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hangry ago

I got this response from a newfag today: "I know you think voat is “your” corner of the internet, but all of the 75k reddit great awakening followers just got here and like it or not your “niggerfaggot” culture is going to change."

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the site owner personally allows this and will defend redditors instead of us.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

hahahahahahaha....truth hurts so bad doesn't it douche bag? WWG1WGA.....GET USE TO IT. we aint going anywhere....LOL

IrbyTremors ago

These fags couldn't handle reddit, they have no chance here

gonadsofsteel ago

that's retardedniggerfaggot to you son.. don't kukike yourself.

hang_em_high ago

Whats the username?

hangry ago


13815357? ago

He said all that with a cock in his mouth?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its been a long time cuming.

Tacops777 ago

Look niggerfaggot... I AM VOAT OFFICIAL JEW and you better stop being a niggerfaggy kike or you are going to get burned to death here... nothing is going to change around here and you are a fucking nigger refugee faggut kike. So please be polite you white trash liberal faggot and say "thank you".

Ps : fag!

hangry ago

Shit after six months you can do better than that. Besides, I'm not the writer of the post, I am quoting him.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

We shall see about that :) I went ahead and made a brand new account special just for these kikes

hangry ago


maxoverdrive ago

Wow, like we haven't seen that before! Yawn.

voltronsdicks ago

sounds like his bagels need more oven time. we can definitely fix that.

Boyakasha ago

75k my ass. Maybe 1k. The others are typical faggot redditors who are afraid of words.

jewlie ago

Remember QLARPers are mainly JIDF. They are going to have a bad time here. v/thegreatawakening is mostly full of boomers that just want to make a change but don't know how to other than looking at the presidents tweets. This v/greatawakening sub is all the jews playing jew tricks from reddit. It's bad enough that people believe in this larp but to not see that it is jew run is another fucking level of stupidity man.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is exactly how v/thepedes behaved and we pushed their shit right back down their stupid throats

IGiveZeroFucks ago

This is war.

kneo24 ago

Which new transniggerkikefaggot was it? Post a screenshot of it.

hangry ago

uvulectomy ago

Care to name the particular jew?

uvulectomy ago

Wow. What a massive faggot, lol.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I just got here from redshit and didn’t know this site existed. Someone already (from here) told me that I should maybe tone down my niggerfaggot comments. I’m pretty sure I will assimilate just fine as long as the Jews, niggers, and faggots don’t take control.

GasRite ago

Hope you told that fag to neck himself

Welcome to Voat!

oldzeke ago

When I first got here I would've agreed with that person. Today I would happily tell the kike to gas himself. It keeps out the weak-minded and keeps the sort who should stay.

Cat-hax ago

you are trying to hard

oldzeke ago

I would've thought that as well. You may get it in time.

Rotteuxx ago

Who ?


Fuck that.

HillarysTongueHole ago

Now that’s fucking weird... I just commented in a thread about that Barbra Lerner Spectre bitch and that sounds oddly close to what she says about letting niggers into Europe.

Oy vey GTFO kike newfags

NoisyCricket ago

your “niggerfaggot” culture is going to change."

This is why your mother hates you and everyone kicks your dog. You may not realize it but you just declared that you hate liberty and human rights.

Think about it:

If anyone's culture MUST change, it's yours. Support human rights and not pro-communist Marxism.

Whitemail ago

Human rights sounds really good until you find out white/European people aren't considered human.

hangry ago

Hey dude, I'm quoting the invader, those aren't my words.

NoisyCricket ago

Sorry man. Not my intent to mislead. I very clearly see now that I misread. My apology. I'll keep the comment as hopefully it will be useful for others to see.

hangry ago

np fellow niggerfaggot

Azurenightsky ago

Man, y'all actually apologizing and shit. This faggotry is a culture I can get behind.

shrink ago

Are these the fucking mongoloids who also praise Trump for wanting a wall? For fuck's sake, the hypocrisy.

mattathias ago

Do you have a front door? Do you lock it at night? A fence? Do you lock your car door? For fucks sake. It this the result of Common Core? Wow.


Tacops777 ago

Do you fucking see these fuckers coming in all fucking proudfaggy n shit... unreal

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago are so triggered douche voat this a liberal site?

Lilchadthunderguns ago

A wall to keep dirty beaner rapists out is an idea I can get behind, landmines would be better

Plavonica ago

A wall set back 100yard from the border with manned towers with M249s and .50 cals. Patrolled by big men with scary dogs, with geologists testing the ground underneath for tunnels. And all overseen by spy sats/drones.

With orders to shoot on sight.

Lilchadthunderguns ago

Too lethal the aim should be to maim and wound to overload their healthcare system

Plavonica ago

Haha! Nice idea but they are overwhelmed with their constant drug wars anyways. Besides, you can't shoot to maim in the middle of a firefight, it just doesn't work for your average joe. SpecForces might be able to, but we really don't want them just sitting on a wall all day.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Mexicans have a genetic force via the border control applying pressure on their gene pool as such a mexican is scientifically proven to 17% more damage resistant to non energy type weapons.

N3DM ago

What are you talking about? A wall to protect the border is, what, like ban-happy mods?

shrink ago

We don't like or want illegal immigrants, or many immigrants of ANY kind, to swarm into the country, who then refuse to assimilate and hold onto the culture of the place they just left for greener pastures. In many cases, those browner pastures they evacuated were shit because of their culture, amongst other factors. You don't barge into someone's house for a better life because they live in a mansion, and then start dictating that they have to respect your lifestyle choices and way of doing things. Their house, your rules? No.

Do you see the parallel here?

N3DM ago

I missed the connection you were trying to make. It looked like the insult was direct at the desire for the wall, which seemed weird.

Rotteuxx ago

Same here, you're not alone

N3DM ago

I would have phrased it as:

Do these fucking mongoloids also praise Trump...


SacramentoRebel ago

He is going to have a bad time

TheTrigger ago

I can't wait for those newbs to run in to me, in a comment thread; been working on a few new insults. Some real psychological torture shit.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago

im here...lets hear some of them, voat better be good because you built them up just like you did hillhog's victory in 2016!

Anonomus911 ago

You folks cuss like 6 year olds just learning how to cuss. You'd think you'd be better at it, since that mostly what I see here. I'm a 'salty sailor' so it doesn't bother me. My wife cusses better then the folks here.

EyesWideOpen_WWG1WGA ago true......wwg1wga

library_of_stupid ago

The reason why communities with freedom of speech usually turn into dens full of Nazis is because we don't get triggered, unlike the liberals. They need to ban us to get rid of us, we merely need to call them names.

mattathias ago

Obvious this whole board is triggered by the refugees. Lulz.


Tacops777 ago

JEWS IN OVENS LIKE ME DON'T EVEN GET TRIGGERED... that is reserved to faggy kikeniggers of the normie lands. If you want to survive here. Quit being a fag reddit fag...

thisistotallynotme ago

the best bad time, though. It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

hangry ago
