Crensch ago

She accused someone of putting child porn on her phone

She claims zyklon didn't do it.

It was either her kids, or herself.

You choose.

Gothamgirl ago

I also apologized for being mistaken. It was not on my phone it came up on Googles brower under images, when I was searching for a missing child. It was a deplication of the 222 cult not cp.

Zyklon and I were not in the same state but he was accused along with Srayzie. I apologized to both for being wrong, both accepted. I was friendly with Srayzie afterwards...


Crensch ago

Why did you have child porn on your phone?

Morbo ago

Ah, are you mad @Crensch? You didn't like my post in /v/GreatAwakening asking the exact same question as you. You deleted it and banned me. That's straight up pedophile behavior there. Why are you showing such a double standard?

Crensch ago

You sound butthurt.

Morbo ago

Nice. You did not deny my accusation of being a pedophile. Thanks for acknowledging that you are indeed a kiddie diddler. Now go ahead and try to deny it now after you failed to deny it when you had the chance. That will only cement the truth that you are a pedophile.

Crensch ago

Your conclusion on that was pure sophistry to start. Jew-tier.

Nothing about my behaviour suggests what you say it suggests.

Morbo ago

What a weak response to being called out as a pedophile. Now go back to your pedophile safe space in /v/GreatAwakening where your retarded followers will praise you and your pedophile ways.

Crensch ago

Why are you attacking someone that calls out actual pedophiles?

Morbo ago

You, a pedophile, are calling out random goats as pedophiles with no proof whatsoever. See how that works? Glass houses and whatnot.

Crensch ago

Zyklon_b threatened to sodomize multiple children constantly for over a month.

Gothamgirl had child porn on her phone, then accused srayzie of putting it there, and wanting to kidnap her child.

Gothamgirl also invited zyklon into her home and "loved" him throughout his posting about sodomizing and eating children.

And everyone that is friends with either of them is suspect.

And you don't even know the definition of "pedophile", apparently.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Morbo ago

You have called anyone who has disagreed with your posts or comments a pedophile without proof of association to any of those you have named. That's pretty jewey and smells of subversion. And pedophile: an adult who is sexually attracted to children. I know what the definition is.

Crensch ago

You have called anyone who has disagreed with your posts or comments a pedophile without proof of association to any of those you have named.

Prove this claim.

That's pretty jewey and smells of subversion.

It might be, if you could prove it.

And pedophile: an adult who is sexually attracted to children. I know what the definition is.

Then you have nothing to back up your claim, while I have two users that seem very popular to defend lately that definitely are.

Morbo ago

You play with words like a jew. You allege that people are pedophiles so you can cower behind that allegation and say you did not actually call them a pedophile. You call them pedophiles by association and insinuate they are pedo sympathizers, defenders or supporters. This is how the jews operate. They don't say things outright but instead imply enough things to have people believe there is substance there. You do this a lot. Here are some examples:

Crensch ago

I value communication, and I say what I mean very precisely. I very rarely make a mistake.

I'm sorry you have reading comprehension issues, potato, but them's the breaks.

Morbo ago

And now the ad hominem attacks come out. That signals the end of the match ladies and gentlemen. Crensch once again capitulates to his opponent in the most childlike way possible. Be careful, a little birdie on Voat told me there are pedophiles around so don't act too much like a child and attract them to you.

Crensch ago

Oh, sure. I called you names, but I didn't make a fallacy out of it, like I'm sure you thought I did.

And now the ad hominem attacks come out. That signals the end of the match ladies and gentlemen.


You play with words like a jew. You allege that people are pedophiles so you can cower behind that allegation and say you did not actually call them a pedophile. You call them pedophiles by association and insinuate they are pedo sympathizers, defenders or supporters. This is how the jews operate. They don't say things outright but instead imply enough things to have people believe there is substance there.

You allege that I'm a Jew, therefore...


Nice fail.

Morbo ago

You allege that I'm a Jew, therefore...

Alright then, I will actually call you a jew. Crensch, you are a jew.

Crensch ago

And you're a liar before that.

All you've done is allege something. I have proof that you're a liar right here in front of you.

Morbo ago

Let's let the people of Voat decide who is lying.

Crensch ago

Do you mean the people of Voat, or the (((shitposters))) you seem to agree with?

Morbo ago

or the (((shitposters))) you seem to agree with?

And he doubles down.

Crensch ago

Explain the words you just quoted to me.

Go ahead.

Tell me what you think they mean, then think about it REAAAALLL hard for a while, and tell me what they really mean.

Honest question:

Are you just some low-IQ shitskin or something? Is it really that difficult for you to understand this kind of nuance and that I'm speaking very clearly and precisely?

Morbo ago

I am not capable of using words small enough for you to comprehend. I can't ELI5 everything for you. Try to understand what I say. Look up the words if you have to. Ask an adult for help.

Crensch ago

I am not capable of using words small enough for you to comprehend.

When you try to insult me with something like this buy my vocabulary is clearly far beyond your own, you just look desperate.

I can't ELI5 everything for you.

ELI5 doesn't even help you see when you hang yourself with the links you provide to support your argument. You absolutely wrecked yourself more than once with your own supporting links. How embarrassing.

Try to understand what I say. Look up the words if you have to. Ask an adult for help.

Projecting the faults you know you have onto me to help yourself feel better, and also desperately wanting to have others not see how absolutely humiliating your responses have been here.

Have you figured it out yet?

Morbo ago

Have you figured it out yet?

Yes I have. You are bored and this whole charade gives you something to pass the time.

Crensch ago

God, it must feel awful to have to take that emergency ladder out of the utter destruction of your narrative.

Morbo ago

You know I'm just wasting your time, right? Your other GA fools have spent a lot of time going rounds with me like you are now. None of them won. Is it worth it?

Crensch ago

I've won on multiple fronts already.

I know you're trying your hardest, and you're finding the limits of your own mind to be frustratingly inadequate to have this conversation.

Morbo ago

If you say so. Your buddies thought the same way. They wasted a lot of time on me. It was all for not. Poor Srayzie and Shizy. They never saw it coming.

Crensch ago

It was all for not.


If you say so. Your buddies thought the same way. They wasted a lot of time on me. It was all for not. Poor Srayzie and Shizy. They never saw it coming.

Yes, they didn't realize their friends would stab them in the back and dox one of them to a violent convict pedophile.

Good job celebrating what a bunch of pedophiles and doxxers have done. Congratulations, you're morally bankrupt.

Morbo ago

Wait until they turn on you. It will be fun.

Crensch ago

Good job celebrating what a bunch of pedophiles and doxxers have done. Congratulations, you're morally bankrupt.

Morbo ago

I'm celebrating that a bunch of retards got their asses handed to them for being retards. Words have meaning.

Crensch ago

I'm celebrating that a bunch of retards got their asses handed to them for being retards. Words have meaning.

Yes, you're celebrating the work of pedophiles and doxxers. Words have meaning.

Crensch ago

So, you're a liar?

Got it.

Morbo ago

How am I lying? I provided links where you allege and insinuate that other users who did not agree with you are pedophiles, pedo sympathizers and pedo protectors. You've been given proof and now you call me a liar for pointing out your jew word games. Recoil in pain, Schlomo, you've been found out. What are you going to do now, delete those comments so there is no proof for others to see?

Crensch ago

How am I lying?


You have called anyone who has disagreed with your posts or comments a pedophile

And you have no evidence for it.

You're a liar.

Morbo ago

You missed that first link then.

And since you have actually called me a liar now, where is the proof that I lied? Where is it, Crensch?

Crensch ago

Read your link real real slowly.

Apparently it's just too much for you to understand that words have meaning, and your link shows you to still be a liar.

And, really, since this is what you've presented thusfar, you based your lies on information that you are either too stupid to comprehend, or you comprehend them just fine and you know you're a liar.

Which is it?

Morbo ago

It's so sad to see how delusion clouds ones judgment. You seem to think you are in the right 100% yet you have nothing but lies and allegations to defend your position. This is what makes you the best leader the Qtards could have. They deserve you. Your not a hero if you part of the sick game.

Crensch ago

You seem to think you are in the right 100% yet you have nothing but lies and allegations to defend your position.

Show me in this nest where I have been wrong.

I can show you where you've been wrong. Want to compare notes?

This is what makes you the best leader the Qtards could have. They deserve you. Your not a hero if you part of the sick game.

Sounds like you have some unresolved personal issues. Perhaps you should start by not attacking the guy attacking pedophiles, their friends, and doxxers, and their friends.

Morbo ago

Perhaps you should start by not attacking the guy attacking pedophiles, their friends, and doxxers, and their friends.

Who the fuck made you the Voat sheriff? You're not elected by the people to clean up Voat. You're not granted license to attack Voat users. You're just a vigilante who is driven by self righteousness. You're not doing anything of value by attacking people. You cannot bring justice to pedophiles. If you had any powers beyond the make believe ones you are demonstrating here, then you would be bringing actual LEOs into the situation. Since you're not doing that, then you are just LARPing as a cyber hero for your Qtard groupies. Your "attacks" are nothing but useless verbal masturbation. It gratifies you for a small while but ultimately leaves you empty and weak. Now you must decide. Bring real action against the pedophiles or fuck off with your neutered attacks. Choose wisely.

Crensch ago

Who the fuck made you the Voat sheriff?

Who said I was? Can you find where that was said?

You're not elected by the people to clean up Voat.

I volunteer. You're welcome.

You're not granted license to attack Voat users.

I need a license? Can you link me to the application?

You're just a vigilante who is driven by self righteousness.

Evidence. You forgot evidence.

You're not doing anything of value by attacking people.

Pedophiles. I'm attacking pedophiles and doxxers. And given your responses here, your value-judgments are laughable.

You cannot bring justice to pedophiles.

Why not? Are you going to get in my way? Keep attacking me to prevent it?

If you had any powers beyond the make believe ones you are demonstrating here, then you would be bringing actual LEOs into the situation.

If I cannot do these things, why do you seem so worried?

Since you're not doing that, then you are just LARPing as a cyber hero for your Qtard groupies.

The ones that don't see any of this because they stay in their subs? The ones that don't upvote me when the aforementioned pedophiles and their buddies downvote me?

Your "attacks" are nothing but useless verbal masturbation.

Again, I don't think you have a good grasp on what is and isn't useful - and given your responses here, you're the only one flying solo with your fantasies.

It gratifies you for a small while but ultimately leaves you empty and weak.

Thanks, Mr. Miyagi. Want to LARP some Yoda in there, too?

Now you must decide.

Must I?

Bring real action against the pedophiles or fuck off with your neutered attacks.

Define "pedophile".

Go ahead, look it up.

Then tell me what "real action" I should be taking.

Choose wisely.


You're a clown.

Morbo ago

Well use your evidence then. Bust all the Voat pedos. If you have evidence and do not bring it to the authorities, then you are complicit in the crime. It's that simple.

Crensch ago

Well use your evidence then. Bust all the Voat pedos.

Why is it that none of you seem to know what the word "pedophile" means?

If you have evidence and do not bring it to the authorities, then you are complicit in the crime. It's that simple.

You're either paid to be this stupid, or really, really, very stupid.

Morbo ago

Definition: pedophile - an adult who is sexually attracted to children.

I did not make these words up. That is the dictionary definition. You are the one who does not seem to know the meaning of the word. You have proven to be the one who is stupid.

Now what's your definition?

Crensch ago

Definition: pedophile - an adult who is sexually attracted to children.


Now what's your definition?

Unlike you and the pedophile shitposters, I know the definition, and I understand the implications of it.

I did not make these words up. That is the dictionary definition. You are the one who does not seem to know the meaning of the word. You have proven to be the one who is stupid.

Tell me, if the definition is "one who is sexually attracted to children", how, exactly does one:

Well use your evidence then. Bust all the Voat pedos. If you have evidence and do not bring it to the authorities, then you are complicit in the crime. It's that simple.


What crime? A thought crime? Or are you saying pedophiles aren't pedophiles until they've acted on it?

I'm really not sure how the lot of you cannot seem to even follow your own logic from beginning to end.

Morbo ago

What crime? A thought crime? Or are you saying pedophiles aren't pedophiles until they've acted on it?

So you have nothing then. Got it.

You're playing another game here. If I say that pedos aren't guilty if they haven't acted, then you will call me a pedo defender. If I say they are guilty for the thoughts alone, then I am acting the same way as those who seek to control us. That is a classic jew trick. This is mossad level shit. Now tell me again how you're not a jew?

Crensch ago

So you have nothing then. Got it.


Nice try switching to low-effort trolling.

You're playing another game here. If I say that pedos aren't guilty if they haven't acted, then you will call me a pedo defender.

You're the one playing a game. There's a difference between committing a crime, and being guilty of thinking of children in a sexual way. Now THAT is some Jewish horseshit.

If I say they are guilty for the thoughts alone, then I am acting the same way as those who seek to control us.

Sick fucks are dealt with by naming and shunning them. And if needed, extralegal means.

That is a classic jew trick. This is mossad level shit. Now tell me again how you're not a jew?


Intentionally conflating a crime with guilt, but I'm the Jew.


You're low-IQ, and, for some reason, emotionally invested in this.

Morbo ago

Keep taking the bait just like Srayzie did. It's a slow poison. You won't know when it hits you. She never saw it coming and never noticed the unseen hands at work. You're smarter though, right? You won't succumb the way she did, surely.

Crensch ago

Keep taking the bait just like Srayzie did. It's a slow poison. You won't know when it hits you. She never saw it coming and never noticed the unseen hands at work. You're smarter though, right? You won't succumb the way she did, surely.

You're certainly not very smart, despite your obvious efforts to mimic my behaviour and have it work for you.

Morbo ago

Yup, you're just too smart for me. There's no way you will fail like the others did. They were dumb and couldn't win, but you, you're too smart.

Crensch ago

Yup, you're just too smart for me. There's no way you will fail like the others did. They were dumb and couldn't win, but you, you're too smart.

Count how many times you've won here.

Morbo ago

Imma dumbz. I kantz countz as hi ass yuse canz. UR so gud and sheit. Bix noodz.

Crensch ago

Imma dumbz. I kantz countz as hi ass yuse canz. UR so gud and sheit. Bix noodz.

Trying to play off as if you're pretending to be low-IQ and only trolling me.

Morbo ago

Dang! You win! You're just too smart for my simpleton tricks. Here is your prize. Guess I'll go neck myself now.

Crensch ago

Dang! You win! You're just too smart for my simpleton tricks. Here is your prizeJPG. Guess I'll go neck myself now.

Feigning sarcasm with what you know to be true.

Do all you pathetic faggots pull the same tricks when you realize you've lost?

Morbo ago

[gently pulls finger out of pin, drops it and walks away quietly whistling]

Crensch ago

[gently pulls finger out of pin, drops it and walks away quietly whistling]

Oh, this is your "ride off into the sunset like a cool kid" moment? Kek.

Morbo ago

It's weird how our brains work sometimes. I was just remembering a conversation I had some time back with @MolochHunter. Did you know he has an IT guy? That's kind of interesting. Strange what we remember out of no where.

Crensch ago

Under my comment above click "source".

I knew you were just another by-the-book beta faggot that couldn't win and tried to pretend he was trolling.

Morbo ago

See, this is why you're so much better than me. All I could come back with was a silly old memory overflowing in my head. Derp! Narf! Beep-boop-beep! Buffers. That's a weird word. Buffers. Buffers. It gets weirder the more I say it. Buffers. Lol!

Crensch ago

Oh, now you're p3ngu!n0fd00m LARPing?

At least some part of you knows you can't measure up.

Morbo ago

Well goodnight, Crensch. Maybe one day I'll be as smart as you, but probably not. :(

Crensch ago

Some part of you realizes your snark rings hollow, and that anyone reading to this point would understand that you're trying everything you can to save face.


Morbo ago

Yup. That's why I posted a picture of a nice sunset as your prize.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

The user above is linked only goes to archives of the entire website. Nothing specific. They never have anything specific, they just wave their hands and tell you to go do the work for them.

BushChuck ago

At best he is a ban-happy qtard. Mind you, before he was a qtard he was shitting up the Pagan subs.

I don't think you really have been "lurking for years" if you are unaware of crensch's bullshit.

BushChuck ago

Okay, buddy.

I've been here for as long as that fuckwit, and I know what I'm talking about.

He's crafty, I'll give him that. Professional pied piper disinformation agent.

Gothamgirl ago

Another soap opera from Crensch. Yawns💤💤

Crensch ago

Why did you crush your daughter's skull and kill her?

Gothamgirl ago

Do you think anyone can take you serious when you make up such foul lies?

@Vindicator are you still defending this guy? Really?

Vindicator ago

Looks to me like @Crensch is simply doing what your friend Zyklon was so fond of that you had no problem with: exercising hyperbole.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Nevermind I thought Crensch was still a mod on Pizzagate.

Secondly, you have no idea what problems I did or didn't have with zyklon.

Crensch ago

It's so awful when I do it to something that's already dead, but he's a saint when he threatens rape, cannibalism, and murder on a living child and scares the mother.

Hurt feelings vs. fearing for safety

Unreal what a stupid cunt she is.

Gothamgirl ago

No I told you many times I didn't agree with the things that zyklon said you just refuse to hear it.

Just consider yourself on the same level as him then, actually you are so much more fucked in the head then him and everyone can see it.

Crensch ago


More defense of your pedophile, because you, yourself, put child porn on your phone.

Crensch ago

They're not lies. They're questions. Remember?

Gothamgirl ago

Everything you say is a damn lie, who said anything about the question you asked Nigger. Oops did I just dox you? I know you and Shizy are actually niggers.

Crensch ago

You killed your daughter by raping her to death anencephalitically? Why would you do that?

Gothamgirl ago

You raped and murdered srayzies brown kid in 1990, pedo why would you do that?

Crensch ago

Why did you rape your child so hard that her skull caved in?

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you want to murder Srayzies brown kids, Pedo?

Crensch ago

You're a terrible mother. One of your children realized that before it was too late and died to get away from you.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know me, and your a complete basket case.

You are a terrible friend to Srayzie.

I gave you every opportunity to STFU.

I extended a few olive branches, yet you continue to accuse me of things, I didn't do, and things I am not. You continue to talk about my children. You have burnt your bridges on this site for eternity, whether you choose to believe it or not. Nobody will ever trust you again, nobody will want to even know you.

You have soured everything you have ever done and more.

You continue to be foul. I played you like a fiddle, until you broke. For the attacks and your words, your Flappy titty cunt, will pay the ultimate price. I have everything she has ever done online. Matter of fact i have hide it all over the internet, and on an external drive.

As you carry on daily, I have archived, copied and pasted everything you have ever said to me and others, you are a phoney POS.

You will be featured as the main attraction on the front page of my website, right next to the big letter Q.

I made my site dark, in the hopes I never had to use it. But for the last week or so, I have been adding data, and I am almost ready for the big rollout. I have had major success, on quite a few occasions making things go viral, by myself.

I can guarantee when I am ready 1-2 million people will view it in less then a month.

You pricks are fucking done.


Crensch ago

kek kek

Gothamgirl ago

Haha you have nothing, and nobody just a bunch of shit alts. Plus people see the truth. That's why I will not allow you to lie, without giving you shit.

Crensch ago

You lie constantly.

I have nothing? You're right. I have nothing.

Except for a very great deal of very angry PG/GA researchers that have prepared for you to escalate this. Remember, stupid, fat, piggy: the people defending srayzie have only ever responded to your escalations.

And you're right, I know next to none of it. That's not my style, and I have a goldfish brain for the information they try to keep me in the loop on.

What I DO know is that they haven't stopped. Srayzie is gone, shizy is gone, and some few others have handed over what they had and moved on, but enough to make me giggle in anticipation have continually connected the dots of your everything.

And you know what, cave troll? None of it will come out unless you do exactly what you just threatened to do, something similar, or something worse.

Oh, and you're not the only one they have pegged out of your crew of faggots, either. Claim you don't know them all you want, but they defend you.

Enjoy your anniversary anencephaly deathday!

Trollstomper ago

KYS faggot.

Crensch ago

Looks like someone is whiteknighting today!

Trollstomper ago

Shut up bitch.

BushChuck ago

He expouses enough of "the right opinion" to trick you into thinking he's /yourguy/.

There's a reason he gets downvoated to oblivion when he sticks his head out of his cult subs.

He's a wanker.

Crensch ago

Couldn't possibly be that there is a group of pedophiles that don't like getting called out for being pedophiles that follow me around?

Why so few actually check out the evidence backing each side's claims? I back my words up constantly, yet somehow just like you think I am not as trustworthy as users that don't back up anything at all.

BushChuck ago

Yeah, you're just a swell guy.

How about you fuck off back to your cage now?

Crensch ago

I am.

You can thank the aforementioned pedophiles for me no longer recognizing their borders.

Stupid facts that think you know what's going on don't realize that I was pretty well under their control until they started showing that they were pedophiles and that they supported pedophiles.

I woke up when that started happening and I turned on them. And now users like you want me to shut up. How do you think that looks from the outside?

BushChuck ago

It looks just like you want it to look.

Now, kindly fuck off back to your cage.

Crensch ago

It looks exactly how you know it looks. All you have to do is wake the fuck up and stop being wrong for all of that to change.

BushChuck ago

crensch is probably an intelligence agent.

It becomes more obvious the more you interact with him.

Sn0w1 ago

Me! I only come for the drama created by emotionally invested users.

Crensch ago

We both know you're not enjoying the mood. We both know my question wasn't ambiguous.

Play that game if you think it will help you somehow.

Crensch ago

Was it worth it?

BushChuck ago

Could you please stay in your shit-tier subs?


Crensch ago

Where is the rule against me posting here?

BushChuck ago

There's no rule, this is Voat, retard.

We're just sick of you shitting up the board.

Crensch ago

More and more users are standing up and joining me. I don't think you speak for many legitimate users these days.

BushChuck ago

You're a qtard.

I wouldn't be too proud of the following, eh?

Crensch ago

And your position aligns with the pedophiles at sbbh and the faggots at /anonall. Your upvotes and my down votes come from the former.

I'll take my group over yours.

BushChuck ago

Sure, buddy.

If I'm not down with your plan trusting horseshit, I must be a paedophile.

Neck yourself, kike.

Crensch ago

That's not at all what I said. But I like how you strawman my words.

BushChuck ago

"And your position aligns with the pedophiles at sbbh and the faggots at /anonall. Your upvotes and my down votes come from the former."

Fuck off, you disingenuous cunt.

Crensch ago

Where did I say you were a pedophile? You just quoted my words, but nothing in there says anything like that. Or do you have trouble with reading comprehension?

BushChuck ago

Just fucking kill yourself.

I'm not playing your games.

Fucking jew.

Crensch ago

Calling me a Jew, and saying I'm playing games, when you can't point out where you think I called you a pedophile. Sounds like something a Jew would do.

BushChuck ago

There you go folks. There's the tell.

Conversation over.

Crensch ago

Where did I call you a pedophile?

The conversation was over when you couldn't either find that, or admit you were wrong.

BushChuck ago

Fuck off back to your cage, please.

Crensch ago

If your pedophile buddies couldn't do it, you don't have a chance of making that happen.