pimplepeter ago

the lockout for those months served as a purge. I think a lot of people got lazy and left, and or tired of the "sorry voat is broken right now". The voat anti-bodies are still here we are just in fewer numbers.

FisterRoboto ago

I down voated so much spam and garbage back in 2016 that I still get denied when I down voat and called a meanie.

Barbarian ago

Voting on voat is sort of demoralizing. It needs to be gamified in a way to engage the legitimate user base. We've grown lazy and jaded but it's not entirely our fault.

heygeorge ago

As hard as some are trying to kill it, our immune system may yet prevail.

Wonder_Boy ago

The immune system got killed when Voat was opened up in the spring. Direct links to YouTube & Twitter & imgur, etc, now regularly make the front page.

DrSelfAppointed ago

The immune system is all but dead, Bud.

Bfwilley ago

Are you up set that they can get up votes and you can't?

Profile overview for hungry_mungry.

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

37 submissions to news

12 submissions to whatever

2 submissions to subverserequest

2 submissions to AskVoat

1 submissions to funny

This user has so far shared a total of 42 links, started a total of 16 discussions and submitted a total of 916 comments.

Gary_Busey ago

I still can’t downvote, shit takes forever

Niceballsnigga ago

More than half of any given fandom, userbase, or supporters are legit morons. Jews will turn this fuckstack into a fuckstick in no time.

holaymackal ago


too bad there isn't a keyboard shortcut like reddit has for down/up voats.

Crensch ago

Voat's immune system died when it was discovered that they were there to defend shills and pedophiles as they ran off waves like /v/deterrencedispensed and /v/stonetoss and many others that would have been awesome additions to our site.

One of their own turned on them, and has been dismantling their power structure ever since.

The spam you see is thanks to the efforts of this (((immune system))) to demoralize putt and cyna into disappearing for so long.

FacelessOne ago

Block all anon subs they are JIDF farms

AnonThrowaway ago

So someone make a bot to down voat these bots.


Glow niggers. Now more than ever, if you see something, say something.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

It's not just that shitty site, either, or that shitty OP.

Qtards are aiming to turn this into a mutual masturbation, civnat circle jerk full of MUH BASED COLOREDS and lots and lots of gays.

Look through my post history. I call them out every time I see it. This site is so far down the shitter, that you can't even open a link any more without first checking the poster's history and the history of the domain they just submitted. But, if everyone did exactly that for a week, or maybe two, this problem would be done and over with.

You see, six months ago, when I was telling everyone to stop upvoting spammers - and pointing out exactly who was spamming what - all I ever got back out of it was M-MUH CONTENT and downvotes. And look at you fuckers now.

totallynotFBI ago

I don't downvote.

kneo24 ago

The immune system is dead. Putt more or less killed it off a while back when users were getting banned for vote manipulation. People became afraid to engage in those abusive tactics as they believed that the sheriff was back and ready destablization of the platform seriously.

Coincidentally a bunch of stuff happened since then and Putt has been MIA. So... here we are. Bot farms run rampant, the people who cared about the immune system have been driven off.

Rotteuxx ago

I just don't bother anymore, Cynabuns also being mia means something is way off. Both are now uninvolved with the community and the front page is anything but organic.

AR47 ago

Cynabuns has been gone for a long long time. That person used to be open and available to speak all the time.

Actually helped me with the css styling on /Lego when I started it. Then along with many others just disappeared soon as a higher calling was made.

Voat died when subverse transfers stopped being done. It showed that admin didn't want the community to breathe life into clear content creation of quality.

It became about quantity for the purpose of tracking or something else. Back when /magicmemes was going good.....you know how many I made myself?

Then one after another each image host went down. No one really bothers to look into who ran those. Like who they really were.

Yet all were promoted with voat in each of the sidebar advertising. Except kek.

heygeorge ago

Your heart is in the right place, but there is a shade of misremembering happening. Hope you are well, brother. (And I saw the Atko thread, so it seems you are)

Except kek.

Kek had a sidebar ad. No ad for imgoat tho, I believe. We sort of knew the slimgur folks (at least I did), and discoball was active. And jmtullock with imgtc. And I believe we knew a little about Atko and his parting gift imgjar.

But no one wants to hold the hot potato for long. Similarly to putts, who clearly has been compelled not to speak about at least one thing, and likely further advised not to take any action which could be viewed as even aware of the content contained here. I imagine this advice was passed along to buns as well, and/or she is experiencing further health issues. :(

AR47 ago

I was sure kek had the sidebar ad. As did the others. I could be wrong. It happens.

heygeorge ago

Oh kek definitely did have a sidebar ad. I must have misread. I don’t remember an imgoat one, but that could just be forgetfulness. I do remember most of the other ads.

kneo24 ago

It's not that you don't bother anymore, a lot of those who used to have long given up. I have found the front page to be inorganic for a very, very long time. I noticed it shortly after I started here. Back then I believed that the community could fight back against it, and on some level used to make an effort.

FacelessOne ago

Block news aggregation subs and all anon subs.

kneo24 ago

You believe that the tools that exist fix the problem. I think they're just merely bandages. Nothing stops those people that you're trying to block en masse via subverses from eventually going into the territories you like en masse once they feel they have enough "credibility". Your solution is short term only.

FacelessOne ago

Yeah but alot of the early complaints as this issue has bee around for awhile is to use the tools we have to do the beat we can to block the noise from good information

NotHereForPizza ago

You reap what you sow.

anticlutch ago blazingpress.com www.blazingpress.com

Add above EXACTLY to the bottom newline of your hosts file in Windows. Macfags commit suicide. Linux shitlords you know how to do this.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Macfags commit suicide.

I'm perfectly fine with others using shitty products, and living in terrible places. uMatrix and a couple other tools are all I need to fine tune my vulnerability levels on this most excellent OS.

Podd ago

The demographics are no longer in the native peoples favor. Many people hypothesized that the reason Q shipped his cult here was to subvert voat, i believe those old goats have been vindicated.

ChiCom ago

Are you kidding? Do you know how many new Nazis voat created from QRV?

Most of the subversion that isn't foreign interests is from SBBH fags getting their jollies as it always has been

Podd ago

Maybe you're right; I hope you are, but things feel... different.

offender ago

Q = Jim and his gay glownigger friends

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Oy vey! Why do you hate the ⚡️weety ⚡️quad so much?

Podd ago

Indeed, I used to enjoy Greatawakening before the qrv came to town, even if i wasn't a true believer there was some interesting discussion and news coming out of there.


They have a brigade upvoting the posts, it's usually at like +15 in less than 10 minutes

blumen4alles ago

It goes both ways too, if they don't like you posts can go to -15 in less than 10 minutes.


I haven't seen the blazing press upvoters brigade comments before

Acerphoon ago


Look at some of the comments in there. It may or may not be Balzing press upvoters. But there are definitely shills. Many of those comments were in the negative in the first couple of minutes.

blumen4alles ago

Worf is right, that was most likely gabara and its alts dv'ing those comments.


Thank you for your reply. My posts are referencing the spam site that op stated in the headline.

heygeorge ago

Q followers prefer their information this way

ChiCom ago

I've switched to decoding your random numbers as my preferred format of info

heygeorge ago

your random numbers

I assume you meant the royal we.

No6 ago

As a refined Q connoisseur, I will consider only information from The Gateway Pundit, or when screamed at me between ads for water filters and dick pills.

holaymackal ago

Q is short for Q10 - buy a bottle now, patriot!