SearchVoatBot ago

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RageAgainstTheAmish ago


Evileddie13 ago

Their not wrong.

blumen4alles ago

They're not wrong.

BoyBlue ago

"And it's one, two, three What are we fighting for ?" - Country Joe And The Fish. Finally Joe gets his answer.

daskapitalist ago

Replaced the psychopathic tyrant Saddam with a semi-civilized govt and the barbarians are still ungrateful.

Soyboy69 ago

That's because they want a caliphate rather than the endless decent into depravity that comes with modern "democracy". I know I'd be pissed off if I was living in an iron fisted christian theocracy and some assholes started bombing us while demanding we legalize faggotry, let our women become sluts and let in infinite niggers. And while I'm certainly no fan of either arabs or muslims I can see why they would be against "humanrightsfreedomdemocracy"

danjo_kandui ago

Story checks out. This was in 2004. When the Mossad had a lot more control of our government and military.

blumen4alles ago

As opposed to 2020, where the Kushner family is more in control.

danjo_kandui ago

Would you expect to take them down without an inside man? Espionage 101.

One-Way_Bus ago

I never heard that when I was in Iraq. I remember Iraqis being fearful when they realized US troops were leaving years ago. They had genuine fear in their eyes since no one trusted their corrupt government, political parties, military and police. Iraq isn't a country.

AlphaOmega ago


Moln0014 ago

The sand niggers know

speedisavirus ago

Whatever you say (((Friedman)))

whyamIevenhere ago

When I was in Egypt several years ago walking with a couple other people, someone passing by said, "yehud" (Jews) under his breath and it was clear he was referring to us.

ItWasMeAllThisTime ago

Much of the world dislikes that the US is the military strong arm for Israel. Take us out of the Middle East and we're global superheroes otherwise.

Animals9 ago

Pisses me off that the US is a jew puppet.

If we'd kick the kike to the curb where he belongs, get the fuck out of the middle east: we don't need their goddamn oil, and let the fucking hell hole melt we'd be far better off. And the rest of the world wouldn't hate us.

Derpfroot ago


turtlesareNotevil ago

Well the American military does do the bidding of Israel so I find this both accurate and sad.

Smallest_Skil ago

hahahaha even the sand niggers know the truth. The sad part is the guys on the ground are thinking they are there for a noble purpose. But in fact they are there as the proxy for the hook nose jews.

Soyboy69 ago

The sad part is the guys on the ground are thinking they are there for a noble purpose.

Ehh, a lot of them probably don't give a shit about the official reasons for being there and just want to be allowed to fight against moslims/arabs for once in their lives after decades of being forced to tolerate them in the US. Of course when they get back to the US they'll see that it's even worse than when they left, and while overseas they'll still be dealing with bullshit rules of engagement.

donotreply2 ago

From 2004? Over 15 years old and this is news?

NSFW as in a bunch of crap.

Xax ago

Jew proxy army BTFO

WaMada ago

Fake news, not worth your time.

0rion ago

Upvoat for based Iraqis.

They still need to be glassed though.

fuie8483djejx73 ago

why? for the safety of israel, kike?

0rion ago

No, because they are shitskin animals who will never assimilate into society, dumbass.

notYOURfriend ago


blumen4alles ago

What do you think the nickname is in 2020?

notYOURfriend ago

"Very nice, fair people" I think is the most common name.

blumen4alles ago

I was thinking they now call U.S. Forces "The Kushners", or "Orange Man's Men".

obvious-throwaway- ago

They aren't wrong. Also, it's National Socialist, not "Nazi". The word Nazi was coined by a Kike to slander the only form of government that doesn't allow foreign Jews to control your banking system.

Alfe ago

Hi @freshmeat. You forgot we already knew about this alt. LOL!!!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

The term "nazi" was coined by German citizens who were based enough to know that the Ashkenazi's were the ones behind, and controlling, the National Socialists. It's really no different than how based people today know the jews control the Western nations/political parties.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Wow, how convenient—another simple answer. You know, it really is amazing that the jew has been able to infect every host country and society it has infiltrated. Essentially taking over every single White Western nation and organization, and yet it is so plainly obvious as to how evil they are and how readily discernible the tactics they employ are. I mean, it's not like they're masters of deceit and 12D chess or anything. Nope, it's simply a matter of luck. (Along with a great deal of black and white/good versus evil thinking on the part of the goyim.)

peacegnome ago

Any more info on the link? It makes sense but I've never seen it before (and I'm on voat a bit)

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I have only seen a few references to this being the case on the Internet. My main source is my grandfather who was in the US Army during the occupation of Germany after the war. He could speak German, so he was able to talk to many Germans about what it was like under the National Socialists and what it was like during the war. He always said the jews were running things, and claimed that the vast majority of Germans didn't support the "nazi" party, but did recognize the threat of the jews.

This didn't make sense to me until one time I asked him how you get the nickname "nazi" from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Worker's Party). He said, that isn’t where it comes from; it comes from the name the jews have for themselves. He didn’t know the name itself, and I figured it was just some weird belief he had since officially the word “nazi” is derived from Nationalsozialist. (Which doesn’t actually make any sense either.)

It wasn’t until after he died, and I became red pilled about jews and the Jew World Order that I made the connection. I was reading something about the dominance of the Ashkenazi jews in zionism that the light went on. I did some research and found articles like this that confirmed my suspicions.

This is a perfect example of how the jew operates and plays both sides against the middle. It fits in perfectly with how the Rothschilds have operated. Look at the number of people here on Voat who think National Socialism is the solution to the jewish problem despite it being obvious that the jews created socialism and communism. I wouldn't be on bit surprised if the biggest advocates for National Socialism here are jews.

Another thing, if you watch the movie Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told, you will see how the "nazis" were working to establish Israel in Palestine and how there were many jews in the German military. (Generals and Admirals, no less.) Does this make sense if the "nazis" were trying to rid Germany of the jews?

Shakenstein ago

Thanks for the insights on your family's war stories. Pardon my bad english, im a nordic frog, so ill try my best to reply in english. First of all, national socialism is Prussian in essence, the formation of a nation based on ethnicity and an electroal system combined with monarchies( german holly empire, the Princes would vote for their ruler) pre-dates any form of communism. A governement based on merit and waring triumphs adopted by the prussians find its legitmicy in ancient rome. Then the prussian would create a social security nest( like having a fund to support veterans, widows of soldiers or farmers that would have died on the job) was added by them. Its no wonder that during the 19e century the germans were the best at science, physic, chemistry and technology advancement, nobel prizes etc, it is because they adopted a form of governement that would create the perfect conditions for its people to have the time to think, theorized and test their new ideas. Those conditions were born out of the economic growth and after having pacified the pagans at their borders( think about the teutonic monks way back) and when they adopted calvinism/ protestantism which gave them more liberty in their management of economy. Now that their empire was kind of settled, having peace time , the warlods became landonwer and manager more than anything, which gave them easy revenu and time to read, think and practice chemistry/physic. On the other hand, they would not let the poor farmers to their misery, they understood that geniuses could be born out of lower castes, military genius, scientific genius or political genius. So they supported those castes as much as they could, taking the best potentials and raise them in the military or academies etc. But their economic growth was a double edge sword, giving to much room to the merchant class, Marx tought that the merchant class was moslty made of venetians, but we all know who happened to be the merchant class now looking back at the Italian black nobility, bankers who intermarried with monarchs to gain even more power. We have to understand that the jews always try to infiltrate rising movement so that when it reaches power, they do too, and when the markets reaches its maximum growth, they need chaos to rebuild and start again, at which point they switch side after or during the destruction. We must understand that those elite families have gain so much power, so much money with their fractional banking and ponzy schemes all troughout the ages, hell they even just print money now, is there something we are missing to the big picture? What do they seek now that they have everything else under their command? Me think it is spiritual or in a more occult way, kabbalistic. See, othodox jews are against zionism because they think, according to their scriptures, that god exile them from the holy land because they were not true to their beliefs, and that returning as a political entity( which is not the same as the individuals making a pilgrimage) would provoke god and bring the end of times. We have to look into Frankism, and Sabatei Tsevi/Levy and the greek settlement of salonique, where the jew community was triving under the ottomans, who some jews tough he was the messiah cause thats what he told everyone, who went to the muslim sultan aksing him to bring back jews in the holy land. The sultan made him convert, creating the domne community, crypto jews. Now if i remember correctly from books i read on the subject, not only Jacob Frank believe he was the reincarnation of Sabbatein Levy, but Levy himself tough he was the reincarnation of a jew who tried the same thing with the spannish court centuries ealrier, this guy last name was NAZI, unfortunetly i cannot find anything on goolge about this guy and cant remember his first name. But the thing is, this ''messiah '' had tried to convinced the spannish court to finance a setlement of jews in the holy land, of which the spanish monarch denied because in the scripture it said that it would be against the word of god and thus bringing on the rise of the antichrist and the apocalypse. But it is also said that Jesus/God would then come back, defenting the faux-messiah/antichrist( which the muslims call the one-eyed Dajjal) bringing peace on earth and the kingdom of god. Rememeberr that Christ said that this land is not of his father's kingdom, that god rules the skies and heaven, and this earth is ruled by lucifer who was exile from the heavens. Well this narrative would finaly bring god to be the sole ruler of this earth, some believe it some dont. The important thing about this prophesy is not that if WE believe it or not, its that the elites believe in it, kabbalistic jews and freemasons kinda are believing it too on the last degrees, and they are our rulers. The Holocaust ( well leave the the gas chamber lie aside here) means a sacrifice by fire. We have to wonder, a sacrifice for what? Now we can look back and answer that it was a sacrifice for the jews having their own land again, which the orthodox saw as bad omen, jews in europe didnt want to move, their were living great in moslty all of europe, the elites had to give them a reason to move, thus probably financed hitler in some way ( the ties with the Bushes and the walbergs banks in america comes into play here), or were they just profiting from the rising economy again...i dont know really. Some say the Germans rounded up jews so they could be deported( which i think its true) in what would be now isreal, some say they rounded up the jews who didnt want to move to kill them, creating this sacrifice we just talked about( which is in part also true). Under France's occupation, the germans made deals with the elites jews so that they would only round up foreign jews and leave the elites jews of France in control of their community, and this is factual, they explicitly gace list of foreign jews to the german. So i dont really know what to think here, but the main thing we have to understand is that it did serve a purpose. During WW1 the german establishement was back stabbed by the jewish community who brought the americans into the fight, for that they wanted the british empire to gave them access to palestine and they did with the balfour declaration adressed to Rothschild. We know that Hitler tried to have peace with britain by letting their army flee at dunkirk, Hitler was about to negociate peace with Chamberlain who was taken down and replaced by the drunktard Churchill whos gambling debts were paid off by jews and so he was totally controlled into not singing a truce. So was Hitler controlled by jews or only a vessel from which they attached to, to fullfill their prophecies. I told you that the orthodox view this as treason from their elite because they think that God will someday give them the holy land, and since it was the politic and not the spiritual who gave them palestine, they fear the might of god and the end times prophecies. In the end, we have to wonder what do the elites really want. Take it like this, a lot of the elites are brainwashed into the occult thinking they are actually doing this for the greater good, like believing in karma, they actually are raised to think that by bringing wars and the greater Isreal becoming true, some antichrist may be created and that would force god to intervene, christian belive that Jesus will come back, Jews are still waiting for their messiah, by bringing the apocalypse some think that god would then come sooner....And thus bringing peace sooner onto the earth. Its fuck top to think that way but when you are raised into the occult it makes sense to them, they probably really think they are doing this for the greater good. Sorry if my answers are scattered all arround the place, but i needed to talk about where the NAZI thing came from, i think it did came from the western jews to qualifie the germans and that it has some deep occult meaning, as in the guy who try to be the jew's messiah before Frank and Levy. For what ? This i dont know. Was it to smear them or warn their occult leader like the freemasons do with symbols and double meaning in news paper, as in: we are doing this. Is it bragging, is it to communicate deeper meaning behind the scene, really i dont know, im not settle on that yet. I wouldnt go as far as saying fuck jesus( which i dont really believe is god himself) but sincerly: fuck the catholic church, fuck mohamed and brainwashed muslims, fuck the freemasons, fuck the jews, fuck the protestans( not the ealry ones who had it right with the abuse of the church), fuck our sellout white leaders, fuck chinksants people ( i do like japaneese and korean people though lol) fuck niggers and gangstaspics. We white people are the minority in this world and im fucking tired we always endup waging war against eachother for the benefit of our elites infiltraded by the jews( Spannish empire with maranos-crypto jews, then Holland, then the British empire, then the French revolution, then the american establishement etc). Long fucking live to my american, russian, italian, polish, brits for whats left, german, hongarian, serb patriots friends, and all the white majority countries too, we are the diversity, we created nations for our people. We the minority in this world, we have to help eachother's out to keep our national borders, secure them and stop fighting with eachother for once!

lipids ago

Nationalize the banking industry?! Are you a commie?

obvious-throwaway- ago

I didn't say National the banking industry. I said, not have our banking industry 100% controlled by a foreign country.

OverlordOverdrive ago

Hi @freshmeat. You forgot we already knew about this alt. LOL!!!

freshmeat ago

Radical homosexual

OverlordOverdrive ago

Member when we found these photos you posted on Reddit as MYG?

freshmeat ago

i thought i was asian?

Damn voat is dead

OverlordOverdrive ago

you killed it. this is why your wife left you

freshmeat ago

how many pills are you on

OverlordOverdrive ago

Rent free

obvious-throwaway- ago

At this point, I guess it's safe to say that Voat is being attacked and a bunch of kikes or faggots are trying to disrupt us. Guess what though, nobody cares, nobody believes you and nobody is interested in your 7 day old account.

blumen4alles ago

Voat is being attacked and a bunch of kikes or faggots are trying to disrupt us

you damn right it is

OverlordOverdrive ago

You are the the shelf stocking nigger attacking Voat, MYG. If @PuttItOut was still here I would remind him that you are site banned for pissing him off on chat. We still have that list @crensch made of all your alts. @heygeorge

obvious-throwaway- ago

Oh no! What will I do! This new account, with zero evidence or proof has accused me of being someone for some reason. If only there was something I could do!?!

OverlordOverdrive ago

Your wife left you because you stock shevles. My wife gave me a blowjob yesterday.

he_found_wepon ago

article from 2004

blumen4alles ago

Ya, when there were lots of troops in Iraq, what is your point? This isn't v/news...

he_found_wepon ago

My point is that it's a fucking 15 year old article. Right now Iran/Iraq is in the news everywhere due to the General that was killed. Posting shit from 2004 without saying so is misleading clickbait bullshit.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

...none of the things in the article are related to the recent events that took place.

You're kidding, right?

he_found_wepon ago

The article is 14 years old, therefor everything that was written in it is out-dated and doesn't include any new information / opinions regarding current events. Amazing how three comments later people still don't understand how fucking retarded it is to bait people with old articles. It is pretty fucking obvious half the people here thought that the quote in the title had just been made, and not 14 years ago.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

So jews have been undermining various societies for millennia and are on the verge of global domination because of things they've done throughout history. But a 14-year-old article is not relevant. Interesting to say the least.

WaMada ago

Agree 100%

HST ago

A) everybody should always check the year of an article, anyone who thinks this is recent should neck themselves for being a dumb faggot

B) it clearly has nothing to do with the recent ongoing situation, as anyone who can read is fully aware

blumen4alles ago

So you are saying my title should have included a year? I think this is relevant regardless of when the article was written. There have been endless wars in the ME for decades now. You are way off your mark on accusations.

How many nuclear warheads does Israel have?

Drunkenst ago

No Iraqi ever called me a nugget!

jthun2 ago

Seems rather apt to me!

1Sorry_SOB ago

Friedman was concerned. Someone reminded him Jews still control what the American goyim learn and that calmed him down.

Infearmal ago


Acerphoon ago

It seems like JIDF out in full force these past few days. Lots of downvoting going on. Weird.

blumen4alles ago


Drunkenst ago


blumen4alles ago

Sorry goats, all the comments in this submission are being downvoted by SBBH/SRS/gabara and its alts.

ExpertShitposter ago

No faggot, they are being downvoated by the QRV boomer army.

blumen4alles ago

I think you are wrong. QRV would not do this to a movie submission.

Either you aren't seeing this totally or you are JIDF trying to turn us against each other. May Jesus bless you.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are the one still falling for the SBBH bogyman. Samefur dispray.

22016316? ago

Many still are...

blumen4alles ago

Thanks for clarifying your position to me.

blumen4alles ago

I seriously doubt QRV was dv'ing comments. Submissions maybe, but why would they go after comments?

ExpertShitposter ago

Well if you see who got downvoted, it was mostly "un-patriotic" people who don't see Israel as greatest ally, and don't "support the troops". This kind of shit smells of adult diapers.

Barfin ago

why are you israeli shills so worried about this one

yids_rape_kids ago

Iraqis are smarter than boomers.

Alfe ago

Over 80 upvotes in the first 40 minutes!

blumen4alles ago

That is OK, gabara and its alts are trying to torpedo my boats.

Alfe ago

Why did it take 15 minutes to reply? Too busy logging in and out of your 100 accounts? loser.


blumen4alles ago

Was writing a submission for v/movies faggot, but you already know that since you are stalking me.

Alfe ago

Hi MYG/Freshmeat!


Alfe ago

Thanks for confirming MYG. Didn't @gabara have photos he found you posted on Reddit showing you undergoing HRT?

fellowkikepeople ago

It's at 76 upvotes in over an hour.


Alfe ago

Oh, so those 4 votes make it okay?


Thisismyvoatusername ago

Make what okay? 80 upvotes is hardly unheard of.

Alfe ago

Stop playing dumb


Troll ago

How appropriate.

jewsbadnews ago


TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

The article is a good read, it shows the mental gymnastics that Jews use to make themselves the victim of a conflict they have no part in.

CouldBeTrump ago

Since when do source links get downvoated?

Drenki ago

Because it is not an archive link, you moron. 1.7 years and learned nothing? Go back to wherever you came from.

CouldBeTrump ago

The archive link was also posted and also heavily downvoated.

toobaditworks ago


9NaughtZ ago

I haven't been here in a few days but it feels weird in here.

Can we clean out the bots?

SubtleDissonance ago

I literally can't upvoat it. I get an error.

CouldBeTrump ago

Try refreshing the page? I've been getting that error periodically across the site for weeks.

DrPlant ago

Because archives should be higher. Don't give them anything.

CouldBeTrump ago

Fair point. However, OP posted archive source and it got a similar amount of downvoats, so it's probably something else going on in this case.

DrPlant ago

Ye, op said something bout that. I upvoated his archive instead.

Crayonall9t ago

Probably purist faggots that hate giving advertising impressions to that (((newspaper))).


WTF, you too for asking?? +5/-7 (before my vote)

BushChuck ago

The qtards would be my first guess.

They're always shitting up the place.

Acerphoon ago

Something weird going on. Lots of downvotes for the truth about jews, etc. these last few days.

frickingmeany ago

oy vey!

CouldBeTrump ago

Even my comment attracted 7 downvoats. Highly unusual.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

The JIDF is making extra efforts to counter the truth as we accelerate towards The Event.

anamazonslittle ago

Good thing everyone weighs statements based on their merit, not on the perceived popularity of the ideas given by the voat ratios, right?

blumen4alles ago

I put the archive link in a comment too.

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

This says a lot, because Iraqi people were initially pleased with the fall of Saddam. The Iraqi people wanted to give America a chance.

hillbilly_guy ago

Tool of the Jews would be more fitting.

watts2db ago

for sure jews don't do their own dirty work they get dumb shabbos goys like us to do it for them

spaceman84 ago

From the mouths of heebs

Hourtime ago

Jews enslaved the united states citizens by torturing, murdering, poisoning, and stealing from its citizens.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

I'm a little surprised at all the downvotes. The truth hurts and we seem to have more frens on the site.

Timur9000 ago

Survival of the fittest.

Iamthelightning ago

Ok dwight schrute you fucking kike faggot larper retard

Hourtime ago

Survival of the fittest. A society based on merit left a long time ago. These are the cries that god ignores. The cry of the ignorant and selfish.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Great truth written here and is exactly why it is once again time for this....

draaakIncelTrolldom ago

Just beautiful.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

And are kept in power by our own tax money, while they peddle excess, promiscuity, and a lack of family values to us and our children, made easier with a market that requires two incomes from inflation they caused, living day by day rather than passing along wealth to our future generations.

All we pass along is debt to the jews and thier banks, kept untouchable by power in our government.

Every aspect of our capabilities as a people has been warped by them. I have hope though. We have a shared identity that teaches family, truth, justice, a lack of focus on money, and sense of community with our people.

We just need to see it again. No more.

RM-Goetbbels ago


Eef ya kant stan behine ar turoops den you kin stan in front o'dem!

you jus mad cuz a mareen banged yu gurlfrind!

we gotta fights dem ova there soze we don' havta fight'm here!

BoomerHater1488er ago

I regret my service. It was the Boomerist thing I've ever done.

yids_rape_kids ago

Same here.

watts2db ago

here as well

TheSeer ago

"Lets invade Iran!"

maaaxheadroom ago

Let’s invade California!


Extremely accurate

watts2db ago

no we are the foolish shabbos goys

Oglop ago

same old dumb news or Proxy war with Iran in Iraq?

BushChuck ago


Even the sand niggers understand America better than Americans.

Ezre ago

if you don't like America,then get the fuck out

BushChuck ago

Hurrr, fucking durrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Alhambra ago

literally everyone knows who runs america except (most) americans.

BushChuck ago

It's the "American exceptionalism" bullshit that they are indoctrinated with.

This USA!USA!USA! MAGA! mentality, that allows them to feel like winners while the place is literally falling to pieces around them.

Like how they'll call Canada a caliphate, when the actual call to prayer is heard in several American cities (zero Canadian).

Broc_Lia ago

Archive of the original btw.

blumen4alles ago

Thanks for getting that close to the top. My comment with the link was buried by JIDF.

Broc_Lia ago

Always hijack the top comment with anything important :P

blumen4alles ago

I think JIDF is trying to turn us against ourselves. The QRV goats VS older goats. I have seen several comments suggesting QRV is responsible for mass downvoting. I can see their point how QRV may not be as woke to the jews as older goats, but tell me, why would QRV attack a movies submission?

Splooge ago

Oy vey, the golem know

Gopherurself ago