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sirRantsalot ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Crensch ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Above written by @sirRantsalot

You tell 'em!

Oh wait, did you meant that for me? I wasn't bitching about it. I was reminding @kevdude and his gang of SBBH faggots that doxx and harass people off this site that the current moderation tactics of /v/GreatAwakening are specifically sanctioned by the owner of this site. So..

I guess you could tell him to go make his own site?

sirRantsalot ago

That was zyklon, man. Don't paint with such broad strokes

Crensch ago

No, no. That's kevdude, claiming comments are not to be deleted. Zyklon was the troll, kevdude was the good-guy wrangler that kept all those "evil" mods in check by claiming to be taking the high/ideolotical road.

Brush up on your Voat history.

sirRantsalot ago

I'm been trying to learn the truth about voat for years now. Is it run by the feds? What's all the talk about being a paid shitposter? Why do guys like you constantly bitch?

Crensch ago

Constantly bitch?

Why is it that the people that complain about others doing things that aren't right are the ones thought of as the 'complainers' or 'constantly bitch(ing)'?

Ask yourself that. There's a group of users here that, ostensibly, are shitposters, but that's just a front for what they really do, which is COINTEL the hell out of this place for their leftist/globalist/kike overlords.

sirRantsalot ago

okay. stop right there. who specifically are you talking about in sbbh? i dont even think kevdude is a sbbh person. i'm in there regularly and those folks you accuse of being enemies of the american people are my friends. @heygeorge is american. @gabara is canadian. buddha......maybe. but i think hes just an uppity east coaster. @redcobra . @friendshipistragic . @ShitsInHoneyPots . @TheOldOnes . @nadeshda . even nutty @zyklon_b . ive corresponded with them for a very long time under different usernames. @drstrangegov , @platos_allegory , @poorlydrawnhorses (i believe thats it) they are good people. and my friends. you had better have good evidence for your accusations. i havent seen ANY evidence that these guys are anything other than what they seem to be. and that was my sole purpose for infiltrating sbbh. I looked through histories and comments going back to the beginning. I am a stereotypical american. loud, obnoxious, talented, and patriotic. i love my country and i hate to see it raped. i have a hard on to find, expose, and punish anyone who seeks to harm my people and my home. you're barking up the wrong tree. heres what SBBH's problem is with Q. those fucking goalposts. i had one metric of success for the donald trump presidency and Q's legitimacy. the arrest of the clintons. that is the source of the rot. comey flat out said she wont be prosecuted because of who she is. that rubs me wrong, see. until those evil pricks are locked up, the rule of law is broken. and without the rule of law. you have anarchy. and anarchy is weakness. so anybody who tells me to "trust the plan" obviously just wants me to sit quietly while they do whatever it is they are gonna do. i'm not trusting the plan BECAUSE I NEVER HEARD A PLAN.

heygeorge ago

@crensch really is this retarded. Goddamn I stirred the pot this time. The truth cuts deep.

Ask yourself that. There's a group of users here that, ostensibly, are shitposters, but that's just a front for what they really do, which is COINTEL the hell out of this place for their leftist/globalist/kike overlords.

Crensch ago

You mean how you constantly ping me for no apparent reason? "this time"


It's ok. I don't mind bringing up stuff from the past. It won't change anything for the better for any of you, but I DO find nifty tidbits that I missed from before, like kevdude not being able to keep his story straight.

And I get nice proofs that you are a lying, gaslighting piece of shit. So there's that.

All you all have is:

1) I saw tits that were nice

2) From a user whose face is attractive

3) A comment from the lying, Voat-manipulating, can't-keep-his-story-straight kevdude about "flappy tits"

4) Fake pics that were posted publicly to everyone

5) My modlog

Nothing has changed to make your position any better since the beginning.

sirRantsalot ago

wasnt she married? doesnt some part of you want to find a nice corner to sit quietly in? i mean, if i were sexting with a married woman i'd be forced to reconsider what kind of person i was, and i certainly wouldnt be bragging about it. i'd be ashamed. have you no shame?

Crensch ago

wasnt she married?


doesnt some part of you want to find a nice corner to sit quietly in?

You mean like everyone wanted to do, but kevdude and the SBBH trolls would attack them for doing so?

i mean, if i were sexting with a married woman i'd be forced to reconsider what kind of person i was, and i certainly wouldnt be bragging about it.

The tit pics were sent to me, @Vindicator, and @kevdude from a username none of us knew. Before that, @srayzie was telling @ESOTERICshade to piss off, and he was getting angry - she knew he had tit pics of hers, and she was worried about him leaking them. Guess what happened?

i'd be ashamed. have you no shame?

Ashamed of getting tit pics sent to me? No. I'm also not ashamed of finding them praiseworthy. I don't know her situation, but apparently she's comfortable enough to share them with SOMEone here. Why would I feel the least bit odd or awkward about it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Wrong. I was never mad at srayzie. I just drifted away from her because all she talked about was Q and I was not a Qbert. Proof that she sent the tit pics herself is that she sent them to @kevdude TWICE. She false flagged me with that shit because she was mad at me for exposing Q as a psyop.

As usual you have it all backwards.

Crensch ago

That's not proof of anything other than a woman you betrayed felt exceedingly self-conscious, and didn't believe for a second that kevdude didn't look at them. She wanted to make sure he did to try and elicit a compliment since she was hysterical and felt awful about herself.

I don't have anything backwards, alt-user/vote-manipulator/consensus-cracker.

sirRantsalot ago

i think you need a new hobby. being a dick to your fellow voaters is a shitty one.

Crensch ago

heygeorge admitted to starting this. Is that not being a dick? You're really not very good at this.

sirRantsalot ago

never claimed to be. i'm better at other things. all i'm doing is defending sbbh because youre constantly bitching about them. if i'm doing it poorly, so be it. at least i'm doing it.

Crensch ago

You don't even admit when you're proven to be wrong.

There's a guy that is starting a verbal argument, and happens to be wrong. He has this really buff friend that is totally "i got your back bro, no matter what" tier.

You're BackBro. You're defending your buddy even when some part of your idiot mind realizes you're wrong.

sirRantsalot ago

I have my peoples backs when retards harrass them. on voat and in the world. only a shithead would see this as a personality flaw, shithead.

Crensch ago

Yeah, but I'm not a retard, and I'm right far more often than not... and far more often than your buddies.

You're really not very smart, it seems.

sirRantsalot ago

i never claimed to be. you must not be very smart if you thought i was.