Rotteuxx ago

Crap, you just scored big again with a front page post... but that's in a higher category of competition though. It won't affect the pie chart.

Rotteuxx ago

How aboot a tally after new years ?

ExpertShitposter ago


heygeorge ago

Hey, I was NUMBER ONE on insanegoat’s shill list for a good stretch! You must be over the target.

@trigglypuff @expertshitposter @nadeshda

The internet is serious business.

heygeorge ago

Wait, you didn’t actually read any of that?

Rotteuxx ago

Of course not, I just read the headlines.

Sheesh !

heygeorge ago

Imagine valuing your time so little.

Rotteuxx ago

Heck, I openly admit I'm in it for the lulz. The most time and effort I've put into it is 10 mins for a pie chart.

Him lashing out at @Nadeshda is just too funny though, talk about lashing out at anything that moves.

Aw well, I got loads of wood to burn & some great wine, screw popcorn.

heygeorge ago

He’s going after @nadesh now, too? Lol that’s just sad.

21917042? ago

You guys (+ @rotteuxx) should seriously stop miss-pinging me... @nadeshda is dedded member?

Anyway Crensch freagin doxxed me guys!


He said...

He said I was

He said I was a cheerleader...

How dare he share that with Voat! :)


Oh heck no, I need to sleep... good night y’all!

heygeorge ago

He said I was

He said I was a cheerleader...

I wonder if this feeds into some childhood trauma of his.

heygeorge ago

Ok, fine, I’ll look if you make it easy. I generally don’t bother even viewing.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't know about that, I think I might take first prize.

ExpertShitposter ago

Congrats! Heygeorge is picking up lost ground too. Before, he would not even get a mention.

Only thing i cant understand is.........why is that autist convinced that he is somehow "hurting us? I mean......we are people who worked to convince voat we are SRS feminists, and "the cabal", and bought putt, .....and you will......ruin our reputation?! LoL

Rotteuxx ago

Well his only receptive audience are Qtards & concensus cracking alts so I guess he's hurting us in their eyes...?!?! Are they still all behind him ?

His rep matters a lot to him, got that in a PM somewhere. If je only he wasn't so far gone thst he'd still have a shred of self awareness.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He's running from my question

ExpertShitposter ago

funny thing is....even if she was white, she is married to a Mexican.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Why would any "Nazi" be white knighting for a Mexican or a race-mixer? He won't answer me.

ExpertShitposter ago

he thinks he's "trolling" or something.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I think he's dead serious and white knighting. He's posting to me right now kek