction; pornography's classification as expression, not speech; and even that it's a net harm to society...

The usage & harm pattern looks an awful lot like individual recreational use of the various drugs. As we all know, all of the following have been tried to reduce the societal harm from drug use, each with astounding failure:

  • complete prohibition
  • legalization & regulation

But one of 'em could definitely work this time, right? Naw.

In my opinion, the best bet anyone's come up with for reducing net harm from addictive behaviors is

  1. Decriminalize
  2. Regulate production & distribution as a public health concern, not a commercial one
  3. Pair distribution with structured access to education, treatment & alternatives
  4. Reduce social stigma

A sufficiently-strong state could do the first three. The last one is something that the people have to be ready for. We're actually pretty OK on that last one for porn; less-so for, say, heroin. The key assumption - which seems to be borne out by the precious little experimentation that states around the world have managed to do without getting slammed by the War on Drugs - is that addictive behaviors are a coping mechanism for unfulfilling lives. Work to ensure that folks have a path to be a fulfilled, productive member of a society and while participation with the addicting agent may not vanish, the harmful addictive behaviors, will.

That leads to the final item

5.) Build a society that offers everyone a way to participate in a meaningful, fulfilling way

That's the secret-sauce final ingredient to curing harm from addictive behaviors of any sort in any society, IMO. You do the first four items without the fifth, and the people will slip and wriggle out the cracks at every opportunity. You do the fifth without the first four, and an (artificially-contented) populace will see no reason to expend energy moving from the existing, working promise of happiness to this new one.

It's hard, and it can't be imposed by the state; at best the state can create the opportunity & push some of the population to it. If they did a good job and what they built resonates with the people and they manage to get a critical mass of the people on board with it, then... the zeitgeist will change, and you're home free.

In the case of porn, this could look like

  1. ending the porn industry, but not criminalizing individual engagement with porn (no more US porn sites, no more DVDs for sale in novelty shops, no more Playboy magazine, etc)
  2. The state takes over the pornography distribution mechanisms, and they look a lot more like doctor's offices & CDC.gov, than the current commercial bling.
  3. state programs educating on the harms of pornography - but like, done well, not D.A.R.E. Provide real funding, use real science, & remain engaged throughout all ages of life.
  4. As mentioned before, we're pretty OK here right now. Just be sure that as the above changes roll out, pornography use does become generally understood as an inherent, irredeemable character flaw, but rather as an unfortunate, treat-able affliction that could happen to anyone, the curing of which we should all strive for & celebrate.

SpottyMatt ago

A key facet of people who make this argument is an actual distinction between "speech," and "expression," which Westerners frequently interchange when talking about the freedom of. This distinction is one of three things necessary to understand in order for folks that don't take this position to accurately understand & respond to it:

Different Definitions of "Speech" & "Expression"

  • Expression is just about any message in just about any medium that someone can emit.
  • Speech is communicative, exchanging a substantive message between two or more parties of one or more people. It's either constructive, instructive, or informative.

Speech is a narrower subset of "expression."

Except for true "free-speech absolutists," everyone generally agrees that some forms of expression are detrimental-enough to society as a whole that they should be restricted. Think the classic examples of "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater," or "making death threats to the President."

"Speech" has redeeming qualities that earn it stricter protections - protecting it is a valuable thing for a group to concern itself with. "Expression" that isn't speech has (by definition) fewer such qualities, and the bar for restricting it is lower. Expression that isn't speech is less-valuable.

Pornography is Expression, not Speech

People that make the above distinction, then also decide that pornography as a broadcast, mass-market product largely consumed by individuals for the end goal of making temporary high good brain feelings, does not meet the criteria for "speech."

It's just "expression," and not inherently worthy of protecting.

Pornography is a Net Harm to Society

The "Porn isn't speech; ban it" crowd arrive at the first part of that sentence - "porn isn't speech;" - from the first two points above.

They then also - through whatever individual processes that aren't relevant to us here - determine that pornography is a net harm to society.

Their conclusion then, is that it's good & just to ban it. Their "slippery slope" leads only to a place where valueless, harmful things are frowned upon!

The key thing to remember if you engage in a "porn isn't speech; ban it" discussion is to make sure y'all mean the same things when you say "speech" - I've found that the "porn shouldn't be banned; it's unbannable speech" crowd almost never makes the "expression / speech" distinction that their ideological opposites have. That makes fruitful discussions difficult.

saltpricesplummet ago

You know you can block those subs right? I don't like the stuff myself, but I'm not gonna tell people what they can and can't look at if it's lawful. That's retarded.

FederalShill ago


turtlesareNotevil ago

I agree, wasn't it Larry flint, a jew that owned hustler magazine, that got porn legalized under free speech because jews are better at language and can subvert anything?

Buff_Awesome ago

"I don't like something. Therefore it isn't free speech.". How very progressive of you.

Merlynn ago

Porn isn't the problem. Having no way to meet and mingle with people to find a mate is the problem. Porn doesn't create that problem. Having no community does.

ridleychozo ago

Amen. Porn is degenerate. We have enough issues without having that psychological warfare floating around.

NotWearingPants ago

"Things I don't like or approve of should be banned."

How very authoritarian of you. You've determined what is and isn't protected by the first amendment and decided what should be censored.

So you've studied constitutional law, or are you just going off of your feelings?

PacifistRacist ago

controversial topic, of course… but lets compare… while browsing voat/v/all i never encounter any porn. while browsing reddit/r/all, it takes only a few minutes till a whore stretches her snatch into my face. So first of all, i dont think voat has that problem. on the other side: degenerate whores need to be punished by abusing them on cam as hard as possible. aaaand another point of view: the naked female is the highest and purest form of beauty there is to find in this universe, let us worship them and acknowledge that these angels want to be treated like soulless fuckmeat too.

so, i would say voat should be a host for the most fucked up shit imaginable (as long as the female enjoys it) but at the same time it should be a safe space for those who want to be free of the sexual mindcontrol.

Gubamaharama ago


Charlez6 ago

It is enemy propaganda.

No people in their right mind would create and enforce laws that permit the dissemination of hostile propaganda. We control the law. The law represents our will. Our will is to restrict the distribution of harmful propaganda. The law must reflect that, changing if necessary.

HumanScholar ago

Porn is a form of free speech. That doesn't mean you can't get a gun and go and kill all the girls who take part in porn.

Alex_Jones ago

CP is not free speech because a C can not give consent.

NotHereForPizza ago


Libido Dominandi


cuzimloony ago

Fucking is NOT talking.

Crensch ago

Could you point me in the direction of your posts decrying doxxing and the threatening of rape on children?

fightknightHERO ago

I just disabled the NSFW subs, if anyone is posting porn in a SFW sub they should be liable for a ban

simple as that.

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ihaphleas ago

Fuck you, all media falls under freedom of speech and of the press. However, these are only derived rights, the only true rights are those of person, property and the protection thereof.

Who owns voat gets to decide what media is allowed.

Uncle_Tractor ago

Porn is free speech, but I get that not all websites want it. There are places we can go for porn. It doesn't have to be everywhere.

High_Sierra_Trail ago


Vc83 ago

Say if a porn actress makes a video. Says its free speech. But you show that video to all her friends and family or workplaces and suddenly free speech is bad right?

Vc83 ago

This thread is going to get the kikes posting overdrive. They LOVE defending porn, almost as if they profit off it. But when you suggest porn be allowed in israel or jews love black cock they recoil in fear

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Long_sofa ago

Child porn should be banned, but I at least can say that it should be banned because it is bad in and of itself.

People like you hold “free speech” in higher regard than real principles so when you think that CP should be banned, you first have to get the approval of your previous free speech doctrine. You have cognitive dissonance

High_Sierra_Trail ago

I don't need approval, faggot. There's a vast difference between malum prohibitum and malum in se. If you can't figure that out, maybe you should find the exit hole and fuck off.

Long_sofa ago

Free speech is a meaningless buzzword whos use has expired

High_Sierra_Trail ago


Iornukrum ago

Yes, but is all speech to be tolerated? I say, it isn't, because speech can be harmful, esoecially if saying the opposite has become a crime. Speech that furthers the interests of our race is to be permitted, speech that subverts our race is to be censored. We, as a macro organism, have been infected by a retro virus that turns our own tissue against itself, and it proliferates through speech.

The porn issue is not whether it is speech or not, but whether it hurts us or not. It does, but so do our subverted and corrupted legal systems, our food industry, our education system and much more.

Smokybubbles ago

Go censor somewhere else, you faggot creeping authoritarian. Without complete freedom, the subjectivity to censor is imbued upon the authorities, and therein lies the creeping censorship that erodes your rights away and undermines the constitution.

Majorfatboy ago

Agreed. I'm not anti-porn mind you, but the thing is, sickos like to use "muh freeze peach" as a loophole to get their foot in the door. Why do you think "free speech" venues always, without fail, find themselves crawling with pedos? Because they use the concept of "free speech" as a way of getting their disgusting bullshit onto a website.

Again, I'm not actually anti-porn (although I am a bit sick of sex being everywhere), but there's reasons why sexual content used to be considered a taboo in public areas, and it has nothing to do with "being a prude".

Glipglup ago

Discord is heavily censored but it's absolutely crawling with pedos and degenerates.

The two really aren't related and I don't really expect anything to change on Voat. More than anything this thread was made to expose the character of the users here, and in that regard I received exactly what I wanted. Now I have a better picture of who's who and what's what.

Majorfatboy ago

More than anything this thread was made to expose the character of the users here, and in that regard I received exactly what I wanted.

In other words, You didn't get nearly the positive response and goodboy upvotes You wanted, so now You're back peddling and pulling a variation of "I was just pretending! It was all a ruse". This is voat, it's made painfully clear what the general consensus regarding pornography is in these parts on a daily basis.

Take Your downvotes with some fucking dignity, they're good for You.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat has porn?

Glipglup ago

Actually not much anymore but it used to be really bad especially before Voat went fully private, there was bots spamming porn all over Voat. @aged still has his not actively posting.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Ugh, I I hate that kike.

Qispoop4 ago

Advice: your hand is not a relationship.

The_Oogie ago

And it definitely doesn't belong on v/whatever.

I'm sure there's an appropriate subverse for degeneracy.

Shotinthedark ago

Ok boomer bible thumper

J_Darnley ago

Who the fuck made you master of this forum?

Glipglup ago

Me. Someone should take the reigns, putt clearly isn't up to it and I'm certainly not going to let any pedos here. No one is going to give anyone a title, you have to take that shit.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

awe inspiring. too bad you can't back it up. you still have zero power to control what is posted. if you don't like it, avert your eyes. it isn't the responsibility of everyone else if you fuck up and fap to porn.

Steinmacher ago

Jews want you to look at porn... a lot of porn. Don't do jew-stuff

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Porn destroys your brain and spirit. It is probably the most effective psychological weapon of all time. It has no place on Voat, even if it is free speech.

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Sh-shh-shaaa ago

I completely share your aversion towards porn, but seriously: Who is going to decide what is allowed to be posted? Freedom of speech will always be bought with a shitton of exposure to subversive messages.

And for the sake of the argument:

Porn isn't saying anything, there is no message it conveys. It's not free speech.

That's not entirely true as you realize yourself:

Porn is run by kikes as a weapon

You don't seem to have trouble to read and understand the message?

Since we probably agree. it's not a literal weapon, but a message (speech!) of subversion. It's naive to assume that freedom of speech only covers written or spoken word, not film or pictures without text. Just look at collections of degenerate art, banned by the Nazis. They obviously understood the destructive message (speech!) of this shit and burned it.

It's okay if you want to ban porn or degenerate art, but it wouldn't go well with freedom of speech, because it's obviously not.

CP is illegal. Illegal actions are not covered by freedom of speech. This is why it was banned. Why would you ban it if it wasn't illegal and would be a threat to existence of voat.

So you can either abandon freedom of speech, or make porn illegal. Those are the two only options to get rid of it, true?

SpottyMatt ago

Illegal actions are not covered by freedom of speech.

If that were the case, we'd never have any "freedom of speech" concerns in any country, as the rulers could just pass laws criminalizing the speech they wanted to restrict, and there would never be a conflict - because illegal actions aren't covered by freedom of speech.

It's important that "freedom of speech" remain an ideological & moral concept that laws strive to implement, and that we don't let mere legislation dictate the morality & ideology.

Voat (along with most websites on the public internet) are forced to allow speech only up to a maximum of what is legal in wherever their operators reside, regardless of the underlying defensible truth.

This is most visible at the moment, I think, in the UK - they're going gangbusters with hate-speech legislation & prosecution, to where things that could be said just 10 years ago and that a lot of the rest of the western world can say without fear, are not just technically illegal but have had major convictions and folks sent to actual jail time.

New-World-Ebola ago

the motivation behind posting porn on VOAT when the subhuman shit is already all over the internet basically guarantees the poster is a kike.

Glipglup ago

Seriously this is a terrible platform for image sharing. It's literally just subversive kikes posting it.

@aged is still allowed to post Child Porn with putts explicit permission. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the people who run this forum then you're just blind.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

If you don't like it, leave.

New-World-Ebola ago

voat is a fucking shithole

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Porn is 100% free speech and 100% belongs on Voat.

And this is coming from a devout no-fapper who has downvoted every smut post he's ever seen.

What's next? You want to ban videos of graphic murders, torture, rape and terrorism? You want to ban unpopular harmful opinions? There's a bunch of filthy degenerates here who just want to stroke their dick all day and they're all welcome to express whatever retarded shit they have on their mind, just like you.

OppressivePatriarch ago

Spam is 100% free speech and should not be against the terms of service.

Glipglup ago

Why are you okay with arbitrarily drawing the line at child porn?

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Because children can't consent?

Because giving a child a crackpipe and giving an adult woman a crackpipe isn't the same?

Because children are valuable, whores are not?

Because child abuse has lasting psychological damage?

Because pedophiles are the lowest forms of life there is?

Choose any one of those, none of them are arbitrary.

Glipglup ago

They are completely arbitrary, including the idea that they are valuable. Sorry, nigger kids don't deserve any abuse but they certainly don't carry any value.

I'd say murderers are lower than pedos because the damage they cause literally can't be undone.

Also pornography itself has been proven to cause psychological damage to anyone.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

You're not confronting any of the arguments honestly. If any of these are arbitrary then literally everything is arbitrary, and the whole point of arguing is as meaningless as your life is.

Where do you draw the line between telling women they can't dress a certain way, to not posting suggestive pictures of themselves, to not posting nudes?

You know what, fuck that, it's beside the point. The whole entire platform is built around free speech. Anybody can post anything, and anybody can vote up or down. If you don't like it, leave.

Glipglup ago

This platform is not built around free speech.

@crensch would agree with me and putts the one who gave him admin

Niceballsnigga ago

Freedom of expression means you have to see or hear shit you dont like sometimes. Dont be like them, you fuckin snowflake

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

"Freedom of expression", aka a bunch of jews drugging up girls and filming them being degraded so that degenerate men can get their rocks off.

But hey, It's freedom of speech man, let Schlomo do whatever they want in our society. We are all one race, the human race! Next tell let's talk how democracy is so great when we can import 3rd world savages and let them vote away the wealth of European men who built modern society. As long as it's done legally :v)

Niceballsnigga ago

You are very naive about what beautiful women will do for 2k. It doesnt take drugs. There might be drugs like viagra and cocaine but thats so they can get more film. Cocaine is a stimulant for women. Facts. They are willing participants who made a choice as an adult. Its a hedonistic approach that not everyone is fit for or would understand.

Most women including your mom sis and daughter have a price. You do, too. Its just what body parts you are selling.

Nice balls help, nigga

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You need to be around better quality people if you think a woman can be bought for a few thousand dollars.

Niceballsnigga ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I mean, use whatever word you want, but your impression of the women around you is that they are prostitutes. I'm telling you right now, as an anonymous friend on the internet, you need to be around better women and people.

I'm not trying to read too much into a single post, but there was a point in my life when the people around me were trash and I had those same negative thoughts. It wasn't until I got around good people (read: national socialist white men) that I felt a respect and affinity towards European women.

Niceballsnigga ago

Everyone is a prostitute for something. You are being naive.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Your way of thinking is warped. I stand by my assessment, you are surrounded by garbage people. Dispose of them from your life.

Niceballsnigga ago

You have zero information about my life. You probably believe in the bible being literal, too.

Your method of navigating reality is faith. Belief with the lack of evidence is not realistic for human growth as a species. You are lucky your rulers take care of your needs.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Bud, you are calling all the women around you prostitutes, including your own mother, there is something wrong with your environment. Wherever you are, get out of there.

Niceballsnigga ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

There was no "woosh" here and there is no one else reading this conversation besides us. I looked at your post history, we are on the same team, but take what I said into consideration. Do better not to denigrate European women, doing otherwise is to fall for (((propaganda)))

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

The statist mindset is addictive, isn't it. "Just let government solve all our problems by making 'bad' things illegal."

BoomerHater1488er ago

Are you saying we shouldn't make bad things illegal?

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Yes. We should rely less on government and more on personal responsibility.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Only gonna work in a white ethnostate.

Wahaha ago

Yes, just like everything else.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Yes. The less government involvement in life the better.

Government intervention will always turn to shit

antiliberalsociety ago

Says the known pedophile

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You understand we are at war with people trying to destroy our culture and way of life? We cannot afford to be rigged in our thinking. Would it be statist to ban pornography? You could make that argument. But it would also allow us to shut down one of the weapons being used against us.

Here is the end game if we play the laissez faire card because we are "anti-statists". They will continue to degrade our culture, import foreigners to replace us, take away our natural rights "legally" and one day you will find yourself under the boot of the most restrictive statist government you could imagine.

Then what will you say, "well gosh back in 2020 I defended the right of the (((tribe))) to pump pornography into our society with the sole purpose of undermining our culture just to show what an anti-statist I was, I'm sure glad we didn't fight back and stayed ideologically pure!"

Don't be a naive goy.

The_Oogie ago

Jews only give things away for free when they benefit from it.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

self responsibility doesn't exist.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

There is a difference between self responsibility and propaganda. Say for instance I started effectively spreading vicious rumors to your friends and family members that made them greatly question your character. You might say, well it's the personal responsibility of the people close to me to know that I am a good person. However, in the real world, your life would be negatively effected.

Now in the case of pornography, what we are doing is allowing a constant stream of propaganda that denigrates societies perception of the family unit. It allows our culture to be shifted so that instead of searching for life partners, young people are looking for casual sex. You might be like, well hey that's there choice it doesn't impact me, well actually it does. It's a part of a propaganda effort to undermine western values and it has been VERY successful.

Those young people under the spell of jewish propaganda (pornography, liberal media, degenerate music) begin to undermine the very culture that made their society successful. Soon you aren't able to find a woman who hasn't been through a few dozen men, soon the divorce rates are through the roof, soon pink hat wearing ladies are cheering as white people are demographically replaced.

We always say, do the opposite of what Jews say. Well here, Jews tell you to consume pornography, to have it readily available on the internet, are you willing to say "well shucks Mr Schlomo, go ahead and do whatever you want, I sure don't wanna seem like a square, besides personal responsibility!".

Didn't think so.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Don't you understand that we're at war? So give up your guns for the good of the country.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Agreed. Heck we should allow foreigners to demographically replace us and then use democracy to vote our wealth away, as long as it's done legally! Sure our blood lines will die off but future mullato generations will be so amazed how we stuck to our ideological guns and never fought back against our extinction!

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

You're obviously too dense to understand that you are just an SJW by another name.

Mittermeyer ago

Ok Coomer.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Ok schlomo

Glipglup ago

This is a private forums blocked off from public view, we're already being censored. And I'm not asking the government for anything.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You're asking for a higher power to remove the shit you don't like

Glipglup ago

Deal with it faggot, if you want porn go to a public forum, but Voat is a private club and we can have whatever fucking rules we want.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

we can have whatever fucking rules we want

lol you can't enforce any rules not laid out by the admins.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Then ban me right now.

Glipglup ago

Even if I could demonstration of abuse of power only serves to degrade community cohesion. That's why I don't like @crensch even though he's right about Voat. I could bring the pitchforks on you though.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I could bring the pitchforks on you though.

Please, I would love to make a fool of you publicly.

Glipglup ago

this glipglup guys a faggot, all he does is trash talk pedophiles and tries to keep degeneracy off Voat and the leadership accountable

Like what would you even say about me

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Try it and find out, cretin.

Glipglup ago

Oh no I'm being talked down to by literal pedophiles ☹️ how will I ever live without the approval of child molesters, my life is ruined.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Pathetic. You talk big but you're nothing but a big pussy.

Glipglup ago

You still can't come up with anything bad to say?

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Then stop pretending you have any power beyond free expression.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You have no power, that's why you started crying here you retard kike

BoomerHater1488er ago

that's why you started crying here you retard kike

From a user named "itty bitty titty trap" with "A is for Anal" in their bio. That's hilarious. You're the kike.

Glipglup ago

Why won't you answer any of my questions? Why are you okay with Voat censoring the entire site from public view?

Serious question, are you not aware that Voat is blocked off from public view?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You do realize account creation is currently open right?


Glipglup ago

It also doesn't garuantee you a platform but for some reason you keep pretending I'm not saying that.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

This site was built for the purpose of providing a free speech platform you retard

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yes, free political and religious speech. Not the distribution of pornography. If you could resurrect the founding fathers and introduce them to the problems of today, I guarantee you they would ban pornography.

Rabid_Robot ago

I'm in Montreal and a former acquaintance of mine is now employed by Mindgeek where he works as a senior software developer. For those who don't know, the company's headquarters is here, on Decarie street. He's a good, usually moral dude but couldn't refuse the opportunity to make money over fist peddling such crack to the men of the world.

Glipglup ago

You should literally tie him up and beat the shit out of him.

No Minecraft joke, just actually do it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rabid_Robot ago

I haven't seen him since 2011 and haven't talked to him directly since around 2002. To say the least, we're not friends. He's chosen his path and I've chosen mine.

Titanbikes4ever ago

You lost me as soon as you started trying to control what I can do. You're not our parent. You don't get to decide.

walrusescapades ago

do you think drugs should remain legal? theft should remain illegal? political bribery and extortion remain illegal? etc...

LurkedForever ago

Agreed. This is the chief reason we hate lefties here, not the content of their ideas (which are generally pretty bad) but the libido domini that accompanies it. "I don't like a thing, therefor it should be banned/illegal" is very dangerous thinking. Contemporary lefties can not make the distinction.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I feel like they're just not there yet in capacity to grasp the concept.

capnflummox ago


Glipglup ago

This is a private forum blocked off from public view, you're already being censored.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You don't seem to understand free speech. The freedom doesn't guarantee you an audience that is forced to listen to you

Glipglup ago

Then why should we be forced to host porn?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Noone here is forcing you to do anything.

Neskuaxa ago

Fine, go Jack off to porn then. Nobody's stopping you.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I just fuck my husband when I'm horny. I never did get into porn.

Repent ago

Are you male or female?

antiliberalsociety ago


tokui ago

It needs to be kept in appropriate subs, but it's not, that's the problem.

gay porn in gay sub

interracial in interracial

loli in loli

cp in dm


RevDrStrangelove ago

"____ isn't free speech" is exactly the language SJW/commies use when they are trying to censor you. Way to go, asshole.

slowcrash101 ago

Well here's the thing. If I speak, it costs me little to nothing, prostitution costs money, and the difference between porn and prostitution is a camera.

RevDrStrangelove ago

It can also cost little to nothing to make a porn movie. You don't need anything more than a cellphone to record it and upload it. Hell, you don't even need a partner - you can 'perform' solo.

Your argument is invalid.

slowcrash101 ago

I guess in your mind. It's still prostitution in mine, solo or not. Even if the camwhore doesn't spend much to broadcast, some John is still getting cucked by the camwhore for money.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You truly have a dizzying intellect.

slowcrash101 ago

Words have limits that true vision does not.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

It's speech in the same way that assassinating the president is. You could justify anything as free speech with such a loose definition. They way I see it, speech should extend only to verbal and written/textual communications

LurkedForever ago


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i_am_texas_charlie ago

Porn should absolutely be free speech, grandma. What you do with your body is your fucking business. You don't like it, don't indulge in it. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I don't give a shit if you want to kill yourself smoking them. Just don't create 'unwilling participants' while you making your reckless decisions. And I don't want to hear about any abortion bullshit because a pregnant woman is a host to a second entity and the 'unwilling participant' clause should kick in at that point. Same thing where kids are concerned. They cannot be willing participants because they are tiny morons who don't and cannot know any better let alone be able to defend themselves against predators. Bring back traditional American family values and watch how the whole porn industry will start to fall apart all on its own. Your approach to the porn industry 'problem' is completely misguided.

Glipglup ago

Fine but next time someone wants to smoke cigarettes in your house you better not ask them to go outside.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

At my house, I don't ask. I demand.

MaxineWaters ago

shitskin that was forced on the people of Texas has an opinion.

Porn is a product not speech.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Porn is allowed in our society today because it was deemed art/free expression and therefore protected under the first amendment. You can argue that it is not art/free expression/free speech all day long and it will not matter because... porn is allowed in our society today because it was deemed art/free expression and therefore protected under the first amendment. If I am wrong, then why is porn still legal?

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Did you mention this to Brazzers or Hustler, which as of this post, are both still in operation?

MaxineWaters ago

No, but I did answer your question with a justice.gov link.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Oh! I believe a cookie is in order!

MaxineWaters ago

You're wrong, gook. You are better suited arguing societal issues in Vietnam.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Gee, your name calling has me all choked up. You are better suited without shoes.

MaxineWaters ago

It's hilarious that Hmong floatsam brings up shoes. How is mamma-sans all weather radial sandals doing.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Dumbfuck... when you get buried in a casket and they put the suit on the body, they do not bother putting shoes on the corpse. Goddamn, you are fucking stupid.

MaxineWaters ago

Do you know why you are Texas Charlie and not Louisiana Charlie?

i_am_texas_charlie ago

I didn't choose the name, dumb mother fucker, so it really does not matter. Your ignorance staggers the imagination! How in the fuck did you get elected to Congress, whore?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Everything is a product you dumbass

MaxineWaters ago

product commodity

You're a pedantic twat and the product of two people that should have used a prophylactic.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

So is art, books, movies...What's your point? If you want censorship go to reddit

Glipglup ago

This is a private forum blocked off from public view but you still post here. You can't even pretend you give a shit about free speech.

MaxineWaters ago

This situation is bigger than a single website. I think the people that view porn as speech could easily be persuaded that homos have the right to public butt sex.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

So how about we just ban everything because people might think something and we can't have that shit, can we? BAN ALL THE THINGS!!!

MaxineWaters ago

You keep using straw men and moving the goal posts, you're as wrong as two boys kissing.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

It figures you would have faggotry on your brain.

MaxineWaters ago

I'm not wrong, gook.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

You just keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you happy!

ggolemg ago

A knife in your back or poison in your food isn't free speech for the murderer, that is the equivalent of porn.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

except an individual must first make the CHOICE to indulge in porn. not the case for being stabbed in the back or eating poisoned food. it seems personal responsibility takes a back seat to authoritarian removal.

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RM-Goetbbels ago

whoa whoa whoa there. maybe you should just shut the fuck up until you're a little smarter, or get less ignorant.

Humansized ago

you dont get to decide what free speech is kike, thats not how it works. porn is degenerate and they shouldnt be posting it here, youre right there, but thats the only part youre right about. just block the faggots if it twitsts your panties so hard. nice stawman with cp by the way, great and equal example youve got.

Glipglup ago

You need to look up what a straw man is because you're using the term incorrectly.

Also it's the perfect example of something being censored without harming free speech. Nobody sane would argue that CP is free speech and I don't see how going from age 16 to 18 changes that.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

In Ohio it's more like 15 to 16.

KLDB ago

That which can curse, can bless. It's in the way it is used that can be a weapon against you.

acheron2012 ago

In order to protect your rights you must protect the rights of people you despise.

Libel, threats, and all the like are the initiation of force - which is always morally indefensible. Wether done by the government or islam or you. It is always wrong.

MaxineWaters ago

This is exactly how the U.S. was subverted. Tolerance is not a virtue it's a vice.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I second this.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Agreed OP. The modern concept of free speech is so bastardized. Every retarded liberal will use the “cant yell fire in a crowded theater line” but when it comes to pornography that is nearly 100% jewish run and used to demoralize our people “hey guys watching a girl get sodemized is totally free speech”

Just shut the fuck up. Instead of arguing why drugged up girls should be fucked by jewish men on camera and be defended as it were a political treatise, go lift weights or do something productive

RoBatten ago

Are there black jews?

itssomatic ago

His name's Lenny Kravitz.

glassuser ago

Yes. Look up Ethiopian jews.

Glipglup ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

There are and let us hope they all can make aliya to israel

Wonder_Boy ago

I've got no problem drawing a sharp line in the sand. Porn is not speech & we don't need to permit it in order to have a free-speech environment. It serves zero positive purpose. Zero. It doesn't even protect our promote free speech, so f*ck off with that argument.

SparklingWiggle ago

Now define porn.

slowcrash101 ago

Prostitution with cameras.

chirogonemd ago

Words, images, or video - broadly classified as symbols - which are posited for the sake of, and only the sake of, depicting sex or eliciting the human response to these sexual media. These media generally consist of two content types:

(a) gratuitous depictions of sexual acts

(b) depictions of nudity which are obviously exhibitionist in nature, as opposed to being intentionally artistic expressions of a nude form

It is the intention which underlies these two types of content which defines the media as porn, i.e. the absence of the intention to artistically render the human body, situated within a larger piece considered to have artistic (and not merely sexual) value. That is, nudity or sex for their own sake without any further information or symbolic communication meant to say something about those forms, other than to be libidinous and arousing.

How's that?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

I think you just banned Romance novels.

chirogonemd ago

It's frivolous porn for women. To be honest, I don't think they're great either, but they aren't exactly ruining women's ability to have sex - at least not on par with what porn is doing to young men, so we have to choose the hills we die on right?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Women can distinguish between fantasy and reality, but men can't?

chirogonemd ago

It has everything to do with the technology and the entire situation of masturbating to pornography - versus reading literature describing an erotic situation. There is a lot more happening with the nervous system with the visual and tactile things happening with men masturbating to internet porn.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

It's somewhat obvious what is and what isn't porn, scratch that, it's extremely obvious.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

It's somewhat obvious what is and what isn't hate speech, scratch that, it's extremely obvious.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Hate speech is a made up term the Jews use to demonize the truth, the term has no real bearing. Porn is made by Jews to normalize deprived acts and pacify men, it has lots of bearing.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Porn is a made up term the Alt-Right use to demonize free expression, the term has no real bearing. Hate speech is made by the Alt-Right to normalize deprived acts and pacify men, it has lots of bearing.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

You typed that thinking it was a good reply, I see I'm just wasting my time with you.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Yes, when the SJW get's in over their head they always bow-out of the conversation.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Instead of trying to give an intelligent argument you decided to try and apply my argument in places that made no sense whatsoever. Hate speech pacifies men? Good job retard. I believe that is one of the reasons Hitler grew to hate Jews.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Okay, I'll explain it to you in simpler terms so you can understand. Try to follow along.

I was illustrating that you are applying the same standards as SJW's do, and that by promoting this, you are going to allow the same standards to be applied to us, namely, they will ban hate speech using the same arguments that you just made.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Ignoring the jab, there we go, a much better way to get your point across.

They already are banning "hate speech," if you had not noticed. Banning or keeping porn would not change their desire to get rid of it.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Nope, hate speech is protected speech. Not sure where you're from, but here in Freedomland I can still say what I want.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Which is why you had a man sentenced to 16 years in prison for burning the fag flag, it's also why every social media website will ban you for "hate speech" but not porn. Real free eh?

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

He stole the flag and burnt it. Hate crimes are not the same as hate speech. Both are bullshit charges, by the way.

Try posting porn publicly on facebook. Go ahead. Try posting it on any sub that doesn't specifically allow it on reddit.

You're talking out your ass, dude.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

As do Antifa protestors with American flags, no charges against them. Burning a flag is supposedly free speech.

I am not gay so I use neither site. However Reddit has specific subs for porn, I imagine they don't have a sub for telling the truth, or as you like to call it, hate speech.

Porn still isn't speech, telling the truth is. They aren't remotely equal, why do you insist on treating them as such? Do you truly believe the whores, rape victims, rapists, Jews, and porn addicts (the people who use the porn industry) will defend your free speech? Even though none have advocated it except for porn.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

He stole the flag and burnt it. Hate crimes are not the same as hate speech. Both are bullshit charges, by the way.

Porn still isn't speech, telling the truth is.

Then tell me the truth: how would you draw the line between porn and art?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

So either way you still aren't free except to watch porn.

I feel this is a fair description: porn is zooming in on the stimulation of genitals, be it drawn or otherwise. One could go further and say erotic nudity as well. However as Justice Stewart said in the case that said obscenity isn't protected by the first amendment, I know it when I see it. It isn't profoundly difficult to tell what is and what isn't meant to be pornographic.

metricisokay ago

I'd be ok with any porn that contains a message, and the poster has to explain the message if it's not absolutely overt. There you go.

Wahaha ago

Jsdfkl kjfds fiwoclds. Odfjk dksoew, fjdskl dslkd?

Hle, jkldsf lopwedpos fjkldspw jfklsse: fjsdklewf dsfjkl, ewojkflds.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Free speech is for all speech, not just useful speech. Noone needs to justify anything for you

metricisokay ago

I didn't ask for justification, you could explain why half this website agrees with Jews when it comes to porn. And then turns around and supports things like shutting down gender studies classes in Central Europe.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Because college is a huge clusterfuck of corruption and bullshit that needs an overhaul to prevent stagnation/regression. It's easier just to point at the symptoms of a terrible system than to look for why it exists in the first place

Wonder_Boy ago

Hey, Rabbi.

LurkedForever ago

This is an astute, well reasoned response. Not only did you identify and refute @SparklingWiggle 's thesis, you did it all without resorting to ad hominems. Bravo.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

Fuck you niggerfaggot I will post what I fucking want: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e04dbfb77d14

Glipglup ago

Jewish subversive confirmed

KLDB ago

Did you click it?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Requesting to ban shit you don't like is complete fagotry.

Glipglup ago

If asking for child porn pedos to get banned makes me a faggot then I'm a goddamn pride parade juggling pink dildos with my ass.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Ah, so now you've moved the goal post to pedos. Smart move kike

Glipglup ago

Why are you okay with censoring child porn but not other types of porn? Why are you posting on Voat, it's a private forum that is literally blocked from public view? Do you not believe that is a form of censorship?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I'm not for censoring anything, child porn is the evidence to the crime of child abuse. If possession of the evidence is illegal it makes it easier for people to get away with fucking kids.

Noone cares about your crusade for "good". You are trying to take our freedom away

Glipglup ago

You do you man, I won't stop you from using Jewish weaponry and psychologically damaging yourself and others.

Also apparently not wanting degenerate kikes and pedophiles are a moral crusade LOL goddamn dude the bar has really been lowered.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It is not your job to protect people from seeing shit you don't like fagot

goatsandbros ago

Just block subs and downvoat. I'd rather than than leaking censorship.

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The_Oogie ago

I'm not blocking v/whatever. There are too many good articles posted there. Maybe Joe can make another sub to post his kikery.

Inaminit ago

Quit being a pussy and fight back. Ping the sorry bastard and name the jew.

MaxineWaters ago

This is a good idea and I do block porn subs but porn can be posted in any sub.

not_saying_a_thing ago

Then find and block the asshole posting it

MaxineWaters ago

That only blocks comments you still see the posts on v/all .

not_saying_a_thing ago

I did not know that.

MaxineWaters ago

If you block NSFW content in user settings it blocks more than porn and gore. Notice the NSFW thumbnails next to posts with the words jew or kike.

not_saying_a_thing ago

So if we want to stay informed about the jew, we have to deal with a deluge of pornography? If this were a person, it would wear a kippah.

MaxineWaters ago

Yep. That is why @Joe_McCarthy posts smut to v/whatever without the NSFW tag.

Professorballs ago

This, for me, is a good middle ground. I only subscribe to subs with content relevant to my interests. I understand there will be people here that have interests different to mine, and that we may still have some interests in common. Posting degenerate shit out of the delegated subs should be punished though.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

So, censorship. I want to post porn to your subs now.

DrShitlord ago

Disagree. It is free speech AND it is pictures of degenerate whores.

The decision not to use it for pleasure has to be voluntary.

pby1000 ago

A lot of porn is posted in subs that are not related to porn. It has no place being there.

Gopherurself ago

It's a woepon you worthless cuck

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It was not considered free speech in the US until the Roth Decision in 1957, which redefined obscenity that Congress could ban material, "utterly without redeeming social importance," or in other words, "whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest."

Much like Roe v. Wade or same-sex "marriage", the Supreme Court took it upon itself to change American law. The primary purpose of the 1st Amendment was to protect political speech.

Splooge ago

The decision not to use it for pleasure has to be voluntary.

The jew's goal with porn is to make pleasure via porn an involuntary choice. They rub their hands in delight when another goy is unable to get it up because his mind has been deepfried by smut.

LurkedForever ago

Yep. Adults can and should make the choice to avoid it. Banning porn would be a death-knell like banning FPH

Vc83 ago

Its not, its a product. Its a weapon

Phantom42 ago

If porn is free speech, then fuck your free speech. Fuck your freedom. Tear it to fucking shreds.

Porn is degenerate. Any individual who advocates for or defends degeneracy is immediately marked as a lesser creature, to be expelled from society by any means necessary.

Wahaha ago

I view alcohol like that, but what can you do when basically everyone is addicted to it? Prohibition just led to organized crime. Laws are fucking useless when basically everyone disagrees with the law. Like copyright.

DrShitlord ago

Yeah, because forcing people to be virtuous through prohibiting degenerate shit is exactly how people become virtuous! /s

You're trying to weed out what you (rightly) see as evil by law. Exactly like the social justice types. Low energy!

endomorpho ago

The decision to view it often isn't, when scumbags kamikaze drop it all over voat. If it were against the law that behavior can be corrected. Seems pretty cut and dried.

chirogonemd ago

I have to agree with you, in spite of my hatred of porn. I can totally relate to the place that OP is coming from, but in the end, it's an individual choice to partake or not.

That said, if the site owner were to simply say "Yeah, I don't want it here. Express "it" somewhere else", that is also completely justified. When you create a space, it isn't necessary that you allow every kind of expression possible just because the format of your site makes that possible. I do think forms of speech can be categorized, and it's a mistake to lump everything together under the broad category of speech.

If I'd made Voat and I decided it was only a politics oriented site, I'd be perfectly justified to say I didn't want porn in that space. Even in the case that I entertained a broad variety of topics, as Voat allows through it's subverse format. Whoever owns the space has the right to choose what goes on there, so long as that space isn't what we might think of as a public utility - which Voat certainly is not. A man who buys up a parcel in the middle of the town square doesn't have the right to make it a whore house, appealing to "free expression", so long as the public who owns it deems that they don't want it there. But with the internet, this whole debate has gotten more complicated.

DrShitlord ago

That said, if the site owner were to simply say "Yeah, I don't want it here. Express "it" somewhere else", that is also completely justified.

On the topic of Voat becoming anti-free-speech (by definition) by not allowing porn, I'd say that is just false. It's two separate things to say (a) you can speak freely here and (b) but this is what we're talking about here.

Yes. I don't want that shit on Voat, but when someone expresses this shit somewhere else, I will call him a degenerate and move on.

Reality is that porn destroys the spirit and weaning off it should be a priority for any man worth his salt. But I cannot solve a social problem (porn) with laws. That never worked. What will work is social pressure.

Wahaha ago

What's the spirit and how does porn manage to destroy it? Also, what's the point of weaning off porn if the spirit is already destroyed?

DrShitlord ago

What's the point of reconstructing a building that was torn down?

Wahaha ago

If it can be reconstructed, then what does it matter. Just destroy and reconstruct as you please. So what is the spirit anyway and what does it matter if it gets destroyed and reconstructed over and over again?

OppressivePatriarch ago

Spam is free speech as well. The decision to read it is voluntarily.

Glipglup ago

I've gone in record stating that I don't believe spam is speech. I've actually got a pretty solid argument too, but only with bots. Bot spam is literally not speech and should be ejected from Voat immediately.

OppressivePatriarch ago

Spam does not necessarily imply bots. If I posted Herbalife adverts I would be rightly banned. It would not matter if they were written testimonials (clearly speech) or memes.

The term “freedom of speech” is a misnomer for “freedom of expression” which includes “artistic” expression as well.

The only difference between spam (commercial promotion) and porn is the content itself. Banning either or both is a pragmatic or moral decision.

drj2 ago

Only if you agree that me yelling into a mega phone while you try to discuss something to a group of people is free speech. Spam disrupts flow of information

OppressivePatriarch ago

And if you agree that someone performing sexual acts while you try to discuss something to a group of people is free speech.

drj2 ago

Except porn is not a discussion. It’s a one way communication spreading propaganda.

LurkedForever ago

Ok, that's a very good point. Sub appropriate content is important, otherwise you're just wasting people's time.

OppressivePatriarch ago

Spam isn’t a sub specific rule. Neither is doxxing. Both are free speech, and neither are illegal.

If free speech is used to justify posting of porn then why is banning spam and dox ok?

LurkedForever ago

Interesting. I'll have to think on it.

glassuser ago

Spam isn't free speech. It requires forcible entry and taking resources without the consent of the owners.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

You dont need consent for freedom of speech... that is getting really close to sjws concept that speech can rape.

Spam is unwanted delivery of information, that is it. A person that puts an advertisement on your windshield or hands a flyer for a club on the street is giving you spam.

"Forcible entry and taking of resources without the permission of the owner" is different than spam, that sounds more like a DDoS attack.

However what you are saying is different than what is happening. Freedom of speech means the free dissemination of information and ideas regardless of if you like them or not. A platform that bans any content, is therefore a free speech platform.

Therefore a person can technically just continue to post the same words over and over again, and this would be considered free speech and also spam. Infact most protests are conducted in such that very way. "What do we want? Free speech! When do, we want it? Now!"

Porn is conveying the idea of sex. You might not like that idea, but other people are allowed to express it. 1st amendment also only currently applies to the government. They cant stop you from expressing and idea or speech that you want. They technically shouldn't even be able to block child porn (and before you say it, I think all child molesters should be skinned alive) or arrest you for possession of said material, but we allow it because we know that child molesters are evil and should be punished at all costs. However for the sake of argument the government shouldn't be able to do anything about child porn on the internet. The constitution expressly forbids them from stopping the spread of it. What they are supposed to do is prosecute the perpetrators of the child abuse, not erase the existence of the crime, or prosecute you for having seen that crime. I would actually make the argument, that by hiding the crime, the government is protecting the perpetrators of the crime, because the community cant then identify the perpetrators. It should work similarly to how other crimes work, people on Facebook post themselves doing something wrong, people notify police about it and then the perpetrators are then arrested.

I would say even incitement to violence is protected. A person should only be charged with a crime if that incitement leads to a crime, and then they should be charged with the crime during or after the fact such as 1st degree manslaughter or something, not anything to do with speech. Conspiracy to commit a crime, should not exist, government is again overstepping their bounds. We shouldn't have to worry about being arrested for talking about assassinating a politician or even planning to do so. At most they should get you for attempted murder when you go to fulfill that plan at the scene.

Anyway, a private platform, isnt the government, they therefore dont have to follow the constitution. Voat is different because they say they uphold freedom of speech, therefore the have an obligation to host content like porn. Unless the content is illegal (which I believe no content should be), the content should be allowed.

Glipglup ago

I agree with a lot of what you said, but I have to point out that @puttitout has explicitly stated, and you can ask him on this, that Voat is not built around free speech and open expression, and it was never the original intent of the website.

OppressivePatriarch ago

How is it forcing entry?

Spam is only taking away resources because it is against the tos. If porn were against the tos then it would be taking away resources as well.

glassuser ago

Because the spammer hijacks a mail relay and makes it send messages that neither the relay owner nor the recipient want. They push the costs of their advertising on to third party victims.

Glipglup ago

Oh my God finally someone who gets it, finally someone else understands that bots do more harm than the surface level.

glassuser ago

Dude, it seems like half my job is fighting bots and spammers.

Wahaha ago

Hijacking and spamming are two different concepts. If I would answer with this very message ten times to your post, I'd be spamming you.

glassuser ago

Many spammers hijack insecure mail relays. They are not the same, but they are often closely related in action.

Wahaha ago

Many spammers eat bread, yet eating and spamming have nothing to do with each other. Same with hijacking and spamming. Hijacking enables a form of spamming, but so does eating, kinda, since the spammer would starve otherwise.

OppressivePatriarch ago

That is phishing. Spam is just posting unwanted commercial messages and images. Voat, like any functional site on the internet, does not allow this.

glassuser ago

No, phishing is attempting to harvest credentials by impersonating legitimate services.

LurkedForever ago

I hadn't thought of it like that before, but that's an interesting way to look at it.

glassuser ago

Trespass by chattel, fraud, and probably several other things.

Creggieb ago

But.. but. But... why cant the government step in and tell people what they can and cannot show me? I'm far to weak to filter life internally, and my quality of character is so low, that merely exposing me to vice FORCES me to participate

fishmantis ago

Yeah we should also make sure kids have access to hard drugs. If they choose to do them, that's their choice.

(replace hard drugs with porn and you get my point. both are harmful and addictive especially to teenagers)

CapinBoredface ago

Are you a kid? Is voat for kids?

fishmantis ago

I'm 10 and what is this

Creggieb ago

Once they turn 18, or 19 or whatever arbitrary age then yes. Absolutely.

It should be like any other vice, in that a well educated person with hobbies and a job will spend little, if any time engaged in the vice. Only weak people blame the vice itself when literally all that is needed to enjoy it responsibly, is the self control to do a little when appropriate, and abstain when it isnt appropriate.

fishmantis ago

But it's not that easy. At least most drugs cost something. Porn is free.

Creggieb ago

It is very easy to choose not to do something. It's also very easy to choose to do something. The choice is internal, and we demonstrate our value by what we choose to spend our time doing.

Porn is as free as drugs are. Plenty of dirty magazines, website subscriptions etc. From the sounds of it, people pay camwhores, so that's not free either.

fishmantis ago

Sure, but you have to understand that most people have little to no willpower. Give em a porno mag, and they will masturbate. Give em a bottle, and they will drink. At the very least, I think porn should be limited to just naked pics of beautiful women, and cost some money. As is, any 10 year old can type "girl butt" into google and go at it. That's just not right. It is not only retraining people's sexuality to be dependent on computers, but also redirects their masculine drive into an easy access point to be rid of it instead of being masculine IRL. Basically, it's much much easier today to indulge in whatever fetishes you may have for hours on end for free on the internet than it is to go out and talk to girls, and I think that is very harmful.

As for dirty magazines, no young people are buying that shit, and this data is readily available. Camwhores and porn subscriptions, some are, but the vast majority do not. They type some shit in and off they go. There are multitudes of free porn sites, the vast majority of them owned by jews. Porn is a weapon to weaken and misdirect men.

Related video

Creggieb ago

I feel that banning things that are harmful to weak people is unhelpful in two ways.

First it allows the weak minded to continue being weak. It protects them from the consequences of their weakness, helping spread and promote it. Why learn or have willpower when it's the governments job to keep everything bad away. No different than a farmer promoting a cow that always gets sick, or a chicken that doesnt lay eggs.

Second is that prohibition doesnt seem to stop humans from doing things.

When alcohol got banned, there was not only rampant drinking, but gang wars and massive criminal activity to control the market. The flagrant disregard for the law is documented in "last call : the rise and fall of prohibition"

Exact same as with marijuana. The populace smokes, and will give their money to the Hell's Angels, if nobody else will sell the product.

Just imagine some sort of al Capone/Escobar type of character, only this time its porn, and we have the same situation as now, only with extra money going to criminal gangs.

It seems to me, that history tells us exactly ehat happens when we ban a vice. I suspect that a better, and untried approach is to promote the type of society where recreational vice stays recreational. That means a populace with self control. A populace that blames the vice does not have self control.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

It's not speech since it says nothing.

According to the Supreme Court it is also not protected by the first amendment so it is not free speech either.

Creggieb ago

The court also says that you owe Jessica yanik money if you dont believe she is a woman.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

That was a more recent ruling in Canada I do believe, a ruling actually passed down by Jews. The US Supreme Court ruling on porn numerous years ago when it wasn't all Jews is a rather different situation.

Creggieb ago

Yes. Although in this case, the law of the land is that she is a woman, who does not have the right to force others to wax her balls.

As opposed to the ruling that a couples religious freedom was infringed when their landlord refused to abide by sharia law in their home.

Our human rights tribunal is a disgrace. Not even court. A tribunal. Meaning arbitration.

I dont believe that court is supreme and just when I agree with them because that would require me to agree with them at times like

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Okay, that is a fair point. However I'd like to note it varies with who is on the court, it used to be like 1 Jew at a time tops, now it's 3 plus 2 honorary Jews. However yes, that's a good point.

godamn ago

Bad Supreme Court! Assume the position of American Consent!

Kleemin ago

oh so now what the kike court says matters?

BoomerHater1488er ago

This obsession with free speech is kike subversion.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

This was before it was kike run.

capnflummox ago

Lol... holy shit. This is funny.

So, please, tell us, when did the kikes start running it?


RunOverByASchoolBus ago

When they began getting appointed to it. Throughout US history 8 known Jews have been appointed to the Court, currently we have 3 Jews on it, plus Kavanaugh who may as well be a Jew.

capnflummox ago

My point is they've always been running it...

Glipglup ago

What is it saying?

Majorfatboy ago

What is it (porn) saying?


...What? different things are porn for different people. It's not My fault GM big block engines make My dick hard.

slwsnowman40 ago

Hmmm...GM rat motors...

Glipglup ago

I really want a serious response but it appears I'm not going to get one.

And that makes sense, because porn isn't speech.

antiliberalsociety ago

I don't defend porn on here, but that's like asking "What is religion?" and stating it has no place on here.

Glipglup ago

I dunno, sounds about right to me.

What is religion?

Jewish subversion.

And, as such, I'll state it doesn't belong here.

Creggieb ago

Encouraging personal responsibility. The fact that we dont like s thing is on us to ignore it.

Botching about Jews is the same as botching about porn. Ignore it, participate in the discussion or stfu

LurkedForever ago

Yeah, personal responsibility FTW. As long as it's in the appropriate subs, I don't have to look at it. Now if someone submits porn in v/news, that would be shitty.

Creggieb ago

Agreed. It seems like having a porn sub, and a rule restricting porn to that sub would solve the problems

Long_sofa ago

Nigger do you want to try applying this line of thought to every piece of media on here? Every picture ‘says’ something you fucking retard.

If you want to ban porn then just sack up and say it’s because porn is harmful and contributes nothing good to anyone. There’s no need to be a faggot and try to make an argument that it’s not muh free speech.

Porn is free speech and so is child porn. Free speech is therefore not the sacred cow that people make it out to be. Stop supporting free speech like some starry eyed gradeshooler from the 50’s

BordelonLoop ago

your mind is as twisted as a hog's pizzle.

Long_sofa ago

porn is considered free speech just as much as any other media. porn should be prohibited. therefore free speech is bad. what's complicated?

Unreasonable ago

Child porn is not free speech. It's abuse. The child did not consent. Da fuck???

Wahaha ago

If someone writes a child porn book it's free speech, though.

totallynotFBI ago

It's both.

capnflummox ago

This is called 'strawman'.

Unreasonable ago

Strawman what?

Children cannot consent.

capnflummox ago

Neither can a cat or a dog. Your argument is a strawman tactic. It has no legs.

Long_sofa ago

I took a picture of my cat. He never consented however, and the picture also doesn’t ‘say’ anything. The picture of my cat is therefore not free speech I suppose

High_Sierra_Trail ago

You are a fucking degenerate.

Long_sofa ago

Why? Because I’m against free speech and I have to illustrate its flaws because you aren’t capable of seeing them yourself?

tokui ago

Typical leftist tactic: control the language.

Notice op stridently shouts "speech" in relation to graphical media (of his troll targeting - which he seems to do monthly) in order to subtly butt-dress his position that drawings or pixels are not "speech", ie verbal expression - which is on the surface true.

He never uses the correct term "expression". On purpose.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Die in a hole, faggot. The sooner, the better.

Unreasonable ago

Cats are not children you dumbfuck.

totallynotFBI ago

How does that mean cat pics can be free speech if CP isn't?

Long_sofa ago

How low is your iq? Are you not capable of grasping simple concepts and applying them to various scenarios?

Child porn is bad for many reasons, but some dumbfuck bullshit about it not being “free speech” is not one of them.

Child porn is free speech just as much as any other picture of children is. You say cats are not children - so how about then I take a completely non-pornographic picture of a child without his consent and post it online? That type of thing wouldn’t bat an eye. There’s millions of children who had their pictures posted online without their consent. Is that not free speech then? You fucking brainlet, kill yourself

Unreasonable ago

A cat doesn't have agency. Agency is needed for consent. A human child has agency.

When you enter a public area you give up some agency, in the case of a child, their adult cares for their agency and thus tacitly gives permission for photographs.

If you go into a private setting and try to take photos of a child you are violating their agency.

Child porn is violating the agency of the child in a myriad of ways. Thus not free speech.

Free speech is done in public and thus follows the agency rules of public interaction.

Child porn is done in private and thus not free.

Clear enough for you?

Long_sofa ago

Aside from the fact that, with regards to “free speech”, you just pulled all of that out of your ass; how about if an artist draws a picture of child pornography? That way there’s no issue of consent, yet it is still child porn and according to your newly contrived definition it is still considered free speech.

Unreasonable ago

I'd say that's different as the agency is the artists.

Glipglup ago

I keep asking people to tell me what Porn says but literally nobody responds.

Funny that

Wahaha ago

Depends on the porn your watching, doesn't it? Also, it doesn't have to contain a message to count as speech. Your also allowed to just ramble on pointlessly and have it covered by free speech. Kind of what you already are doing.

capnflummox ago

Literally nobody has to. Funny that.

Glipglup ago

Because porn isn't speech. It says nothing.

capnflummox ago

First off, it does say something.

Second, it is 'speech'. It is a form of expression, granted a somewhat disgusting one. But it is still a form of expression. You don't have to agree, or even see the point. It is not for you to determine what others do or say. Period.

CapinBoredface ago

Weird that you respond to this but not the guy using a picture of a cat as an example.

Glipglup ago

I didn't see a picture of a cat, link?

CapinBoredface ago

It’s not an actual picture.

He’s saying that a picture of a cat doesn’t say anything either but it’s still free speech.

Long_sofa ago

What does a funny picture of a cat “say”?

RebelJohnny ago

All that dumb shit you wrote and you didn’t answer his question. What does it say?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Sex is the foundation of our existence. Without it we are nothing

OppressivePatriarch ago

Regulation of sex and violence is the foundation of civilization. Without that regulation we deteriorate.

J.D. Unwin discusses the former in his book Sex and Culture.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Pornography and sex are not the same thing.

Wahaha ago

There's plenty of overlap, though.

BoomerHater1488er ago

That's like saying watching people eat will satiate your own hunger.

metricisokay ago

It's encouraging the self destruction of masculinity and thus the degeneration of society.

SolidFoundations ago

Porn is not speech, it's an act of sexual immorality being monitized or it exists purely for the purpose of psychological control.

Not all speech is free either. Libel, slander, defamation etc, are considered illegal and rightfully so.

goatsandbros ago

Porn is not speech

I disagree

it's an act of sexual immorality being monitized or it exists purely for the purpose of psychological control.

I agree.

slowcrash101 ago

The difference between porn and prostitution is a camera, there's nothing free about it.

gramman74 ago

Good answer Dr