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julzee2 ago

Looks like you started a damn nother rabbit hole lol

Ag47 ago

Wow, just realized you've had back and forth with him today, still reading though. And you asked him about the symbol, nice!

julzee2 ago

Yeah and you notice he doesn't answer? He says the curls in the hair don't look like the fbi symbols yet doesn't say anything about the pedo symbol that's sitting right there in the middle of the forehead of that creature art thing behind him. You can only get glimpses of it if he moves out of the way in the interview but looks 'exactly' like the fbi symbol if you ask me. Nor does he explain what the creature thing is or what it represents to him which was the original question I asked. I'm beginning to lose patience with the conversation and they way he's answering.

Ag47 ago

Just read the Buddha, Labyrinth explanation and while plausible, after scrolling through thousands of Buddha images, there are many with a dot or literal third eye on the forehead but not finding this same one.

In one of the RedPill vids, I believe the second one, he stated he fled San Francisco for Washington DC because Google didn't have the same pull there. Despite the revolving door employment policy with the Obama admin and 425+ Google visits to the Obama Whitehouse?

He specifically said he was in a "safehouse" I believe. Point being, is that even his house? Why post a video interview, especially considering the audience with that in the background, regardless of the location? Who the hell has EVER felt safe in DC, whether they are fleeing the deep state or not?

This is definitely just a tangent, the fact remains he was the sole point of contact (with a cheesy explanation given) during a likely FF event, and then wheeled out as a whistleblower by Koch funded PV. Smells funny.

julzee2 ago

Yes I agree. I too tried to find that specific Buddha with no luck. Would have been nice if he had explained it to me when I asked but nope. The only thing he came back with was 'I lost my long post I had ready to send you' and 'the curls are not the same as the fbi pedo symbol'...ugh I find his explanations lame on most things but I'm open to all possibilities. I'm questioning right? He passes himself off as an innocent, just happened to get caught in the middle of a FF, did the msm interview bc the reporter and he 'caught eye contact' and he's not afraid of cameras. Well then wtf was he doing leaving crumbs then? He himself said to listen VERY carefully to how he described the shot victim. Why? Was he not simply an innocent yt employee just stating what he saw? How does that rectify?

Ag47 ago

Yes, you are questioning, and for good reason.

A couple other things strike me as odd:

"After talking with some influencers..." You and I believe others already addressed this in the other thread, so will leave it at that.

Big red flag realization I just had. He is supposedly on the run, even fearing for his life, from Google/Youtube, right? His former employer, we are told. Yet, he comments on your video on a YOUTUBE account with his real name. The account appears to be at least three years old as far as I can tell.

YT deletes accounts all day, every day, just for wrongthink. But a supposed insider whistleblower gets to keep spreading info through his real name account? Having a real hard time swallowing that.

I mentioned the Snowden 2/Reverse Snowden earlier, which is still a mind bending possibility, but who knows. It is very odd that he just happened to be the face of Google during the shooting event, and now the face of whistleblowers against google. I know which way my instincts are leaning but will just keep an eye on it and let things play out for now.

It still bothers me that Daily Beast article in OP went overboard to paint him with everything normies think is bad to ensure conspiracy theorist types that he is "one of us."

This is very relevant, though may not seem so at a glance:

julzee2 ago

So yeah..I've gotten comments from some who seem to think that him using his real name to comment on my channel equates to evidence that he is Uh..really? Like you it almost seems the opposite for the very reason you state above. Look, I really hate to disparage the guy in case he really is legit but gosh darn it, I just am not getting the feedback from him and yes I too hate this 'influencer' decision he's in a safe house (gotta continue to watch those two redpill interviews to the end which I haven't done yet) but if he is then why is he taking advise from 'influencers'? My interpretation of influencers are Qtubers with large followings like redpill78 or prayingmedic etc. I don't think Veritas would be considered an influencer nor the fbi (if that's who's housing him..?). I may be wrong but my experience is that the term influencer is a Qtuber term, not an abc/fbi term.

Ag47 ago

I agree, and am not out to attack the guy either just have pretty much the same questions as you and we apparently both started having those red flags raised totally separately but at nearly the same time.

Influencer is a social media term in general, usually used in kind of a douchebaggy way, lol. I've heard it used in other genre's on YT as well as other platforms like twitter, facebook, instagram, etc. even though I use none of those.

Basically the people with large followings like you mentioned. So if that's how he was using the word, it is very odd that "influencers" are deciding on what they think anons are allowed to know. Dangerous game to play imo, seeing as the 8ch autists are bored at the moment.

First off, I considered doing a video response but after talking with some influencers we came to the conclusion that this story would be a distraction from the Google leaks so I'm instead going to talk about this here and maybe a few other places and hopefully this will be sufficient to answer questions.

If this would be a distraction from the Google leaks, are the Google leaks a distraction from something else?

julzee2 ago

I agree that it's not right to keep info to themselves like this. Think about all the info 'they' got from 8chan to make their videos! It's ok to take bread from the anons but not reciprocate? That's seriously messed up. Everyone has put their digs out there and let 'everyone' do their magic with it each contributing to the final product. What if the 8chan anons had decided that they were going to pow wow and decide on their own what to share and what to keep hidden these past years? We'd never have gotten anything done. It's the entire concept that Q developed by posting on the chan boards in the first place! And then later leading us to voat as anon precisely TO SHARE information! And that's precisely what we've all done this entire time. Now a few 'influencers' are going to decide that they are too intelligent and going to change the process? Wow. A thousand minds are so much better than a few. See, this is what I mean. This whole thing just irks me to no end. Something is not right about ANY of this.

I see the leveling was it you called it? concept you've got going here re: 'if this would be a distraction from Google leaks then are the Google leaks a distraction from something else'? It is seriously refreshing having these conversations with you. I am on the same page here with your thinking. Do we know wtf is up? Hell But at least we're THINKING!

Ag47 ago

What you're saying about the alleged influencers is another area the leveling comes into play, imo.

Who really controls his YT account?

Which side is he really on?

Did he really discuss with influencers or is somebody trying to turn the community against itself?

So many variables at play, and so subtle and convoluted. And at the end of the day, where do we get even if we figure it all out? Lol.

I wouldn't put too much stock into what the YT influencers may or may not be up to, as they can't stop the truth from coming out. Too many anons out here who only want the truth wherever it may lead for that to work.

The fact that he/they commented directly to your video speaks volumes. 3.7k subs and 1.8k views on that vid, yet it's worth addressing to whoever controls that account? It either goes to show how closely QRV is being watched, or how close to home your vid hit, imo. Or both.

If it were nothing, why not ignore it? Did he publicly contact Daily Beast about their article? Serious question, maybe he did.

It's good talking to you here too, the entire internet is full of shills these days, it's nice to actually be able to discuss ideas without constantly fending them off, lol. Though I do enjoy trolling them.

And I don't pretend to know wtf is up with this guy either, it is interesting to say the least. But if they are up to no good, they'll be found out.

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julzee2 ago

"Who really controls his YT account?" (don't know how to quote you)

Well I guess it's possible that yt feels pressure NOT to touch his yt account given he's so high profile. That would only add fuel to his fire were they to delete or mess with him. I won't be surprised though if they take mine down. They've done it twice to me already so in case my channel disappears all of a sudden you might find me here https: //www. youtube. com/channel/UCpueYsBxyrsaSGwmeQx6E6A (U2b s-cks...;)

Oh and I almost forgot. Near the end of that abc7 witness video he mentioned that he live-streamed on his FB page during the event..? I haven't had time to see if I can find it. Gotta work and make that follow-up video. He also said that 'I have an interview on my phone of someone who actually witnessed the shooting' and just as he was about to show her, the video cuts off. Now that too is strange bc wouldn't that interview have been blasted all over msm if it really existed? Maybe it was and I missed it.

It also begs the question, while he was talking to the reporter, knowing he had the info from a witness who saw the actual shooting on his phone, did this witness not say that the shooter was female? If so then why would he tell the reporter that the shooter was male? He supposedly thought the shooter was the heavy set male he was describing. Until he corrected it in the NPR interview.

CORNISH: Did you see the shooter?

VORHIES: I thought that I had because I thought that it was a guy that was the shooter but, you know, never saw a gun on him. And now it turns out that there was a woman who was - who's the shooter. And so what I believe that I saw was the man arguing with the shooter, who was a woman.

Just nothing he says makes sense to me. Why would he think the guy he saw was the shooter if he had an interview from someone who actually saw the shooter on his phone who would have most likely let it be known that it was a she? Did he interview this witness himself? How did he get that interview on his phone?

Aaand here we go full circle back around to it being he was dropping crumbs...ugh He 'purposely' told the reporter that the shooter was a man, when he knew it was a female bc he was dropping the crumb that Nasim was a tranny. So back full circle again, if he's dropping crumbs then he's not just an innocent yt tech that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had an agenda. And is why he stopped to talk to the reporter while 200 others ahead of him did not.

Now, what was/is that agenda? Is he black hat controlled opposition? Or white hat inside plant? Damn..nowhere further to knowing which.