20908568? ago

Shills are going crazy about this post, because they know that if people do that it accelerates the great awakening tremendously. There's no point in just reading for myself, we have to get involved in spreading the word! 🙏

20908363? ago

I excerpt the best information, include a source link, and then post it at my site www.intelwarriors.com. That makes it easy for you to grab a favorite excerpt of a fact with the link and just throw it up on Facebook. Easy peasy!

It only takes a few seconds to get it out there and end-run the MSM. www.intelwarriors.com (aka Dagny). My friend and I have a weekly radio/podcast and I have to do it for show prep anyway, so I thought it would be good for other folks to have access to the material.

20907637? ago

yep, same here... picking up truth and spreading it on the social engineering platforms. my mission these days, lol, debunking the BS and chunking down the hysteria.

20907475? ago

Doing Lord's work, Patriot

20906811? ago

Only people left on Facebook are boomers, hardly enemy territory.

20905750? ago

You are the real MVP

20905243? ago

That is EXACTLY what I do.

20905150? ago

Just make sure you verify info before spreading it.

20904661? ago

Suuurree you do. Who are ya tryin' to convince?

20904218? ago

I SALUTE YOU. Info Patriot

20904078? ago

Same here. Also good to drop on Twitter, especially on enemy accounts. I follow a lot of terrible people, because their fan base is where you can drop red pills.

FB is good because you can post entire stories to hundred of people.

I get asked about this stuff all the time now IRL, even from people who don't respond with a "like" or a comment. They're listening, and absorbing it all.

20903654? ago

Im with you bro i sometimes change (D) to an (R) to get liberals to spread a damning story if any one reads the article they get red pilled

20903484? ago

Post that Judaism must be banned in America

20904173? ago

We need to eliminate our true enemy catholicism first.

20904020? ago

Not Judaism, true Judaism is the religion of Christianity before Jesus fulfilled the law through grace. The Kabbalah, the spoken traditional words of the Pharisees, those who Christ spoke against which perverted Judaism, is what needs to be banned.

20905705? ago

how about just being concerned about your own spiritual needs and beliefs.....I have problems with anyone or any state deciding what is correct thought.

20905886? ago

It’s not the thought that needs corrected, it’s the call to action within the texts/traditions.

20906607? ago

I was commenting on banning a religion. I have the same problems with Islam you have I just want to argue against the validity of the belief system. my goal is to get them to realize how wrong they are.

20907014? ago

I agree, but I don’t think I would be opposed to a law, or an interpretation of existing laws which outlaw a call to action for violence, which stated that any text, religious or not, which calls on humans to harm others for any reason, is considered a terrorist call to action, which is a speech not protected by the first amendment. Of course, the argument would need to be thoroughly presented in a court of law, so that it could be reasoned why the Biblical Old Testament (like stoning) is explained by the grace of Jesus in the New Testament, where we cannot judge others for sin since we are ourselves guilty, and that any threats within are not to be carried out by other people, but by God.

20907111? ago

once there is a call to violence by any group or religion that is different...I believe you can only respond in a way that uses there understanding meaning if a group calls for violence they deserve the same sort of treatment as they call for others.. important to note this is how you treat an individual not a group meaning only the person calling for violence gets treated to violence others associated to that person you give them the chance to reflect and change.

20908314? ago

Sounds like you're still pretty new to the world.

20911043? ago

jaded old man that understands violence begets violence and is made sick by the fact that there are some situations that only get solved by violence. the reason being that other person went there first.

20923953? ago

is made sick by the fact that there are some situations that only get solved by violence.

How odd. We're lucky that violence exists to solve our problems.

20924279? ago

yes but are reaction should always be regret when forced to go there..

20905186? ago

And the Talmud. Or at least Jewish people need to understand, it's just opinions of man and not very healthy opinions either.

20904068? ago

All jews have the blood of Cain and must be expelled from all white nations.

20905029? ago

Radical claims require radical evidence.

20905695? ago

debt slavery, porn, tranny kids... Its all jews behind most societal problems we face

20905868? ago

Don’t let the actions of few determine the judgement of a whole. It correlates that Jews are at the top of an incredibly evil scheme, yes, but there are white people carrying it out as well as others from other races. Jews as a whole are not the causation. The Clintons and Bushs are white, does that mean we should kill off all whites now?

20905888? ago

A few? We have a jew infestation. Many of them are on Twitter posting anti-white hate. You are either oblivious to reality, dumb or a jew.

20905983? ago

You’re still ignoring my entire point. It’s not all Jews. I am of Jewish decent. Should I be expelled too because others with blood similar to mine are carrying out evil atrocities?

20906050? ago

. I am of Jewish decent

Yes. I know. You are trying to cover the crimes of your tribe.

Should I be expelled too because others with blood similar to mine are carrying out evil atrocities?

all jews must leave white nations. It isn't just a few jews. Most jews have been doing evil things the same way most blacks are violent animals. Neither should be in America. https://files.catbox.moe/63ob47.jpg

20906551? ago

What kind of mental gymnastics are you employing to believe that I am trying to cover the crimes of Jews when I admit that the ones at the top are Jews and that they are, indeed, committing atrocious acts?

Why do you still continue to ignore my point that no one group should be held accountable for the actions of others in the group? What, exactly, makes USA a “white nation?” Native Americans were here first, after all. Your beliefs are completely antithesis to the beliefs America was founded upon, that any man can chose to be free and live in harmony with his neighbor. Whites were elitist and oppressive in Europe too, which is why immigrants came to America in the first place.

Most people in general are evil, it doesn’t mean we just eradicate all of humanity.

I’m wasting my time with a hateful and arrogant idiot. You’re no different of an elitist than the Pharisees you claim to be against.

20910327? ago

Jews own and control almost everything by way of The Federal Reserve. Anyone else are just shabbos goy slaves.

20904057? ago

So you're saying the modern day jews need to be banned because the OG jews are extinct

20905016? ago

No, actually, I didn’t say that.

20907311? ago

We're all pretty sure you did...

20907328? ago

Then that only speaks of your own comprehension, and whoever else’s you think you’re speaking on behalf of.

20907342? ago

Thanks for confirming.

20910897? ago

Lol this is too rich, you’re an idiot and can’t even understand what I’m saying!

20903462? ago

What fag still sucks FB dick?

GTFO dumbass,your government needs you

20903449? ago

SAME! Need to stay in the den of evil to show they are being manipulated. Keep comms open they need us to hear the truth.

20904005? ago

Thanks guys, taking one for the team. Mucho appreciated.

20903440? ago

Careful with this. Words and ideas are fine. Copy images are not. One could embed info inside of a picture, upload here, and then see where else it spreads.

The truth will prevail but we must stand gaurd to those who do not want to see the light.

20903429? ago


20903250? ago


20903211? ago

You should kill yourself if you use failbook

20904178? ago

Its okay to troll the fuck out of all jewish safe spaces

20904111? ago

We go where people need to be reached with the truth. Sometimes that's the enemy's playground. I've red pilled a ton of people in FB, and now THEY'RE spreading the word. It's been very useful

20903552? ago

I literally use it for nothing but spreading Nazi propaganda.

20903193? ago

me too. even tho i hate FB w/ a passion, its the only way i connect w a few fam n friends back east

20908352? ago

You're a piece of shit who obviously loves faceberg.

20908619? ago

suck a fart outta my asshole faggot

20923968? ago

Homosexual, eh? I have no interest in meeting or interacting with your asshole faggot.

20924089? ago

yea, your right, so suck my dick. kike

20924271? ago

Persona or leftist?

20903475? ago

I pay a phone bill.....

20903166? ago


20903150? ago


20903136? ago

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