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TimMasson1 ago

Why would you involve yourself in all this drama? Why not just ignore these people? I don't understand it my friend.

Crensch ago

20 day old username making milquetoast posts constantly, and to the delight of no one, in order to astroturf a "neutral third party" vibe when finally attacking me.

Note the username that happens to look suspiciously like a first and last name, suggesting the naive boomer doxxed himself, but despite my pointing that out early on, he continues to use this username.

Here's anti-Crensch user @m_1 pinging this username for seemingly no reason whatsoever 14 days after its creation.

185 posts in 20 days; nothing but Voat's analog of a Reddit re-post bot. Honestly, an Overton-Window-moving load of reddit-tier "DAE" type posts, too.

1,227 comments in 20 days asking 3 days into the account's existence:

What is this whole Q thing?

And he proceeds to act for all the world like a naive boomer, but gives himself away with a comment in /v/SoapboxBanhammer saying:


For those that don't know, this is a common comment from @zyklon_b, who would accuse users of "raping and murdering a child in 1990". Following which he would simply write "1990", and it became a dogwhistle between SBBH users that liked zyklon.

You can see from his comment history that he had no organic introduction to this concept.

He continues to interact a lot with @m_1 in nests like this, talking about how someone is downvoting all of m_1's comments because they're socializing with him, (An 11 day old account.)

And finally, 3 days after his account creation, he writes this:

I talked to the other party you are having problems with and he is very interested in making amends with you. He is just confused as to why he got banned and I explained to him that being that it's your sub you are able to ban him simply for saying something you didn't like. His concern is that's a slippery slope. I suspect you were upset because he said something about a woman you care about which is Honorable. You could explain exactly that to him and I'm sure he would understand (if that is the case). Could you simply unban him and tell him then just say you're not interested in arguing anymore. I think if you did something like that he would think twice before saying disrespectful things in the future. If I am out of bounds for making any of these suggestions let me know and I will but out of it. I am only trying to help and being that it was all posted publicly I'm just giving my opinion.

3 day old account. That is now trying to demoralize me by "asking questions" about "ignoring" *literal pedophiles.

SBBH is cancer.

HoIomonic ago

Spot on

argosciv ago

Nailed it.

TimMasson1 ago

I don't see any kind of problem with anything I've said or done here. You come across as absolutely insane inserting yourself into all of this drama. I don't mean to be negative but what you do is very odd behavior and not normal. I cannot believe you went digging through all of my posting history, that is just stalker insane weirdness. Do you realize how strange that is for you to do something like that? Keep digging because you're not going to find anything bad on me. Everything you posted is just me trying to help people. I don't like you you are weird.

Crensch ago

You come across as absolutely insane inserting yourself into all of this drama. I don't mean to be negative but what you do is very odd behavior and not normal. I cannot believe you went digging through all of my posting history, that is just stalker insane weirdness. Do you realize how strange that is for you to do something like that? Keep digging because you're not going to find anything bad on me. Everything you posted is just me trying to help people. I don't like you you are weird.


Muh "normal username" totally not one of (((SBBH))) calling me out.

Knew that was coming. Called it outright.

Drstrangegoy ago

@TimMasson1 is not sbbh. He's a troll everyone is familiar with and I've seen him make posts genuinely trying to help people. I've never once seen him post degenerate shit.

TimMasson1 ago

And I'm not even trolling anymore I'm just being positive as I've committed to doing only that.. thanks man😊

Drstrangegoy ago

Good for you brotha! I ask for one favor. Go to a church for three Sundays. Find one that eats together and eat their food. Talk to people.

TimMasson1 ago

We'll see. I'm not nearly as isolated as you think,I I interact with live real human beings in person on and off most everyday. I don't have a lot of friends I hang out with because most of them have moved away but I do see them on occasion. I just prefer to spend time by myself unless I'm with a good woman. It's just the way I am.

Drstrangegoy ago

It feels good to be a good guy. If everyone knew how good the world would be a much better place.

TimMasson1 ago

I am a good guy in real life and now I've committed to be one here. Can't say that I was ever bad though, just going to make sure I post positive stuff because I believe that is what this place needs and I like using emojisπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ• I like to help people if I can because I generally give pretty good advice despite the fact that I'm not so good at following it myself and I genuinely do care about people.

Drstrangegoy ago

That's really good to hear. Spread the good guy disease like a virus.

TimMasson1 ago

The power of positivity is very real 🀩

Drstrangegoy ago

absolutely. sometimes I forget that and go dark. but Christmas is always a good reminder. the weed gets me kind of dark, too.

TimMasson1 ago

Weed makes you go dark? I thought it usually did the opposite of that?

Drstrangegoy ago

gets me thinking too much. thinking too much about the 21st century makes me go dark.

TimMasson1 ago

That's why I don't use it anymore. Last time I did I started obsessing about where I was in time and space, it was interesting but not fun. What I was in high school I used to do it all day everyday but that was a long time ago.

Drstrangegoy ago

I got to that point recently. t'wasnt good for me. it was escapism of course, and I very much want to go out and get some more. but I don't think I will.

TimMasson1 ago

Have you looked into kratom?

Drstrangegoy ago

HAHA! you think I should try it? thanks, buddy! I always know you've got my back!

TimMasson1 ago

I'm not trying to get you to do something that I think is bad for you. The only reason I mentioned kratom is because it helped me get through some hard times years ago but I understand for some people it might not be the best choice. I just don't know your history so please don't take that recommendation the wrong way.

Drstrangegoy ago

hahaha. its okay. for some reason I confused it with krokodil. which definitely is bad advice.

TimMasson1 ago

Kratom is a natural plant related to the coffee plant. A lot of people use it for a lot of things such as treating depression. This goes back almost 10 years now but I used it for that and it was the only thing that worked for me. I went to the comment of pharmaceuticals and they did nothing. They are currently trying to ban it and the media is putting out a lot of misinformation about it making it sound like a very dangerous drug. The pharmaceutical companies are very scared of this plant because it is very effective. It is soma addictive though so if you had problems with addiction to past you probably don't want to try it. It affects the same receptors in the brain as opiates.

Drstrangegoy ago

now that IS interesting. i'm definitely going to read up on it. thank you!

TimMasson1 ago

If you decide you want to order some PM me and I will tell you where from. Please do understand though if you use it everyday you will become addicted. It is not to be taken lightly. It has helped a lot of but like I said I don't think it's a good idea for everyone. Only you can decide that. If you have ever had a problem with addiction stay away from it.

Drstrangegoy ago

well it seems a damned sight better than opiates. is it a controlled substance? i'd be interested if I wasn't violating any laws by acquiring it.

TimMasson1 ago

Please if you do decide to try it contact me so I can help you do it correctly.

Drstrangegoy ago

I wont do it for me, because i'm not depressed. just bored. its getting cold outside and this is the time that I do indoor shit. but I know people on opiates that are crashing and burning. I need to look into it because i'm not hip to giving people who would persecute me any leverage.

TimMasson1 ago

People use it recreationally. The only problem is if you try it and like it you're going to want to do it everyday. For me that was okay because I was going through a really hard time in life but to cure boredom I would not recommend it. Now if you had to choose between that and opiates it's an easy decision. If you reach a point where you feel like you're going to go that route then definitely get yourself some kratom. It's a much better alternative. Your friends who are crashing and burning really could probably benefit from looking into this.

Drstrangegoy ago

it looks that way! thank you, genuinely. opiates are a scourge.

TimMasson1 ago

Luckily the very few times I've tried opiates they didn't do anything for me but I know there is a lot of people suffering because of them. Do you exercise? I would recommend taking up weight lifting during the winter months because it's something you would do regardless of what kind of shape you're in. You can buy a couple of used bars and plates for cheap on Craigslist.

Drstrangegoy ago

it occurred to me that throughout most of my life every year my family has a tradition of harvesting the Christmas trees we grew. for a month and a half every year we would all go out and buck Christmas trees weighing up to 300 lbs. loading trucks, baling, dragging, cutting. my family is very competitive so we just got more intense every year and tried to beat our numbers. that month and a half set me up for the whole year. we got out of the business when dad died. I cant believe I didn't understand why ive gotten softer and softer every year for the past 6 years or so. I figured it was because of some shoulder injuries I received a long time ago that finally caught up to me. it occurred to me my shoulders only started acting up after i lost that intense muscle mass building process every year. i'm going to start growing trees again after I figure out how to grow them in this new climate i'm in. i'm just not a workout guy. i get bored doing the same repetitive task with no immediate payoff.

TimMasson1 ago

That's such a cool family business!

Drstrangegoy ago

it was. and i miss it terribly.

TimMasson1 ago

It sounds like you have a new goal to work towards 😊 you could spend these winter months studying up and planning on how you can do that.

Drstrangegoy ago

Yep! and i'm doing that very thing. but ive taken some of your advice (and some others) and i'm in a much better place than when we last spoke at length, under different personas. so I've got a soft spot for you, ghostie. i'm not sure i ever properly thanked you. thank you!

TimMasson1 ago

It's a wise man that is able to take advice and put it to use. Something I myself am trying to get better at. Glad to help, anytime you need someone to hear you out feel free to contact me and I'll give you my honest opinions and thoughts. I do care 😁

TimMasson1 ago

I think it has been banned in a few States but it is legal most everywhere. You could go down to your local head shop and buy some right now to try it but don't buy it there as a matter of routine because they mark it up by 500%. What you want to do is take a spoonful, approximately 3 grams and mix it with some orange juice or chocolate milk and drink it. It is just a mood enhancer.

TimMasson1 ago

I'm confused about what you're saying here?

Crensch ago

He's a 20 day old username that knows the SBBH dogwhistles, and is trying to astroturf exactly what you're telling me he is right now in order to attack me and paint me as a bad guy for highlighting the pedophilia of SBBH.

Drstrangegoy ago

He ghostskin, dude. And I'm sirrantsalot/Drstrangegov

m_1 ago

@Sirrantsalot was funny as hell. Say something funny as hell so we know it's really you.

Drstrangegoy ago

I don't find much funny these days......

Crensch ago

I don't really care who you say you are. You're teaming up with the pedos of SBBH, and timmasson was created specifically to be a 'good guy' that attacks me since the lot of you are cancerous pedo faggots, and your records are as clean as a nigger sow's stank slit.

Drstrangegoy ago

What the fuck kind of talk is that? Good guys don't talk like that.

Crensch ago

What the fuck kind of talk is that? Good guys don't talk like that.

Show me to not be a good guy. What'd I do?

I haven't seen any of what you accuse sbbh of.

It's in the OP. I'm not really sure how that works, with you being here claiming you haven't seen it.

But I've seen you causing trouble for a long time.

Selective blindness.

So you stop harrassing people, or provide REAL evidence that will hold up in a court of law, or I'll make it my life's mission to get you demoted or drummed out.


Get fucked, friend of pedophiles.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

as a nigger sow's stank slit.

Did you really say that? I'm gonna have to wash my eyes out with soap after reading that.

TimMasson1 ago

Looks like that backfired on you didn't it πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You seem like a very negative person so I'm going to choose not to converse with you. You also come across as very mentally unstable and I choose not to associate with people like that so I'm going to ignore you and your posts going forward.

Crensch ago

Looks like that backfired on you didn't it

Not in the slightest, alt of (((SBBH))) pedofriend.

TimMasson1 ago

I don't understand what you think you've caught me on? Honestly what you did is very very abnormal behavior. You have some kind of mental health issue and I'm being completely serious.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

20 days of buildup to fail the moment you reared your low-IQ kike snout out of the sewage you were swilling around in.

TimMasson1 ago

πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you clearly lost this little battle friend, just look at the numbers. I'll tell you what, I'll stay away from you and you stay away from me and we'll both just go on with our lives separately. I came into your post and made a comment thinking maybe it would help you and you went on some long psychotic research project involving me. You're not normal. Typically I'd be fine with that but you're also very negative oh, that's what I have a problem with. I proved my point and now I'm done with you. I do wish you well thoughπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

Crensch ago

just look at the numbers.

TimMasson1 ago

I apologize for being so harsh in my response to you. I just got annoyed about that post you made as I found it to be very odd. Especially since all I did was make one tiny comment in your post trying to be helpful. I'm trying to be a positive force on voat but I'm only human.

Crensch ago

I don't believe the timing of your username creation is a coincidence. I saw your astroturfing, and your familiarity with other users, and how you tried to weasel your way into my affairs.

I saw your insincere attempts to "be nice" on Voat. To earn yourself a reputation as "that nice guy" like /v/pizzagate's @carmencita, whose only real role there is to legitimize the shills with her "oh my what a great post!" when it's utter horseshit.

You may be attempting to do something good for Voat, but I don't believe it; addressing me directly here when I have evidence that those I'm attacking stood up for, and teamed up with, a literal pedophile to attack an innocent woman and doxx her off the site suggests you have an ulterior motive.

Nothing I or that woman have done is deserving of the attacks we've received here. If you want to try to make Voat better, talking at me isn't the way to go about it.

TimMasson1 ago

I don't know the full situation of what went on with that woman but I don't need to because it's never okay to doxx someone and generally speaking I think it's in bad taste to be disrespectful to women. I have also gone to war with the sick fuck pedophiles here. I have told putt many times that any content whether it be a cartoon or anything else that involves the sexualization of a child should be a permanent bannable offense. Such things will very possibly be voats undoing and most importantly it's just wrong. I have been on voat a long time and I have never been involved in any of these dramas outside of what I just mentioned here. I'm just a shit poster who has decided to change and try to be a force positivity. The posts were you have seen me trying to give advice and help are just that, nothing more. I have no secret agenda and I am not on anybody's side. I think internet drama is ridiculous and honestly I think you desperately need to take a step back from all of it. I'm not your enemy.

Crensch ago

I don't know the full situation of what went on with that woman but I don't need to because it's never okay to doxx someone and generally speaking I think it's in bad taste to be disrespectful to women.

Almost seems human.

I have also gone to war with the sick fuck pedophiles here. I have told putt many times that any content whether it be a cartoon or anything else that involves the sexualization of a child should be a permanent bannable offense.

Can't argue with that.

I have told putt many times that any content whether it be a cartoon or anything else that involves the sexualization of a child should be a permanent bannable offense. Such things will very possibly be voats undoing and most importantly it's just wrong.

Also a good point.

I have been on voat a long time and I have never been involved in any of these dramas outside of what I just mentioned here. I'm just a shit poster who has decided to change and try to be a force positivity.

Forgive me if I don't believe a supposedly former shitposter. Not like you guys are consistent, or honest, and the lot of you seem to delight in that.

The posts were you have seen me trying to give advice and help are just that, nothing more. I have no secret agenda and I am not on anybody's side.

I wish I could believe that.

I think internet drama is ridiculous and honestly I think you desperately need to take a step back from all of it.

And this is why I don't believe you; just like all the pedofriends, you just want me to shut up. ANYthing to get me to shut up and stop highlighting the fact that (((SBBH))) is nothing but people that are friends with, buddy up with, and probably are, themselves, literal pedophiles.

I'm not your enemy.

I don't believe you, since your goal is the same as theirs.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @Crinsch.

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TimMasson1 ago

Let me formally officially say I support you in fighting anyone that's a verified pedophile although I'm not going to get wrapped up in any of this drama. Do your thing but if you call me a pedo supporter again you will have a problem. I have seen firsthand the damage that sexual abuse has on children and the after effects it has on their adult life. It is literally worse than murder because almost all of these people grow up to have severe mental health issues and live a tortured life. Fuck you for saying that. I like you even less now.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

Let me formally officially say I support you in fighting anyone that's a verified pedophile


although I'm not going to get wrapped up in any of this drama.

Then why did you respond to me as if you knew what was going on if you had no idea what's going on? You responded to me twice suggesting that I shut up and let it go.

Do your thing but if you call me a pedo supporter again you will have a problem.

I don't know you, and I honestly don't give a fuck about you. Your behaviour was beyond suspicious, and if you put yourself in my shoes, you'd see that.

I have seen firsthand the damage that sexual abuse has on children and the after effects it has on their adult life. It is literally worse than murder because almost all of these people grow up to have severe mental health issues and live a tortured life.

I fully agree. This shit isn't funny, but I have yet to find an (((SBBH))) poster that thinks the same.

Fuck you for saying that. I like you even less now.

I don't give a fuck. If you don't want to look like you're part of a pedophile group, don't make comments trying to get me to shut up when I'm calling them out.

Your behaviour is what got you that response. If you don't like it, stop acting like I'm the one that needs to stop.

BushChuck ago

"I have seen firsthand the damage that sexual abuse has on children and the after effects it has on their adult life."

Is this because you fuck children?

You did say, "firsthand".

TimMasson1 ago

No it's actually because my ex fiance was abused by her father and it went on to destroy her life in her 30s. Anyone who jokes around about this stuff or accuses others of it for no reason is a bad person. You are a bad person.

Crensch ago

Anyone who jokes around about this stuff or accuses others of it for no reason is a bad person.

EDIT you're both bad people.

Remember when you asked me this:

Why would you involve yourself in all this drama? Why not just ignore these people? I don't understand it my friend.


Zyklon_b threatened rape and murder on the children of at least three users here, and SBBH laughed it off. They supported him. They attacked and doxxed his victims. They upvoted a post about rape on Chrismas day.

You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.

TimMasson1 ago

So what do you hope to accomplish by keeping all of this drama going? Do you think you're going to get an apology from these people? Do you think you're going to teach them a lesson ? Do you think what you're doing makes any difference whatsoever ? You enjoy this and guess what I'm not the typical idiot you're used to dealing with on here. I know exactly what you are and what you are doing. I suggest you stop pestering me. Again, I know what you're doing.

Crensch ago

So what do you hope to accomplish by keeping all of this drama going?

That's for me to know.

Do you think you're going to get an apology from these people?

I don't even consider them human at this point, so of course not.

Do you think you're going to teach them a lesson ?

They certainly won't learn anything. Why would you think this?

Do you think what you're doing makes any difference whatsoever ?

Do you?

You enjoy this and guess what I'm not the typical idiot you're used to dealing with on here. I know exactly what you are and what you are doing. I suggest you stop pestering me. Again, I know what you're doing.

I know you're a coward that is trying to get me to stop doing what I'm doing instead of getting the pedophiles to stop doing what they're doing, despite your bullshit story of personal experience.

You don't actually care about any of that, because if you did, what I've been writing would matter to you. It doesn't, clearly.

So, enjoy being lumped in with them. Your threats are laughable.

TimMasson1 ago

You are that of which you accuse.

Crensch ago

You are that of which you accuse.

Low-effort response to completely deconstructing your objections to my words.

Not surprising for an (((SBBH))) buddy.

TimMasson1 ago

πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ I knew that would trigger you until you finally got back to me. You're too easy man. You have the most fragile ego on voat and the fact that you spend hours doing deep dive Research into people's posting histories proves you are mentally unstable. I've seen you do this many times. You have way too much emotionally invested into this silly online form which means nothing in real life. You are purposely creating drama for yourself because you have nothing else going on in your life. And after all of this research you've done you haven't even figured out who I am yet and if you have its because someone told you. Also if you had figured it out you would have realize I have absolutely nothing to do with you or your gay ass drama. As a matter of fact I've tried to help you in the past. You need a hobby. I've already asked that you stay away from me you weirdo, honestly you have severe mental health issues. 😊🀯

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

the fact that you spend hours

Does it hurt your ego that it took me less than 10 minutes to figure you out?

m_1 ago

That m_1 guy is bad news. I heard he once shot a man just for snoring too loud.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

In 1990!

m_1 ago

In Time Life books. Lol.