friendshipistragic ago

Oppression! Faggotry! I demand attention and special treatment!!!

gabara ago

That's really it, isn't it. @Zyklon_B has started the HRT and is transitioning into @GothamGirl. It explains everything!

Gothamgirl ago

Leave me out of your fake drama, thanks.

zyklon_b ago

ima come to toronto and fuck your wife while u watch

gabara ago

You are your wife, lol!

zyklon_b ago

so yall all believed my lilttle play

zyklon_b ago

reee reeee im @gabara and i retarded/autistic so everyone must be nice to me

friendshipistragic ago

I’m not @gabara. Lol. Retarded tho....

gabara ago

Beatle called me "retarded". Lol.

zyklon_b ago

i know i m fuckin wit him

friendshipistragic ago

You boys play nice now.

heygeorge ago

Ok fine

gabara ago

You still haven't commented on your pedo confession:

Better watch what you type when you drink.

zyklon_b ago

@puttsmum @heygeorge yall were right. looky ^

PuttsMum ago

Me and George are putting our fingers in our ears until you two kiss and make up :p

heygeorge ago

Oh, it was ears? Yeah, that’s right. I knew that’s what we were talking about.

zyklon_b ago

hahahha. aint no makin up with gaybara he actually raped @ar47 son with a bicycle

PuttsMum ago

Lol Jesus.

gabara ago

See what I mean. He is the one that said he had the fantasy, and now he's saying it was me even though the archived link is right there. Hes lost his fucking mind. Gothamgirl is a succubus. That's litterally the mythical side effect of a succubus. Or drugs, maybe it's all the drugs he's gobbled up over the years. Is gothamgirl a drug incuded psychosis of his?

zyklon_b ago

@ar47 never even denied travekling to el reno

AR47 ago

Nope I didn’t. After that F3 hit a couple weeks back I went out there with my Deere gator and was helping people sift through the fields for their shit.

I am sure you can say something full of negativity about that as well. Seeing as people died in that event.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

maybe I'll stop blocking it now


zyklon_b ago

@gabara ruined it for all of us.

id like to see him riding a bicycle without seat and sitting on the post

gabara ago

This will now haunt you the rest of the time you are on voat:

jkasdfhk7732 ago

lmao, haunt... here how about this.... I RAPE KIDS, I'M A PEDO, I WORK FOR JIDF

haunt me bitch, lol



zyklon_b ago

@gabara i like when ferrets kid get sodomised by bicycle

zyklon_b ago

@gabara so wettoddid he must get privilegges

jkasdfhk7732 ago

funny part, is that @gabara memed himself

Gabara - This will now HAUNT you



zyklon_b ago

@gabara i have ZERO shame for wishin the seat post to sodomose ferrets son. hope he ridez a wheelie

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I like to put ferrents in young girls American Psycho style... I like to see them squirm



zyklon_b ago

@gabara thats hawt

jklsjas8347895 ago

thing is tho you have to get the baby ferrets cause there cooters are so tiny.

you know, I once fucked a 10 year old, snatched her right from her mom. My sketch is on FBI wanted list... they'll never. Beside I slit her through like a chicken when I done with little whore and threw that bag of in a ditch of I-9


zyklon_b ago

ima fuck his wife

jklsjas8347895 ago

with a ferret????? now that's just gross..... wait... how old his wife? is she under 18? if its a tranny forget about it, i ain't givin no reach around. I'm a selfish lover.


zyklon_b ago

@gabara wife has huge asshole

jklsjas8347895 ago

how much will it cost to get her to gape for me?


zyklon_b ago

@gabara how much to anal gape the wife?

jklsjas8347895 ago

i have, lets see.... 10 dollars in cash right now.... what the conversion rate for canada

dude beat pitch in 5 bucks, that will almost be 20 buck.... what a deal



zyklon_b ago

i gotcha. u can call

zyklon_b ago

Haunt me i am PROUD of putting ferrets kid on that bike