Inaminit ago

Downvoat the faggots, ridicule and move on... Why take clickbait and then whine about it?

Kenja ago

There are so many pedophiles on here. Look how many are sticking up for it. Tokui is one. He said that he would fuck a baby. Probably in between the time he's beating off to hentai.

tokui ago

You're not running this place, and that's a good thing.

Glipglup ago

Are you seriously implying I'm a bad person because I didn't want child pornography posted on Voat?

Get the fuck out with this shit.

tokui ago

What cp? Drawings?

YOU gtfo.

maaaxheadroom ago

You disgusting piece of shit. Fucking slash your own throat you worthless cunt.

illuminalto2 ago

@Glipglup - in the spirit of understanding do we have some actual quotes or context?

Also - is aged actually posting that shit or is he the guy posting the tiny anime girls?

Glipglup ago

I'll try to find it, but it's an old post so I can't make a promise. It was specifically pertaining to @aged posting porn in v/games and even though we called out aged on posting CP there putt said he wouldn't ban aged and was ultimately cool with it. Remember, this is the same guy who told us to chill out on calling for violence against Jews.

What I can say for 100% certain is that if you ask @aged or @puttiout about it they will absolutely refuse to address your concerns.

Aged uses a bot, so it's not even a real user, there was literally no reason to allow aged to do what he does.

illuminalto2 ago

Not sure I remember this one, might have been doing an extended afk while it was going down. The only thing similar I can recall is theoldones was posting little anime girls on v/games or v/gaming and people were pissed off.

Though I haven't seen any proof yet, that's pretty fucked if it's true.

tokui ago


Pls link to it.

Oh - it's drawings. O.M.G. Putt is hosting... drawings.

Yes, drawings. Sketches. Colorings. Animation.

How dare he.

Glipglup ago

Don't care, I don't want to see drawings of kids getting raped . It's nice to know that you are a confirmed pedophile, now I can simply place you in my sphere of ignorance.

Anonfag ago

getting this worked up over a drawing

By all means, continue creating your own personal echo chamber because nobody gives a shit about Jap porn.

tokui ago

Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings, faggot.

curomo ago

Who invited you here? If you don't care for our generous hosts decisions, you're welcome to fuck off.

TimMasson1 ago

Maybe he's into that kind of thing. It seems to me that any decent human being would disallow such things on their website. What does Free Speech have to do with the sexualization of children? It's shameful that he allowed such things here, not only that but he is essentially providing a safe place for them.

Glipglup ago

LOL look I'm at the other comments, I'm already getting downvoted and hate because I don't want CP or pedos on Voat give me a break, how transparent can these people be!

TimMasson1 ago

You need to pick your battles because publicly stating you're against it isn't going to change anything. Putt decided long ago that he is okay with it and nothing you or I or anybody says to him is going to change his mind. I think it's a very bad call on his part and possibly might be this place is downfall eventually but it's his choice to make.

Violentlight ago

The reaction could be because your daily reminder doesn't have any references. I personally don't remember this. Can claim anything with this format.

Daily reminder, Glipglup is a jew, pretending to not like CP.

I don't have any proof. Just thought we should all remember.

Glipglup ago

That's a good point. No it really is, I should post a source, I will try to find the thread I mentioned in my previous comment.

But, with that said.

Let's ask @puttitout to put me in my place and show everyone what a lying faggot I am. Or let's ask @aged about it.

I think you'll find their response to be quite enlightening.