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jkasdfhk7732 ago

maybe I'll stop blocking it now


zyklon_b ago

@gabara ruined it for all of us.

id like to see him riding a bicycle without seat and sitting on the post

gabara ago

This will now haunt you the rest of the time you are on voat:

jkasdfhk7732 ago

lmao, haunt... here how about this.... I RAPE KIDS, I'M A PEDO, I WORK FOR JIDF

haunt me bitch, lol



zyklon_b ago

@gabara i like when ferrets kid get sodomised by bicycle

jkasdfhk7732 ago

funny part, is that @gabara memed himself

Gabara - This will now HAUNT you



zyklon_b ago

@gabara i have ZERO shame for wishin the seat post to sodomose ferrets son. hope he ridez a wheelie