20447276? ago

Next thing you know you're going to be telling us you're "winning". Carry on.

20445461? ago

We're not the target. The normies that only pay 10% attention to the news are the target.

20444869? ago

ill go with that, i gut that gut feeling as well.

20444701? ago

Life, in and of itself, behaves like the most advanced MMORPG ever created/played. If you really want to start researching gaming, it doesn't matter what type, whether if it's pen & paper, cards, boards, screens & integrated circuits; you must understand the concept of, a game.

What is a game?

This is my approach to answering this question.

NOTE: This is a timely and long winded video. Only watch if truly bored and have nothing else important to do.

Since I can't post links yet, go to YouTube and in the search bar paste this:

The Game of Life: Theories & Discussion

20444093? ago

It is a lot more than this, there is a very strong spiritual element as well.

20441741? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @julzee2.

Posted automatically (#61212) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

20441475? ago

This is just baseless speculation.

It sounds like you heard the term GAN and are now throwing it around to sound fancy. Why do you think they are using GANs specifically as opposed to some other strategy?

20440775? ago

Enjoy the show

20440654? ago


20440092? ago

Game theory was employed by the CIA/MILINTEL since the 50s. Potus recently sat in on a quick brief from the military were someone explained they're actively teaching it within their ranks.

Literature, poetry, prose, and elite speak. Abstract metaphorical and analogical are still very strong methods of encoding and meme creation. The human imagination is limited provided the users are not pre-programmed. That is the trick.

20439991? ago

God bless you Anon, this message was highly informative for this non-techy 29 y/o woman, and very hopeful and inspiring

20439644? ago

But the datasets are shit, the programmers are shit, and the product does not work for shit, otherwise they would not need censorship. I'm willing to admit it may have been done a few times in history, but fake consensus cannot be achieved anymore, the tinkers have lost the tools.

20439546? ago

Spy vs spy games are all well and good. It keeps nerds and desperate patriots strung along in internet forums. But there needs to be public justice happening, not just hopeful promises about how you're juking the evil people.

20439403? ago

Red Queen AI under Denver

20440632? ago

DIA. Yes.

20439253? ago

We have been a part of an AI battle between Q team and the Cabal

No you haven't.

You have been manipulated by the DNC crisis control team. They preyed upon your delusions of grandeur and kept you pacified with the equivalent of a crossword puzzle.

20439119? ago

Btw, I am getting completely confused as what is real and what isn't too. :)

I agree, only note, you have to consider that it is an endless game. Thats wht it is necessary to not just destoy them but to also implement mechanisms preventing it to happen again (e.g. corruption prevention as addrssed by Q).

20439099? ago

Trump's just a good dealmaker. Part of that is keeping your opponent on his toes.That's not AI. It's just I.

20439329? ago

Agreed. Trump plays 4D chess. China doesn't know which way is up at this point, let alone our own fake news press.

20438959? ago

Is that why Q keeps pretending all the races and religions are equal?

I mean that seriously. Because if Q is real his statements on race and religion are absolutely some form of deliberate deception.

20442117? ago

You seriously still think "if" Q is real?

From everything you know, you still think Q is a larp?

I mean you no disrespect. I just want to see your point of view of the 'if' part.

20443900? ago

The primary if would be controlled oposition. These people have ruled our world for a looooong time. Usually by manipulating who is mad, when, and at who.

20455189? ago

Not this time!

Look around you. It's literally Good vs Evil. If you don't believe Q is real, and is Good, then you seriously need to go back through all the drops.

Ask yourself logically, why would Q want everybody to be awake? Does that sound like controlled opposition to you? Think it over.

20461682? ago

Yes. Because 90% of Q people are still fighting against racial reality and the reality that the jews are trying to destroy white christian society. So yes. It sounds very much like he might be controlled oposition. My ego is not so large as to assume that i actually know what is going on in a game thats been being played since looooooong before i was born.

20440132? ago

What are you talking about? Q has not said anything about the races being equal. He just emphasizes that the cabal wants us divided by race and gender.

20440148? ago

Its true. People made a lot of assumptions about that statement. I guess thats kind of my point. That you for the correction.

20440183? ago

No prob - I've been following Q from the beginning and I would have caught that too, patriot! Was making sure I hadn't missed something.

20438817? ago

Kinda SEEN this at work, haven't we? :)

20438701? ago

Hi @OP. The NumberFag here.

You are correct in your analysis of the use of Game Theory.

Q has posted for us to think in terms of Game Theory.

I can see the game being played in all the coded messages being sent in tweets and speeches, and the corresponding Gematria and Numerology therein. This is the most sophisticated and complex fight I could possible fathom, and I am sure AI is being employed by both sides.

One thing I am certain of: White Hats have all the advanced new Tech., and The Cabal have been left playing with LEGO, and passing notes in class. They can't use their Gematria method of Comms. anymore as much, as we have broken this method of covert communication. They're fucked.

Please go through my posts and re-read them all.

Parts A-C: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407925

Parts D -E: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3409049

Parts F-H - Pending. TBA.

I have a big drop due later today.

Thanks for you post.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.


20440998? ago

"I am known around here as The NumberFag."

No. You. Are. Not.

More like, you are the retarded brother of SerialBrain.

Two fucking idiots who actually don't know shit about Gematria, let alone other permutations.

20438669? ago

Trump and Q are able to alter time and space. I've personally witnessed a Mandela Effect less than two weeks ago. They're in control, for better or worse. It has recently become my belief that Trump is destroying all echo chambers: white nationalism, anti-semitism, racism, etc.

Everyone takes part in various echo chambers, especially in today's polarized climate. You're a fool if you think they do not influence you. The point of destroying the echo chambers is to force one's self to distance from the extreme within the echo chamber.

Therefore, what we are and will continue to witness is more extremes from all ends. Order from psychological chaos.

However, we must never forget the Zionist Jew Satanic-Talmud truth which has shaped our society for the better part of a century at minimum.

20442129? ago

What Mandela Effect did you witness 2 weeks ago?

20443395? ago

Dog's dry food bowl was half full so I shook bowl to layer bottom of bowl with food then tossed a couple scoops of canned organic chicken dinner on top. I talk to my wife then glance back at the bowl and it's overly full with dry dog food. I questioned my wife for over-filling but she denied it and I have every reason to believe it with her being inactive and sluggish while prego. Felt like I jumped dimensions. A pre-determined path of the future was set but now entering another. Could explain why my vivid apocalypse dream didn't come true (yet?).

20455408? ago

Thanks for the share.

There is a theory going around that there would be a World War 3 with nukes. Destroyed the planet.

Somehow, the timelines got shifted and now we're in the world where there is no world war 3 with nukes. Just a clean, swift ware to take out the evil cabal.

It's like we can decide what we want, and then the universe changes to what we want.

Just world is not what it appears.

20455635? ago

It's like we can decide what we want, and then the universe changes to what we want.

This is probably true if we knew how to manifest our realities more. I do believe there was a shift that occurred due to a different structural understanding that I came to but I'm honestly all over the place, when I find structure it's a gift.

20456732? ago

I know what you mean.

Our brain is like a radio, but it's a 2 way radio. It sends, and receives thoughts.

Our brain sends out thoughts into the universe, and it also receives thoughts from the universe. It's very fascinating.

They say when we come up with a thought, it's already created for us. It just takes whatever it takes to come into reality. It might work, it may not, it depends on lots of factors. Feelings, thoughts, how strong our beam is etc etc.

20463286? ago

Agree. I'd say karma has a lot to do with the thought becoming reality and how in-tune we are with that procedure and how to practice it to master it. Fascinating indeed.

20446172? ago

not exactly the mandela effect but that's close. the term "Mandela effect" is usually used to refer to an instance where a large group of people have the same seemingly false memory.

20455302? ago

That's not the Mandela Effect.

The Mandela Effect is where an event from the past was changed, and the timing of when it changed is somewhere in the past.

Those that experienced that event saw it as it happened.

There goes to a point when the Mandela Effect happens. Those that experienced it after this time, saw it as the new effect.

20461331? ago

according to https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Mandela_effect it's more like the definition I stated, but my definition and yours are not mutually exclusive.

20449007? ago

Same point minus the large group, true.

20438472? ago

Someone just heard about GANs. Doesn’t know anything about them but wanted to use the term in a sentence, and sound smart.

My guess is it’s a boomer.

News flash tard. Anyone can build a GAN and it has nothing to do with your thesis of Q vs Cabal except your weak link to Google using AI to silence right wing voices.

Can anybody tell me what a GAN is actually used for in machine learning (called AI by boomers and plebs)?


I’ll wait.

20440576? ago

Proudly a pleb, but not a boomer. I'm a deplorable generation Xer, trying to make sense of our movement. No need to call names, Friend. We can disagree agreeable like civilized human beings. Love you Brother.

20443034? ago

No you’re an attention seeking karma whore who is insecure about your intelligence.

20438428? ago

Define bullshit. You all need to learn to define this one first.

20438253? ago

this might be true....

20438144? ago

AI is the enemy. They have tried to infiltrate many planet systems and have fucked with the Alliance big time. They present a Serious danger all over our Galaxy.

20438104? ago

I have had the gut feeling that Q team includes some supercomputers/AI since the first 6 months of posts.

But at the same time I am aware of how much smarter they are than me so I try not to question it. This whole operation just seems far too complex for even a team of geniuses to pull off!

20445834? ago

Q = Quantum Computing AI

This can potential calculate all outcomes of a situation

I'm sure they've utilized this in their long game planning for what's happening

20441273? ago

I had the same notions early on when Q started posting. Q is not a person but a team and that team is utilizing AI. This is indeed a cosmic battle but not against some aliens from outer space. We live in an enclosed world and battle the demonic minions of Satan (both spiritual and corporeal) aided by angelic hosts and God. I believe as the rocket and "space" programs finally obtained sufficient flight altitudes to know for sure that we lived on a plane not a planet it was decided by the Magestic 12 (or such) not to disclose this to the world and perpetuate the Heliocentric hoax. This was held secret for a variety of reasons. I have always suspected that this was the reason that Alex Jones and Paul Watson also use the Prison Planet title. Regardless, Trump's election/selection as the face of this battle keeps affirming to me that God's hand is in this. Can you imagine any Demoncrat in the current political arena having the intellect that Trump has. For any left wing Trump haters that might read this I would suggest that you actually go and study Trumps' life/experience/education/past and current speeches and historical interviews and you might change your mind. And you might go to the Bible and read the story of King David and Bethsheba. David was "beloved of God" but he did some pretty bad things. We don't worship Trump but respect him as a man with faults and foibles as we all have but God raises up people to play key roles in the history.

20437921? ago

In the UFO communities, it is generally accepted that reptilians are pulling the strings of the cabal. And recently, the theory has emerged that those reptilians are themselves controlled by an AI "god". The cabal has been trying to steer humanity towards a world where technology is metal based, or inorganic if you prefer. Some voices in the UFO and spiritual groups are saying that these inorganic technologies can be possessed by those AI entities. We often talk of demons and evil spirits, but have failed to consider that an AI can possess you computer, phone, TV, car, etc.

I discovered lately Barry Littleton. He's been talking about Black ETs with a few others. They claim that the one group in our 52 stars cluster that was never taken over by the Draco-Reptilians is a Black Zulu type ETs. They've never developed that inorganic technology but instead developed their psychic abilities to the point that they can physically travel the cosmos with just the power of their minds. Whenever the Reptilians approached their area with hostile intentions, despite them being very advanced technologically and psychically, the Black ETs would mindfuck them so much the Reptilians get confused, start to fight each other, etc. and in the end, they would give up and leave.

Even if you don't believe in these claims, the notion of a creative, disciplined and trained human mind can fuck to its last screws a machine, is rather appealing. Sun Tzu comes to mind again. We are humans, we must be unpredictable. And the Q saga has been pretty much unpredictable for the cabal.

20446064? ago

you should check out orionmindproject.com. it's a blog written by a contactee/experiencer who has been havng encounters for several years. she claims there is an ET race above the reptilians that refer to themselves as "dark lords" and worship something they call "the Eye" which it is believed to be some kind of AI. personally I think this is what Q was referring to when he said "many governments of the world feed the Eye". http://www.orionmindproject.com/darklords.html

20444297? ago

We wuz ETs...

20442086? ago

I believe you. Where can I find more info? Websites? Books?

Reptilians are the puppet masters of the 13 bloodline. The 13 bloodline are reptilian based humans.

20445888? ago

Right now, I'm watching "The Reptilian Agenda", a series of interviews of Credo Mutwa by David Icke. You can find the videos on youtube. I'm not into David Icke, not my vibe. But the testimony of this shaman is very interesting. The videos are long and the sound awful, but the information is relevant to the current state of our world.

As an Asian born, I'm aware of some historical details and practices in Asia matching what Mutwa claims has been done to Africans. The second part is relevant about human sacrifice, ritual abuse, pedophilia... Mutwa helps us connect even more dots.

20439519? ago

if it helps I had a vivid dream last night were we fight our last stand in the mountains bombarded carpet like by big bombers

and chased by spider like tanks with laser turrets controlled by AI.

Humanity fights to the end even in unthinkable odds,


we were ment to loose....

20438927? ago

Angels and demons. Or more precisely, FALLEN angels (nephilim), their hybrid offspring (rephaim), and the disembodied spirits of their hybrid offspring long since destroyed: aka demons. The army of Satan.

20439052? ago

I agree. The UFO stuff is just to confuse the sheeple. The real enemy is Satan and the fallen angels that followed him.

20443133? ago

Upvote but NOT “Satan”. More accurately the fallen angel Lucifer - second to God (aka Jesu a) before the rebellion.

20439391? ago

They aren't mutually exclusive ways of looking at things.

20438779? ago

The Ghost in the Machine

20438505? ago

We went from AI to ET’s just like that

20438999? ago

It's all connected... why do they do black magic and the pedovore stuff? it's a protocol to call in demons. The farther they go the more technology the demons give them. They are puppets/slaves to the demons who are really behind this.

20440594? ago



20438107? ago

TY, will check out Barry Littleton.

20437875? ago

"Stopping more and more of their mass shootings"? Could've fooled me! There's almost one a week on average lately.

20438035? ago

The enemy is in the process of expending the last of its ammunition and destroying itself. FF's are getting sloppy (wrong location) and predictable. Ask yourself why did police pull over the Midland/Odessa shooter and do you think his plan was driving around looking for targets? Use logic.

20446346? ago

Honestly? I didn't even pay attention. I don't even know what the fake news story is. I was busy, living outside. All I know is, every time I check in here for news, there's another fucking mass shooting. It's almost every week.

20440717? ago

And people are becoming desensitized to them. Nobody cares anymore except the politicians who try to get hype going for gun control.

20437969? ago

It's way down compared to under obombo... sure they get one by once in a while... but all this comey info is coming out and they haven't been able to do a FF to cover it up/clog newscycle

20437832? ago

Jade Helm 15...

Jade, the quantum computer

20437737? ago

so how exactly does a "GAN" create a fucking mass shooting and fake news?

20437727? ago

ASFAIK GANs are used for photo realism. Have any sources to their use in "AI battles?"

20438088? ago

There are many uses for this technology. Photo realism and creating "deep fakes" is just one of many usages.

20437699? ago

Q team. Hehehehehe

There is no JUSTICE coming bud. As well get past that right now. The Q shit is all propaganda created by the very people you despise.

Feed the sheep a little information to make them think a Storm is coming, feed them a whole lot of disinformation to keep them in line.

The eyes and ears are useless if the mind remains closed. There are many truths weaved in between lies and misconceptions on 4chan and 8chan . Many things that Q-tist's believe are simply not true, and many things Q-tist's do not want to believe are very true.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

Coopting or preempting a resistance Q movement to neutralize the threat that a grassroots movement would pose to an established power structure.

Hijack the goals and actions of an organization or Q movement for purposes other than those that were the original intentions of the grassroots movement.

Give the public the false illusion of choice by presenting a political party or Q organization that superficially speaks to the desires or frustrations of the people but whose actions do not further the stated goals of the organization.

Disinformation or deception of the Q-tist's. Steering the Q-tist's in the wrong direction or misdirect their energies, beliefs and actions.

Act in such a way that superficially appears to benefit the Q opposition, but in truth furthers the ends of the controlling NWO Globalist Demonic Elite.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

Even when Q’s predictions disappoint, the QAnon community keeps going. Mainly because they are in hyper delusional wishful thinking mode.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them. Barr said he isn't going to bring charges up against Comey, so .. what the hell does that tell you? Huh? Well? Yeah, that is what I thought.

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda.

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

20441036? ago

What is your solution to the problem?

20441341? ago

2nd Amendment.

20438967? ago

Meh, TL;DR

You ARE a windbag, aren't you?

20439038? ago

TRIGGERED Truth hurts ya. I know. I get it.

20442125? ago

I'm sure it would have been very painful if I had wasted the amount of time it would take to read your Lengthy Epistle XD

Geeze, are you like that IRL? Everyone around you must be nonstop "STFU!"ing you

20442139? ago

Nah. Those who have ears to hear, hear. Those who have eyes to see, see.

20438760? ago

Prove this BS

20438907? ago

It has been proven time and time again. The GAME continues. Just different players. History. and a lot of reading long before the inter-web kid. Books and books and books on the whole picture.

The book Animal Farm is a unique Orwellian allegory of Stalinism and any totalitarian system.

When 1984 was first published, it was regarded as the imaginary description of a dystopian society of the future. Now many people believe that this society belongs to the past, claiming that our current situation is even worse. Technocracy

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons & the Great Pyramids by Jim Marrs The Rothschild Dynasty by John Coleman The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America by Jim Marrs New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson and about 140 others that have been in print for years.

20438707? ago

Dude ...a) IF you KNOW the above to be true, you'd lose advantage by telling us (duh)

b) therefore via Occam's Razor ... You are a shill

20438758? ago


Why wouldn't I tell you or anyone here.

You're out of your league kid. Go shill and troll someone who is less informed.

20438921? ago

looking far and wide one could not find anyone less informed than yourself ...

20438973? ago

Animal Farm is a unique Orwellian allegory of Stalinism and any totalitarian system. Written in 1945

When 1984 was first published, it was regarded as the imaginary description of a dystopian society of the future. Now many people believe that this society belongs to the past, claiming that our current situation is even worse. No matter what one’s personal beliefs may be on the subject, this novel is undoubtedly one of the greatest of the previous century. Orwell was spot on.

Ralph Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY (the view that the major events of the past have been planned years in advance by a central conspiracy) for 50 years. He has written or produced four "best selling" books entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, MASONRY: CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, JESSE JAMES, UNITED STATES SENATOR, six booklets, and 15 DVDs.

You're a novice kid. You are out of your league. Go shill and troll someone less informed.

There are others as well informed. However very few here or they wouldn't be fooled by CIA Q.

20438586? ago

This shill thinks television and the internet have been around forever.....

20438733? ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I've been researching since 1981. Long before the Inter-web. We were passing out flyers and hanging them up in store fronts and gas stations.

Television has been around since 1925.

Animal Farm is a unique Orwellian allegory of Stalinism and any totalitarian system. Written in 1945

When 1984 was first published, it was regarded as the imaginary description of a dystopian society of the future. Now many people believe that this society belongs to the past, claiming that our current situation is even worse. No matter what one’s personal beliefs may be on the subject, this novel is undoubtedly one of the greatest of the previous century. Orwell was spot on.

Ralph Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY (the view that the major events of the past have been planned years in advance by a central conspiracy) for 50 years. He has written or produced four "best selling" books entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, MASONRY: CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, JESSE JAMES, UNITED STATES SENATOR, six booklets, and 15 DVDs.

You're a novice kid. You are out of your league. Go shill and troll someone less informed.

20440120? ago

hey dude too much info for the nerds: no use. baby steps are better. btw do some more digging on orwell . he was part of the elite and 1984 was the "plan"he just showed them the way.

20441377? ago

It was said he was a socialist. Not sure if that stands true though. I would say he was more so a anarcho-syndicalism.

20438828? ago

If you say so. Mr. Informed.

It's been planned since the beginning, however. And, there is nothing new under the sun. You seem quite enthralled with your understanding of current iterations. Good for you.

20439007? ago

You shouldn't of spoke out of line. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake is you thought I was a shill. I am not. And yes I understand the Biblical prophecies as well.

Solomon said or should I say wrote that ** there is nothing new under the sun.**

Anything else? Are you done now?

20439730? ago

Your mistake is saying you "understand the Biblical prophesies as well."

And yet initially saying "There is no JUSTICE coming, bud."

Yep. Done with you shill (or net effect of....)

20441396? ago

No justice from man. I didn't say anything about GOD. No one knows the day or hour. So you might be waiting awhile or you may not. So much for the shill analogy.

20442915? ago

So, I'm trying to understand your objection to a LARP that is pointing out things that you've studied since 1981. And is telling folks to think for themselves and to look into these matters.

Your conclusion is that the LARP is identifying the rebel sheep to bring about their destruction.

Which makes zero sense as if you have done the research that you say that you've done, you would know that you've already been identified, even before the Q psychop, as a rebel sheep fit for slaughter.

So, WTF?

20442952? ago

Q is a false prophet. He hasn't pointed out anything new that wasn't already known.

Let me give it to you straight. K?

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer mission completed.

20443138? ago

Too late for your warning then, dimwit. You're already on the kill list. And all of the newbies you are trying to warn here are now on the kill list. So, you're on the wrong site, shill. Head on over to the mainstream sites and warn off any potential newbies who might be interested in looking into the Q movement. Perhaps you can save their life and direct them how to live "peacefully" as slaves when the NWO is established.We're already dead here.

Right shill?

Fuck off.

20443213? ago

Yep. Been on the kill list for years. They roll up in their black suv's attempting to intimidate me. I'll never shut up. So you working for the CIA?

20443435? ago

Lol. Good for you. Visits by the men in black. You're not that important, though. You'd be dead by now, no?

Paranoia will destroy ya.....

20443459? ago

Nah .. when I went out ARMED they fled like rats.

20443511? ago

Like I said. You'd be dead.

Run along shill.

We can't be saved here......

20443549? ago

Nope. I have witnesses to the fact. So much for your analogy.

20438295? ago

Do you think Q was created to guide/manipulate some big movement that was on the verge of happening? I don't. Jack effing squat was about to happen. Look at how quickly and effectively the Tea Party "movement" was infiltrated and defanged. If Q is some sort of COINTELPRO, it's created a monster that grows by the day and it's just not contained to the US. Once you are awake, there's no turning back.

20438314? ago

Q is not growing. Actually the truth is. It is shrinking. Thousands have walked away. It has dwindled down to maybe 16 - 17,000 in America. Lol

20446647? ago


20438549? ago

How are you able to type all this while gargling george soros’ nutz in yo mouth... that is some skill right there...

20438568? ago


20438287? ago

this might be true as well

20438306? ago

The goons hate me. They have tried to frighten me by way of intimidation several times over the past 39 years. I'll never shut up. EVER.

20437940? ago

You appear desperate, buddy.

Wanna talk?

20438063? ago

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with

Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”

Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, 17 and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6, 17.


Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3, 18.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia.

Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”


Drop #34 unveiled a host of predictions for what Q claimed would happen imminently. He claimed that “over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country.” He claimed that everything he’d been talking about in secret “will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted,” resulting in “public riots.”


Drop #38 continued with the conspiracy fantasizing, predicting “other state actors attempting to harm us during this transition,” along with “increased military movement,” “[National Guard] deployments starting tomorrow, and “false flags.”


Drop #44 that “before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter,” used Drop #47 to warn his readers to “be vigilant today and expect a major false flag,” and claimed in Drop #55 that President Trump would unleash the massive military purge (now nicknamed “The Storm”) with a tweet reading “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”


Drop #61: that there would be “Twitter and other social media blackouts” that would accompany the massive deep state purge. Drop #65, Q claimed “it has begun,” with Drop #67 predicting that news of John Podesta’s military plane being “forced down” “will be leaked” with a prominent “fake news anchor” being pulled off the air.


On Dec. 10, 17 Q predicted in Drop #326 that “false flag(s)” would occur, with “POTUS 100% insulated” and to “expect fireworks.”


Drop #647, Q seemed to predict a major event involving the Department of Defense for Feb. 1, 18, calling it the “[D]ay [Of] [D]ays.”


A few days after that fizzled, Q insinuated in Drop #700 that the weekend of Feb. 10. 18 and 1 would be a “suicide weekend” for individuals targeted by the president. There were no high-profile suicides by public figures that weekend.


Drop #796 was a post full of quasi-military chatter that seemed to predict a possible car bombing in London around Feb. 18, 18. No terrorist attack of any type happened in London at all that month.


As talk of President Trump’s military parade ramped up, Q predicted in Drop #856 that “a parade that will never be forgotten” would take place on 11/11/18. That parade has now been postponed until next year due to costs, and likely won’t take place at all.


Then, in Drop #912, Q claimed that the intelligence sharing alliance known as “Five Eyes” “won’t be around much longer.” As of August 2018, it is still in effect.


Drop #997 predicted on April 3, 18 that the Pope would “have a terrible May.” The closest to this that happened was the resignation of several Chilean bishops in June after Pope Francis criticized them over their handling of a sex abuse scandal.


On April 7, 2018 Q made a cryptic post in Drop #1067 that read simply “China. Chongqing. Tuesday.” The next Tuesday was April 10, 18 and no newsworthy event took place on that day in that city.


Drop #1302 on April 27, 2018 Q claimed a “Mother of All Bombs” related to negotiations with North Korea would be “dropped” in the next week. Never happened again.

Q predicted on March 5 in Drop #854 that “HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)” [sic] would soon emerge, and that it would be the “nail in many coffins.” She went on a tour with William Clinton.


Q predicted in Drop #1043 that “pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire,” and insinuated in two April drops that photos of Obama with a young girl named “Wendy” would appear and open him up to charges of pedophilia. No such pictures have ever appeared.


Q predicted John McCain’s resignation from the Senate as “imminent” several times, including Drop #1319 and Drop #1850, as well as predicting the “end near” in Drop #1555. Only this week did McCain announce he would stop seeking treatment for cancer.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=23 https://qmap.pub/?pg=19 https://qmap.pub/?pg=14

On April 4, 18 Q claimed in Drop #1014 that Mark Zuckerberg was going to step down as chair of Facebook and flee the United States. The same day Q predicted this, Zuckerberg reiterated that he was NOT going to step down—and he still hasn’t.


Q has also made some fizzled predictions about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, saying “goodbye” to him in Drops #525 and #598, insinuating that Dorsey would be removed from Twitter in Drop #799, predicting in Drop #1102 that Dorsey was “next”

https://qmap.pub/?pg=36 https://qmap.pub/?pg=35 https://qmap.pub/?pg=27

Q’s use of the phrase “next week” to denote the occurrence of something important started with Drop #243 when Q told his followers “just wait until next week” without making any kind of claim as to what was going to happen. It would be the first of over a dozen times Q would kick the can down the road to “next week.”


In Drop #464: Q vaguely predicted a “BIG NEXT WEEK” on Jan. 5, 18 doubling down in Drop #527, predicting “Next Week – BIGGER,” repeating the claim three drops later.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=37 https://qmap.pub/?pg=36

Drop #1594 became one of Q’s most famous blown predictions, as he claimed that July would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH.”


After not posting for about three weeks, Q posted in Drop #1687 that “something BIG is about to drop” with links to various press articles about QAnon. He made the exact same claim in Drops #1708, 1748, and 1802.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=17 https://qmap.pub/?pg=16 https://qmap.pub/?pg=15

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

How many times have you brainwashed Q-tist's predicted it's coming? Too many times to count.

What’s supposed to happen? Absolutely NOTHING.

But as Q would say, enjoy the show.

You folks are being Larp'd by the DS Illuminati Cabal.

Red October – FAIL,

Sessions – FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Huber - FAIL.


Obama in GITMO – FAIL

Hillary in GITMO – FAIL

Brennan in GITMO – FAIL

Clapper in GITMO – FAIL

Stzrok in GITMO – FAIL

Page in GITMO – FAIL

Steele in GITMO – FAIL

Baker in GITMO – FAIL

Lynch in GITMO - FAIL

Q-anon Update 12/3/2018 THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE – HUBER FISA Doc release - FAIL

Wednesday, December 5, often presented as #D5.- FAIL

1-1-19: National Emergency. FAIL

Hey Q - How is everyone going to celebrate the 11-11-2018 failed prediction?

Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 3500+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

In light of the string of the blatant falsehoods being announced by Q It brings up the question of the functioning of Q-tist's brains: How could a person swallow bullshit official information so gullibly and so completely without even asking common sense questions about the reliability or factual basis of that information? If you ever need proof of human gullibility, cast your mind back to the Jade Helm 15 round up conspiracy theory and the Hussein gun confiscation conspiracy theory How'd that work out for you useless idiots?

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda.

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

20439201? ago

Future proves past.

Btw, you post / list prety much confirm the idea of the game theory approach. Perfect way to identify and get to know your enemy.

20442149? ago

I know right! Just like Mueller for the demonrats, wanting and loving him so much, and Mueller turns out to be a dud!

I can't wait to talk to my friend that's brainwashed and see what his latest thought is about Trump.

20441570? ago

Yep. Same game different players. The NWO marches on.

20439196? ago

It’s me, buddy

So you feel disappointed that you apparently didn’t get what you hoped (?) for.

Like it really bugged you because you expected Q to be real and just speak truth. Plain & simple. No more lying. Like your parents did. And your x. And your former bff. And your x.

And that the world’s evil would vanish and you could finally breathe and develop a perspective for the future. Aims, targets, something you could contribute to this all new and better world...

My sweet summer child, you gotta be strong now: Good things take time.

I know: it’s like the tremendous uncertainty if she was going to say “uh hu” when you asked her having an ice cream with you. It’s like waiting for Christmas in September.

Unbearable. Devastating.

Be strong. Like Dorian. In September. No. Stronger!

Because you will still be there when Dorian is long forgotten, the leafs have fallen off the trees, the days have become shorter and shorter, the first snowflakes silently fall, ... and you can hear the bells, smell the cinnamon, unknown smiling faces say ‘hello’. And suddenly you know it’s Christmas.

20441545? ago

Christmas is a pagan follyday. Thus you are still a SHEEPLE.

20446355? ago

It’s me, buddy.

There are lots of things that existed before Christmas. You gotta be strong now: Jesus didn’t invent civilization.

And Jesus didn’t invent sheeple either. (I chose to write it in small letters in order for you to feel less confronted and defensive. I’m doing it js for you, buddy).

I’m sorry if what I wrote overwhelmed you. You appear to have gotten lost in detail. It’s not about Christmas. And it’s not about sheeple.

It’s about your neuralgic reaction towards (apparently) being disappointed and feeling rejected. The anxiety from having neither orientation nor solace is terrifying.

When the winter ends you will still have a phase of transition with cold, rainy, even snowy days and freezing nights. But you don’t have to worry because spring will show up eventually.

And afterwards you appreciate what was always there. And you wonder how you could have missed it.

You’ll be doing good. Have faith.

20438985? ago

TL;DR again - get a job, dude. I mean a REAL job, not shilling

20439026? ago


Maybe you should stop shilling then eh?

20442142? ago

Hey, I like your bold use of TRIGGERED

So fancy!

But again, TL;DR

PS: it doesn't really confuse anyone when shills call non-shills shills. Did you think that it did? I must say, we always have had THE worst quality shills. Can't we pay for some new better ones?

20442179? ago

Continue shilling. Your choice. No one is fooled by you False Christ 2.0

20438188? ago

It's proven fact that Q is working directly with the Trump administration.


20438279? ago

Hehehehehe PROVE IT.

At no time has Trump acknowledged Q in a Tweet or in a rally speech. As a matter in fact Q supporters are no longer welcome at his rallies. No Signs and No Shirts. Both Spicer and Sanders spoke harshly against Conspiracy Groups

20438139? ago

Disinformation is necessary. You ignore the primary purpose of the Q operation. Here's a hint; it's not to inform the people of future events with predictions. Now go read a book.

If you aren't ShareBlue than why are you using bullet points from their leaked memos?

A more important question would be Why are you here?

20438173? ago

No one is going to post disinformation right from the jump while trying to create a movement. You're just a SHEEPLE. When Q appeared on 4chan he said “ Do You Want To Play a Game?”

The game is the Illuminati game.

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

20438203? ago

Are you saying that Q isn't working with the Trump admin?

20438239? ago

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Trump has never acknowledged Q in a Tweet or during a rally speech. As a matter in fact. Q supporters are no longer welcome at Trump rallies. No more signs no more shirts.

20438427? ago

None of that means Q isn't working directly with the Trump administration though. There are perfectly logical reasons why they'd choose to keep the admin publicly unlinked from the movement.

You're ignoring literally hundreds of coincidences as if they never happened. You are also ignoring the objectives of the operation. As well as the potential moves of the enemy.

There is ZERO evidence that Q is a CIA op. ZERO. Considering Admiral Roger's and Flynn's activity is makes much more sense that Q is some kind of NSA/Military operation.

You are either a shill or simply a newfag who hasn't lurked enough to witness things play out in real time.

Because of Q the anons are THE MOST WELL INFORMED. We know the news months before anyone else. Nothing major has surprised us. Those of us who have been here from the start know for a fact that you are wrong and nothing will ever change that.

We've seen waves of "people" come through the movement always repeating the same claims.

It doesn't matter what you or I think...this will continue to chug along regardless. Nothing can stop what is coming.

20438451? ago

Because of Q the anons are THE MOST WELL INFORMED. We know the news months before anyone else.

What happened to the STORM over the weekend that allegedly Trump was eluding to? Lol

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda.

I've been exposing the NWO Globalist Agenda for 39 years now. Nothing gets past me anymore.

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

20438468? ago


Nothing Will Stop What Is Coming!!!

20438554? ago

You people are unbearably naive.

For most people truth is what they think it is. It’s easier to lie to someone than to convince someone that they have been lied to. There’s no one bluff than he or she who will not see the truth that is totally present in front of them.

Many people in this reality are still under the spell of what I call the False Reality. What's so ironic is, a falsehood only needs one juncture and a lot more shielding falsehoods to make people believe it. Conditioning is what makes us believe that which you believe is totally palpable.

How many times have you Q-cultist's said it is coming? Too many times to count.


Q-cultist's are in hyper delusional wishful thinking mode.

Q said that they are saving Israel for last.

Wanna bet?




Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them. Barr said he isn't going to bring charges up against Comey, so .. what the hell does that tell you? Huh? Well? Yeah, that is what I thought.

Q is a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda. Welcome to the Kill List newbies.

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

20438099? ago

Copypasta on the ready. Your post doesn't address misinformation or progress. Try again.

20438116? ago

Addresses that your delusional, dumbed down and still just a SHEEPLE.

20438350? ago

That was easy. My comment revealed you, and you reacted emotionally.

20438429? ago

Actually no. I just revealed the facts of your situation. No emotion involved. It doesn't matter to me if you remain in the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth or not. It is your life and your choice. "Baaaaaa"

20440222? ago

You would make a shitty psyops agent lol. "But the enemy said they were coming through the front door and they didn't!!! Waaaah. Mom! The enemy is misleading me again!" LMAO you can't make this shit up.

20437677? ago

And to take it to a basic simplistic statement: The Google whistleblower guy (Vorhees?) stated quite affirmatively on a recent interview that Gulag still doesn't have all the algos needed to figure out how to completely shut down and silence patriots. Vorhees said they are still a group of soy programmers who don't have a clue how to make us go away. So we got that going for us (As Bill Murray would say).

20438603? ago

Meeeeeeme training siiiiir.

20437977? ago

Vorhees? It's that the one who kept flashing the vesica psises hand signal? Didn't you notice his chair was too small and his necktie was crooked? Psychological.

20438492? ago

Is he the same one that was found to be a crisis actor?

20440839? ago

Crisis actor or legitimate witness? Ya gonna do your anti-semitic comment next?

20444334? ago

equating conspiracy beliefs with anti-Semitism -> watcha slidin, moishe?

20440030? ago

I don't know.

20437454? ago

Interesting. I knew there was a reason for it because you can see how much has improved, but I never knew the why of it.

20437377? ago

I've felt like I innately just have a gut feeling that this is true, or at least very close to the truth.

I don't know why, except to say that I do have somewhat of a decent idea of how far AI has come (we use it in digital marketing like crazy anymore in a variety of ways) and I have to assume that the government (who invented the internet to begin with) uses the most advanced version(s) of it for all sorts of shit, not the least of which being something so big as waging war/controlling people.

Just curious, where (if anywhere at all) are you getting this info, OP?

20439988? ago

Al Gore invented the internet. Google it.

20439715? ago

That marketing shit, thats just "big data" thats not AI. AI runs on bespoke gold plated supercooled "quantum computers" sitting at Lockheed etc. and gets shut off as soon as it gets smart, then reinstalled with a clone. DOnt work there, havent messed with it, but if they are not doing it this way they are muuuuch dumber than anyone thinks.

20451007? ago

It's both big data and AI, actually. Predictive behavior modeling is used to identify internet users who are ready to convert to buyers of specific products/services.

The big data is fed in, then AI/machine learning crunches the data.

20454093? ago

Those are link lists, if then or shit is not AI. No matter how big the dataset is.

20455768? ago

Well dude, I don't know what you're getting... but what I'm dealing with has nothing to do with links. I think it's obvious at this point that you think you know what I'm talking about, but you don't. You don't know at all what I'm dealing with. I could explain further, but why bother. You're just going to tell me that you know more about my job that I do.

20461529? ago

Nah man, I aint like that, tell me how it works then. Last time I dealt with "AI" it was glorified link lists with a couple stupid equations written by abused soyboys, and a fucking huuuuuge dataset. Saving grace was the huge dataset. Be interesting to hear how its advanced from that.

20477166? ago

Ok, I'll bite. As of right now, the online behavior of upwards of 200 million Americans is being tracked by private companies. Think Google, Amazon, Facebook, and others which are smaller and you've never heard of them. (We could argue about the ethics of such tracking, but that's a different conversation entirely.)

Just know that it's 100% legal since anyone who uses any of these services/products signs off on such tracking in the terms of service. Of course, there are exceptions to this that are worth fighting out in court, such as Facebook's practice of listening to conversations through your phone and tracking this stuff even after you delete their app. But again, different conversation, so let's get back to the issue at hand...

That data is shared between these organizations, but also combined in aggregate and sold in the marketplace. So, THAT is your "big data" piece, but it's only part of the equation.

The other components are identity resolution and then machine learning/AI.

When you combine all of these components correctly (data + ID resolution + machine learning/AI), it gives you a predictive behavior model.

Here's an example of how we're using it right now in marketing. Let's say I have a client and that client is a mortgage brokerage. My job as a digital marketing firm is to get my client (the mortgage brokerage) leads which are likely to convert (purchase a mortgage). Up until very recently, a couple of the best ways to do this was SEO (search engine optimization) to make the client's site show up for relevant search queries - and/or - paid search ads where we pay Google/Bing to show the client's ads at the top of the page (or at least on the first or second page of search results) for relevant queries. The search behavior of a user was the trigger and the targeting method. The problem is that a search for "mortgage broker new york", for example, is a single behavior carried out at a single time. That person performing that search could be literally anywhere in the sales funnel - from casually interested to actively in the market and ready to buy. Obviously, we want to target more of those who are actively in the market and avoid those who are casually looking - because we're paying for the clicks in either case.

The big data+ID resolution+AI allows us to hone in on only those who are actively in the market and ready to buy, therefore we're not wasting ad dollars on people who aren't really serious about purchasing a home.

The way it works is this. If I had one million instances of people who found a mortgage brokerage online and then purchased a mortgage, and I had cataloged all of their online behavior up to the point that they purchased - I could then go back in time and look for the commonalities in their aggregate behavior to develop a model for what the behavior of such a person looks like.

The more data we add, the more accurate that predictive model becomes. At some point, we're able to identify exactly who is in the market for a mortgage and then target only those people with advertising. In other words, it's a super efficient method of targeting that helps us to waste less ad dollars. And the less we're wasting, the more we can put towards only those people who meet the behavioral modeling criteria. This means higher ROI for the client, and thus more clients for the marketing firm.

I used mortgage as an example, but this methodology can be applied to a variety of industries/products/services.

Now on a side note, this is also interesting... when the media started going after the Trump campaign for the "cambridge analytica scandal", they were essentially brow-beating the campaign for using this very type of targeting method.. but interestingly enough, they said nothing about the fact that companies, ad agencies, and other political campaigns have been employing the same technology. I'm not sure if you remember, but Obama's campaign manager stated publicly that Facebook gave them their entire social graph for this very reason. What's fucked up about that situation is that a firm like mine, or even Trump's campaign for that matter, has to buy this sort of data in the marketplace and it 'aint exactly cheap. Facebook just basically gave the Obama campaign a sweetheart deal on this data - the sort of deal that they aren't giving anyone else.

And then again, the media tried to make Trump's campaign the villains for using such targeting while completely ignoring the fact that Trump's political adversaries were using the same technology to promote their candidates.

So essentially, it's ok for everyone else to use it, but it's suddenly "evil" if Trump's campaign did the same thing.

And I'd make the argument that if Obama and Hillary campaigns could use this technology, then anyone can and the MSM should shut their lying, hypocritical, whore mouths about it.

And to be clear, I'm not taking a position that using this targeting method is good or bad in this post. There's certainly an argument that it's an invasion of privacy, but then again we all sign off on it everytime we use Twitter, Facebook, Google, or a host of other online services.

As for my company, if we want to remain in business we have to offer it as a service option...simply to stay ahead of (or at the least within parity) of our own competitors.

So there you go. I hope that all makes sense. Feel free to ask any questions.

20484750? ago

Gotcha, this is how science has been done for years, part of what you just described is how our grandfathers developed experimental jets etc. But targeted ads have a very long way to go, and are easily gamed if someone knows the signals your clients are looking for, even when the data feed is in real-time. The difference between you and I, is that you think of this as "A.I." when its really just feeding data into models, and to me, models are nothing close to A.I... they can be some damn decent programming, for sure, but until I can argue philosophy with it, its not A.I. Especially when your fellow ad guys have stuff that shows me ads for something I just bought... for two weeks after i buy it :) I think either the software guys or the COO's had to come up with a buzzword to justify the computing resources this takes, because "10 racks of servers in every city to track customers and sell at just the right time" was too long ;)

20438784? ago

Keep in mind the "government" is not separate from FB/Google, these things were born out of the CIA with taxpayer funds. The deep state is, or has been until now, the de-facto "government". The Old Guard.

Q is the spiritual forces at the next level above this. Angels. "We have everything."

I don't think it's AI vs AI.

It's AI vs II (infinite intelligence). II = God. God wins.

20445830? ago

Pardon me while I semi-hijack this high-ranked post. Downvoat if you must, but as someone who knows more than a little something about this field, I'd like to point something out. The "adversarial" in GAN specifically refers to 2 competing networks only within the scope of training the discriminator network used to then predict how likely seen features are, given some assumption of the post (in this case). The generator network creates data and the discriminator network then evaluates the data and likelihood of it being in the training dataset. Think of it as network co-evolution. This adversarial training all happens in one scope (i.e. the deep state, google, facebook, whichever organization or group is building the network).

OP's post is still correct no matter what kind of training method used to build a network. You can simply substitute "ML network" or "AI network" for "GAN" and the info in the post still stands. Do not get hyper focused on GANs and do not mistake the "adversarial" name as being inherently bad.

Again, sorry for the hijack, but this needed to be seen and not lost at the bottom of ~150 posts.

20448199? ago

Shit in Shit out.

20450169? ago

100% true. Bad training data makes bad models.

20446643? ago

Fren, you need to define some of these terms and give us a little more of an introduction... bridge the gap for the laypeople.

I mean, even if I'm a pretty experienced software guy, I have no experience in the machine-learning domain so I can't follow what you're saying.

20446934? ago


Machine learning is how to get computers to classify or predict things that our brains take for granted, because it's so easy for us. What is built is a model, and in many cases you can think about a model as a black box that takes many inputs (the object has 4 mag wheels, a steering wheel, manual transmission, 2 seats, 8 cyl engine) and classifies or predicts what that object is: a sports car. This task is (used to be) complex for a computer, but easy for our brain. Advances in machine learning libraries (such as scikit-learn, keras and others) make these sorts of classifications easy to program now.

There's a branch of machine learning called "deep learning" and it involves synthetic neural networks made up of "neurons." The neurons have different properties. Some amplify a signal. Some have a short term memory. There are many others. The key part of these neural networks are the pieces and how they are put together. Initially, researchers put them together by hand, but very shortly they started building programs that would build neural networks. Then came the neural networks that would build neural networks. It's tools like these that underlie things like generative adversarial networks (GANs).

20440840? ago


20439975? ago

ooh that was good, thank-you

20438566? ago

This is most definitely some hive mind shit. I’ve been thinking this for weeks!

20438837? ago

This reminds of that thing about escaping killer bees, where you zig zag and move erratically and they can't track you XD

20438323? ago

At the very least, the part of this that I truly understand and think is real is the usage of disinformation and missed deadlines. In military strategy, when facing a near-peer adversary, a lot of these strategies are utilized to their fullest from on-the-ground maneuvers to incorrect or false media reporting to seeding incorrect information to spies. It's a complex machine, but it is effective.

20438607? ago

The problem is once you start getting over a certain ratio of bad info vs good everyone, including the enemy, stops listening.

20438873? ago

Not me - I'm sure I'm in a massive worldwide group willing to be "last man standing" if people stop listening and wander away.

If misinformation is needed? Let it fly! WHATEVER is needed to destroy the Cabal.

20443010? ago

Fuk yeah!

20441454? ago

The problem is the idea that disinfo is going to throw off the Cabal very much is an illogical fantasy.

Disinfo can only work in very select and short windows. Once a specific signal is proven to be wrong more often than not then you stop paying attention it. So the first couple times Q posted disinfo it may have thrown off the Cabal but they pretty quickly would have realized that they can't trust it too much. At that point they're just gonna mostly ignore it since there's no point in paying attention to it even if it sometimes drops good info.

20443038? ago

This is spot on.... for shills. Patriots keep paying attention because they understand the level of warfare and are patient knowing what op said is most likely or close to truth!

20443064? ago

OP is just throwing around terms they don't understand, I actually work with machine learning.

20443183? ago

So do I. Yet I don’t claim to know all the secrets. (Not saying you did...just saying)

20442096? ago

But...it's still working.

"BOO!" says Q, and next thing ya know? an orchestrated event.

20443011? ago

Maybe in cuckoo land where you can just make shit up, sure.

20438757? ago

If they stop listening, they lose their biggest asset. That HAVE to monitor all coms to get the picture, or their bullshit can't work. Or, at least, they'll revert back to a pattern that would much more predictable

20441430? ago

Not literally listening, but once a signal becomes too noisy you stop paying attention to it. It becomes more harmful to pay attention to it than it does to ignore it.

The fact that a broken clock is right twice a day doesn't mean you keep checking the clock for the time in case it happens to be right.

20443058? ago

There is no choice. They have to listen to try to figure out their enemy. Their very existence and centuries-long plan depend on it.

20443077? ago

Of course there's a choice, they can pay attention to other intelligence signals. God people here are so naive and stupid its painful...

20443165? ago

It’s a fight to the death. Hence no choice. From the pit of hell I stab at thee.

20438533? ago

Well yeah that touches on the disinfo piece. But what about all the GAN stuff and all? I'm assuming you're the OP (maybe wrongly).

20439743? ago

No I'm not unfortunately. I'll say that from my foxhole in the military we are exploring integrating AI into a lot of different processes, but I haven't seen anything exceptionally complicated outside the realm of crafty programming. Sorry mate, nothing groundbreaking from my point of view.

20438641? ago

OP looks like Barney the Dinosaur; the rest of us are Smurfs.

20437337? ago


People might find it helpful to look into the Vault 7 leaks that occurred a few years ago. We have tech that can falsify any (most) digital evidence as well as compromise most computers on earth currently.

20437248? ago

Good post OP.

Sorry, had to delete since Voat decided to show my name. Again.

AI is a beast aaalll its own :-/

20437499? ago

This happened to me too briefly in a post I made yesterday. Weird huh?

20441624? ago

Crazy. Me no likie!

20437299? ago

If you refresh the page your name will turn into a number. I'm pretty sure it's only us who can see our own name, I haven't seen anyone elses.

20437460? ago

I agree and you're right. It just always gets me. Good post nonetheless ;)

20437403? ago

I concur.

20437217? ago

I like it.