EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

Look how triggered you crybaby racist douche bags are....hahahahaha life must suck for ya down in mammas basement huh? LOL

Rotteuxx ago

Look how stupid and ignorant your comment is, life must be bliss with such limited reflection skills, huh ?

Anonomus911 ago

Yet Q sent folks to that one and not the other one. Wonder why?

Rotteuxx ago

Prove that Q posted about Voat

He has made it abundantly clear that there is only one official board for him to post on and all other individuals are unaffiliated with him.

XSS1337 ago

14 down votes..... hmmmmm

Xyz4u ago

God damn people ! Generalize much? Not everyone is a faggot mod. Out of 70,000 members there it was but a small handful. The rest of us are like you. We just wanna fucking retain our rights from the deep state and we really need to unite and stop wasting time calling each other faggots and refugees because frankly that’s a fucking waste of your time and mine too. Let’s get out and keep memes alive and spreading word for Q, be it here or 8chan , we know Twitter and Facebook are next for bans. Time is of the essence !!!!

maxoverdrive ago

I'm not part of your fucking cult, you stupid niggerfaggot. Stop trying to spread your inane horseshit outside of your sub. In the wilds of Voat, no one gives a fuck about your precious Q. Deal with it, you insane religious asshole.

Rotteuxx ago

Then why not simply join the existing community instead of immigrating & building a ghetto ?

Orfion ago

Let's encourage them to port at poal.co. They will surely love each other.

TooMuchTuna ago

Yeah. It's pretty gay. You get censored then come here and censor. Makes sense. (It doesn't.)

CryptoBard ago

Seriously, how can you sit in front of your LCD and watch all the bullshit of 2016 (and before) happen, then accept the anti-American, the anti-White bullshit tirades the talking heads on the old fashioned (ancient/dinosaur) media talk about. A few YEARS of that shit, and now you're here... like, so awakened, kiss my Viking ass you god-damned cowards.

Rotteuxx ago


1Iron_Curtain ago

Always watch out for those Niggers coming by boat. They are the ones that will most likely end up flattening our civilization and committing a genocide of some sorts. That is why they must be stopped at all cost.

Rotteuxx ago


CowWithBeef ago

I would like to watch the faces of redditors who land here and read the sign you just put up.

Rotteuxx ago

Their mods are like Soros funded NGOs

Smarty_jc ago

I came over here when you had to apply for a log in around coontown time. I admit I am not active much, but I am a real person. I can tell you that they are like roid groid niggers over there. Actual posts to remind everyone to upvote each other so they can get things really going. And no down votes....at least I dont have to look at the faggotty posts.

Gigglestick ago

I’m just trying to be a good goat sticking my middle hoof up.

Smarty_jc ago

I came over here when coontown shut down and while, I am not super active, those guys at the new awakening sub are super groid niggers. They have posts reminding users to upvoat the shit out of each other. Pathetic faggotry. And... u can't downvoat anything.

Rotteuxx ago

With ccp restrictions enabled in their sub, those upvoats aren't global. They only count within the sub, kek !

Smarty_jc ago

I did not know that. Kinda makes me feel better about my shit amount of ccp.

Rotteuxx ago

You just have to join the conversation !

IndigenousAlien ago

Q is a larp, anyway. What a bunch of faggots. Go to Minds you assholes.

y_do_i_need_to_hide ago

This is excellent content. I should have become a refugee earlier.

Rotteuxx ago

You'll either learn to love or hate raw & unfiltered content. The most important thing is to become desensitized to buzzwords like (((racism))) & (((anti-Semitism))).

y_do_i_need_to_hide ago

Thanks. I should have used /s

IDontEvenExist ago

I came from Reddit as well, doesn't bother me the slightest. I was born with nice thick, non bronzed skin.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I agree with the general analogy but I think it's still a little too kind on these reddit fags. Niggers at least admit they're niggers and that they want to rob and rape you. These redditfugees don't even have the balls to admit their true purpose. They're more like kikes immigrating to a new country who then claim the new country has always belonged to them.

Rotteuxx ago

I wouldn't confound users with kike mods....

maxoverdrive ago

The users are fucking morons. Read their sub; they wanted to farm themselves up to 100 points so they could spread out all across Voat and destroy all of us old-timers, taking the entire site for their precious Q. Then, when it was pointed out they were all a bunch of goddamn idiots and that the Voat old-timers were laughing at their pathetic voat-farming attempts, they got REAL ass-blasted and started spreading the hate, all the while plotting 'revenge' for being made fools of...by themselves.

These guys are retarded. Whether literally because they were born that way or because they've been drinking WAAAY too much Koolaid, I don't know....

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

be me

a dumb nigger from reddit

still a sheep but this is a new pasture

guys here are kinda mean

two pastures

wtf where do i go

looks at date created

go to older pasture

take off my sheep costume


JungleTits ago

Plebbit-tier faggotry

abattoirdaydream ago

My Q board v/cbts has also been used to launch attacks against v/greatawakening. I see no just cause for such attacks, and do not condone them.

TheBuddha ago

That's not very fair to Italy.

Rotteuxx ago

Well they don't even grow potatoes, only tomatoes

Rudy_Paine ago

Happy to be amongst you irreverent mother fuckers!! I'm glad Reddit made itself pointless. Got banned from The Donald last March I called Lindsey Vonn a mudshark. Now I can say father hating nigger lover( damn that was liberating) Monday I was warned by the mods at ga for inciting violence because there was a post of The Nigger Obama doing his Mussoullini pose with his chin in the air all I said is look what happened to him his people hung him from a lamppost historical fact. Fuck Off Reddit

big_fat_dangus ago

This shit is getting tiresome. Why do reddit npcs even want to come here? I find it hard to believe this is the only place to go once plebbit bans a sub.

Nunyobizness ago

I cant downvote this as I need to comment more but O can guarantee u this is a Schill trying to make us look like racist sacks of shit.

maxoverdrive ago

Stupid fucking nigger. You need to be hanged from the nearest goddamn tree, pronto.

eyeswide0pen ago

You came here to get away from censorship but yet you are attempting to censor others. To hell with this "muh optics" bullshit. The truth is the truth regardless of optics. Trying to sound normie friendly is a faggot shill tactic, it's censorship. You are a product of kike brainwashing. The sooner you realize this the better.

Rotteuxx ago

Prejudice is a naturally engrained survival mechanism.

"Qui se ressemble, s'assemble" - those who look similar, group together.

Without this naturally prejudiced way of thinking, diversity wouldn't exist. By grouping together with similar individuals, we're able to develop homogeneous societies with common goals & beliefs. This leads to the development of different cultures & traditions, it leads to diversity.

(((Racism))) is pro diversity.

Without prejudice, there would be no variety of cultures & traditions. Only an ugly melting pot of incompatible values inevitably leading to violence as naturally occurring groups try to organize to form a unifying identity for themselves.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

This is voat, dumbfuck. Nobody cares if you're racist.

vladtep ago

These are the same cocksuckers who banned me for correcting their bullshit "soros is a nazi" theories.

A great game they had, post nonstop threads about it but ban anyone who disagrees for anti-semitism. lol

vladtep ago

You can come in but you have to come in the right way.

Wait a minute, just no. You have to go back.

Rotteuxx ago

Their mods are cancerous kikes. The userbase I don't think so much.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

They just banned me. First time I've ever been banned from a sub in 3+ years on voat. According to the mod who banned me I don't belong on voat. It's time to go to war, goats.

You've been banned from v/theawakening :( @DropGun has banned you from v/theawakening for the following reason: *Rule Violation in v/theawakening: Rule 2; Description: PERMANENT. Slurs. Calling out mods. Belongs in 8chan. *

New_years_day ago

This whole narrative is contrived. If you don't like how they run shit then unsub and move the fuck on. THIS IS NOT REDDIT.

Rotteuxx ago

Are you illiterate ?

New_years_day ago

aRe YoU iLITeRaRe

Artofchoke ago

You are absolutely right, Sir. I hope there is no confusion between these cum dumpsters and the glorious fucks from Million Dollar Extreme.

Rotteuxx ago

Indeed, those mde fags are pretty chill

maxoverdrive ago

Yep, the only thing they did was put one too many MDE threads up the ranks, and I'm pretty sure that wasn't even them, but just some annoyed old goats at yet another 'invasion'. Now that the dumbfucks from Q-land are here, nobody even remembers the MDE boys.

The_Crusader ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Lmao. Perfect time to use this.

keksupreme ago

please ban this cancer sub

Peck181818 ago

Fuck them mfkrs... they can suck my dick!!!

GreatCoons ago

Spam moonman lyrics at their sub.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Well, I tried to downvote them but I'm sure you know you have to be upvoted in that sub in order to downvote. I'm not willing to farm points from them so my take is quarantine their asses. They can stay there but if you see them anywhere else destroy them.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Holy shit. I haven't been online enough to have seen this, thanks for pointing out the blatant kikery.

BoxKingZelenoff ago

Fuck you I don't normally fight nobody's but ill fuck you up Anytime Anyplace shit I'll buy your ticket. The woman I'm going to marry is black so if you use that word again im going to smash your skull with one punch

Tallest_Skil ago



We’re going to kill you and your monkey wife.

maxoverdrive ago

Go fuck yourself and your worthless, savage sub-human she-boon fiance. Can't wait to see you both dancing at the end of a rope....

L0rdEkk0 ago

Fuck you and your nigger wife.

fellowWhiteGuy ago

We like free speech here, but keep your bestiality private (look I understand that head trauma handicapped your options so no judgment, just will suggest cute mini horse instead of destructive African sheGroid). Shitskin race cuck with eastern european yid name thinks he can fight people into pretending he isn't funking a chimpanzee, go fight you parent, you friends and everyone you ever see because although they might put a fake smile(and jews rub their hands), everyone knows that you fucking a subhuman primate and your "wife's" kids will be nigglets looking nothing like you because you committed a suicide and you will answer before your ancestors

fellowWhiteGuy ago

We like free speech here, but keep your bestiality private (look I understand that head trauma handicapped your options so no judgment, just will suggest cute mini horse instead of destructive African sheGroid). Shitskin race cuck with eastern european yid name

fellowWhiteGuy ago

We like free speech here, but keep your bestiality private (look I understand that head trauma handicapped your options so I would suggest cute mini horse instead of destructive African sheGroid). Shitskin orbiter cuck with Easter European yid name

thisistotallynotme ago

His CCP is already -2. This one isn't going to be here long. :)

Mumbleberry ago

What's his name? Is it Tyrone?

Rotteuxx ago

I live an hour away from Ottawa, Canada. Msg me when you're in town beta.

Drank too much soy to attract a respectable white woman ?

Karnivor ago

if we demoralize them enough then they will leave, just like the others.

captainstrange ago

More like some dipshit mods at reddit were informed about the coming ban and front-ran the lifeboat by starting the sub here so they could divide us from the people fresh off the ban boat.

Thats what I would do if I was a (((marxist hack)))

Bigglesworth45 ago

Nailed it they are aww hurt little faggots. Took two comments till I was banned.

SteaksUSA ago

What a bunch of niggers, the mods should be removed immediately.

White_pride_cis ago

For some reason, I cannot downvoat anything there. It says I need 5ccp? Pretty sure I have more than that.

Mumbleberry ago

You need 5 IN THAT SUB, not global.

thisistotallynotme ago

seriously, it's funny as shit how mad you are about this.

Mumbleberry ago

Sorry, blatant idiocy is frustrating.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


Tacops777 ago

Even THE JEW KNOWS THIS! Light them up! A coven of witches with false values!

NigNogNigger ago


juicedidwtc ago

I got banned for calling a mod there an AIDS infested nigger

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

WTF??? HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE????? You must have struck a cord with them. They should wear that shoe.... What is the screen name for that one? Meme forthcoming.

juicedidwtc ago

lol what a newfag

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

oh ok... I will just call the whole sub a bunch of aids infested niggers then. +Juicedidwtc

v/theawakening aka a faggot slumber party are a bunch of AIDS infested Niggers. Juicedidwtc just back from the clinic can confirm.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

They have to go back...

derram ago

They've removed their sub from /v/all and they're sitting in their own lil corner doing their own thing.

Meanwhile, you guys are chimping out across the site, screeching about how butthurt you are that they won't let you spam bullshit in their sub. And you dindu nuffin, they's acting like an authority figure 'n sheeeeeit.

Nigger is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

They’ve removed their sub from /v/all


They hid their board from the front page on 8chan. You can’t see their use statistics.


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Ah derram, the user who turned his main account into a bot to farm CCP so he'd be immune to downvoats when he posts his retarded shill opinions.

Oven yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck you @Derram

They're deliberately attacking an established community and painting themselves as the righteous ones.

thisistotallynotme ago

And some of us hope they win.

derram ago

Them starting their own sub instead of joining an established one isn't an attack on anyone.

Can't say the same for the multiple posts on /v/all openly calling to raid their sub, though.

Rotteuxx ago

2nd comment from you, 2nd time you willfully ignore their attacks on /v/greatawakening calling them shills while trying to push your narrative

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

If they weren't such pussy-assed niggerfaggots, they would read between the lines, and learn a little something. This isn't reddit. They are going to end up killing their own community in its infancy. But they're plebbitors and nigs gonna nig.

LostandFound ago

Most of the users there I have spoken with are alright though, it will be a pity to loose all of them.

alalzia ago

So many fucking awakenings must be a kind of inception .

Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 5

Enters Voat , doesn't read the rules of Voat .

IheartSwimming ago

They come here to escape the problem, only to realize they are the problem.

TemetNosce ago

Those fuckers, that new subverse, I can't downvote ANYTHING cause my participation trophies are not good enough. Been here 3 fucking years and can't downvote. Fuckers on there been voat members for 2-5 hours TELLING ME I NEED TO BE POLITE AND WATCH MY LANGUAGE. What kind of faggot ass cancer are those reddit pukes???? Fuck, it is cancer over there.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Activate Voat's "immune system" and burn them out with a sustained WHITE cell attack.

thisistotallynotme ago

Why do you think Q wants them herded to Voat?

You're the redpill squad they're looking for. You're doing his work for him. :)

kalgon ago

believe it or not they can't be downvoated it's retarded

boredTech ago

But they can be agro-ed. I think right now they're probably in a meeting trying to figure out what to do.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I have to take exception with one part of this. If the Jews had been relocated to Madagascar that would totally fuck up something on the bucket list. I want to take the wife to see the lemurs but who wants to see a fucking lemur with hair curls and a yamaka?

Anti_Idle ago

That is the gayest thing I have ever read.

thisistotallynotme ago

You're being suckered-in, newfag. Have a downvoat. Notice they're attributing all of the above to Q.

The best part? Q knows Voat is like this, and is probably laughing his/their ass off. No better way to redpill GA-pilled redditors on the JQ than to send them to Voat. That'll prepare 'em for "we're saving Israel for last". :)

LostandFound ago

Ever hear of game hunting - get a new bucket list

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I have hunted game but wasn’t fulfilled with tagging an elk or deer. I don’t hunt anymore I just shoot the deer for meat and it isn’t any different than slaughtering chickens, rabbits,goats, or turkeys. I want to go with my wife and see living shit that isn’t hunted. Always wanted to go to Madagascar but it is basically part of Africa so likely a shithole.

LostandFound ago

Voat has broken me I read that as chickens, rabbis, goats

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I live in the pest free part of the US. There aren’t any rabbis where I live. Closest thing we have are possum, and copper heads.

kalgon ago

We need to send the fascist death squads

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Brother, I love seeing you post. My goat!

Rotteuxx ago

Thx m8 !

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

armday2day ago

The older goats here will burn up a bit, but the noobs will burn faster, hotter and in greater number. Whatever remains by month's end will be worth keeping.

urx ago

Rotteuxx ago

That's the Hydro Quebec logo, kek !

sosat_menya_reddit ago

The niggers are going to Spain ever since the wops sobered up and realized that the EU was dry fucking them in the sand.

Cleanhobo ago

Thats what I saw... Rush over there and shitpost because they have downvoates blocked so your post has nowhere to go but up! I'm trying to see if I can get banned... for fun and profit...

Svetlana ago

I am sorry you feel that way. I am on both Great Awakening and Awakening. I am very open minded. However I am totally a hard liner on illegal immigrants, Muslims and show no mercy or care for either. So far as I cruise around Voat I am seeing some great posts from many different people wth varying opinions. I have been called an idiot by one, and that is ok. I was not all butt hurt and crumple like a Libtard. It’s ok if people don’t like me, I don’t live my life making it a point to please others. If I do great, if not? I truly don’t care, they can think and say what they want too. I am not so shallow that I don’t know I can learn from anyone. I read all posts with an effort to try and learn and discuss what is happening. I came here for sure as a refugee from Reddit, And am grateful for a place to vent and discuss Q and the meaning of his posts as well as a myriad of other opinions and thoughts on what is happening. I enjoy The Great Awakening sub here as well. Anyhow, we try to be polite and respectful to stay on point and that lends a welcoming vibe for all to the board. I like that. I also like the kick ass take no prisoners vibe of other free speaking subs. It’s the beauty of free speech we must ALL be aware is at stake right now and instead of bashing each other? Accept that we all want our freedoms to remain in tact and we all are aware of what the DS is trying to do and we as Americans are fighting back. It’s ok to have different styles and such, as long as we respect that we are ALL fighting for the USA way of life.

Tallest_Skil ago

I am sorry you feel that way.

You are a traitor to the republic.

I am very open minded.

You ban and delete everything truth that goes against your zionist neoconservative civic nationalist brainwashing.

However I am totally a hard liner on illegal immigrants

Kill all spics. You will never say that sentence. You do not have a hard line. You are a cuckold. WHAT IF THE SPIC IS “LEGAL”? YOU LOVE IT. YOU CHERISH IT. YOU WANT IT TO BE HERE MORE THAN YOU WANT WHITES TO BE HERE. YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT AMERICA AT ALL.

I came here for sure as a refugee from Reddit

So shut the fuck up, follow our rules, and pray to your false god Q-LARP that we don’t deport you. You’re here because we allow it and ONLY because we allow it, you hypocritical sack of shit.

discuss Q and the meaning of his posts

Fun fact: Your god is a proven hoax and no one is coming to save you. Legitimately kill yourself.

Anyhow, we try to be polite and respectful to stay on point and that lends a welcoming vibe for all to the board.


we all are aware of what the DS is trying to do and we as Americans are fighting back.


It’s ok to have different styles

No. It isn’t.

Svetlana ago

Fuck off.

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 4 days telling others to fuck off

Mmm… No. Reported for being a paid shill and for posting proven hoaxes. Commit suicide immediately.

You personally support white genocide. You personally support the ZOG. You personally support fiat currency. You personally support multiculturalism. You personally support the destruction of Western society. You are openly a traitor to the United States.

Thank you for admitting that Q is not real.

Svetlana ago

I will say what I want when I want! Who the fuck are you? Some half wit who ‘plans’ attacks like a JR high girl? FUCK OFF!

maxoverdrive ago

Fuck off. You sound like a Jim Jones-style cultist. If you assholes weren't so fucking stupid you'd give me the goddamn creeps....

fellowWhiteGuy ago

no need for ass kissing in here, no one cares

Svetlana ago

I am not kissing anyones ass. I am who I am. I don’t Bitch and nag, but nor do I cower either. I speak my peace and that’s that. I don’t need your approval or anyone’s. I approve of myself.

Problematic ago

You’re against immigration and have no love for Muslims, but I bet fag weddings bring a tear to your eye and that you believe Israel belongs to the Jews who are the ‘chosen’.

It doesn’t surprise me that gullible boomers who can barely go five minutes on the internet without being defrauded would fall for a shitty Chan LARP started by a adderal addicted guy called microchip.

It’s your shit generation that put us in this mess.

Svetlana ago

I don’t go to weddings or funerals.

This mess has been created over multiple generations. Not one. Perhaps you start to read and do some research before you start shit talking like a ‘participation trophy’ ignorant millennial. Sit your ass down.

Problematic ago

How many failed marriages have you had? Have fun dying in a shithole nursing home neglected by uncaring niggers.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Text wall

AR47 ago

Take it from a person that has been here since the beginning. This too shall pass, and all this shit you see is a power struggle between the old and the new. Each time an influx happens there is cancer more from reddit that seek to divide the group.

Then there is always Voat users that stoke the fires by name calling and then claim it is a defense mechanism to weed out liberals. It is nothing of the sort. Voat was set up as a catchment basin for the undesirable of reddit.

It is always been the plan.

kalgon ago


Drakgan ago


armday2day ago

That's good.

Please use paragraphs.

Svetlana ago

You are right. I will fix it. LOL!

bb22 ago

You try to be faggots is more like it. Go back to reddit with your essay posts and “um actually” bullshit.

TemetNosce ago

THANK YOU!!! I can downvote these pukes here, but CAN'T downvote on that new sub. Assholes telling me to be polite, fuck them. I'll downvote them here and everywhere else. EVERYONE OF THOSE idiots been members for less than 3 days. Truly, fuck them.

Svetlana ago

I wouldn’t want you to be anything but who you are. I don’t expect anyone to change to conform. I like the fire and ice some people have. I wish I had that kind of wit and snark. But I don’t.

bb22 ago

That's why I say, they are literally worse than niggers. They'll use all our resources and then tell us how to fucking behave. They can fuck right off with that kike faggot bullshit.

Politiskep ago

Isn't /v/theawakening like 20 hours old? Doesn't it make it fucking obvious that they're comped if they don't just file in on the existing voat community here?

TemetNosce ago

Yep, start hovering over usernames here, and downvote accordingly. I am waiting any minute now on a ban, cause I'm telling ALL them new fags to kindly fuck right off.

Charilko ago

What happened on Reddit this time, again?

TemetNosce ago

The great awakening and ALL Q subs got banned from reddit yesterday.

GreyAlien ago

so whats my account obvious of? you seem to have spread it far and wide, but can't answer my question.

Dalai_Llama ago

I think it's embaarrassing to watch a bunch of retarded faggots inaugurate themselves with the "awakened" epithet when they were too dense to even realize that they were broadcasting all of their personal data to a website that is operated by the very people they seek to deligitimize. It's like they saw a bunch of niggers who do that exact same thing; that is: usurp control of their caretakers' most prized forums in order to bite the hand that feeds them. The only difference is, kikes fund initiatives to guilt us into letting parasitic hordes of mud devour our ancestral institutions while these "awakening" reddit fags are merely a JIDF set up attempting to hijack a threat to globalist new world hegemony.

CouldBeTrump ago


It's a process, give them time.

ManyPockets ago

...time to feel the sting of refusal, intolerance of misinformation, rejection of forced views and a rope long enough to hang themselves?

Sounds nice.

The_Savant ago

Do not give them time to do anything. Make them change. If they stay on voat long enough with the "no racism", "don't divide the movement" and "This is designed to be exactly the same as r/GA," they will turn this website into Reddit and we'll ALL be censored eventually - possibly through mass downvoating from sensitive commie fags. I can see it already, those who aren't ready to adapt will try to conquer and then we all lose our free speech.

Xyz4u ago

Give me one good reason why waltzing around calling anyone and everyone a faggot nigger is going to enhance your life? We already have freedom of speech here and if you need to say it then fucking say it. But to say it and say nothing else makes you a fucking REAL nigger faggot.

Ocelot ago

You totally missed his point. The longer these fucking losers are left here, the more they will pozz the rest of the site.

MyDrunkAccount ago

*gay niggers

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I just assumed they’re all like that guy from A Beautiful Mind.

BleedTheMachines ago

@doom1776 probably banned me tons in the GA subreddit. fucking good riddance to that censor-loving piece of shit and his kike friends.

hangry ago

I got this response from a newfag today: "I know you think voat is “your” corner of the internet, but all of the 75k reddit great awakening followers just got here and like it or not your “niggerfaggot” culture is going to change."

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the site owner personally allows this and will defend redditors instead of us.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahahahaha....truth hurts so bad doesn't it douche bag? WWG1WGA.....GET USE TO IT. we aint going anywhere....LOL

IrbyTremors ago

These fags couldn't handle reddit, they have no chance here

gonadsofsteel ago

that's retardedniggerfaggot to you son.. don't kukike yourself.

hang_em_high ago

Whats the username?

hangry ago


13815357? ago

He said all that with a cock in his mouth?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its been a long time cuming.

Tacops777 ago

Look niggerfaggot... I AM VOAT OFFICIAL JEW and you better stop being a niggerfaggy kike or you are going to get burned to death here... nothing is going to change around here and you are a fucking nigger refugee faggut kike. So please be polite you white trash liberal faggot and say "thank you".

Ps : fag!

hangry ago

Shit after six months you can do better than that. Besides, I'm not the writer of the post, I am quoting him.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

We shall see about that :) I went ahead and made a brand new account special just for these kikes

hangry ago


maxoverdrive ago

Wow, like we haven't seen that before! Yawn.

voltronsdicks ago

sounds like his bagels need more oven time. we can definitely fix that.

Boyakasha ago

75k my ass. Maybe 1k. The others are typical faggot redditors who are afraid of words.

jewlie ago

Remember QLARPers are mainly JIDF. They are going to have a bad time here. v/thegreatawakening is mostly full of boomers that just want to make a change but don't know how to other than looking at the presidents tweets. This v/greatawakening sub is all the jews playing jew tricks from reddit. It's bad enough that people believe in this larp but to not see that it is jew run is another fucking level of stupidity man.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is exactly how v/thepedes behaved and we pushed their shit right back down their stupid throats

IGiveZeroFucks ago

This is war.

kneo24 ago

Which new transniggerkikefaggot was it? Post a screenshot of it.

hangry ago

uvulectomy ago

Care to name the particular jew?

uvulectomy ago

Wow. What a massive faggot, lol.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I just got here from redshit and didn’t know this site existed. Someone already (from here) told me that I should maybe tone down my niggerfaggot comments. I’m pretty sure I will assimilate just fine as long as the Jews, niggers, and faggots don’t take control.

GasRite ago

Hope you told that fag to neck himself

Welcome to Voat!

oldzeke ago

When I first got here I would've agreed with that person. Today I would happily tell the kike to gas himself. It keeps out the weak-minded and keeps the sort who should stay.

Cat-hax ago

you are trying to hard

oldzeke ago

I would've thought that as well. You may get it in time.

Rotteuxx ago

Who ?


Fuck that.

HillarysTongueHole ago

Now that’s fucking weird... I just commented in a thread about that Barbra Lerner Spectre bitch and that sounds oddly close to what she says about letting niggers into Europe.

Oy vey GTFO kike newfags

NoisyCricket ago

your “niggerfaggot” culture is going to change."

This is why your mother hates you and everyone kicks your dog. You may not realize it but you just declared that you hate liberty and human rights.

Think about it: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2716255/13807531

If anyone's culture MUST change, it's yours. Support human rights and not pro-communist Marxism.

Whitemail ago

Human rights sounds really good until you find out white/European people aren't considered human.

hangry ago

Hey dude, I'm quoting the invader, those aren't my words.

NoisyCricket ago

Sorry man. Not my intent to mislead. I very clearly see now that I misread. My apology. I'll keep the comment as hopefully it will be useful for others to see.

hangry ago

np fellow niggerfaggot

Azurenightsky ago

Man, y'all actually apologizing and shit. This faggotry is a culture I can get behind.

shrink ago

Are these the fucking mongoloids who also praise Trump for wanting a wall? For fuck's sake, the hypocrisy.

mattathias ago

Do you have a front door? Do you lock it at night? A fence? Do you lock your car door? For fucks sake. It this the result of Common Core? Wow.


Tacops777 ago

Do you fucking see these fuckers coming in all fucking proudfaggy n shit... unreal

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahahaha...you are so triggered douche voat queen.....unreal...is this a liberal site?

Lilchadthunderguns ago

A wall to keep dirty beaner rapists out is an idea I can get behind, landmines would be better

Plavonica ago

A wall set back 100yard from the border with manned towers with M249s and .50 cals. Patrolled by big men with scary dogs, with geologists testing the ground underneath for tunnels. And all overseen by spy sats/drones.

With orders to shoot on sight.

Lilchadthunderguns ago

Too lethal the aim should be to maim and wound to overload their healthcare system

Plavonica ago

Haha! Nice idea but they are overwhelmed with their constant drug wars anyways. Besides, you can't shoot to maim in the middle of a firefight, it just doesn't work for your average joe. SpecForces might be able to, but we really don't want them just sitting on a wall all day.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Mexicans have a genetic force via the border control applying pressure on their gene pool as such a mexican is scientifically proven to 17% more damage resistant to non energy type weapons.

N3DM ago

What are you talking about? A wall to protect the border is, what, like ban-happy mods?

shrink ago

We don't like or want illegal immigrants, or many immigrants of ANY kind, to swarm into the country, who then refuse to assimilate and hold onto the culture of the place they just left for greener pastures. In many cases, those browner pastures they evacuated were shit because of their culture, amongst other factors. You don't barge into someone's house for a better life because they live in a mansion, and then start dictating that they have to respect your lifestyle choices and way of doing things. Their house, your rules? No.

Do you see the parallel here?

N3DM ago

I missed the connection you were trying to make. It looked like the insult was direct at the desire for the wall, which seemed weird.

Rotteuxx ago

Same here, you're not alone

N3DM ago

I would have phrased it as:

Do these fucking mongoloids also praise Trump...


SacramentoRebel ago

He is going to have a bad time

TheTrigger ago

I can't wait for those newbs to run in to me, in a comment thread; been working on a few new insults. Some real psychological torture shit.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

im here...lets hear some of them, voat queen....it better be good because you built them up just like you did hillhog's victory in 2016!

Anonomus911 ago

You folks cuss like 6 year olds just learning how to cuss. You'd think you'd be better at it, since that mostly what I see here. I'm a 'salty sailor' so it doesn't bother me. My wife cusses better then the folks here.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahahahahaha...so true......wwg1wga

library_of_stupid ago

The reason why communities with freedom of speech usually turn into dens full of Nazis is because we don't get triggered, unlike the liberals. They need to ban us to get rid of us, we merely need to call them names.

mattathias ago

Obvious this whole board is triggered by the refugees. Lulz.


Tacops777 ago

JEWS IN OVENS LIKE ME DON'T EVEN GET TRIGGERED... that is reserved to faggy kikeniggers of the normie lands. If you want to survive here. Quit being a fag reddit fag...

thisistotallynotme ago

the best bad time, though. It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

hangry ago


everlastingphelps ago

They can't get to the shore without a Soros employee holding their hand so... the analogy holds.

IheartSwimming ago


  • Comes to your country

  • Subverts government and institutions

  • You try to stop it

  • AntiSemitism

mattathias ago

We even control the clouds and weather.


BleedTheMachines ago

one of the main rules in the GA subreddit was against antisemitism. that specificity is only necessary if the mods have something to protect regarding kikes. there is a reason they love Israel in that sub.

TheTrigger ago

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

I have been criticizing you non stop, you clearly rule over nothing cuck boy racist voat queen... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

thisistotallynotme ago

/r/GreatAwakening refugee trolling for CCP ^^^

you idiots fell for it.

BleedTheMachines ago

i didnt fall for shit fuckstein. im glad the GA sub got deleted, fucking shitshow of an echochamber

thisistotallynotme ago

> Member for 5.5 hours
> CCP: 37

That's too damn high. downvoated.

BleedTheMachines ago

you could just take a look at my comment history and that would explain itself away. fucking idiot.

Problematic ago

Fucking boomers

jewlie ago

yup, see my above posts. Boomers just don't know better. The jew tricks are so deeply engraved in their brains they can never tell when they are being tricked. QLARP is another huge example of this. Along with "CNN is fake news!" but then they post something from fox news like that part of the MSM doesn't lie. Boomers get stuck in their ways, that is their biggest down fall. These are the people that had to have there 8 year olds "fix" the VCR from blinking 12:00

Problematic ago

I agree completely.

Boomers get stuck in their ways, that is their biggest down fall.

Especially with this. Boomers don’t want to change, but couldn’t even if they did want to.

They are a jew-souled generation. Their parents didn’t get divorced, but finding a boomer that didn’t abandon their first wife and kids is rarer than unicorns. Their parents didn’t allow for fag marriage, sodomy parades in the public square, abortion, no prayer in schools. But Boomers under their watch brought broken homes, free love (aka sodomy and chemsex), perverted larpers in the little girl’s bathroom, worship of niggerball, and just a complete failure to conserve anything wholesome about this once great nation.

And the thing is they don’t even care. “Who cares what world we leave our children and grandchildren as long my social security, prescription meds, and SSRI’s keep comin’”, says the opiod-addled boomer. Note that they received an inheritance, but they are blowing their kid’s inheritance on boats, RVs, Harley’s, and carriage homes.

They will soon be in a nursing home neglected by the uncaring niggers pets they love.

jewlie ago

Thank you so much this sums up everything I always say. Def a screencap. And it isn't about "creating a divide" with the generations as boomers like to say (because again they are stuck in there ways and it is never their fault), it's more about calling each other out on our generational issues that we couldn't exactly control. I am a millennial, and yes my generation is full of snowflakes and faggots, who raised them? Boomers. I always love questioning who raised them when they bring this up, they always try to blame it on gen x lol. That would be a lot of underage babies going on.

3dk ago

BleedTheMachines ago


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


IGiveZeroFucks ago

Machine gun the boats.

C_Corax ago

I wasn't impressed by The_Donald or The_Pedes, but in hindsight they may just have been misguided. In comparison at least. These are just retards we're dealing with.

freedumbz ago

The_Pedes was fucking hilarious imo. They were going all about business as usual until the first bullshit ban hit the front page and the mods realized their actions were open and being watched and they couldn't do a thing about it.

bb22 ago

They’re the leftovers of the leftover retards who still hadnt been banned on reddit. Just because we have free speech doesn’t mean we cater to every faggot, especially when they set up subs that violate our free speech policy.

anoncastillo ago

@HenryCorp has been doing that for years and is somehow still here. Can we gas him too?

bb22 ago

Sure, why not. Just like with niggers, they're tolerable only as long as they're minorities.

TemetNosce ago

Faggots telling me to watch my language and be polite. FUCK THEM. They just got to voat 2-5 hours ago telling me that shit. Fuck them.

Tacops777 ago

THE OFFICIAL VOAT JEW AGREES! They are faggs... burn in oven or executions out of helicopters! They are low level nazi... they try to like free speech until they reach Voat...

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

fuck voat...this site is gay as fuck....you little racist bitches in here circle jerking to shit talking the jews and gassing them like you would do a fucking thing if given the chance. you cuck boys are keyboard bitches waiting for mom to finish washing your shit stained underwear knowing the whole time you would never, have never, and will never do a single fucking thing except butt fuck each other at the drop of a hat....suck my balls....GA is here to stay...watch us take over this site....WWG1WGA

Tacops777 ago

Go play wwg1wga on 8 chan... please do your masters a service follow them to 8chan. Fuck off nigger. No need of antis here.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

nah, I think we will stay right here and watch all you triggered racist cry your eyes out and cuss like 3rd graders. I will thoroughly enjoy taking over "your" douche bag no pussy getting site...GO FUCK YOURSELF FUCKBOI....WWG1WGA bitch!!!

Tacops777 ago

Eyes not so open. You a jew trying to be cool and come play with the independent people... your sub sahara wife told your sandnigger lovin mom that : YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING HOOOOOE, YOU LOVE IT!

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

Don't look now, but your 3rd grade education is on display for all your butt buddies to see. im actually a Christian. regardless of that point which I am certain you didn't understand, you might very well be the absolute dumbest sister fucking inbred pole smoker on this site. you are barely able to put sentences together. all of which are riddled with grammatical errors. please don't make me put your mother on the key board, you will have to wait a minute though, she is currently gagging on my balls. she will call you back!
P.S. your break is over at the glory hole....back to work...slurp slurp slurp.... cuck boy!

Tacops777 ago

Bitch am Jewish and here at Voat Jews gas Jews like Soros everyfucking day. You do not undetstand Voat nor you have any idea where you are, what you are doing.

Little boy, I suggest you fuck off to 8chan and fast. You are a tit sucking sandnigger.


IGiveZeroFucks ago

All while using up precious voat bandwidth.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Salvini we need you!

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

We also need Pinochet!

Tacops777 ago


SyriansAreTerrorists ago

The entire v/theawakening mod team need to be shoved into an oven

Tacops777 ago

THE OFFICIAL VOAT JEW will gladly purify this place.. i built a large OVEN with a turbo on it... add sandniggers for extra spice!

TheDonaldTrump ago

shoved into the back of the Qfag oven


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Look the mods weigh easy 1.3M worth of people and i think we should bury them and dig them up later in the spring and put them on firepits we can make from the local rails without allocating for lumber logistics like wood storage but it will all work out because the really gay mods will burn hot enough to keep the others lit throughout the night trust me fam.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago


library_of_stupid ago

Ban them, ban their alts, nuke their subvoat and salt the earth.

voltronsdicks ago

this is one holocaust i can definitely get behind. http://magaimg.net/img/65l6.jpg burn the reddit fags to the ground.

Conway ago

If criticism of your argument results in you having to ban those critical of your argument you don't have an argument you have a fantasy or a delusion.

Sword-and-Shield ago


magic3383 ago

Chimneys blow them high like bottle rockets.

magic3383 ago

Chimneys blow them high like bottle rockets.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Oh vey

bb22 ago

They’re using OUR SERVERS to be this fucking gay too.

Too big of a burden on servers for too much pussy faggotry.

If they don’t get the message, ban their sub.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......is this election day all over again? LOL

bb22 ago

You’re exactly like a nigger on welfare. I enjoyed Election Day, and welfare and food stamps are going down, nigger.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

you do realize there are more white americans on welfare than blacks right, you dumb butt fuck....your liberal double talk exposes you for the enormous herpes infested pussy you must have. I loved watching all you bitch boys cry your eyes out when we elected Trump. the only reason you and your mom are not on welfare anymore is because she picked up more shifts at the glory hole in the last trailer at the park where you and her live.... suck my balls fuck boy...we aint going anyware! WWG1WGA bitch

bb22 ago

Learn what the words “per capita” mean. Blacks are only 15% of the total population but are tremendously over-represented in all kinds of terrible things. This is Voat and I shouldn’t have to explain this basic level of things to a Reddit faggot.

Trump is going to end up making you cry if you keep thinking like a 1960s boomer faggot. What did Trump say? The Space Force will be “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL.” What exactly do you think that means you tremendous fucking nigger?

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

I voted for Trump you butt pirate. per capita doesn't mean shit when you are talking total numbers of americans on welfare and government assistance. I was born in the 70's cock smoker. Trump has done everything I wanted him to do which is why I voted for him. so according to your back woods inbred ass clown mentality, you think Trump is saying the "space force" will be all white blonde blue eye soldiers? how fucking dumb are you. you need to get you butt buddies balls out of your eyes because you sound like a fucking retard.... explain to me? sounds like you need it explained to you, you racist cuck boy cock guzzling key board warrior. you are not shit, the Arian race is not shit, skynard fucking sucks, the kkk is a bigger minority than trans sexuals....you are nothing but a has been dumb fuck who loves sucking dicks and then pretends to hate fags....so typical. fuck you and every other bitch ass cuck boy just like you on this douche bag site...you cry like your mother when im balls deep in her dug out ass......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

bb22 ago

I’m not surprised you were born in the 70s you brainwashed faggot. You obviously grew up hearing nothing but Jewish propaganda on TV and have shit for brains as a result of it. Per capita definitely matters when 15% of the population commits 50% of violent crime. Have you ever even seen a world IQ map?

Not surprised that you were too stupid to get the “separate but equal” reference. He’s not talking about the Space Force being only white guys you numbnuts. Where have you heard the phrase “separate but equal” before? Can you remember back to your school days faggot or are you too old? Why would Trump use that SPECIFIC language? Do you think Trump said that by accident? Do you know what freedom of association is?

Talk about a cuck, you can’t even deal with race realism without melting down into a giant whimpering faggot. Trump came along too late to save your dumb ass from yourself, but he’ll still see that Brown vs Board of Education is overturned just like Roe vs Wade will be overturned, and you can bitch and moan like the giant pussy that you are. Maybe you want to go guzzle some nigger cum to protest?

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahahaha....wow you are one gigantic dumb fucking cuck boy. so many questions you ask and yet you still haven't given us your 2nd grade explanation of what Trump's "separate but equal" space force comment meant. maybe you need to get the spooge out of your ears, and listen this time......I VOTED FOR TRUMP GAY BOY!!!! you have got to be this gay ass site's dumbest butt fucker. hold on, your mom has something she wants to say, "stop sucking on the dogs dick and clean the basement like I told you! I will be home as soon as I clean my face"

bb22 ago

Bonus video: skip to 2:15 and listen to Trump brag about his German blood: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nj6fUaf49Y

Trump says his intelligence and success is due to his good genetics, and he’s a “gene believer.”

Is race genetic or are you too stupid to figure that out?

Btw calling me a cuck when you won’t even say nigger just makes you look retarded, like you don’t even know what the word means, you stupid old faggot.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

im german you gigantic pussy....you just keep looking more and more like a retard every time you post...amazing

bb22 ago

You’re German like the giant pussies that are inviting hordes of sandniggers into Germany to destroy it. Germans today are just about as bad as modern Brits if not worse.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

you are the dumbest of all time. you are most definitely gay as hell. so much dick on your breath. LOL

bb22 ago

Gay people have feelings too. How come you're such an edgy bad ass that you talk shit about gay people.... but can't say NIGGER?

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

i don't do either. my insults pertain exclusively to you and you alone cock smoker...all these things you feel safe in your moms basement saying through a screen only solidifies the fact you are nothing but a giant pussy who would never say the same things in public. you know it and I know it. as soon as you come to terms with that, unfortunately you will still suck terribly at being a human. you are on a retard level yet to be discovered...congrats cuck boy!

bb22 ago

You just don’t hear it in public because you hang out with the fucking soy dads at the Mexican bar like the fucking retard that you are. If someone did say nigger around you in public you’d probably get red in the face and say something stupid until somebody busted your gay face. Btw I heard your wife likes nigger dick.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

you and I both know you will do neither of the two. that's why you hide behind a computer screen. what kind of dumb ass would start a fight with someone because their site was shut down and to avoid letting the ass fucks sensor what we are doing, we chose to come here, which has nothing to do with your little racist circle jerking you do with the rest of your butt pirates hiding in mom's basement because you aint man enough to take your words to the street. you know im right as you sit there and think about what lie you are going to tell to try and convince me and your butt buddies you actually say these things in public....c'mon cuck boy, try honesty for a change....mommy will be proud of you as soon as I send her on her way. she has a messy face right now...I call it the sunny side up!

bb22 ago

So let me get this straight. If I don’t yell “nigger” loudly in public places, I’m a pussy, and yet you don’t have the balls to say it even quietly to yourself. And you’re somehow a boomer macho man? Is that it, Randy Savage? You brain has been rotting since all those slim jims you binged on back then huh you old nigger lover?

Your wife is taking nigger dick behind your back and soon your whole family will be, because you all love niggers and hate white people and their privilege so much, and even homosexuality is better than saying the word nigger, and you’d rather have a homo son who takes the nigger dick huh you old hippy faggot?

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

well, you are finally getting the first part. thank you for admitting you are a pussy in mom's basement. im not a racist, which is why I don't say it anywhere. your insults are pathetically hilarious... it is like you are 10 years old and heard those words a week ago. LOL...so fun to watch you try and act tough as you hide in mom's basement. let me know when you get the balls out of your throat and go up to a black man and call him that....never gunna happen...making you a gigantic pussy with a keyboard....cuck boy

bb22 ago

Actually you are a racist. You’re an anti-white cuck that is terrified to assert the same rights and privileges as other races, and you implicitly support the white genocide agenda. You probably have fantasies of big black men dicking you in the ass while you apologize for slavery. You also happen to be really fucking retarded for not having figured this out already.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

I am white you stupid fuck. do you literally have no brains. you are such a typical liberal. you are pathetically hilarious...please keep responding....the entertainment is incredible....we are all getting such a good laugh at your ignorance.

bb22 ago

You’re not white, you’re a retarded nigger who hates white people and wants mixed grandchildren, because “everyone is equal in all ways.”

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahaha, you couldn't be more desperate than you are right now. I love the fact you keep down voting me...fucking hilarious cuck boy

bb22 ago

I’m doing my part to contain the Reddit trash and making sure it doesn’t contaminate the rest of the site, you nigger. It’s my patriotic duty as a white American goat.

bb22 ago

I literally just explained to you what it meant but I guess Brown vs Board of Education is just some vaguely meaningless words you dumb fucking boomer.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

no you didn't...tell me exactly what your stupid ass thinks Trump meant by what he said...don't act like you hero Don Lemmon and try and relate it to some supreme court case...use your own worlds dick mouth.,

bb22 ago

Goddamn man you are thick as a brick. Never mind, just forget about it and go back to talking shit about fags like the good little politically correct nigger that you are.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

thank you for proving you have no answer to my question , but instead would rather cry your racist liberal eyes out while spitting my ball juice though your 5 teeth....WWG1WGA cuck boy...hahahahahahaha

bb22 ago

You literally don't know what Brown vs Board of Education is, or even how to use Google, do you, you fucking retard?


EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahaha....thanks for proving my point....you are the poster girl for liberalism....SMH

bb22 ago

It was liberals that had Brown vs Board of Education before the court in the first place you brain dead retard. Go suck some nigger dicks you fucking pansy. Be sure to put some hippy flowers in your hair gurrrrl.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

your insults are getting weaker and weaker....you can only be a closet racist for so long cuck boy. do you French kiss your father with that mouth...LOL

bb22 ago

I’m not a closer racist you retard, I say nigger all the time and talk about how single black moms are baby making machines on welfare, which is a fucking fact. Just because I don’t say “FUCK NIGGERS” as soon as I walk up to people doesn’t make me a “closet racist” you fucking moronic baboon. You’re seriously stupider than a lot of niggers, so don’t feel too bad about me hating them. I’d probably hate the fuck out of your retarded old ass too. It’s dumbasses like you who are making whites go extinct in the first place, even in our own historical countries.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

young girl, you clearly don't know what closet racist means....you can scream it at the top of your cum drenched lungs all you want in mom's basement, but if nobody can hear you, it means nothing. im saying you are too much of a pussy to go down on the corner of your trailer park or in the hood where your mother works the glory hole and scream it so the people your screaming about can hear it...being a keyboard racist demonstrates the size of your pussy. you don't say it in public because you are scared of being pummeled within inches of your life for saying it....thus making you a CLOSET RACIST...if I could I would draw you a picture I would, because you clearly don't get it. cuck boy

bb22 ago

You’re just mad because it’s slowly dawning on you what a pussy you are. You can’t say nigger anywhere, period, because you’re afraid some jungle bunny is going to swing his fists at you. You gay faggot.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahaha. you are sooooooooooooo pathetic....you are literally repeating what I said to you in the last email for why you are too petrified to be racist in public where your mother works the glory hole...all you did was add more racist wording. you are literally, and I mean literally, the definition of a racist pussy liberal cuck soy boy. the size of your pussy rivals that of the grand canyon. hahahahahaha...soy boy

bb22 ago

You call posts emails? Holy shit I didn’t realize I was arguing with a literal retard. It explains a lot actually. You’re wearing a helmet while using the Internet right you retarded nigger?

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

no I wear a helmet when I blasting your mother because she has this one big tittie that is bigger than the other....I call her cripple nipple

bb22 ago

You SHOULD wear a helmet, especially around niggers, so they’ll realize you’re retarded and won’t rob you. Then again, they did abduct a white retarded boy and torture him live on Facebook in Chicago, so actually that probably wouldn’t stop them either.

lifes-not-fair ago

Its like you allow one nigger in, they will bring in the whole family. While I don't support banning, I don't want to see VOAT go down because of these shitheads. This sub needs to have a 10 second timeout for anyone posting or accessing it.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Honestly we should just sneak up and give them the old dick twist


ask yourselves guys. would we ban a sub full of niggers spreading communism..... uh yeah. I should hope so... ADOLF would....

bb22 ago

The alternative is to keep paying for Voat servers to take on all the Reddit-tier refugees of the world. I thought we were overwhelmingly against that kind of retardation in public policy?

MrPim ago

We are against that. We just deal w it personally. No admins, no bans, just the wrath of goats.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

What? Can't get your cursor to click on the Block button? Normie.

bb22 ago

I don't block people, I call them niggers repeatedly, and occasionally foreskin eaters.

jewlie ago

I wouldn't say ban because that goes against what we stand for. We would be just as bad as reddit. Keep calling out the bullshit and fuck with them. That's what I have been doing. QLARPers are mainly JIDF. They can only take being called a kike and called out on their bullshit to a certain point before they break.

bb22 ago

Telling them you're going to ban them and actually banning them are two different things, and I have promoted you to a new depth of faggotry for actually having to explain this. By the way, how many people do you think I've ever actually banned here?

jewlie ago

If they don’t get the message, ban their sub.

That is what I saw, just stating my 2cents. This migration is by far the worst we have had. I just don't want to see voat going down a slippery banning slope is all. This v/theawakening sub is bad fucking news. This is a shill breeding ground giving ccp to each other. They will start downvoating our normal everyday posts. QLARPers are too stupid to see through this JIDF psy-op bullshit so it is up to us to call out the jews and keep our small bastion of free speech safe.

bb22 ago

Like I said, you'll be banned soon after, nigger. Now cry all over again because I said the word "ban."

jewlie ago

I just want to keep voat safe. Go fuck yourself, that word doesn't belong here. If you were a true goat you would know that.

bb22 ago

When I first came here people were getting banned left and right out of the pizzagate subvoat. It took months for the mods to get sacked. Stop crying like a fucking faggot before I not only ban you but cut your whole empty sack out from between your legs.

jewlie ago

Then I'll just go on one of my other accounts. Eat my sack faggot.

Le_Squish ago

I like how you are trying to walk-back your semitic position after getting rebuked.

The whole "I didn't mean BAN THEM, ban them", ploy ain't gonna save you.

bb22 ago

Save me from what you faggot? Oh yeah, you fucking nigger genius, you got me. I had my ban hammer ready here to whole time to ban all of them. The only mystery is why I didn't use it sooner. What African tribe are you the head scientist of, king nigger? Because you have a majestic nigger brain rolling around in that encephalitic head of yours.

Le_Squish ago

Nice ad hominem.

All you got is insults when you got caught acting like a jew.

bb22 ago

You didn't know your father, did you?

Le_Squish ago

More adhominen. Sorry, I got that daddy privilege and you still got caught being a slimy jew.

bb22 ago

I think the part where you're confused is you think I'm taking any of this seriously right now. You're a nigger.

Le_Squish ago

And as shitty as niggers are they have never made white people actually carryout plans to eradicate them from the earth.

Nigger>Jew. Deal with it.

White_pride_cis ago

Or... you know... censorship is for liberal faggots

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, you cocksucking faggot.





White_pride_cis ago

Can you point to where you fall on the spectrum?

Tallest_Skil ago

There is no spectrum. There is heterosexuality and there is mental illness.

Thanks for admitting that you personally support subs which exist solely to rape children, to steal bandwidth from the site and block truth from being posted, and which seek to censor anything that goes against the jewish narrative.

White_pride_cis ago

I didn’t agree to anything, other than you fall somewhere on the Autism spectrum. I am assuming somewhere towards the severe end.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that everything I said is fact. Fuck off, yidlover.

White_pride_cis ago

Did the old paint taste the best because it is sweeter?

library_of_stupid ago

Censorship is only wrong when used against humans. Liberals aren't human.

bb22 ago

How much did you donate for the Voat servers this month?

White_pride_cis ago

How is your question relevant? But please, let’s hear the virtue signaling.

bb22 ago

It's relevant because this website doesn't exist as if by magic you fucking welfare nigger, and you don't think Voat exists to cater to redditfags either do you?

maxoverdrive ago

Jesus H., you just can't stop being a kike faggot, can you?

White_pride_cis ago

It absolutely doesn’t exist for Reddit fags. Why would think it does? Is that your goal? To come into my house and shit everywhere?

bb22 ago

So the next time you try to log in to Voat, and the website is fucking crashed because of an overload of Reddit faggots, and then it finally comes back up, but it's spammed with bullshit from a faggot sub that literally bans anyone for saying nigger.... You would have to be retarded to want to make these people feel comfortable here. We know Voat had to run "THE DONALD" off already right?

White_pride_cis ago

So how does not banning people, doing EXACTLY what Reddit did, mean that I want people to be comfortable? That doesn’t make sense. They will get downvoated and eventually go back to Reddit. Okay... bye!

bb22 ago


White_pride_cis ago

What is BAI?

bb22 ago

Sorry, I thought you were still speaking faggot and I was trying to communicate the word "bye" to you.

Redpilleveryone ago

"ban their sub."

You're not a goat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, you cocksucking faggot.





Redpilleveryone ago

Sane is that you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument.

Thanks for admitting that you personally support subs which exist solely to rape children, to steal bandwidth from the site and block truth from being posted, and which seek to censor anything that goes against the jewish narrative.

olltre ago

member for 6 months ok shlomo

EarlPoncho ago

2.2 years lmao what are you

hang_em_high ago

6 month member gets it way more than you do. Go censor somewhere else you piece of shit. Honestly just kill yourself thanks.

olltre ago

ive got more days on my account than both you combined, so suck my cock, respect your elders bitch

hang_em_high ago

And you have nothing to say. Great job spending 2.2 years to be a useless nigger though, keep it up!

77777 ago

Goats are an obvious satanic recerence. As are the triangle (pyramid) shapes in the logo. Calling voat users gosts is also EXTREMELY cringey.

culturalrealism ago

A goat is a simply an animal to me, and a triangle simply a shape.

Freedom of speech lets us take away their power over words and images.

Over time, we can (and will) make those words and symbols meaningless, lost to our irreverence.

The cabal doesn't get to own fucking triangles and goats for the rest of time.

I'd stab Baphomet in its hideous tits and make its hide a fucking rug in my winter cabin.

I'd throw the head in a dumpster, next to Marina Abramovich's sharts-on-canvas.

I'd summon the devil, just to kick him in the balls and laugh.

There is literally only one thing to fear in this world and life - figure it out.

77777 ago

Dumb response. Im not going to adopt satanist symbols and claim to be taking the power back. Thats so stupid.

culturalrealism ago

Why do you want to protect triangles and goats for them?

Why do you willingly give them exactly what they want?

Because you're a clueless faggot - that's why.

77777 ago

You think going around calling other Christ believers faggots is the way to act?

chuckletrousers ago

You think going around calling other Christ believers faggots is the way to act?

What do you call it when somebody's too wimpy to stand on their own two feet to the point where they need to imagine some sort of sky-daddy to look after them ?

culturalrealism ago

Don't change the subject, faggot.

77777 ago

I dont do what trannies tell me to do.

olltre ago

you have to go back to reddit

77777 ago


IGiveZeroFucks ago

Is Putt a tranny though?

77777 ago

In utero ftm probably.

bb22 ago

Been a goat longer than you, cock chugger. We'll ban you next you faggot.

swinston79 ago

Take your niggerfaggot ass back to reddit fag.

hang_em_high ago

Oh being here longer means more power? You can censor and ban what you want as long as your time here is more than others? Can you even type a sentence without contradicting yourself. FUCK YOU.

bb22 ago

Be careful, the steam coming out of your ears is building.

maxoverdrive ago

If time here is how you measure worthiness, then compared to me you're a fucking newfag. Go back to Israel, you fucking ban-happy kike....

Artofchoke ago

You are wrong, and you are gay. I'll remember your name, kid.

hang_em_high ago

Absolutely. I hate to block people but the past couple days I feel it has been necessary.

Redpilleveryone ago

You have a Semitic soul. I came here when half the world lost a month or two of sleep wikileaks 2016/pizzagate. Been here longer than you and I have never seen anyone call for banning anyone or anything save Sane. If they did they were shills.

fuckingmockies ago

And even Sane had plenty of people who didn't want him banned even though he bugged them.

Redpilleveryone ago

Yep. Free speech means free speech.

Anoxim ago

I've been here for a while and must concur. Calling to ban subs, that dont break the Voat Rules, is kikery. The immune system will sort them out.

bb22 ago

Are you literally crying because I said the word "ban" you giant faggot?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Just ban the mods and let the sub sort itself out naturally.

ManyPockets ago

revoke their privileges to ban and see what happens?

1HepCat ago

I'm sure Putt has all kinds of time for this stuff but maybe they could be flagged as abusive mods which means they can't be mods of anything anymore. Maybe temporarily, maybe forever depending on abuses and recidivism.

Azurenightsky ago

Oh that would be fucking hillarious. The bulk of those users still cling to their solipsism and consider themselves the Enlightened Awakened Ones. Lost track of the number of bans I got from those cancerous mods for no acceptable reason. Love it or hate it though, knowledge has to be spread.

Fuck the mod staff over there though, GA was fucked for weeks now.

bb22 ago

I'm skeptical that even that will work. Remember, these are the reddit faggots who survived every previous wave of bans. They're not the sharpest tools in the shed.

sguevar ago

Best analogy ever. I am with you there.