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I'm excited this is going to be a thing. What a phenomenal idea. And there is really nothing ((they)) can do to stop it. Over time the public will come to associate this shade of blue with Jews and they will slowly start to seem them as a type of over-represented shapeshifter controlling almost everything non jews consume and internalize.

Q: What is the Jew's greatest weapon?

A: Their ability to hide among whites without causing suspicions.

Q. How do you take that weapon away?

A: Blue the Jew.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You know for a fact there are jews sitting in a circle all rubbing their hands trying to figure out how to fight this.

They'll try to get it banned, and if that fails they'll muddy the waters with fake blue jews, and when that fails they'll just goto the ADL and get blue labeled as a hate color

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Clown World acceleration. They've already started trying to muddy the waters here, and here where they're trying to change the name to Operation Zyklon Blue.

And if blue is labeled a hate color, we can start calling the kike flag hateful, because it's white and blue.