22350894? ago

Fuck off!

22094124? ago

@crensch if you would stop shitting in your wheelchair you wouldn't act like such prick and fake ass pedo hero.

22196846? ago

Got the wrong one this time, @Crensch

22196857? ago

So did you kek

22196871? ago

That's fine. These subs need more collateral damage

22196906? ago

no harm no foul m8

22058809? ago

I've received an ddealt with complaints about Q mods before in the great awakening group, furthermore why am I being tagged here? This is everyone's problen. - this lions heart

22057387? ago

I don't care. Stupid bitch brought it on herself for spreading lies, of the most obscene nature, about countless others.

22071241? ago

Get out Faggot

22058667? ago

Go slob your slob husband flappy.

22057445? ago


22057466? ago

Nope. Not Crensch either.

22057486? ago

Well you cant be too many people considering your agreement with crensch and your writing style

22057557? ago

That wasn't me, but I certainly approve of the message.

You think your downvotes and your presence in namespace are indicative of the actual numbers on each side?

I told them not to get involved. It doesn't matter here, because nobody can tell who anyone really is. So keep trying to astro turf in Coward space. I think you'll find that I'm not wrong.

22057886? ago

I didnt say it was you. I said they agreed with you which limits the number of people they could be. You dont have that many people on your side. And I already think youre wrong, so that ship has sailed

22058546? ago

I never said you said it was me. I said it wasn't me.

You pedophiles really have problems with understanding words and what they mean.

22058693? ago

Leave then butthurt bitch. Nobody like Qtards anyways.

22058738? ago

Voat is a Q website.

22059116? ago

No terd. It isn't, it is a shared website.

22058609? ago

Phew well that first sentence blew my brain up a little bit.

Proof I'm a pedophile? You dont have any. Just more evidence you call anyone who doesnt agree with you a pedophile

22058628? ago

Why do you accuse people of things they didn't do? Nobody called you a pedophile.

22058640? ago

you pedophiles

Implies that I'm a pedophile. Do you english?

22058664? ago

Oh, it wasnt an accusation.

It was a label.

22058688? ago

Pardon me but how is that any different? Labeling someone a pedophile implies that they're.....a..............pedophile

22058744? ago

It doesn't imply anything. It's an accurate description. I'm not accusing you of it, I'm describing you in one word.

22058764? ago


Describing someone as a pedophile IMPLIES THEY'RE A PEDOPHILE. Now you're just being stupid, I'm out

22058791? ago

If I call Epstein a pedophile, am I accusing him of being a pedophile?

22058804? ago

Uhh..I would say so, yeah. Any other stupid questions?

22058623? ago

Where did I call you a pedophile?

22058659? ago

Voat wont let me reuse my reply to the other comment, so see my response here

22058683? ago

That's a label.

An accurate one.

22058704? ago

So again, proof I'm a pedophile, since you're "labeling" me as one? You dont have any. So - AGAIN - this stands as more proof you call people pedophiles for not agreeing with you.

22058718? ago

I've already provided proof. Multiple times. I'm sorry you just can't understand that.

22058735? ago

You've provided proof of me being a pedophile? Where? Provide me with a link.

22058784? ago

Yes. Multiple times. I'm not going to do this for you every time you ask just because you forget that you are a pedophile.

22058814? ago

You have no idea who I am, so no, you haven't. Don't worry, I'll be here if you ever decide to back up your claims.

22058838? ago

I did back them up. Constantly.

22060098? ago

I'm talking about calling me specifically a pedophile. You don't know who I am, so there's no way you could know that you've already backed up your claims. The only thing you have is my word, and I'm telling you that this is the first time you have called me a pedophile. I'd like proof.

22058702? ago


22058725? ago

I'm sorry you're a pedophile. I can't change that. I do know a cure though.

22056834? ago

I have been watching this for sometime he is unsound.

22055567? ago

What did I just read? Is this person mentally sound?

22055698? ago

lol no

22055713? ago

Well then we do agree on something.

22055749? ago

its pretty fucked up. im tired of him shitting up voat with all of his drama. what zyklon said was fucked up, but no one is innocent here and crensch is just making it worse. hilariously hes so deluded that he thinks hes winning when the reality is that he just looks like an asshole. especially after this post

22062300? ago

You say that as if you expect @Crensch to think looking like an asshole is a bad thing. Pretty sure he relishes it.

22062334? ago

U right

22058711? ago


22055936? ago

I love hearing you weak faggots whining.

22056447? ago

Crensch is the weak one here buddy. What man treats a women like that?

22056462? ago

That's not a woman. That's a pedophile. A pedophile that supports other pedophiles that threaten sodomy on the children of parents getting doxxed.

22057354? ago

You did the same to her a year earlier with the same guy. Why do think people didn't see it happen?

22057120? ago

You lie. You have posted her damn picture.

22057346? ago

She posted her own picture. She doxxed herself. Guess who didn't?

22058726? ago

No I remember seeing memes of her picture with zyk before that.

22058762? ago

Nobody cares what you remember. You're just lying again. Like you always do. Because you can't handle the fact that you killed your daughter today.

22057456? ago

Srayzie? WRONG, she doxxed herself too faggot. Nice try tho

22057593? ago

Prove it.

Not one of you has ever brought any evidence of this. It's just claim after claim of complete bullshit.

22057934? ago

So your saying gg doxxed herself bc she posted her own picture. But srayzie posting a link to her twitter account that has her face as her profile picture isnt doxing herself? Serious question. Is the difference that the twitter account is a different website?

22058530? ago

The difference is what the user consents to being shared here. Sharing the Twitter profile of someone that shared their own Twitter profile is not doxxing.

Sharing something on that Twitter profile regarding their real-life Identity or an image of them, especially with the intent to intimidate, is doxxing.

22058749? ago

She took my pics off FB from years ago, and used them before that!

22058774? ago

Again, no evidence. Why did you kill your daughter?

22056788? ago

I watched you talk about murdering children. You are no better.

22056811? ago

Invaders. Biological weapons designed to kill my people.

22057125? ago

You sick freak.

22057356? ago

Only Jews are pro multiculturalism in white countries.

Nice projection, Jew.

22058759? ago

Only Jews want murder and mutilate babies cunt.

22058768? ago

Only Jews want to genocide whites with subhuman babies

22056756? ago

That is not true and you know it.

22056818? ago

It is true. And you and everyone else knows it. The thing you are defending is a monster.

22057334? ago

everyone else

I love how you speak in such a way to manufacture consensus. Hardly anyone, if anyone at all, agrees with you. But you either are too stupid to see it or just plain refuse to admit it because it doesnt jive with your argument

22057518? ago

Everyone that is in part of your pedophile crew can easily see who is right and who is wrong here. And anyone not in your pedophile crew reading this would absolutely know the truth.

22058780? ago

Who Skrayzie? I thought so to the way she is prostituting her kid on gofund.me what a fucking pedo

22058803? ago

Why did you kill your child? I mean, besides the obvious reason that it was the right thing to do instead of letting it live with your genetics.

22057787? ago

"My" pedophile crew requires a source, or else it's just speculation to make you feel better.

22058559? ago

Welcome to coward space.

Do you even know who you're talkin to?

22058587? ago

Lol nope. Which is why I'm interested to see the supposed proof of it being my pedophile crew, simply because I hold a different opinion. Doesn't hold water

22057378? ago

You recieve at least 50 downvotes a day Crensch Gtfoh

22057524? ago

Yes. From pedophiles and their buddies. Thank you for motivating me.

22058801? ago

Crensch is the pedophile I heard his faggot voice.

22058947? ago

Everyone knows Gothamgirl and zyklon are pedophiles.

Their friends and those that pal around with him are probably pedophiles, too. There's evidence, at least, for those two being pedophiles.

A person's voice does not make them a pedophile.

22057436? ago

Wrong person..reread comments lol. I agree with you. Crensch thinks hes winning and everyone agrees with him, when that's the opposite of what's happening

22062335? ago

Weirdly, both Kev and ES had to delete their precious accounts as a result of @Crensch "not winning".

22062369? ago

Had to vs chose to

Cant speak for the motives of either, unless you have proof. If I was being harassed constantly be someone, I'd probably consider deleting my account too, out of irritation. That doesn't mean the other person is right or winning

22068552? ago

Right :-)

22064345? ago

Cant speak for the motives of either, unless you have proof.

Kevdude admitted he would drop revenge porn. Documented.

Esoteric was finally noted as the only one deserving of the "muh begging for strayzie tit pics" narrative, where the pedos of SBBH called me immoral and worse for what ESOTERIC actually did.

If I was being harassed constantly be someone, I'd probably consider deleting my account too, out of irritation.

Maybe you should try posting this in namespace instead of cowardspace.

That doesn't mean the other person is right or winning

You haven't been paying attention.

22065150? ago

Srayzie deleted after being harassed by Zyklon. Does that mean he was right?

You want me to post this with my username so you can harass me into deleting my account too? Kek. I'll pass. Good try tho. And no, I've been paying attention. Hard not to when you plaster your shit everywhere

22067126? ago

Apparently, you haven't.

You still don't see what's happening despite how obvious it is. The shitposters are done for.

22067466? ago

Oh I have. Just bc you dont like my conclusion doesnt mean I haven't been paying attention

22067532? ago

Oh, RIP your pattern recognition ability.

22067570? ago

Lol or maybe ive just been at this so long that im too cynical. Doesnt mean im wrong tho. I just don't trust shit until I have legit proof. As long as theres another possible alternative, I dont settle on something as truth. Healthy skepticism bruh, keeps you from getting brainwashed too easily

22057318? ago

Pot meet kettle

22057419? ago

Got any evidence of that? I have this monster admitting she had child porn on her phone. I have this monster admitting that she stuck around while children were being threatened with sodomy.

What do you have?

22058810? ago

No she didn't you are twisting the truth.

22057476? ago

Uhh your comments and posts over the last couple of days? Hello?

22057610? ago

What's wrong with them? Is it monstrous to call out pedophiles and their friends? Is it monsters to call out doxxers and their friends?

Am I to take this to mean that you like both and would appreciate if I stopped doing what I was doing?

22057818? ago

Lol you're not just "calling out pedophiles", you're blowing up voat with your constant bitching. If you hate it, leave. Otherwise read the responses from people and get it through your thick skull that you're not winning or doing anyone any favors. You're welcome to jump to whatever illogical conclusion that you would like. That doesn't mean you're right, just delusional and idiotic. I have no control over that.

22058551? ago

So you don't like that I call out pedophiles?

22058817? ago

You are the pedo. Nice try mut

22058828? ago

We've already proved you are the pedophile.

22058599? ago

You're going way above and beyond that to the extreme. and not in a good way

22058614? ago

So you don't like it? Why don't you like me calling out pedophiles, Anon person?

22058672? ago

You're purposely misrepresenting what I've said. You're not just calling out pedophiles, you're blowing up the site. Call out pedophiles. Dont blow up the site. Cheers

22058694? ago

Why do you wang me to shut up so badly when all I do is call out the pedophiles?

22058834? ago

Wang yourself outta here cunt.

22058989? ago

I thought you liked coward space?

22058723? ago

Why do you talk in circles? One more time for those in the back, and then I'm not repeating myself anymore because it gets old: you're not just calling out pedophiles, you're blowing up the site. Call out pedophiles. Don't blow up the site. Did you catch those last two sentences? Maybe you need some glasses or some reading comprehension classes.

22058753? ago

Do you want this website to become pedophile friendly, or something? You should try Reddit or Facebook or Twitter

22058849? ago

It's been pedo friendly since before you and your fake stories. You did nothing before.

22058962? ago

So you are pushing for it to be pedo friendly?

22058794? ago

Yes, of course, that's such a logical conclusion from my comments. /s

Obviously you're either being willfully obtuse or you're just a complete idiot. Adios

22058819? ago

You don't want to keep astroturfing in Coward space?

22055964? ago

yep theres that delusion. keep on projecting buddy

22055544? ago

How is this guy not banned?

22055242? ago

Next for what? Explain plz.

22071261? ago

For him to make up whatever he wants to slander and destroy every you have done to expose truth.

22055521? ago

If you disagree he will do the same to you.

22056135? ago

I just banned myself from this sub.

22055132? ago

Bring it on. Censorship never wins.

22071265? ago

Neither does lies.

22055508? ago

Exactly, these posts and the responses given are going to be sent to the media.

22055939? ago

Still no idea what this even is, but who cares. Seems like spam.

22056010? ago

No worries. It's a Q mod losing his sanity I guess the spammy Q post that have taken over Voat, is finally driving him off the deep end. He is attacking a mom whose baby died, and today was the babies birthday. Pray you aren't next on his long hit list. He is determined to get rid of us all.

22056814? ago

Holy crap! What the actual fuck?????

22055100? ago

I'm confused, what the hell happened?

22055492? ago

He is attacking a mom whose child died, and today was the kids birthday.

22056347? ago

That is disgusting, these pieces of crap are definitely put here by the deep state, probably trying to make us turn on each other.

22056391? ago

Did you see what @Crensch said to that girl yesterday?

22056543? ago

You mean the one that had child porn on her phone and tried to accuse a pizzagate researcher of putting it there?

22056420? ago

He has made flakey posts calling all the original goats Pedos for weeks.

22056537? ago

Many of them are. You seem to have a problem with that.

22058879? ago

I saw it all go down they're not. It just some melodramatic guy crying over some fat woman's titties.

22058958? ago

I saw it all go down and I saw the evidence. At least two are absolutely pedophiles, and users like you show up to defend them. Which probably means you are a pedophile, too.

22057294? ago

Source? Or are you just running your mouth as usual

22057398? ago

Why don't you ask them for sources for things they claim? I provide sources constantly.

I don't have any friends that are pedophiles. Do you?

I don't have any friends that have friends that are pedophiles, do you?

I tend to think that people that are friends with pedophiles have a reason for being friends with them. Do you?

22058954? ago

Why are you a pedophile?

22057423? ago

You're deflecting. I asked for a source. I'll wait.

22057580? ago

So you have friends that are pedophiles? I'm of the mind that people that have friends that are pedophiles are also pedophiles. Do you agree?

22057898? ago

Lol deflecting again. Still waiting on that source. Once you can provide a source, I'll answer your questions.

22058537? ago

That's not really how coward space works.

Let me know when any of the pedophiles support their claims with anything but more claims and more pedophiles piling on.

22058627? ago

Oh, refusing to provide proof until your demands are met isn't how coward space works? Silly me. I'll be here waiting if you ever decide to back up your claims.

22055065? ago


22087439? ago

thank you for sharing, did not know about this

22087570? ago

Your welcome.

22058593? ago

why did you link me?

22058650? ago

He was once a mod on Pizzagate also.

22058678? ago

you linked me.. I was not a mod..

22055004? ago

Fuck you

22071270? ago

Fuck Qew

22055071? ago

KYS qtard

22117096? ago

So... Who is pinging me? Thanks much.

22055058? ago

I can't believe what I just read.

22057121? ago

Get lost.

22057332? ago

You leave Qterd no one wants you around stinking up the place anymore.

22057595? ago


22058960? ago

Take your degenerate mod with you on the way out.

22054837? ago

WTF is this?

22055036? ago

It's Crensch the head Q mod talking about a dead kid

22055080? ago


22056032? ago

See above I don't want him to do this to you.

22058119? ago

Iā€™m so confused on what is going on.

22058977? ago

The Q mod is having a mental breakdown again. He is making fun of dead babies now.

22055415? ago

fuck you

22055452? ago

I love it, it keep it coming.

22055295? ago

Grace8 is theoldones

22055304? ago

Also Dortex the pedo.

22055319? ago

Didnt know that one. Source?

22055393? ago

They use the same linguistics. I don't have a link sorry.

22055030? ago

What did I do?

22055096? ago

Just wanted you to see what's going on so it doesn't happen to you next.

22055133? ago

Oh thank you!

22055007? ago


22055023? ago

So then you promote your mod talking about dead kids?

22053500? ago

@vindicator this is your bro who you defend when everyone picked sides this is the side you picked



22071290? ago

Lots of shekels to be made

22055275? ago

Vindicator already made his stance clear...crensch is exercising hyperbole so it's totally fine, duh https://voat.co/v/whatever/3598721/22048903

22059994? ago

So @Vindicator is a shill too then and wants drama and chaos to constantly subvert truth

Good to know

22060112? ago

Vindicator definitely prefers to bury his (her?) head in the sand. Is it malicious or just plain stupidity? That's what I'm not sure about. It's possible he's (she's?) a shill but it's also possible hes (shes?) just easily manipulated

22060182? ago

@Vindicator is a shill if @crensch is a shill he also is probably a pedo because his daughter was a little too good at giving me a blowjob if you know what I mean like she had years of training

22055797? ago

Vindicator is a faggot

22055888? ago

He seemed alright in the beginning but seems like a bunch of people changed when q became a thing.

22053424? ago

Appalling I can't believe what I just read