SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @TrialsAndTribulation.

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TrialsAndTribulation ago

Joe, I'm going to tell you why I don't like seeing porn on whatever, even with a NSFW tag.

It's because I hate knowing the girls have all been through some trauma that makes them end up doing porn. No self-respecting woman does porn for the thrill of it. No woman with any amount of self-worth wants to be recorded doing degrading things that should be reserved for herself and her husband. Someone did something depraved to them when they were younger, which traumatized them enough that they have trust issues with men, they have no boundaries which makes them vulnerable to men taking advantage of them, they desperately seek approval and affection from men but will never find it in porn, they reject good men who care for them and treat them well because they don't recognize it as genuine affection, and they destroy their lives for having done porn. I don't think it's obscene as much as I think it's incredibly sad and tragic for these young girls who do it.

So kindly knock it off, you fuckwit. Show some respect, both to the girls and to the people here who don't want to look at it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

As a practical matter I can pretty much post what I want to post. Free speech. Supposedly.

You sound rather ideological here though. You may be right in some cases. Others not. Hard to say why girls do this. Or at least it is dubious that they do it for any one reason. What I do know is that viewing porn desensitizes. I also know most women surveyed say they want to have sex in public. I think girls like Lena Nicole saw porn as minors, thought it looked cool, and are indeed thrilled by doing something like masturbating in front of potentially millions of guys. Along with money (which itself can be doubted as the prime motivator as it isn't very much and doing porn can harm future earning potential) this is probably mostly why you see this. Declining religious adherence and less frequency in having fathers no doubt play a role too.

She is still fucking scorching though.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

jew provocateur. This isn't a "free speech" issue, it's an issue of courtesy and respect for other users. But you know that, you deviant jew faggot shill.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It's free speech inasmuch as Voat allows anything that is legal under US law. Or something to that effect. That's that.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You're awfully good at shifting an argument away to something else. How'd you get so good at arguing like a jew? Are you one of those jews who started arguing as soon as you were out of the womb? I guess that just second nature to jews like yourself, since they're the most contentious people on earth.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not Jewish. I am descended from Puritans though. They were known for their fondness for argument.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Joe, you're a riot! "Not jewish" ... that's too much! Hilarious!

You know that no one believes a fucking word you say, right?

Joe_McCarthy ago

You know, you were doing reasonably well as the somewhat reasoned, seasoned moralist. Now you're just calling me a kike like the other dumb-dumbs.

Disappointing. Thought you were better than this. Not much better. But a bit.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Changin' the subject again, just like a jew. Who likes watching traumatized girls doing degrading things for his jollies, just like a jew.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Neither you nor I know whether Lena Nicole was traumatized. Maybe she just wants guys to watch her fuck herself. I'd say that is at least as likely.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

And dissembling like a jew. You know the truth, but you prefer lies. Like a jew.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno what you mean. We have mass porn consumption leading to desensitizing, lessening of stigma for girls that do it, modern technology making it possible for numbers surpassing most sports stadiums to watch. Women like attention and the approval of males. They also like to have sex in front of God and everybody. At least about 60% do - with the numbers likely skewing toward the young. Women even often say they do this for the reason I'm talking about. If trauma is a factor they predictably rarely mention it from what I've seen.

There are other factors too. Opportunity to travel. Opportunities to have sex. But these chicks are having sex on camera. It's safe to say they are doing that because they want to.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Great jew research, there. It looks suspiciously similar to "making shit up". jews are natural born liars and have an endless capacity to say anything to persuade people to do what they want. That's why jews like yourself are evil.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Believe what you want. You believe I'm a Jew after all. Or maybe pretend you do for trolling purposes. I question whether you are that stupid. But I doubt you are so out of touch with today's young women as to believe they're not whores.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm not trolling, you are. I'm naming the jew.

OricaTonithos ago

Thumbnail is NSFW.


Joe_McCarthy ago

You better believe it is. But if you post on Voat it is NSFW.

OricaTonithos ago

I have a family, and occasional OTS glimpses with this content in view means if it happens too often, I'll do less reading.

Posting shit like this without properly marking it (hence the auto-generating xXx thumbnail images) means less overall viewers during primetime. You must be proud knowing that your actions could result in decreasing voat's base.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I am conscious of the legitimacy of complaints over not using NSFW tags. I've acknowledged that on this thread. It's why I usually use them. I made an exception here.

Voat looks like a concentration camp though. Dunno anything about your folks obviously but if they see you here they're liable to think you are a gas chamber operator.

On that note I would not be massively sad to see a good chunk of the nutzis get lost. Not that this is my intent with this. I'm mostly just trying to amuse myself, mix up content, have some discussions. Like many do.

Your lecture is a bit overdone though. It'd be more appropriate had I been doing this for weeks. But this is day one. I suspect you mostly just ovject to this being posted at all and are using the most reasonable line of attack as your angle. I doubt I'm wrong.

Ultimately though of course whether you or anyone leaves or for whatever reason is your choice, not mine.

OricaTonithos ago

I was actually using the most delicate tool in the toolbag by commenting on the inappropriate arrangement of your post. Porn is mostly 'okay' so long as the slingers of that form of trash keep it behind the "black cover", so to speak. In an open market, for instance, material such as this when displayed in the open is regarded as "Lewd matter" and subjects a vendor to societal repercussion. A forum such as this, albeit in many ways like the wild west is peopled with settlers and their own sensibilities. I, and most others would count it impolite to have naked females posted to our faces outside of a designated sub-forum. If we wish to find common ground among each other, it's safe to stay on paths that wouldn't prompt our mates to question our fidelity (in addition to our politically-incorrect information sources).

So, are you a beast or a man?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I posted her so visibly, and indeed converted it to easily accessible gif format, in order to maximize exposure. She is so hot here that I think she merits it. I know it was a bit of an act of rebellion.

Not sure exactly what you're driving at about fidelity though. If it is what I suspect I dare say a porn image triggering a mate to that extent means there are some issues that need to be addressed beyond pornography. Women, for example, long knew they were inferior in looks to actresses or whatever. It isn't hard to instill similar understanding with porn girls. I'd say what you are broaching was more of a factor in the 80s and the pre-net era more generally.

OricaTonithos ago

So you're not much of a bro when it comes to the fight against degeneracy and societal rot, I take it...

(((are you?)))

Joe_McCarthy ago

More like I have nuanced views on porn. Where you see dubious Jew plots and stealth Jewish posters and their schemes I see a beautiful white female that is inspiring.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Jews are really pushing the porn now huh? First p0rn, now just on whatever

If i wanna rub my willie to degenerate shit, ill go back to reddit

Joe_McCarthy ago

You don't have to do anything. Most men like to watch very beautiful woman orgasm though. It's been said that making a woman cum, and watching her cum, is the nicest feeling in life. This is something in that ballpark at any rate. And her being so hot is the real hook.

If you were really uninterested you could have ignored this thread. Though that is kinda hard without the NSFW tag, I'll admit...

AdmiralEnchilada ago

"And her being so hot is the real hook."

Giving yourself away Israeli

Why are you trying to hook people?

See, i love women, i love making women Cum with My Dick

Only thing i want more, is to kill degenerates like you 😘

Joe_McCarthy ago

Way to combine misrepresentation with paranoia and empty belligerence.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Oh, and one more thing Juden

Only a Jew or a Degenerate would be posting porn on Christmas

Kill yourself

We're coming

Joe_McCarthy ago

I dunno. She is a pretty Merry Christmas.

AdmiralEnchilada ago




Either way

Kill yourself

Joe_McCarthy ago

Interesting how you think a girl fingering herself is an outrage but apparently think it is in line with the Christmas season to tell me to kill myself with empty threats on top of it. Love thy neighbor, 'tis the season to be jolly, peace on earth and goodwill toward man and all that I guess.

scandalous-goat ago

For someone who claims to be so well read and educated, you sure know how to play dumb.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Take it up on my new thread.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

To the Lurkers:

Notice how the jew strikes out as it attacks

Notice how the jew claims misrepresentation as i use (((Its))) own quote against (((it)))

Notice how only Zyklon can free us

Notice how Israel must Burn

Joe_McCarthy ago

The way in which you used 'hook' was not the way I was using it. C'mon. You're either a moron or you are malicious. Since you're on Voat and ranting about me being a Jew - very likely the former.

I wouldn't think I would need to spell it out - but she is a super hot blonde in the throes of orgasm. Obviously her being extremely attractive is the 'hook' that makes it especially nice. Reading it as a ZOG plot to 'hook' the goyim though is typical for this tard barn. I merely amplified her hotness to maximum exposure by not using a NSFW tag so I could make her as visible as possible. Well, that and posting it in gif form at all makes her very accessible. If one is going to post people need to see it.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

The Fact you're jonesing for other dudes to nut on Christmas is a sign of degenerate faggotry, or being Mossad

Either way

Kill yourself

And yes, im going to tell you to kill yourself on the Christmas

Its bevan Im ready to kill you

Have fun faggot

Joe_McCarthy ago

You should try to relax and watch her fuck herself. Better way to spend Christmas than threatening to kill a guy on the internet that you'll never meet.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


You faggots need to die

Id rather have a bitch suck my dick while i rub her pussy and order her to say "Say you love it"

Men Dont Need Porn

You're either Mossad, or a degenerate

Either way

Im noy riled up

Im waiting

Im watching

Im here to Kill You and Yours

Joe_McCarthy ago

She is a beautiful woman. Not fundamentally different from a pinup in the old days or whatever when it is all said and done. Making it out to be a massive issue is what is off here if anything.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

See, the fact your so clinical shows im right

Im coming

Im not white

Im an American

Israel will Burn

Joe_McCarthy ago

Are you some beaner or something? If so nevermind. You don't get to watch her.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


AdmiralEnchilada ago

Way to be a degenerate faggot

Kill yourself

No one loves you

You are worthless

Kill yourself

XSS1337 ago

Why ?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Why what?

XSS1337 ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Very beautiful woman. Does there need to be another reason?

XSS1337 ago

Why voat ?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Hes a mossad agent, fbi traitor, or just another faggot needing some rope time

Joe_McCarthy ago

You may have a point with that question. Voat doesn't like girls. But I'm trying to change that.

XSS1337 ago

There are plenty of Chan’s that would like it. They would thank you for it ... and yet you choose voat ... it is ineteresting because we don’t have ad revenue generating protocols for content creators such as yourself ... so again I will ask you.

Why voat ?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I don't post on chans. I've been on Voat nearly four years. The only place I post. Why not Voat?

XSS1337 ago

Because it doesn’t generate revenue... so you do this of your own free will ? No kick backs or affiliations contributing to your financials ?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Garden variety provocateur. If no kick backs or other form of compensation, then he's in it just for the lulz.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No one is paying me for this, no. This is more ideological.

XSS1337 ago

Then explain your ideologies to me and how this is conductive to them.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A bit involved. And I've already gone into it on the other thread I posted about her. This deals with some of the essence of it though.

XSS1337 ago

So you glow is what you do .... where are your parents from ?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Glow? I don't follow. If this is just going to be another you-are-jew-fed super spy accusation we might as well just end this right now. I thought yours was a halfway serious inquiry.

XSS1337 ago

It was very serious and now it is intriguing.

You say you are white , what are your genomes comprised of exactly ?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Old stock Anglo-American. Descended from Puritans.

XSS1337 ago

Which mix specifically ? There are 8 options.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Doesn't compute. Elaborate.

XSS1337 ago

Which 2 subsections of White are you. Your mother and your father.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I still don't understand. Both of them have English surnames though. But of course like most white gentiles in this country I'm a mixture. Fully Western European though.

But of what particular relevance is all this anyway? I don't especially mind discussing my family history, within reason, but I have a feeling this is some kind of dumb gotcha proving I'm from Tell Aviv. Tell me I'm wrong.

XSS1337 ago

You had me at white gentiles.

English surnames are not good enough.

Where did you grandfather come from ?

Your grand mother.

If you are actually white you should be able to tell us.

Joe_McCarthy ago

All four grandparents were born in the United States.

I'm not following that last sentence though. Makes no sense to me. And I'm starting to bore of this - so better spell out where you're going with this now.

XSS1337 ago

What are you genetics.

This is all I want to know. What portions of you are white and specifically what types of white.

This is not supposed to be difficult but you are daft.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your seeming inability to be clear is more the issue. Are you asking for DNA test results or some such? I've already said that I'm fully of Western European ancestry. I'd think that would be informative enough.

XSS1337 ago

It is not . There are so many Western European subsections of white and you cannot claim one.

You are false. Just open up and admit it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Eh, cannot claim one? I mentioned having an English surname. Where do you imagine I got that, Shanghai?

This talk of 'subsections' adds to your confused dialogue - but I think I am starting to understand you now. You mean ethnic groups. 'Subsections' could mean quite a few things. I thought maybe you were asking about subrace. In any case you seem to be using your own terminology and then are castigating me for not immediately grasping it.

XSS1337 ago

You can absolutely have a English surname from any part of the world.

You attack me for your own retardation, and in refusal to give me an answer have convinced me you are a shill and a jew.

Claim to be what you like rabbi, you are an insult to human existence.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

He sincerely believes in his right to throw a stink bomb into a church and expect the worshipers to feel enlightened and grateful. Plus he enjoys the disruption.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Voat is many things. It sure as hell ain't church.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You suck at analogies. And you just suck in general.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Look. I get that you're an old guy and find stuff like the OP offensive. It is for that sort of reason why I usually use the NSFW tag. But you'll live here. She doesn't bite. Or at least one can hope she doesn't.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks for talking down to me, faggot. And I don't find necessarily offensive, and not because I'm "an old guy". I find it inappropriate and extremely tasteless that you'd post this 1) in whatever, and 2) without a NSFW tag. If people don't want to see porn, stop pushing it in their faces. No amount of trying to justify this is going to change anyone's mind that your doing it to be true to your "ideology".

Joe_McCarthy ago

You've been a total ass in your comments to me since you started posting on this thread. You make it easy to condescend.

But there is no doubt some conflict in values here. You're an older conservative Christian guy or whatever. Those types do definitely frown on this. Your mention of church was unlikely to be entirely due to happenstance.

You can see it as tasteless if you want. I think she is gorgeous. We disagree.

The whatever sub is for whatever. Pornography fits here. Plus it is a heavily trafficked sub. On that note I left off the NSFW tag in this case because I thought she deserved a special case of visibility.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You've been a total ass in your comments to me since you started posting on this thread. You make it easy to condescend.

The jew cries out in pain when he strikes you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A reasonable request. I'm making an exception to my usual use of NSFW tags in her case. She needs maximum exposure.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Happy Hanukah, jew lizard

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/8chan comment.

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TrialsAndTribulation ago

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Liking pretty girls? Getting lulz from overheated chimpouts? Dunno. Maybe you have the answers.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

No, posting pornography to whatever and posting it without a NSFW tag. Faggot troll.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Troll, yes. Faggot, definitely not. She has done some lezbo though if that helps.