CheeseboogerHimself ago

It's been over 24 hours and Crensch never answered my question about Israel's nukes. Jew agent confirmed!


Then I assume you will reverse my ban, as the post in question has since been proven relevant to pizzagate?

My ban for "relevance" makes no sense if the post is now deemed relevant.

Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 1: Relevance; Description: Causing problems with the removal of things that have not been proven to be pizzagate. Using divisive tactics against the mods. Arguing dishonestly, even after being warned that this was not a joke. Constant pattern of disruptive behavior and supporting users like esoteric

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Who isnt?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'll ask...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Voat decided a while back that Crensch is a jewish shill who larps as a Nazi. He's a gate keeper.

followthemoney ago

Is that because he is actually her husband?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Does Crensch own a carpet store? I said that it'd be hilarious if Crensch was that Mexican. A Mexican who larped as a Nazi on Voat for years.

QualityShitposter ago

@crensch is a (((gatekeeper))).

Rotteuxx ago

Ding ding ding !

A Zionist gatekeeper

Crensch ago

Yeah? What narrative did I shut down here?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

How do you feel about israel's illegal nuclear and chemical weapons program and refusal to allow IAEA in to inspect??

Crensch ago

I gave you plenty of reasonable warnings and you continued to be a shady little fuck.

I take it you couldn't actually link Ed Buck to pedophilia?

No, of course you couldn't, but you wanted him to stay there for ~SOME~ reason.


I wanted you to provide the fucking clarification you finnnalllllyyyy provided

they can both be a swamp take down and not Elite pedophilia

You could have fucking answered my honest question. Instead you banned me...then you answered it.

Crensch ago

I asked for a linked to pedophilia, and I got sarcasm and Shady fucking divisive bullshit.

carlip ago

You would want child porn you sick fuck


quote it back to me. Where was my sarcasm "divisive"

Crensch ago

quote it back to me. Where was my sarcasm "divisive"

And this is why you aren't getting unbanned. I never said your sarcasm was divisive.

But, hey, quote it back to me where I said it was.


If it wasn't my sarcasm....then what was divisive?

Crensch ago

A supposed "researcher" could figure that one out, but I can tell you're just being deliberately obtuse.


Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 1: Relevance; Description: Causing problems with the removal of things that have not been proven to be pizzagate. Using divisive tactics against the mods. Arguing dishonestly, even after being warned that this was not a joke. Constant pattern of disruptive behavior and supporting users like esoteric

I got banned 4 relevancy....but now the post is deemed relevant.

therefore there is no valid reason 4 a ban.

Crensch ago

Quote it back to me and I'll consider unbanning you, Jewish liar.


what rule did I break?

Repeatedly asking for clarification in the comment section of a flagged post?

You can't point to a rule violation. Thus your ban is arbitrary

Vindicator ago

You can't point to a rule violation. Thus your ban is arbitrary

@Crensch's ban is not arbitrary.

I screwed up and should not have given Darkknight's submission the Swamp Takedown flair prior to him stating clearly how Buck is likely connected to pizzagate. The only reason Crensch got involved to correct the matter was because while I was AFK, users DMed him that we had deleted most previous posts about Buck (a fact you were well aware of, since you had to scan through multiple deleted submissions to find one that was missed to use against him), so he changed the flair. @Darkknight111 fixed his submission and Crensch changed the flair back. This is the normal ins and outs of modding v/pizzagate.

However, you decided to interfere in this process, capitalizing on my mistake and using it to undermine Crensch's request that Darkknight fix his submission. You then proceeded to shit up another user's submission by arguing with Crensch, instead of helping DK demonstrate the pizzagate relevance, which is the whole purpose of the 24 Hour Grace flair.

Both of these behaviors are hallmarks of dishonest, consensus-cracking forum disruptors we've seen attack v/pizzagate numerous times in the past, most notably @EsotericShade, who has waged a long campaign against v/pizzagate moderation.

Crensch was correct in his assessment of Darkknight's original submission. Crensch gave you a clear warning to stop, yet you persisted in baiting him. Therefore, I put the odds at more than even you did all this deliberately so that you would be banned and could make this post to fuel the Crensch bashing club.


I screwed up and should not have given Darkknight's submission the Swamp Takedown flair prior to him stating clearly how Buck is likely connected to pizzagate.

Dude. This is the answer @Crensch should have given me when I first asked.

instead he said you both were right. That's fucking dumb. You clearly both weren't right.

I'm tired of Mods pretending they don't make mistakes. Just acknowledge them once in a while and stop putting off this elitist authority (we do no wrong mentality)

Vindicator ago

I'm tired of Mods pretending they don't make mistakes and covering for each other. Just acknowledge them once in a while and stop putting off this elitist authority (we do no wrong mentality)

He says, quoting a mod admitting to a mistake.



I'm glad you admitted your mistake. I'm waiting for @Crensch who defended you

"Both mods can be right and can see different things because they are different people."


@shewhomustbeobeyed still here pending @vindicator's "fence sitting"

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What a shit-show.

I guess that dude is into humiliation scenarios.

I won't blame you for leaving. If you decide to stay, or they unban you, ping me anythime you need archives.


If I mysteriously dissapear here, you know where to find my next iteration.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'll just steal your stuff and post it here as my own then. I don't know how to make an account there. :p


Please Do!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I won't go there again, unless you tell me to. To much time wasted trying to figure out all the players.


I'll only show up there if I haven't logged in here for 3 mos.



I've said my pieces. It's in God's hands now


I put the odds at more than even you did all this deliberately so that you would be banned and could make this post to fuel the Crensch bashing club....

I somehow knew the post would be deemed relevant later, making my ban for Relevance even more glaringly hypocritical?

persisted in baiting asking him to clarify 2 Mods visibly disagreeing in comments next to each other.

Vindicator ago

Which means you saw the many others that were deleted.

Which means your repeated claims that you didn't understand why Buck might not satisfy Rule 1 are disingenuous.

Why are you campaigning against moderation of v/pizzagate?


Which means you saw the many others that were deleted

Did I use searchvoat? Or are you just assuming that?

Which means your repeated claims that you didn't understand why Buck might not satisfy Rule 1 are disingenuous.

he clearly does satisfy rule 1 as 3 prior posts were allowed. and the current post is now allowed.

Why are you campaigning against moderation of v/pizzagate?

I'm not. I was banned and am seeking appealing to mods in the appropriate forum.

quit framing me as an enemy.


@shewhomustbeobeyed I think this is bye bye.

I'll pop up soon somewhere else that's public facing

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bye, thank you for the help with my submission.



Onward and Upward!

Crensch ago

So you can't?

So you're a dishonest liar?


what rule did I break?

why was I banned?

define "bullshit divisiveness"

Crensch ago

You don't deserve answers.

Dishonest, lying, divisive Jew.


You can't explain yourself.

Crensch ago

Ask me to answer your questions again.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods submission by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64111) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

Joe_McCarthy ago

90% of Voat are moral relativists. They're just mostly epically lacking in self-awareness.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm an asshole but you'll never catch me admitting it.

toobaditworks ago

You're stirring up drama.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No. Just stating a fact. The reoccurring jewish censorship is the drama.

toobaditworks ago
