TobaccoSmoke ago

The article also reads:

Public sex is also high on a man's fantasy list. Results from the same study show 82.3% of men want to have sex in an unusual place, 78.4% on a deserted beach and 66.1% want to have sex openly in a public place.

So it's slightly more common among men. They just lead with the p/c of women in the headline because it makes for better clickbait. I don't know how worked up to get by this, exhibitionism is a very common fantasy: is people rutting in Starbucks becoming a problem?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I don't care. It's pretty hot - and I only have time to get pissed off about a narrow spectrum of problems. I wouldn't legalize it but I think it possible that'll eventually happen. But anecdotally I've been catching people fucking for over 20 years. Especially in early morning hours when out jogging in parks. Or in restrooms in work environments. As far back as 15 years ago over 50% of Americans reported having done this.

Likely going up with the pornification of our culture. If you look for news stories you'll see it all the time. Here was one of my faves:

TobaccoSmoke ago

Fair enough. It's outside my experience, though I don't doubt it's reasonably common. Someone told me she knew a woman (a goth chick naturally) who liked doing it in graveyards...

KosherHiveKicker ago

survey conducted in liberal shit-holes replete with burned out roasties

Joe_McCarthy ago

Who knows. A better criticism is that it is a smallish sample. Still gives a pretty good idea though. If that many women wanna get fucked in public in most any context it is, erm, revealing. We're not talking about doing it on a deserted beach. This is in front of God and everybody.

Less interesting is how guys score. It's more expected and 'acceptable'.

None of this surprises me. But it is a useful insight into the female nature and helps understand responsibility for pornography. Girls get off on this.

Heathcliff ago

" 'To get physical in the changing rooms, get him to hoist you up so your back is against his chest, your legs hooked around his waist,' sexologist Nikki Goldstein told Women’s Health."

This Goldstein woman in crazy.

Wait. Goldstein!

Every single damn time.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno what you're driving at really unless you think public sex is a Jewish plot. In any event the public sex of relevance, judging by the context of the article, seems to be more public than that.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Would like to see the breakdown by age. I suspect it is higher toward younger ages. It also helps explain why so many young women are doing porn.