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BushChuck ago

Could you please stay in your shit-tier subs?


Crensch ago

Where is the rule against me posting here?

BushChuck ago

There's no rule, this is Voat, retard.

We're just sick of you shitting up the board.

Crensch ago

More and more users are standing up and joining me. I don't think you speak for many legitimate users these days.

BushChuck ago

You're a qtard.

I wouldn't be too proud of the following, eh?

Crensch ago

And your position aligns with the pedophiles at sbbh and the faggots at /anonall. Your upvotes and my down votes come from the former.

I'll take my group over yours.

BushChuck ago

Sure, buddy.

If I'm not down with your plan trusting horseshit, I must be a paedophile.

Neck yourself, kike.

Crensch ago

That's not at all what I said. But I like how you strawman my words.

BushChuck ago

"And your position aligns with the pedophiles at sbbh and the faggots at /anonall. Your upvotes and my down votes come from the former."

Fuck off, you disingenuous cunt.

Crensch ago

Where did I say you were a pedophile? You just quoted my words, but nothing in there says anything like that. Or do you have trouble with reading comprehension?

BushChuck ago

Just fucking kill yourself.

I'm not playing your games.

Fucking jew.

Crensch ago

Calling me a Jew, and saying I'm playing games, when you can't point out where you think I called you a pedophile. Sounds like something a Jew would do.

BushChuck ago

There you go folks. There's the tell.

Conversation over.

Crensch ago

Where did I call you a pedophile?

The conversation was over when you couldn't either find that, or admit you were wrong.

BushChuck ago

Fuck off back to your cage, please.

Crensch ago

If your pedophile buddies couldn't do it, you don't have a chance of making that happen.