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22053500? ago

@vindicator this is your bro who you defend when everyone picked sides this is the side you picked



22055275? ago

Vindicator already made his stance clear...crensch is exercising hyperbole so it's totally fine, duh

22059994? ago

So @Vindicator is a shill too then and wants drama and chaos to constantly subvert truth

Good to know

22060112? ago

Vindicator definitely prefers to bury his (her?) head in the sand. Is it malicious or just plain stupidity? That's what I'm not sure about. It's possible he's (she's?) a shill but it's also possible hes (shes?) just easily manipulated

22060182? ago

@Vindicator is a shill if @crensch is a shill he also is probably a pedo because his daughter was a little too good at giving me a blowjob if you know what I mean like she had years of training

22055797? ago

Vindicator is a faggot

22055888? ago

He seemed alright in the beginning but seems like a bunch of people changed when q became a thing.