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julzee2 ago

Looks like you started a damn nother rabbit hole lol

Ag47 ago

Wow, just realized you've had back and forth with him today, still reading though. And you asked him about the symbol, nice!

julzee2 ago

Yeah and you notice he doesn't answer? He says the curls in the hair don't look like the fbi symbols yet doesn't say anything about the pedo symbol that's sitting right there in the middle of the forehead of that creature art thing behind him. You can only get glimpses of it if he moves out of the way in the interview but looks 'exactly' like the fbi symbol if you ask me. Nor does he explain what the creature thing is or what it represents to him which was the original question I asked. I'm beginning to lose patience with the conversation and they way he's answering.

Ag47 ago

Just read the Buddha, Labyrinth explanation and while plausible, after scrolling through thousands of Buddha images, there are many with a dot or literal third eye on the forehead but not finding this same one.

In one of the RedPill vids, I believe the second one, he stated he fled San Francisco for Washington DC because Google didn't have the same pull there. Despite the revolving door employment policy with the Obama admin and 425+ Google visits to the Obama Whitehouse?

He specifically said he was in a "safehouse" I believe. Point being, is that even his house? Why post a video interview, especially considering the audience with that in the background, regardless of the location? Who the hell has EVER felt safe in DC, whether they are fleeing the deep state or not?

This is definitely just a tangent, the fact remains he was the sole point of contact (with a cheesy explanation given) during a likely FF event, and then wheeled out as a whistleblower by Koch funded PV. Smells funny.

julzee2 ago

Yes I agree. I too tried to find that specific Buddha with no luck. Would have been nice if he had explained it to me when I asked but nope. The only thing he came back with was 'I lost my long post I had ready to send you' and 'the curls are not the same as the fbi pedo symbol'...ugh I find his explanations lame on most things but I'm open to all possibilities. I'm questioning right? He passes himself off as an innocent, just happened to get caught in the middle of a FF, did the msm interview bc the reporter and he 'caught eye contact' and he's not afraid of cameras. Well then wtf was he doing leaving crumbs then? He himself said to listen VERY carefully to how he described the shot victim. Why? Was he not simply an innocent yt employee just stating what he saw? How does that rectify?

Ag47 ago

Yes, you are questioning, and for good reason.

A couple other things strike me as odd:

"After talking with some influencers..." You and I believe others already addressed this in the other thread, so will leave it at that.

Big red flag realization I just had. He is supposedly on the run, even fearing for his life, from Google/Youtube, right? His former employer, we are told. Yet, he comments on your video on a YOUTUBE account with his real name. The account appears to be at least three years old as far as I can tell.

YT deletes accounts all day, every day, just for wrongthink. But a supposed insider whistleblower gets to keep spreading info through his real name account? Having a real hard time swallowing that.

I mentioned the Snowden 2/Reverse Snowden earlier, which is still a mind bending possibility, but who knows. It is very odd that he just happened to be the face of Google during the shooting event, and now the face of whistleblowers against google. I know which way my instincts are leaning but will just keep an eye on it and let things play out for now.

It still bothers me that Daily Beast article in OP went overboard to paint him with everything normies think is bad to ensure conspiracy theorist types that he is "one of us."

This is very relevant, though may not seem so at a glance:

julzee2 ago

Wow ok still reading your poker link but this seems to coincide with a game theory voat thread I was just reading. Damn. This is getting extremely interesting.

Ag47 ago

Just the general concept of leveling is what I was getting at fyi. There's nothing specific about poker itself it's just the best way to describe what I think is going on by controlled opposition across the board, not just this particular incident.

Another thing regarding his YT acct... Two possibilities. Either that is his account, under his control and they allow him to use it, despite everything going on. Google/YT now control that account and are using it for damage control.