LunaNova ago

Look up project pogo & project zypher.

ItsABirdItsAPlane ago

I agree 100% The idea that a website can be DOSed into oblivion means the internet is fundamentally broken. Why doesn't the same thing happen to big corporate sites like CNN? Who in their right mind believes that the solution to a DOS attack is to permanently shut down a site's new registrations? That basically means the terrorists won 🤷‍♂️

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Goats need to go out a spread our message on the jew social media machines.

Choose your words carefully, use facts instead of slurs. Post memes and links to support those facts. Jump through their hoops and you can get your message out. Granted they will shadowban you but so what. You only need to change one person at a time.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Think of this as a base of operations for the wider conflict of ideas. Yes, we are cornered, but we are also on sovereign territory.

Use Voat to gather ideas. Use other platforms to spread them.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Voat being closed has only slowed us down. Not stopped us

auto_turret ago

Are you a faggot? Your name implies as such.

generate ago

We need to GTFO. Putt is a fucking traitor. Piece of shill

Mustard_Monkey ago

Since I am here on VOAT. I will never go back to Reddit, and trust even OP won't recommend it either.

wigson ago

"Oy vey we must open the voat borders..."

I see you, schlomo.

Intrixina ago

implying I can't speak out in public to redpill others.

Dave_ph ago

So maybe the best we can hope for a few more Lone Wolf killers.

I don't have a problem with them

frankenmine ago

This is the best option among a set of very bad options. I'd rather have Voat under siege than no Voat at all.

Tubesbestnoob ago

No. We spread what is posted here to other social media.

Drenki ago

i have had quite the opposite experience

Niggertown ago

Every movement has a home base.

FoundingUncle ago

If it were, you could not have posted this.

Thank you Put.

Anon005 ago

Not true! I share the information I find here all Over the place.

Vc83 ago

Oh i most definetly shitpost everywhere, i thought we all did

julzee2 ago

Hell no! We Qtubers get great info from Voat and disseminate it in our videos...:)

The Plan = Impeachment Trial just one example...;)

thislionsheart ago

I've known about this for some time and I am using all of my magic to keep voat alive.

Strontium_Dawg ago

I red pill and black pill my students using Voat content. Let that sink in. I have a nigger female that vehemently hates Jews now. That’s just good clean fun fuckery and shenanigans. I have Venezuelan immigrants, 15 years old, who believe the holocaust is a fraud. I’m doing it all on the sly. Voat is the best thing that happened to my civilian career.

databoi ago


britt121 ago

This is the only reason I miss teaching. I loved redpilling kids. Keep it up- it's tough!

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

EpiPendemic ago

Epi is #6 cross posting faggot all of internet plus I redpilled my dentist on polar bears

The1stLantern ago

No one comes here to convince anyone of anything faggot, and we are most certain not a fucking "internet ghetto".

This place is a community - a hub where we come to trade info, get real news, share skills, collect memetic magic to red pill normies, and decompress around those who understand the struggle.

If that isnt what youre doing, your doing it wrong.

Merlynn ago

And yet stories on Voat seem to get around. Funny,that.

TNBanjoman ago


Marku1 ago

Hello glow niggers, mossad and other shit.

Fodder01 ago

There was a paper recently that showed when you stamp out a forum, the corpus reforms elsewhere and so nothing has been accompanied. The proper approach is to fracture the corpus via limiting access, etc. This breaks the grouping down into smaller factions which eventually die off on their own. I theorize this is the purpose of the DDOS and it appears their aim is being successful.

ninjajunkie ago

Not until they cut out my tongue it isn't.

SpunRecord ago

While we're closed off on the internet, the information we can take and spread to people we meet in the world.

I do this.

I speak.

Birdbrain ago

This place provides a lot of very useful links that I spread across several platforms. It also provides knowledge and entertainment for me. I don't do the Jewtube so it is a very nice substitute.

xenoPsychologist ago

theres no reason you cant screenshot a good comment to post somewhere else.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It appears we have been contained and probably studied by (((alphabet agencies))) and jewish psychiatrists. Something's not right here. There may be a legit reason. Putt may want to keep us all for himself and give us a place to exist because if he puts us back out there TPTB may destroy Voat. I don't know but it sucks not having new members and not being on the net. The constitution's first amendment should be the first thing we see when we come here and we should have to click with 'I agree to free speech' before being allowed to enter.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Voat is Sparta, the rest of the internet is Athens. China and JIDF are Persia.

We are the proving grounds of an idea's valor.

ForTheUltimate ago

No we need to form strong elite families and stop tryign to win with the lose rplebs

SeriousSarcasm ago

If they took down 4chan and voat, there would be no where left besides honey pot white supremacist forums to go. Maybe they think if they removed all form of venting of the shilling and JQ, they would have bigger problems. It's already too late, I see it more everyday, more redpilling, better facts and evidence, showing people the realty we live in takes time and commitment. I've helped many people I know start questioning and seeing the real world. I never target the JQ, just their position, the wealthy, bankers, companies, politicians, the clown world events to get people thinking, questioning. I hope they are doing the same to their people. Eventually the blindfold will be lifted, regardless of voat or 4chan being exterimanted. It may be too late to make any sudden changes, but it could start the change we need. They think censoring will stop their demise, they know it will only bring it quicker.

Chiefpacman ago

You're allowed to use more than one website.

There are those among us that go out and spread the good word. Voat is an echo chamber, on somethings, but I don't mind because it's an echo chamber of rebellion/ were not allowed to freely speak on most other websites

Tallest_Skil ago

List the other websites on which truth can be posted at all.

Chiefpacman ago

I would risk you going there.

Theres like 3 I know of but I'm sure theres more

mattsixteen24 ago

We still get our news here, share ideas, and ohh do they hate that.

Smokybubbles ago

Every club needs a town square to share ideas, but the war is being fought every where you can post. You may not see it as much because the left can't win by posting their own ideas, they just suppress and delete your ideas.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

I personally am fine with an echo chamber, as i go to different sites so im not blind to other ways of thought. I know its kind of shitty but I personally dont care if other people are closed minded and lack critical thinking skills. I'm not incredible smart by any means but I think I have an intuition for bullshit and am curious enough where i want to hear an opposing argument for any issue because it always sends off my spider sense when everyone agrees on an idea.

illuminalto2 ago

Messages aren't being spread throughout the net, they're being kept here in our echo chamber.

But they are, all the time. Constantly.

My Opinion:

People take this info and post it to normie social media all the time. We're not winning pullitzer awards and shit, but we're winning minds one day at a time. Once you know, you can't go back. We're helping people cross the threshold of fear and cognitive dissonance and winning real allies. 1 real ally is worth at least 100 fair weather followers, maybe more.

Let's get metaphorical / hypothetical:

TL:DR - Quantity vs Quality

Mainstream music vs. "Underground music"

Let's just say for this experiment that we have 2 bands, one is on a major label with tons of funding for promotional advertisement, and the other is some small time band with no record contract doing it all on their own.

The mainstream band has money pushing their image/music all over the tv, magazines, social media, etc... with fake publicists writing fake stories about fake pasts that the fake artists don't really have, but people see the media and consume it.

The small time band has no money and therefore, no advertisement and no other way for anyone to understand who they besides to witness what they have to offer person.

The immense contrast between the performances of the two bands is easily noticed, one act has lights and lazers and giant video walls behind them as they play - the other band drags their stuff onstage and sets it up/takes it down by themselves and plays when the venue owner tells them to play.

Over time, the mainstream band will "make their run" in the spotlight, hopefully landing hit singles, artist crossover duet features, and merchandising opportunities to keep them afloat while they repay the debt of borrowed capital from the label.

Over time, the small time band will grind and try their hardest just to be heard, scraping precious money from each performance which will ideally be re-invested back in the band effort.

The mainstream band, having lots of promotional advertisement, will easily win over a higher volume of fans solely based on exposure. You can't fight the numbers here.

Assuming the small time band actually practices and brings a solid offering to their shows, they will also attract fans of their own.

Now the real point of this thought nearly pointless thought experiment: Which of the two acts do you think will produce a lasting fans to potentially support them throughout the years?

In my opinion (and firsthand experience running sound for shows big and small), the small time band will have lasting fans, whereas the mainstream band will have fair weather fans who will be easily distracted by the next shiny "hot new artist" who gets propped up by the label's promotional money.

The previous big mainstream band's funding could be pulled at any time if they are not delivering a proper return on the label's investment, meaning the "next big thing" right around the corner could cause the mainstream band to lose actionable fans.

An actionable fan is someone who actually does something to the benefit of the band - purchases their merchandise, comes to the show, actually pays for the songs online or donated to the band, gives them a place to sleep when they are on tour, etc...

A "fan" is just someone who enjoys what you are doing. An actionable fan is worth far more than just a "fan" who will stream / download the music for free and not go to the show.

How does this tie in to reality?

Well, the "sheep" or "normies" are the audience, and the potential fans. We could get bent out of shape because we aren't seeing the QUANTITY we would like as far as normies being converted away from the clown world, but we should also be concerned with the QUALITY of the people we are acquiring. I say we are acquiring a lot of high quality people.

The record label in this experiment is obviously (((them))) or the "deep state" or the "mainstream media" - whoever is pushing the flavor of the week.

The bands are the people involved - you and I, everyone. Some bands get special attention and are thrust into the limelight (greta steinberg/lgbt/jussie smollet), other bands are underground and the only exposure you'll get to it is by sheer coincidence of being there when the performance happens (you and I).

It's important to note that we at voat don't have the fancy studio with the expensive microphones, the $100k Neve mixing console, the PR team with easy access to major brands and distrubtors - but it doens't mean that we don't pump out quality tracks.

In the end, would you rather have the hardcore underground fans who have to apply effort to be apart of what they love? Or would you rather have the maroon 5 fans who might go home early if it starts raining at the ampitheater?

Understand that Voat's message, our truth, remains the same throughout the years, whereas the "flavor of the week" changes to meet the fleeting attention spans of the emotionally outraged. Voat's truth, our message survives overtime in the minds of those who hear it based off of fact alone. Their lies, their messages have to be changed and adapted constantly to continually entrap and adopt new audiences - eventually their scene dies and they have to drum up a new shiny thing to create a new scene so they can rope more people into their system.

but just know that we're not making ideological progress

Well, the first step to successfully constructing something is having a thought about building it, followed by planning the construction.

We are somewhere between having a thought about it, and planning it.

It's not going to "happen overnight" unless it (the lies and the truth of our country) reaches critical mass. This whole thing may not even pop within out generation, so it's best to just focus on today and moving small grains of sand/turning small gears instead of trying to affect the big picture outright.

Peace to all goats!

chirogonemd ago

It doesn't matter because you're missing the larger point. It isn't just about information. That's operating on this naive model in which all human beings are sovereign and free-thinking agents. They aren't.

The more important thing is community. I think a lot of people here operate on the wrong assumption that the so-called "normies" are idiots with such puny brains that none of our infinite insight has ever crossed their minds. Bullshit. Most people know the truth. The issue here is power of will. People won't speak it because they don't feel they have communities where it is safe to do it, and they don't have the individual courage to do it, certainly not on the mainstream channels.

The importance of community cannot be overstated, and unless the material you are putting out there gives people a reason to go looking for like-minded community, then all they get is a piece of candy. They'll swallow it, metabolize it, and move right back into the behaviors and modes of being they'd been living. Why? Because their exposure wasn't enough to change the software. To do that, they need more and consistent exposure and all of the social signals of being in a like-minded community.

We aren't doing that right now.

illuminalto2 ago

That's operating on this naive model in which all human beings are sovereign and free-thinking agents.

Did you miss the part where I said:

We're helping people cross the threshold of fear and cognitive dissonance and winning real allies.


The more important thing is community.

Agreed, and community is built off of communication, which mostly all goats are doing in real life.

I think a lot of people here operate on the wrong assumption that the so-called "normies" are idiots with such puny brains that none of our infinite insight has ever crossed their minds. Bullshit. Most people know the truth. The issue here is power of will.

Agreed. Which is why I made the comment that we're helping people cross the threshold of cognitive dissonance/fear. You can help people find their willpower - as I'm sure other goats can attest to the positivity and inspiration THIS community has to offer (once one thickens their skin a bit).

People won't speak it because they don't feel they have communities where it is safe to do it, and they don't have the individual courage to do it, certainly not on the mainstream channels.

Again, we are creating that community, and people are speaking their truths on a daily basis.

The importance of community cannot be overstated, and unless the material you are putting out there gives people a reason to go looking for like-minded community, then all they get is a piece of candy.

The importance of community is true, the latter part of this sentence is opinionated and false. You cannot just assume ownership of people into a forced community, that's called work and they won't want to be there. INSTEAD, a better method is to give the individual information, and let their brain do the logical work and come to the conclusions themselves - at that point they will ideally gravitate towards the community.

But they could backslide back into the matrix, there's no eckell's repair manual with the perfect method - and while I'm disagreeing with you, I also want to commend you wholeheartedly for giving thought to these issues which nobody else will. It's a burden that we have to bare, because nobody else will do it. I have mad respect for you, Chrio!

They'll swallow it, metabolize it, and move right back into the behaviors and modes of being they'd been living. Why? Because their exposure wasn't enough to change the software.

Even the most hardcore of goats struggles with the plugged in world and the desires of the flesh.

I can agree with what your saying, and maybe my post is drenched in optimism, and my ideals are too lofty - but in preparing for the worst, I can still hope for the best!

Love to the goats!

Brodarious_Hamm ago

Yes, and if you ever call out an alarmist, hyperbolic headline for being incorrect or point out that the article is clearly a bunch of ridiculous trash, you will be called a kike shill and downvoted into oblivion.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

A group dominated by old timers still harping on about how fox news is the only real news is not my echo chamber

crazy_eyes ago

Thats simply not true, if you dont think the messages from VOAT get spread you are delusional.

fuspezza ago

Not me im doing my part, im spreading voats message to face book

capnflummox ago

3 month old Qaccount...

All that needs to be said here.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

I smell jewbag on this one. Its called a screenshot then onto other places

RM-Goetbbels ago

If people haven't found voat by now they never will. I have news for you, the world is full of mouth breathing moron npc's. Idiots that are content to chew their cud and the world goes by.

databoi ago

I love cud!

Asshat69 ago

Where else would we go if this site didn't exist. I don't junk there's another site thats big enough at coat with the same ideals. You get banned on Reddit in a heartbeat and now it seems the Chan's too. You're free to make something yourself if you feel it's controlled, maybe use the same host voat does?

Afterlife ago

It’s a barracks now quit your bitchin’ and start polishing your red pills

AshesAshes ago

Stupid. This is a meeting place for us, the message needs to be spread in person. Name one open site that hasn't gone to shit because of noobs. You can't. Keep voat private, spread in person.

mightnotbearobot ago

This isn't a free speech zone, it is a limited speech zone. If you don't have enough good points you have your comments limited to x amount per 24 hours. Now, that doesn't sound like freedom to me. And, like you say, you can't create a new account.

But yeah, it keeps you people of Reddit so it has an upside!

audiastrat ago

they're being kept here in our echo chamber.

No kidding. I always thought this.

Start sending people you know links to these things...

xenoPsychologist ago

cant be viewed without account. but theres no reason you cant take screenshots to send people. or take the linked--to content to send people. there are so many options that it doesnt really matter if we dont let more somalians in. unless we are too lazy to do anything, at least.

Jimmycrackerson ago

You've got to understand nigger, there is only a small percentage here who use voat as their sole platform of information. And one of the few outlets remaining where we can let lose and expose our true power levels without fear of reprisal. You're never going to increase or unleash you true power level unless you're battling with someone more powerful and skilled than yourself. This is an arena. One of many.

HbMcNutt ago

Well said. Its helped hone my talk points and general flow of debate when talking to normies. I also share the memes i find here. They wonder where i find such good memes

Rawrination ago

Same here. Feels like a boss knowing the real truth behind the scenes when normies start spouting kike media bullshit. Being able to not only shut that down with truth, but help the people understand how and why they were mislead is a thing of beauty. Hard tho but worth it.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

bitchute has seemingly censored our voatarchive page from their popular / all page that we used to be on top of.

antiliberalsociety ago

Bitchshoot also shoah's videos now

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Yeah, they shut down the Halle video. I was very surprised.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

i havent noticed that too much, i think there is just too much bullshit on the voatarchive page that the signal to noise ratio makes that page unwatchable with how much shitposting goes on. I still find a lot of random cool stuff on it but i go on it less and less as time goes on

SanFranTrailerPark ago

There are other archiving accounts like "scripps" that do something similar but way more spammy. They are still on the top of all / popular.

DerAngriff ago

Such is life. All these social media sites want to attract money and with that jews come in. I have the same expectations for Voat. Unless one of us in a free untouchable country starts running some forum software from their own computer at home, we are likely going to have to pack up and relocate from time to time.

jiews ago

Lets start moving , voat.over onion network.

DerAngriff ago

You're right. To me though, it's a well where I come to rest and drink and see people more extreme than myself. It's natural to want to stick together. I do try to drop crumbs here and there to show there is such a place. Although since the lockdown (? still going on?) it started to feel a lot smaller in seeing the same people everywhere here.

scoopadoop ago

Then get out there and start trolling. This is an aggregate site for stockpiling ammunition. Is this really the only website you visit?

Tallest_Skil ago

What other website is worth visiting?

scoopadoop ago

Go to where the normies live, facebook, twitter, insta, whatever you can find.

Make a new and outragous profile.

Drop redpills and bombs you have gathered from voat onto those sites until you are banned.

Rinse. Repeat.

andrew_jackson ago

I hope that all of you understand this

You're fucking retarded. It's not an 'op' of any kind, it's some basement dweller's web site. Get a fucking clue.

Ina_Pickle ago

Imagine signing up only 3 months ago and whinging on here like a little faggot with no understanding of the site history or culture.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

I lurked for years before I made an account. Account age means very little on a site like this.

Ina_Pickle ago

It means more than you think. My account age for instance, means this account was created the first day of the FPH migration. Very few people stumble into Voat on their own so datung based on migration waves is fairly accurate. I am always suspicious when someone like you makes the claim that they lurked for years before creating an account. You are either lying and this is not your first account, or you are what we colloquially call a glow nigger.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

you're a complete fag.

I am le internet supreme

Ina_Pickle ago

blah blah (virgin insult) blah

xenoPsychologist ago

lurkers are the illegal mexicans of the internet. they take everything, give nothing back, and have nothing at stake when the quality of a site is under attack.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

this is my second account as i wasnt super into voat, lurked some more and then made a new account as i didnt want to use my typical username on this site as i didnt want my free thoughts to be traced to my identity

anoncastillo ago

I use voat to keep up to date on our info and sources so I can post them in enemy territory like facebook.

jimibulgin ago

I don't understand how you could buy into most of the ideology here on voat and also have a faceb**k account.

anoncastillo ago

i get banned regularly but somebody's gotta fight the meme war on enemy ground or we'll always be fighting a losing battle.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Same here. We can use their own tools of oppression against them. They tried to use it as a surveillance net against us and now we use it to red Pill normies.

commonsenseisded ago

They just shadow ban links and topics they don't approve of. I have about 60 family, friends and co-workers on mine. It's private, and my wife showed me certian links I've posted public about planned Parenthood are invisible when viewed through her phone.

DarktoLight247 ago

Agreed. I tend to find news here that I take to Twitter and Facebook and MESSENGER.

Rawrination ago

Just know that faceberg is currently actively censoring things in messenger and posts in real time. Do the best you can to get around it. This is part of why memes are so effective. Harder to censor text on a picture, especially if it's hard for the ai to read.

Ranlent ago

I do that too , take the info found here & post to FB & Twitter .

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#67766) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@anoncastillo: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#67765) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@anoncastillo: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

DryerBox ago

So were better off having nothing? I don't think so. Not everything is an op.

Eualos ago

Don't forget to spread them in the real world

Rawrination ago

Often there will be 10 people too afraid to be the first to speak up. It takes courage to be a patriot in the first days of the conflict. In time others will follow, or give in to willful wholehearted slavery. The Truth will be impossible to ignore with a knife to their throat from the constant kike brown pet invasion.

antiliberalsociety ago

I post on cucked sites, it catches on faster than you'd think

redwing14 ago

If you connect the two triangles in the logo .. you get ((voat))

databoi ago

That's fucking hilarious.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Are you hopeful?

Then pray that the Qtards are right and 8chan/voat were quarantined from the internet for a few months so that white hats could control the narrative (after taking over the 4am talking points and forcing the legacy media to parrot whatever retarded conspiracies come into their inboxes) and the show could go on at the pace it needed to.

Are you not hopeful?

Then the reemergence of 8chan will signal the start of a massive honeypot operation, that will conclude at some indeterminate future date (election?) with mass arrests and/or just open hostility.

It's like a choose your own adventure game for your mind. Fun little prison that'll be.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"our echo chamber"

[Member for 3 months]

gentlemanadventurer ago

Yeah. there a few older accounts repeating this same sentiment, but mostly it's newer accounts. Frankly I do not care. As long as Putt keeps the site up and I can call out niggers and jews, I'm good. I'm not concerned with popularity, reach, or saturation in the public space. Look what happened when voat became a haven for the qtards. It got hammered almost to death. I'll take the echo chamber (which it's not, plenty of shit bag shills still here) over no where to go, any day.

chirogonemd ago

So what we're here just to express the same sentiments to the same people nodding their heads in agreement? Just posting shit that makes us angry because we know it will make other people who agree angry too, and they can tell you how much they agree?

Sounds healthy.

As if anybody here long enough needs just one more meme before they hate Jews.

At some point, if we aren't growing to expose the problem to more people, being here is becomes fucking pathetic.

gentlemanadventurer ago

So what...we're here just to express the same sentiments to the same people nodding their heads in agreement?

And you faggots crying about there not being enough traffic for your liking is what exactly? Right, pathetic.

Provide a solution or shut up about already. Your constant complaints about the current state is absolutely tiresome. It's getting fucking repetitive and unhealthy. Personally, I don't care what you want. I doubt Putt cares what you want as well. Your participation is not fucking mandatory unless you have orders to be here or a quota to fill for some faggot NGO.

Ok. I'm out. You go find someone else to play concern-fag with.

xenoPsychologist ago

its much like those shekelwhores who claim voat has no free speech and when they get themselves downvoted by being obnoxious trashboats, thats really just censorship.

crazy_eyes ago

Hell I was one of the users who is happy with the population of VOAT as it was before, I dont see a need to grow, VOAT is an active vibrant community, fuck off we're full ring a bell?

WatchListMe ago

You realize that if our numbers do not grow, we’re just jerking ourselves off right? It’s like planting your seed in an infertile woman for 10 years trying to conceive and then realizing fuck I wasted all my time and energy on this useless womb.

crazy_eyes ago

Why does voat need to grow? I'm not trying to procreate here

xenoPsychologist ago

they arent satisfied until we have diversity.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This is all temporary, too.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Yeah, they don't seem to get that point either. They just want to push the site off the cliff. Children of the instant-gratification-generation. These nigger faggots don't know how to play the long game.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

And such a long fucking game it is. I wish I could physically beat the shit out of my irrational impatience.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

True stuff right there.

Nosfewratsjews ago


alalzia ago

Are you glowing or my eyes are too tired ?

it is probably my eyes

databoi ago

Yes, I posted that. Not sure how that would make me glow but okay.

kammmmak ago

I show everyone right from my phone or send screenshots by text. Works for me and helps choose my redpilling.

chirogonemd ago

You honestly think we have downtime due to ongoing DDOS at this point?

THSenior ago


xobodox ago

phone apps seem to be able to use a read-only API to access voat.. even though the web interface is login only.

Gopherurself ago


NotHereForPizza ago

Well... Basically.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Oy Vey, Shut it (voat) down!


All that I notice is that new comments and the upvotes seem slower at various times of day and that people seem to stop browsing when they run into a "maintenance mode" page which lowers overall content. The spammers/bots have plenty of old accounts socked away so the submissions are still rolling in

4841400209 ago

I do that too. Very effective.

databoi ago

Same, I've converted about 20-30 people over the past few years. No signs of stopping. This is likely the best method.

Glory_Beckons ago

So then what are you complaining for?

Nobody is "keeping" you here. Nobody is "stuck" here.

You can use both Voat and the rest of the internet. At the same time. Shocking, I know.

Nothing is keeping you from taking the ideas shared here and spreading them elsewhere. There is value in having a "home base" where we can be completely candid with like-minded people, and not worry about censorship whatsoever. If temporary self-quarantine is what it takes to keep this place going, so be it. Consider yourself lucky to have an account. And quit spreading your defeatist poison.

Paranoiaattack ago

Would be nice if we had a way to replicate content from multiple platforms like voat and the chans to a singular site for consumption...

gentlemanadventurer ago

to a singular site for consumption...

And what do you believe is for many of us? And what do you believe the kikes and the globalists did when they discovered the effectiveness of that "single point"?!

Don't be lazy, keep many sites for many reasons, on many platforms, with many alternatives. Two is one. One is none.

Paranoiaattack ago

Keep all the sites but copy everything up to a singular site for easier consumption.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


What the fuck do you think voat is

Paranoiaattack ago

A shithole that is closed to the world.

You said we need alternatives....when the need to close registration arises, just fucking replicate it again.

What the fuck else do you want here dipshit?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I never said shit you retarded faggot

DerAngriff ago


Smallest_Skil ago

I had a guy using the "but we need the immigrants because we aint having enough kids". After my rant about the jew banking system, the campaign to not have white kids to save the world, the fact that his kids and grand kids will be an oppressed minority in their own country if they are not killed. That our way of life and culture will be destroyed, and that the fucking moslems and other shitskins hate us and usually just mooch welfare and live off of whites and dont work except to shit out more shitskins. "your grand kids will piss on your grave and curse you for what you did to their future"

He sat there quiet for a bit.

I thought he was going to argue back, but all he said was "im just thinking about what you said"

Another red seed planted.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Planting seeds is the key. Too many faggots go around acting black-pilled because some other faggot didn't give them a congratulatory blowjob when they espoused some red-pill information. And since the other person didn't perform the obligatory oral act, faggot #1 then tells that person they are stupid. This accomplishes nothing; it only causes faggot #2 to further lock into their original way of thinking.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

I stopped suppressing my power level. Best thing I’ve ever done. Hold true and don’t back down, sometimes it will take months for someone to come around. Charisma and good health go a long way.

bambou1991 ago

Planted? You jammed it in his fucking throat.

Rawrination ago

The time draws close when it will either grow into a mighty oak of truth. . . That or he will choke to death on it. Watching in horror as he bleeds his last breath at the hands of the kike's brown pets, or sees his lovedones raped or murdered.

I hope and pray for as many strong men as possible before it is too late.

watitdew ago

That must have been a pretty solid rant.

Smallest_Skil ago

Honestly I should have not gone so hard core. But by the end of it he was all "Well they are not all bad but yea their culture is incompatible with ours".

The seed was planted and I really believe he never heard anything like I was saying.

Nesano ago

Cultural incompatibility is really all you need to realize. Any pragmatic mind would see that as reason enough to not flood the country with immigrants.

underground_lurker ago

That is a good summary, and also a good response to the frequent dodge of “but not all...”

Our cultures are incompatible.

KarmaPuleeze ago

Yup. They've penned us in the ghetto and we're here, twiddling our thimbs waiting for Kristallnacht.

LunaNova ago

Project zephyr and project pogo explain why.

DerAngriff ago

Guy. We're the big news coming. We were simply growing too much and becoming too successful at breaking the narrative. Keep at it, keep exposing the jew. Our numbers are growing every day. What that dumb kid did in Sachsen yesterday would have been unthinkable 10 years ago. It's coming back. Your (US) jews will not flee back to Europe, that much I can guarantee.

waringi ago

No, it was after the Tarant shooting. They successfully got us off the public internet. They said they would and look at us now. Its not for some future event.

Tallest_Skil ago

Almost as though jews actually do what they say they’ll do, but whites…

databoi ago

You need to educate yourself on the work of E. Michael Jones because violence isn't going to solve anything you glowing faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, that’s your account lost. Fuck off, yid.

xenoPsychologist ago

they took away every other avenue. think youre gonna vote them out? think theyre gonna arrest themselves? violence is the only thing that will solve this.

RebelJohnny ago

You're right about rogue, random acts of violence but in what world do you see nationalism taking over without a violent reaction from the establishment?

databoi ago

That dickhead couldn't crack an egg.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

violence isn't going to solve anything


CowWithBeef ago

Using a famous Q post to counter a standard Q follower position of nonviolence. Well done.

Maltherian1 ago

That’s your Jewish brainwashing speaking. They know they are outnumbered. Outgunned. They only have their silver tongues. You will never beat the Jews trying to talk your way out of it. Violence is the only way