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ianadba ago

Hey how about not reposting the same thing, and put it in nsfw for more upvoats. Silly Goat!

Joe_McCarthy ago

I doubt it would do any better. I'm the guy posting it. That is the rub not that she is rubbing one out in this sub. Well, that and the Taliban now rules Voat.

You might have some success posting it in a NSFW sub though. I doubt it but go for it if you want. Here. I'll even give you a fresh copy of it so you won't get stopped with a prompt that the link has been posted recently.

Upvotes is maybe less valuable than views though. This sub has more traffic than porn subs. I'm not even sure this is hard enough to merit being placed in a porn sub. This is not hardcore pornography. But do it if you think you know better than I do.

SandHog ago

Why do you insist on being so hateful, Joe?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Hateful? I'm just posting a hot blonde diddling herself. What's hateful about that?

I have retards calling for me to banned, threatening to kill me for this. That is hateful. Not to mention hilarious and supremely moronic.

SandHog ago

You're only posting it out of spite given where you are posting it. Eh, whatever. You're clearly a douche because you choose to be.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Spite is only part of it. I have genuine ideological reasons for doing this. Among other motivations.

SandHog ago

I understand that. You leave as much room for nuance as they do. Which is none. Did you give up using words and are just planning on shitting up the place with porn or what?

Joe_McCarthy ago

On the contrary, my view here is nuanced inasmuch as it is multifacted and stems from multiple motivations, not to mention that I'm not an unqualified proponent of pornography. You are seeing me posting very beautiful white women, not interracial videos, for good reason, for example.

I'm probably going to post a lot of these gifs though. People will like them. They like Lena Nicole. They just don't admit it. It's not like there is a lot of intellectual discussion here to keep me occupied after all. And as I have been here longer than most - I don't really feel comfortable letting total tards drive me out of here.

SandHog ago

You are doing exactly what they want. It's a shame. When you bothered to put forth some effort you would leave some insightful comments now and again. Surely more polarization will help things!

Joe_McCarthy ago

I get downvoted by these people because they are irrationalist and anti-Semitic. Happened long before I started posting softcore porn. I get downvoted for who I am, not what I post for the most part. These people will only get what they want when no one here disagrees with their stupid ideas.

SandHog ago

That seems accurate from what I have seen. I also see people accusing you of being a paid shill or whatever. Is there any truth to that? It does seem weird to me that you spend so much time in a place you seemingly hate.

These people will only get what they want when no one here disagrees with their stupid ideas.

It appears that the echo chamber can never quite echo enough for them. Don't get me wrong; I hate the jewish oligarchs that control hollywood, the media and exert enormous amounts of influence on our government just as much as the next guy. I don't hate every jew because of that though. I suspect if the 'gas all kikes' crowd were to ever get their dream of a white ethnostate similar problems would reoccur only with some other group or ideology behind it: catholics, mormons or maybe a group based on some aspect of 'racial purity'. It's just what groups of people tend to do when they acquire too much power or influence in a society.

I do hope that you will reconsider your porn spamming campaign. Or, at least, flag that shit as nsfw.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No one pays me to be here. I'm bored and have too much time on my hands. I post here at this point mostly because there isn't a better alternative. I do hate what Voat has become though. As racist as I am this place was smarter when it was more diverse. Not that lefties or libertardian are necessarily brainiacs. But when they are stupid it is usually in less blatant ways.

I've been on a pretty girls offensive for a while here. In part because this place is too anti-female. I undecided on whether to use NSFW tags on the solo gifs I have in mind. Few people are genuinely going to dislike those.

SandHog ago

No one pays me to be here. I'm bored and have too much time on my hands. I post here at this point mostly because there isn't a better alternative. I do hate what Voat has become though. As racist as I am this place was smarter when it was more diverse. Not that lefties or libertardians are necessarily brainiacs. But when they are stupid it is usually in less blatant ways.

I think a lot of people dislike what Voat has become. At least people who actually care about it. Any forum will turn to shit if all dissenting opinion is driven off. Not that I want to see a bunch of leftist faggotry here. I don't. Fuck them. They already have pretty much the rest of the internet for that. This purity spiraling nonsense on Voat is out of control though. Either agree 100% with what a small group of people with a billion alts think or risk being driven off. It's fucking dumb. There really is no point in discussing anything if dissenting opinions are not allowed. That's just a circle-jerk. Voat has become a mirror of reddit in that respect and it seems to have happened in a similar manner. Power users can be just as much of a cancer as power mods if not worse. Something Voat's 'immune system' conveniently chooses to overlook.

Personally, I don't mind the porn so long as it's legal and tagged nsfw so I don't have to see it while scrolling through v/all.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Until roughly mid-2017 this place had a lot of socialists and libertarians. Though few were what we would call SJWs. They even left Reddit because of the SJWs. But the nutzi element achieved enough mass after Reddit banned the alt-right subreddit that they were able to downvote much dissent off the site.

If downvoting were abolished this issue would slowly heal. Though of course that would also give me a total green light to plaster the whatever sub with non-NSFW tagged solo gifs. A small price to pay for genuine free speech, I dare say. You'd also get lefties. Their content just wouldn't be very visible.

SandHog ago

Ah, yeah. That would have been Amalek.

Getting rid of downvoats would only make this place worse. All we'd see is hyper-partisan spam from both sides and mass doxing until one side won out, I suspect. I don't think it's even possible to have 'true free speech' online at this point. Too many people willing to abuse it in order to achieve political ends. Too many paid political activists. It's a much larger issue than just Voat. It's a real shame because the internet used to be an interesting place that wasn't completely dominated by political astroturfing. I think that ship has sailed at this point.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think abolishing downvoting would give us more free speech than Voat has now at least. And this site is supposed to be about free speech, not ensuring a dominant alt-right narrative by abusing the voting system. Free speech is the mission of this website, not white nationalism. We need to remember that.

There might be more doxxing. Assmad people going overboard. Antifa lunatics mostly I imagine as we're more vulnerable to doxxing. But vote manipulation with upvote bots and doxxing are against the rules. Those issues are apart from the issue of downvoting.

SandHog ago

I think if Putt just banned the doxers and manipulators it would help a ton so long as he smashed their alts when they popped back up. He should have done that after he put Voat on lockdown. If he did what you want Voat would eventually become another far left shithole eventually. Discord trannies and the antifa fucks would make sure of that. I don't think it's possible to have a free speech site and not have it dominated by one extreme or the other at this point.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You might have a point. Hard to say. But I can see how an especially organized antifa attack could commandeer this place. Or at least they might try. But if they really wanted to dox us they could do that already. I operate under the assumption that they are watching me and composing files. I know it has happened before. Caught someone doing it and then passing it around. They don't need to be able to talk here freely and do that.

SandHog ago

But I can see how an especially organized antifa attack could commandeer this place.

That's basically what happened with amalek isn't it? At least that is how I saw it.

Putt doesn't want to go against his ideals and ban the worthless faggots who go out of their way to silence people. There are people here who do nothing but run off new accounts near as I can tell. He bans them and they pretend they give a shit about free speech and pitch a fit so he feels bad and removes the bans. It's a joke. That is why I say a true free speech site cannot exist on the internet today. You have people abusing their speech and weaponizing it in in the form of downvotes in order to silence others. You don't have free speech with people like that around and you don't have it if you ban them. It's a catch-22. You either compromise your ideals and ban the subversive fucks or you don't and simply live with the cancer.

Meh, I'm about to the point where I don't even give a shit anymore.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The big issue probably would be use of alts or bots to upvote content and drown out the present Voat population. They could flood interracial porn at the top of every page. But they could do that now even with downvoting. A coordinated attack is possible even now. They'd just need to use bots to overwhelm the downvoters. For that matter I may need that.

The bottom line is that on purely free speech grounds abolishing downvoting is worth a try. If it gets commandeered there will be other sites. Leftists are unlikely to even populate this place after they commandeer it. They can post anywhere - and places with a broader viewership.

SandHog ago

Showing your true colors, huh? Just another vote manipulating piece of shit. I knew Putt banned you for good reason. Thanks for confirming it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You sounded pretty reasonable on this thread until this post. Seems it is you showing your true colors.

SandHog ago

I am reasonable. You admitted to posting the porn and then boosting it up via bots. For that you can get fucked. Anyone that is manipulating votes can get fucked as far as I am concerned.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I admitted nothing of the kind. What are you talking about?

SandHog ago

No. But I can help downvote you.

Bots seems to be the best option to counter you downvoting tards right now.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not an admission I was doing it. I'm not. But given the abuse of the voting system not an altogether unjustified move. Certainly understandable.

I didn't upvote my last porn thread after all.

In practice I may counter downvotes by putting my sub on private, hitting whatever with solo gifs while not posting downvotable comments, and staying in my sub. I guess I could use a bot. But I doubt I will.

Now, instead of blowing up in expletives you could have asked me to clarify what I meant. How do you feel right now?

New-World-Ebola ago

why isn't this fucking kike being banned for spamming porn?

porn is a weapon used against all the goyim.

XSS1337 ago

Not even a different image ?


Joe_McCarthy ago

Just need to be sure she is posted at different hours for maximum exposure. There will be more girls. More sound gifs.