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jimibulgin ago

they ensured that white kids in the USA have had a unending supply of bananas.

slowcrash101 ago

Their acts of geopolitical destabilization has cause the economic inequality that keeps the dollar as the energy reserve currency. Sure millions have suffered, but it needed to be done so you can enjoy the life of mindless consumption you have.

lanre ago

They helped James Bond in some kike movie.

SerialChiller ago

The CIA has its roots in the OSS.

The OSS was an undercover intelligence wing of the British Foreign Office.

The British Foreign Office did not necessarily serve British interests - it was controlled by the British East India Company - because the main business of the Foreign Office at that time was to conduct diplomacy with the various kingdoms in India in order to help the East India Company gain control.

The East India Company (both British and Dutch) were owned and controlled by the Banking families which lent money to the House of Orange and the British Crown.

Those same families (banking, Orange and the Crown) still control the intelligence networks in this web. Their single biggest goal in the last 300 years was to prevent an alliance between Prussia/Germany and Russia, which would be unstoppable if it ever happened.

Given this origin, tell me again why the heck you still believe the CIA is in the business of doing "good things for the world"? They still serve their masters.

Kal ago

You are all still alive. In the 50's everyone thought all out nuclear war was inevitable. Anyone that knows what humans do with new weapons all throughout our history will tell you. The fact that we are all still here is a damned miracle. You should all get down on bended knee thanking them for your continued meaningless existence.

Creggieb ago

Oil prices are lower than they would be otherwise


I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Hahaha!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

  • Israel
  • Transgenderism (MKULTRA)
  • Pedophilia

  • Unlimited heroine (Vietnam war)

  • Cheap cocaine (Mena Arkansas)

Oh wait; you said "good"....

Firinmahlazer ago

The world? Nothing. Isreal? Tons.

ibepokey ago

oh, you mean like the dept of homey security?

an ENTIRE department needed as a result the 911 hoax.

trail_of_toes ago

No sir, I cannot. They're lucky I'm not running things, I would execute every single member and contractor in the see eye eh. They killed one president, tried to kill another, and then installed their own guys, and now they're trying this coup bullshit again. This is OUR country, not theirs. Every. Single. One. Not out of spite, just because they're that dangerous.

ALIENS2222 ago

Thats classified...

LordSporkington ago

They are, in many ways a security organization. Their success is measured by the shit that didn't happen. Which makes it really difficult to say what good they've done.

alcogiggles ago

How about measuring by the bad shit that did happen? Wouldn't that offset the "good" they've done? Maybe even surpass it.

LordSporkington ago

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the CIA is great. I'm just saying that as someone who has worked in security, it can be really difficult to honestly appraise the value of a service.

"You impacted workflow and caused lots of support calls."

"Yes, but that same control prevented catastrophic, business ending failure."

Maybe... maybe not.

It's really difficult to say.

Purged ago

lol, thanks. I needed a laugh.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

The crack epidemic killed a bunch of niggers. Ups and downs on that one, not sure how it balances out


Well, it also turned a bunch of white girls into coal burning whores that will do anything for their next fix.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Executed the Rosenbergs?

LordSporkington ago

I thought that was the FBI?

thatguyiam ago

The Backstreet Boys

peacegnome ago

Same thing with anything in government: "name one time the federal government did something that favored the people over the rulers".

Merchant_Menace ago

I can't think of anything.

blackguard19 ago

To presume we even know more than a fraction of what they actually do is, well, presumptuous.

thelken ago

Good point. But.... The fact that they don't share the information is indicative of the fact that they think they're superior. Behave like they're superior. And according to the letter of the law, ARE superior. Not good.

blackguard19 ago

For sure. I don’t think they’re up to any good.

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false

~CIA director William Casey

Fuhrer1488 ago

give people a false sense of security which boosts morale i guess. thats about it.

Anon331717 ago

They don’t work for the American people. They are a propaganda and terrorist corporation. This isn’t news

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

They supply us with plenty of cocaine, we can they pay for, and then the cops can arrest us for it. After that we get to pay jails, lawyers, and courts to get out of trouble.

Wait, where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, we get cocaine...

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Before cocaine I had a job to help support my family. I N other words I had "stress". Thank God I found cocaine. Now I don't have any worries at all...except for when I run out of coke.

slowcrash101 ago

I don't like cocaine, just the way it smells.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Fostered a lot of opium fields?

Purged ago

andrew_jackson ago

Beat communism. Scraped up hundreds of Nazi scientists and stole them for America. Beat various cartels. Provided a ton of military and foreign intelligence. Bombed millions of communists. Tracked and terminated terrorists.

wewazkangsnshiett ago

beat communism


databoi ago


Reverse-Flash ago

Only in movies and TV shows.

TheBudhha ago

Why have you forsaken the soapbox?

Reverse-Flash ago

I think gabara kicked me out. I didn't get a notice but I also noticed I wasn't a janitor anymore.

TheBudhha ago

I see a mod invite for you. Owner.

Reverse-Flash ago

Hmm, I don't see it. It may have to be re-sent. I didn't get a notice when I was removed, either.

TheBudhha ago


TheBudhha ago

Weird shit going on. I'll recall the invite and resend.

Reverse-Flash ago

I don't think a Mod can invite an Owner. lol.

Either way I don't seem to be getting a notification.

TheBudhha ago

Invited as janitor. Let me try one more thing.

Reverse-Flash ago

Still not receiving a notice. Thanks for trying.

TheBudhha ago

I PMd heygeorge.

Ancap_Superman ago

Pinochet. That's about it.

chirogonemd ago

I mean, how about working with the US military to keep the dollar hanging by strings so we can maintain the life we lead here?

Hate to play devil's advocate but unless any of you are living currency-free, then you've benefited from living under the beast. You've taken the ticket.

So as long as you're sitting here chatting on Voat, you can also thank them for ARPANET. This is all kind of like the SJW's asking what whites have ever done for society while they are simultaneously enjoying all of it.

"Oh you're so bad because you're exerting power over me, but thanks for the internet and for not letting my nation's economy collapse overnight."

Morshu1444 ago

How could I possibly live my life without jewish economics? Thank you CIA.

chirogonemd ago

It's easy to mock. Very easy. It's also easy to virtue signal. How far removed from it are you? Are you food self-sufficient? Mortgaged out the ass? People talk about this reactionary change all of the time but very few are actually aware, or up for, the sacrifices it would mean. They like being able to Google things when they don't know them or use GPS on trips. They like being able to slide a plastic card at a store to get the food they need.

gonight ago

We need to flood voat with anime titties or something to scare off the qoomers. My fucking dogs are more intelligent.


Disgusting people.

wewazkangsnshiett ago

Read Legacy of Ashes: no they're fags.