GlowWorm ago

Great but blue needs to pop more, look more alien. Some of these just look like an off grey.

SearchVoatBot ago

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kevlarrr ago

It needs the title Blue York Times

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Fuck Kathleen Kennedy

jesus_is_lord ago

spacelog ago

Operation Zyklon Blue. OZB, blue the jew ..... part of it making it so funny is how the names roll right off.

reason247 ago

ITs operation BLUE the JEW. Not Zyklon blue.

urp ago

TOO BLUE (too dark blue)

thatguyiam ago

Shared to cuckbook. N9body can say

muh antisemitism

...when youve got their lies captured right there in the pic. They try to shit on the 'white' race, but you point out their lies in the same pic. Perfect.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

Someone should do the porn moguls.

Scroobius ago

seen a bunch of the blacked . com jew

Reverse-Flash ago

Or as Harvey Weinstein likes to call it "blow the jew".

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Smurfs hated jews. Gargamel was a hooked-nose heeb

AinzOown ago

When they point out people being successful and blame it on racism. Niggers are dumber. Test scores prove it.

ALIENS2222 ago

Do congress! Do congress!

Fuckyounigger ago

Can we make jew supporters a different color too like red

BearDolphin1488 ago

Maybe get a catchy tune to go with it?? Like a montage music video.

I'm blue daba Dee daba dai!

Lord0Trade ago

Technically, Jews (ie those who are Jewish ethnically or by religion [including those with partial ancestry] comprise about 8-10 million which is closer to 3%

crazyjuan ago

Look at the schnosz of the fourth guy - either that's a jew or a really unlucky white guy.

Jiggggg ago

I have Photoshop skills if anyone wants to send pictures my way for blue-ing. I can do it tonight

Rabid_Robot ago

I love the idea of turning Jews into Smurfs that are easy to identify. Keep going until the fake news starts objecting and calling on this "white supremacist" act to stop!

Scroobius ago

very nice

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I love that one of the outcomes of this is that the color blue will be regarded as anti-Semitic and Israel will have to change their flag colors lol.

475677 ago

We should change colours every time they kvetch hard enough. First it'll be blue, then red, whatever, eventually they're going to be left with a pure white surrender flag or they're going to have to go full fag rainbow to show that no colour can defeat them and either way we win.

kammmmak ago

Like putting on the sun shades in "They Live".

Wonder_Boy ago

What app are people using to make these?

1Sorry_SOB ago It's free and simple

Wonder_Boy ago

Doesn't work

Wonder_Boy ago


Landrictree ago

Photoshop? Gimp?

Try picsArt on the phone maybe?

Wonder_Boy ago

Thank you

CrudOMatic ago

Blue all the old infographics

Maersk ago

Do Ben Shapiro please

Niggardly_Jew ago

You do it, faggot.

Maersk ago

Don't have time, cock sucker

ShakklezthaKlown ago

this is a great idea. the equivalent of destroying the broadcast station at the end of "they live". and to come out of the chans in this day and age, impressive.

jthun2 ago

Love it, but why blue?

I would have thought green for greed. ANd because they look like goblins.

Landrictree ago

If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening,

From Dylann Roof’s manifesto.

Scroobius ago

No idea

Deceneu ago

Look up flag colors

bdmthrfkr ago

I just did this one for @reverse-flash, you all can use it as you wish.

Reverse-Flash ago

Ha ha, nice.

Deceneu ago

This has the unfortunate reading that a goy gave the radio treatment to a Jew.

Reverse-Flash ago

Nice. jews are officially evil smurfs.

slwsnowman40 ago

Fuck you for planting that ear worm!

dassaer ago

Ahahahaa ... ikr .

Shadowlight ago

this is awesome on so many levels

drhitler ago

Do we need the star? shouldn't it be starless to avoid the antisemitism label,

Isnt the point get people too look up why people are being made blue and get led down a rabbit hole?

Scroobius ago

You're right. These are just old memes that other people made that I'm sharing

Deceneu ago

Agree, this should be subtle enough. Boomer-mindset, please abstain !

no-hurry-no-pause ago

It would also make it possible to bypass the censorship on normie sites.

Normies should be made to internalize who is a blue long before they realize that they are jews.

Dziewanna ago

I read "Feces of power"

Wazhappenin1 ago

Great idea. Now we need a blue accounting of those in the Trump Administration all his advisors cabinet members Etc

Adrianmc ago

There's 4 non-Jews? I demand a recount. Theyre probably just undercover Jews, you know like Marx and Murdoch.

robot7247 ago

Pretty sure Kathleen Kennedy's days are numbered after the ~$100 million Star Wars reshoot debacle.


Share this one with normies to avoid facebook censors

CouldBeTrump ago

Sauce on Elon being jewish? Haven't heard that one before.

Sleuth222 ago

Elon Musk is an actor. Look up his origin story.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lol what?

Sleuth222 ago

It's hard to look up with jewgle but you can find that his character was invented long before the actor was even alive.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Do you have a source for any of this

Sleuth222 ago

I do but I have to look through my files. There's a book from the 19th century i believe that has a central character named elon musk who visits mars. I'll try to find it.

TheKalergiFan ago

It was written by Werner Von Braun

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

That's funny because I remember reading a book written in 1874 that had a main character named Sleuth222 who was an ass ramming faggot that loved to suck dick on the weekends. Now of course I have no sources for my claim and an internet search provides no results but you'll just have to take my word on it

Sleuth222 ago

Here you go. I was wrong about the time frame, it was Wernher von Braun's book. Interesting how the original NASA front man wrote a book about a guy named Elon who colonizes Mars. Quite the coincidence.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

What next a time travelling boy called Baron Trump who goes on to become president!?

alele-opathic ago

Great find. I expected you'd repost Mathis' investigation into Elon.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Now that's more like it you dirty whore

Sleuth222 ago

You sure are testy. Can't even give a guy a moment to look something up.

dassaer ago

I like something looking up dirty whore testy's ...

TheKalergiFan ago

I think he just edited on his phone and didn't know how to mask that section

CouldBeTrump ago

That was my assumption, but I was hoping he knew something I didn't and wasn't just being lazy.

sore_ass_losers ago

Meyer and Ochs-Sulzberger didn’t get the blue treatment?

NotPolice ago

Why the green vs. white? Might want to have a legend explaining.

Questionable_1 ago

I was just going for the blue faces, so the faces can be cut and pasted onto whatever you want.

spacelog ago

Scroobius, this is an excellent idea.

Scroobius ago

Wish I could claim it, but I found it on 4chan. Just spreading the word

spacelog ago

meBlue "...because whites are bad n stuff."

RaptorJesus ago

Apply a filter to the face only you brainlet.

RobertMewler ago

Papa Shmuli

sore_ass_losers ago

Papa Shmuli the Smurf.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

I would think Operation Prussian Blue or Berliner Blau would be more fitting. Just my opinion.

angryspin ago

Blue's Clues

Afterlife ago

Prussian Blue is a good one. I made OC on the #MeToo thing, we could have a whole set called #MeBlue highlighting how pedoweird is jews

Windmill_of_Peace ago

Oooh, yeah that's a good one. The rhyme will make it easier for folks to associate the two together.

Scroobius ago

My original thread from yesterday has 558 upvotes after 16 hours up. By far the most upvotes I've gotten on a post. Love how everyone is on board with this. Also I found of Harrison Ford is half jew today because of this meme

jimibulgin ago

I love this meme.

Stevenjewberg ago

Im counting 20/20. If i saw any of these people in a jewish area eating at a jewish restaurant I would assume they were jews therefore they are all jewish. This has to be a psyop to make it look like 100% of industries arent controlled by jews.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

I'm suspicious of everyone but the Chinese guy.

I'm also suspicious of him because he's Chinese.

ice007 ago

The plan developed on 4Chan is called "Operation Blue the Jew".

Whoever is trying desperately to change the name to "Operation Zyklon Blue" is a genius at sabotage (or a total sperg).

"Operation Blue the Jew" is a very edgy name and might actually cause some normies to think about the fact that there's a lot more Jews in power and Influence then they every heard before.

It will cause them to contemplate the impact this has and why they've never heard before about Jewish influence.

But calling it "Operation Zyklon Blue" will cause normies to instantly think of the Holocaust (which most firmly believe to be 100% true).

Normies will instantly assume that the people posting these photos really do want to bring about another "Holocaust".

It will confirm their fears that the Internet really is filled with hateful Nazis who just hate Jews for no valid reason.

They will think it's time to support widespread censorship of "Nazis" on the Internet.

Changing the name from "Blue the Jew" to "Operation Zyklon Blue" will change a positive influence campaign designed to raise racial consciousness of whites, into a campaign designed to further push the average white normie into believing the standard anti-white Jewish propaganda.

It instantly triggers the Jewish Mind Control Guilt Cycle

ALIENS2222 ago

Clone yourself... This is a great comment

Blork_Blorkinson ago

Bro, I intuited all of that by looking at the picture.

Vc83 ago

Honestly it should just be called "Blues or "operation blue" this makes it easy on the eyes for normies to not completely reject outright, while still drawing attention to WHY are all these people blue . It is also very effective since it rymes with the subject matter

Womb_Raider ago

No. Calling it Operation Blue the Jew is necessary to highlight the jewish ancestry, even if there's a star of david it needs to be made clear for stupid people. They need to know plainly that this is jewish people being highlighted. Jewish people have an overwhelming majority of power consolidated in the US relative to their population, so it must be pointed out.

Vc83 ago

NO, we already know they are jewish because that's what they are, it cant be disputed. There's no reason to spell it out to people, a redpill worked out on it's own is better than just telling people it. You have to lead people into making their own conclusion. There is no reason for us to spoon feed people, the meme is truth, and the jews themselves will reveal themselves to normalizes by kvetching about this meme, they will expose themselves without us every needing to do anything more than simply making people blue.

Just like how NOFAP and NOPORN suddenly becomes "antisemetic" when nobody even mentions it, just happens to be a coincidence that the porn industry is run by jews.

Womb_Raider ago

The whole point of the operation is to point it out to people.

Vc83 ago

the news is already telling them what it means, they reveal themselves when they say whats going on.

LightestHour ago

I liked "Operation Prussian Blue" myself

ice007 ago

Show a photo of Democratic Leaders - "Why Do Democrats hate conservative America? Because they've got the Blues"

Show a photo of Hollywood producers - "Why Does Hollywood produce Anti-White Films/TV? Because they've got the Blues"

Vc83 ago

Honestly you could also just highlighting text/names in blue color then the rest in black. It would replace the obvious ((( and be much more subtle / hard to censor

Scroobius ago

I'm not a twitter faggot so I don't care what they call it there. I assumed they were just #blued. Anyway, I saw it called Zyklon blue and liked it. Call it whatever you want, I just want people to see jews made blue in pictures so that they see how prevalent they are

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Shut the fuck up and realize that optics is more important than a likeable name.

It's Blue The Jew. Nothing else.

Scroobius ago

eat a dick nigger

smokratez ago

Can you at least agree with what that dude just said?

Black_Chopper ago

Big brain time!

zxcvbnasdf ago

Who came up with this? I can see this having legs.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Dylan roof, I think originally. It was in his writings

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Who came up with this?

Actually Dylan Roof back in 2015.

He wrote in his manifesto

"If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening"

muzzieniggerjew ago

sauce and why didnt he shoot up jews then faggot

no-hurry-no-pause ago

look up his manifesto

zxcvbnasdf ago

He just so happened to shoot up Charlottesville, the same place as the other fake death. And he just so happened to be high as fuck on drugs.

Coincidences goy! Shut the fuck up!

s4mhide ago

Roof was Charleston, SC

SurfinMindWaves ago

Where do all new ideas originate? 4chan.

Scroobius ago

Found on /pol/. They have a thread up right now. Just go there and search "blue"

Afterlife ago

More fresh oc from me, I’m doing this from my phone so your goats have no excuses. SPREAD IT