Read this post on mormons and their Masonic-semetic subversion of the white race before it gets censored again. (whatever)
submitted 5.3 years ago by WolfShepherd
Freemasonry in mormon temples
further proof of mormon freemasonry as per the Turkish govt
Useful comment f
freemasonry of the mormons is taught in BYU
mormon FBI MAFIA
pizzagate connection
ritual satanism very similar to modern PG
mormons are allowing child porn to be produced. They are likely distributing it in DC through their federal subverters
The CIA is infected by freemasons
They brag about it actually
They'll torture you for talking about it
They groom children for rape
They work for zionists
They assist Zionists to traffick drugs
They helped Israel achieve nuclear power
They are trafficking children for pedos
They literally think they are jewish. No, i'm serious
thewebofslime 5.3 years ago
Someone should revisit the Pace Memorandum on /v/Pizzagate given the F.Mormon kerfluffle with the cartels, recently.
WolfShepherd 5.3 years ago
BOILEDSWEETS 5.3 years ago
Might have a read now.
I recommend it if you are JQ pilled it will raise alarms
thewebofslime ago
Someone should revisit the Pace Memorandum on /v/Pizzagate given the F.Mormon kerfluffle with the cartels, recently.
WolfShepherd ago
Might have a read now.
WolfShepherd ago
I recommend it if you are JQ pilled it will raise alarms