AdmiralEnchilada ago

Agreed, except for some of the heavy boomerisms. The boomer patriotism is awesome, the belief in Q is.... iffy.

Q is the enemy if an enemy

That doesnt not mean they are a friend

Only trust those whos family you've met

VoatIsNowDead ago

So informative that over 99.999999% of the population can't get past the login screen, what were you saying again?

undertheshills ago

That's exactly why it's a closed community. No one but us can view the site. No one else can join. This is an internet ghetto.

ForgottenMemes ago

8/pol/ was better tbh.

Tallest_Skil ago

From 2014 to 2015, sure. Not after that.

ForgottenMemes ago

Those chimpout threads were lit.

Tallest_Skil ago

One of my fondest Internet memories. Truly a comfortable experience. And it happened during the height of the Infinity crisis, too. Isn’t it horrible that the website literally preventing you from posting at all didn’t deter people from swarming to it and growing its permanent numbers to enjoy niggers nigging, but a single board owner (imkikey) taking over /pol/ and banning anyone who didn’t worship Trump managed to completely and utterly destroy both the size of the userbase and the quality of the content posted? I think ✡they✡ learned a lot from that.

I just wish the chimpouts had continued in any meaningful form, or expanded. It would at least give me a reason to get out of bed.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

we need more sites like this................

Eualos ago

Pretty much

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Yeah, Voat is great, but only we get to see the content since it is closed to the public, which defeats the purpose in my opinion. We're just preaching to the choir in an echo chamber right now.

whatisbestinlife ago

*used to be. now the front page is full of prayer requests, and baby announcements.

Mustard_Monkey ago

It is the last free speech vestige of the internet. If we educate the blue pilled, and black pilled properly. Less of the revelation two niner have been kicked out of every country, and rule Hollywood. More this is why Socialism is wrong because [insert correct information]. This is why the theory of evolution is wrong [insert correct information]. We lost alot of focus lately.

blumen4alles ago

I haven't found a better site yet. Even if every word I write is read by some frazzledrip three-letter agency asshole, still the best.

PhilKDick ago

Yes, but you have to go beyond the top 3 pages. Memes and screenshots have come to dominate the top/hot posts, whereas links to articles tend to get less points. I'm not complaining, just pointing this out.

blumen4alles ago

Some people just want a quick run-down. Articles just take more time to get through. If a goat takes some or all of the article and quotes it in a discussion submission, you can read it without having to leave the site.

englishwebster ago

Funny how free speech changes everything

Leveraction ago


Armpit_and_Ass ago

You should have seen it like three years ago, before it turned into this shit show.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Before the Qews.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

I shared a great post by another VOAT anon yesterday and it enlightened many people.

zxcvzxcv ago

It is amazing what one can learn when information is freely shared rather than being made illegal by kikes.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Freely shared but still "curated" through voting manipulation brigades by the Reddit SRS crowd at SBBH, so even though it's not illegal the Jews are still deciding what you can and can't see.

zxcvzxcv ago

I have personally witnessed this on several occasions. They seem to particularly enjoy downvoating anything related to Hitler or when your post is a bit too on the nose concerning jews.

hmmmm...makes you wonder, sometimes.

Titanbikes4ever ago


AntiMason ago

It's not on the internet

Doglegwarrior ago

ya and we dont even know who the fuck is running it any longer. i dont see any other alternative. the biggest problem is anything controversial on other sites has the comments locked or you are banned for saying anything against the JEW narritive. u csnt say jew unless its positive on any other site on the internet or being out right banned.

Womb_Raider ago

That’s not true at all. Regularly misinformation is posted here and often corrections aren’t offered either by OP or by the comment section, meaning people either don’t read the article at all or don’t look deeper for citation. Voat has low standards for accuracy on the whole, the only real strong suit is the lack of or at least very limited censorship relative to other platforms.

TheVOATangel ago

The users can call out the misinformation, that's not really allowed anywhere else

Womb_Raider ago

They don’t do so diligently. That’s my point...

tokui ago

That's the argument for statism: you don't know what's good for you, you need to be sheltered.

Womb_Raider ago

I never made that argument. I just disagree with the title of this post. I am not offering a solution to anything, I am not advocating for any changes. I am merely being objective. Have a fine day.

Creggieb ago

I agree with the... potential unreliability of things posted here, but that's what critical thinking skills are for. Theres bullshit everywhere in the world. Only difference is here, the bullshit isnt "edited for time and content"

justregtoasku ago

These comments have been moderated

zxcvzxcv ago

As early as a year ago, this wasn't so much the case. Now, however, it does seem to be true. The smart goats don't seem to be as active lately. I wonder why?

Womb_Raider ago

Hard to say. I think the noise makers referred to as SBBH, CTR, ShareBlue, et al probably led to this. They've successfully made the website unpalatable, and the owner/administration has never really addressed it... or appeared to have the desire to do so.

The site also stopped making concerted effort to fund itself, funding sources of late appear shady if not at least opaque. The canary has expired. There are many reasons people might have lost interest.

I often wonder where they've gone. If they proclaimed it here, though, those provocateurs I mentioned would only follow. And thus we have a catch-22.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Hard to say. I think the noise makers referred to as SBBH, CTR, ShareBlue, et al probably led to this.

100% spot on. The Tel Aviv and Langley joint task force, all Jews or Jew puppets.

FeLp2 ago

Probably all getting arrested lol.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Either sent to the Gulag, forcefully employed, or smart enough to realize what this place is and bail to avoid the fallout.

It's the ones that remain I find more fascinating, personally.

justregtoasku ago

human spirit old bean

Nosfewratsjews ago

We, too, live on the edge, sir.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

wrong, I've been here for 4 years (I have had a few accounts compromised). There's always been unreliable info here.

Which is fine, most of the posts are a goldmine if you just vet it.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Maybe you're not one of the smart goats he's referring to.

There are definitely some users who's level of understanding of all of the small pieces the rest of the community finds/discovers/focuses on goes above and beyond - the users who put all the pieces together in various combinations in their mind and find high level connections.

The problem is, when these higher thinkers combine the pieces and find real terrifying stuff, a lot of the less capable users aren't able to understand the result, fear the result enough to mentally reject it, or just let the paid Tel Aviv and Langley joint task force staff manipulate the votes and character assassinate the heavy thinker enough that the rest become unwitting (see: ignorant) weapons against the heavy thinker.

It's probably contributed to why so many of the heavy lifters of high level concepts and ideas have given up and left over the years.

@zxcvzxcv @womb_raider You know I speak truth here.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

This doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about. The topic is misinformation.

You may very well be correct in your assumptions. For sure I'm not the sort of poweruser that makes all these wild lateral connections to piece together incredibly informative posts about current affairs. The bulk of the best and brightest may have left to never return. I don't know. I've always thought the influx of younger users was the main contributor to the lowered quality. But then the quality isn't really all that worse from when I first came here. Maybe the PAO migration changed it, I wasn't here before that.

But it's not what we're discussing. We're just talking about misinformation.

zxcvzxcv ago

I didn't mean to suggest that there wasn't unreliable info. I meant that in the past, goats seemed to call out the unreliable info a lot more quickly and accurately.

HndrxMn ago

Four years ago there was also more thought out discussion but I guess that's a byproduct of being a small community; the signal to noise ratio is more ideal.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't think it's a coincidence. I think the noise is because there was thoughtful discussion here, and someone somewhere sought to muddy the waters for whatever reason. A free speech beacon is dangerous for those that believe in fascism.

1_61803399 ago

Probably that Q-tastrophe that flooded us with gullible retards.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Most of them have bailed. The number of 4+ year old accounts that used to post daily but are not completely missing is Legion.

Also why we get high upvotes on low quality content like this self-congratulatory post.

AlphaOmega ago

I like it. The culture here pulls no punches and Reddit, bugman faggotry is discouraged.

Racial_Maddow ago

Is there a difference between bug man faggotry and reddit bug man faggotry?

AlphaOmega ago

It may be redundant.

generate ago

putt is a traitor and a fag

herbert_west ago

Jews did 9/11.

anomRandom ago

From where comes the money to maintain voat?

progressbin ago

Pavel Durov. Saw him running the other month.

CowWithBeef ago

It looked like Private Internet Access was the money source when Putt ran a promo for them.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Probably Peter Thiel. Perfect place to aggregate all of the people "the system" want removed so he can study them with Palantir AI. Once the machine learning algorithm is done with us, this will all be turned off for good and we'll probably all be rounded up quietly in the night.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

spot on - a social laboratory of right-wing rats (no offense).

pcdude ago

Notch, probably

Eualos ago


winterdreams7 ago

What happens when voat goes down? I don't know of anywhere else that has this unique perspective on events.

Purged ago

We go outside and stir the pot.

crazy_eyes ago

That's the thing to do

Eualos ago

Poal.Co is the closest I know of

Synxsynxsynx ago

The gayest I know of as well.

blumen4alles ago

Sadly their front page doesn't seem to change, and when I have posted there I don't get many intelligent responses. They do seem to have active moderation, which is something most of our subs do not have. There are some great mods here, like the pizzagate mods for example.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

I very much appreciate the mods here. They seem to never do anything at all.

blumen4alles ago

LOL no kidding. If I was a mod I would make some minor changes like fixing links so content can embed, maybe moving submissions to a more appropriate sub. It be tempting to fuck with SBBH though, better not give me the power.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

I hope you never get such powers :)

Eualos ago

Very gay indeed


Can't you just enjoy it without starting a circlejerk?

MarauderShields ago

Clean up on aisle 3!

o0shad0o ago

No, because it's been isolated from the net in general, turned into a bubble. No new users, no way to share info to anyone who has no account. So it has become a circlejerk.

VicariousJambi ago

Why are you not out there spreading info?

AmericanBannedStand ago

This is the real question. We can provide information to each other, then go and use it out in the world. I got my FBI crime stat graphs from here. I messaged them to other people. We’ve got a powerful tool here.

VicariousJambi ago

capnflummox ago

Nope. Because they are a faggot Qaccount and they like to farm votes because they think this is reddit.

tokui ago

Thank you.

For coming out your hibernation burrow to inform us that op acct was created DURING the Q migration. Because, at that time, nobody else was making new/alt accts.

You many safely return to your fetid burrow and go the fuck back to sleep you sperm gargling faggot.

capnflummox ago

Hibernation? I'm here everyday, Qaccount faggot.

So, you admit you're a faggot Qaccount.

No one was sleeping, and you shouldn't project your gay fantasies on this website.

Go back to reddit.

tokui ago

And here you are.

RoundWheel ago

Yep. Starting a circlejerk and deflecting onto others is shilling 101. Otherwise he wouldn't have posted.

RoundWheel ago

Yep. Starting a circlejerk and deflecting onto others is shilling 101. Otherwise he wouldn't have posted.

tokui ago

It's my news aggregator, basically.

Voat, or some enterprising goats, could monetize by setting up an official "nigger faggot kike" news site.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Various users have tried this in the past. the Reddit SRS crew over at SBBH ran each and every one of them off. What a (((coincidence))).

tokui ago

They're smell strongly of "weev" style "muh internet free speech". We know (((what))) he is, no matter how many swastikas he tattoos on his self. They stink of (((civnat))) shit.

blit416 ago

2nd time youve brought that person up in 2 days. shills LOVE to character assasinate him b3cause of the stormer. I was gonna wait for a 3rd but... let it be know now:

you've been noticed.

tokui ago

Lol he's the epitome of "i'm no troll, it's all about muh free speech" civnat kike soapfags.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Joint operation between Tel Aviv and Langley.

blumen4alles ago

SBBH needs to suck a big black cock after being set on fire and extinguished with a sledge hammer.

Nosfewratsjews ago

This is the cold, hard truth. SBBH has ruined Voat, almost single-handedly. Their moderation team is quite literally a "who's who" for Jews.

VicariousJambi ago

gabara is a city is israel

totally just because its "ironic" tho

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I ain't no jew, buddy

Nosfewratsjews ago

So you're one of the ones in the Langley cube farm and not Tel Aviv - so what?

Working for Jews is still the same thing, in my book. Since the US Government, and probably the entire leadership of the US Military, are all owned by the Jew purse strings - they're all Jew slaves.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

So you're one of the ones in the Langley cube farm and not Tel Aviv - so what?

well well well.

acheron2012 ago

Absolutely!! It is not that different in purpose than any of a hundred other aggregators. The difference is that it is not controlled by the enemies of humanity.

Inaminit ago

fuckmyreddit ago

Voat and everything on a screen is controlled by the enemies of humanity. If you want to find something slightly unique, find a YouTube channel that the controllers have taken down because the channel has gotten too popular. The only channel that comes to mind is Martin Liedtke's Flat Earth British. He mostly talks about mudflood and Tartaria. His publisher was also hacked, delaying his book. There are lots of others who have been destroyed, but I cant remember their names.

I found a whole group of people who explain how history is a lie, but I dont say their names because I like watching their theories. I found several interesting free thinkers by doing a YouTube search for HISTORY IS A LIE. it's much harder to find these youtubers in a search because they are being suppressed, but you might be able to find some of the smaller channels.

AR47 ago

Not controlled?

Hahaha if it wasn't controlled there would be open registration and different views allowed so that you could discuss things.

Voat was set up as a congregation of alternative views to be all in one place. Then it was sealed so that those ideas could grow into a springboard of actionable consequences.

Voat is now a Honeypot that will be front and center someday when a person does something horrendous.

Element115 ago

You know they're going to call us a gang, even though none of us know each other and mostly don't like each other.

Let's give our gang a name before they give it one for us.

Ooh, ooh, can we have a sign, and a hat color?

Nosfewratsjews ago

FBI already views Voat users as domestic terrorists, they don't even have to fallback on the more legally shaky "gang" label, though some SJW analyst will get a hard-on from adding it to the list of charges they use to scare people who they round up.

Element115 ago

Hah, do you have documentation on that claim?

I absolutely believe it puts you on a list, since just reading Linux news does that, but I seriously doubt they want to deal with rounding up everyone who comes here over nothing.

Nosfewratsjews ago

All you have to do is understand how Government actually works. We've been studying Government's double-standards and abuse of language with ambiguous legalese for the two-tiered "Just-us" system for years and years.

Voat falls under so many of the overly-ambiguous Government categories for things like "domestic terrorists" (anyone who disagrees with the Federal Government, at this point), and "gangs" (any organized group that wishes to see the Government "harmed", since harm is so ambiguous it includes anyone who thinks the Government is too powerful and has become Authoritarian.. so everyone).

Open your mind and look around. The war is being fought at your doorstep and you haven't even gotten off the couch to gear up and enter the ring yet. It's almost too late, because the war is almost over and that knock on your unassuming door very soon will be the Gestapo rounding up the fools who didn't notice it was happening.

Element115 ago

Oh, don't worry, I fully expect to get a reeducation at some point during my lifetime.

Maybe my children will be the ones to turn me in once they grow up and I can no longer keep them away from the propaganda, maybe it will be their children. It will be a while yet.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Thanks for fighting so hard for humanity.

Element115 ago

Humanity will be fine. There have been plenty of dark periods in history and there will be more in the future.

What would you suggest doing instead?

Nosfewratsjews ago

What if the rolling constant brown-outs for weeks at a time in California were to spread like a pandemic to all power-generating facilities and their customers in the entire US? That's an easy one to see, given how every single power plant in the entire United States is reliant on credit and financing to continue their operations, since they are built and structured upon complex contracts that span 10-20+ years at a time.

Is that the kind of future-facing progress you would expect to be described after a headline such as "Humanity will be fine", and not declare it simply obvious double-speak?

Sure. Humanity has had plenty of "dark periods", but how many of them have had the entire support structure ripped out from underneath every single Citizen, simultaneously?

It'd be like the Bubonic Plague, except remove 100% of food, water, and medicine from the equation. You think the outcome would be peachy enough for us to be here today?

Element115 ago

You're thinking in terms of modern cities. People were fine for thousands of years without electricity.

Every single city dweller will not be fine, no. But there will be humans who survive.

Nosfewratsjews ago

We now find where our opinions collide.

I think that "survive" will entail a period of literally Mad Max.

Element115 ago

I don't really see how using your metal to put spikes on a leather jacket helps when resources are limited.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I'm okay with flesh suits adorned with bone spikes and gut twine.

crazy_eyes ago

6 million hits a second, is why its not open to new registration

Nosfewratsjews ago

Complete bullshit.

Keep it "logged in view only". Open registrations. Everytime an individual account pings DDOS levels of hits, automate a ban.

This isn't hard to do. Pure laziness if that's truly the reason.

generate ago

putt is a fag and traitor

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Free speech lets the best ideas rise to the top via meritocracy

USA is the best country because we are the only ones with free speech (protected by the 2nd)

Nonymous608 ago

Bingo!!! The freedom of speech we're allowed here is what sets Voat apart from anywhere else.

I don't agree with some of what's said here, i think plenty of people cross the line, but I truly appreciate their freedom to say it without censorship.

Goys-R-Us ago

What line faggot? Your line? Well that doesn't mean shit to me. Long live VOAT!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

i think plenty of people cross the line

I'm curious; what is this line?

nonanonanon ago

The idea that a person’s race/external characteristics determine their worth

GrizzlyDark ago

Worth? I think the argument is it determines their a people over the course of thousands of years and having been booted from 109 countries... to be the scum that fucks this world.

Critical thinking exercise: take the sims game and make it global. Such an advanced game that it takes into account every thought and every statistic of every human who ever lived.

Remove Muslims. Remove Africa. What do you think happens?

Remove all non-white and all Jews from USA, What do you think happens?

Remove all whites, what do you think happens?

Just a different way to approach "Racism" questions. I used this on my girlfriend and apparently that was what was needed to get her to go "Holy shit you're probably right sometimes". Which was enough to at least have conversations about things after.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Suck my dick faggot

GrizzlyDark ago

lol get 'em

superspathi ago

Pretty sure that makes you a faggot too.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Only gay if the tips touch, faggot

Nonymous608 ago

How can i possibly argue with that lol

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

"no u"

Rajadog20 ago


Niggardly_Jew ago


VicariousJambi ago


Goys-R-Us ago


Nigloo_Dismantler ago


saxonheretic ago


Phantom42 ago


BiochemistryStudent ago


tokui ago


progressbin ago