MAGAAyaBish ago

That makes my soul hurt

Foursome ago

Changed my dad's death certificate to a birth certificate and now we claim him as a dependent /s

UEMcGill ago

I agree. It becomes no longer a "certificate of live birth" but instead "certificate of post-birth (4 years) decision to pretend to be the other sex".

The doctor who finalized this is culpable, and should be rebuked and punished.

DeseretIndustries ago

The state should not allow someone to change his or her gender on government records. It’s absurd and evil.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Here's another interesting and ironic tweet from this Ginicola guy.

My10thaccount ago

Too late for this kid now. Sad.

Zoldam ago

Good to see how selfish these parents are. Kids have literally no understanding of sex, any kid that is "trans" has it being pushed on them by the parents so they can get a high from virtue signaling. These people value that high over the life of their child. They are no better than drug addicts who neglect their kid so they can get their next fix, in fact they are worse because they are also fucking their child up in the process. A neglected child can recover if they get proper care before it's too late, a trans kid's body and mind is fucked for life.

JohnGaltApproves ago

It gets worse. He’s a government school teacher with access to 500 kids each school year.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

If that is actually a birth certificate and a record of life birth, wouldn't changing it be considered fraud no matter who makes the change?

TestForScience ago

It was ‘legally’ changed.

You can ‘legally’ psychologically abuse your children, now.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

But my point was that it doesn't matter if a clerk, judge, or space pope "changes it" that would make it fraud because that isn't WHAT was born and CERTIFIED. Some kinda of "make believe" form to supplement the actual birth certificate would be more appropriate. Not that anything with this is appropriate.

satisfyinghump ago

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to each of these freak experiments in 5-10 years.

jimibulgin ago

I hate modern birth certificates for just this reason. They can be altered. The whole purpose of the fancy paper and frilly lines was to make it difficult the forge. Now it is just printed on a blank with a laser printer. Don't like it? Fuck it, will print an new one with whatever you want on it. Record keeping my ass.


jonnyquest ago

There is something seriously wrong with these people.

Moln0014 ago

Mark my words. I bet this will be one fucked up kid when he hits his teens. I bet the kid will go donkey kong crazy and do a shoot out with the cops or kill himself. Child abuse big time here.

Jiggggg ago

That poor kid.

BUT look at how many Virtue Signal Points his parents got!! They will be the envy of all of their Instafriends omg

Planetoftheclown ago

....and then....

Maddmartigan ago

They don't know it but HE will always be their son.

Moneypenny ago

And advertised it all over social media. Sad.

boomersarecylons ago

If there was no social media would they have done this?

Original_Dankster ago

Damn good point

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Isn't this just the most maniacally evil thing a person could do?! He's FOUR! Even by liberal standards this is at least homophobic.

uvulectomy ago

A "transgender" 4y/o is like a vegan cat. We all know who's actually making the decisions here.

Guarantee that kid will off himself once he's old enough to realize just how horribly his degenerate fuckwit "parents" betrayed him. If we're lucky, he takes them out first.

lord_nougat ago


Fucking perv piece of shit scumbags who are also retarded!

Fuhrer1488 ago

Everyone that has some spare time should report them to CPS IMMEDIATELY

boomersarecylons ago

If they cared the paper work wouldn't be changed. CPS job is "child postal service" for stealing kids and delivering them to abusers.

The_Crusader2 ago

The trendier having a LGBTQBBQ kid becomes, the more goyim will push this garbage on their child. The fact that some celebrities are pushing this too probably seals the deal as a lost cause at this point.

You rarely see mudslimes do it. No wonder they’re going to take over Europe.

TheCozyConsole ago

I have a four year old. This is just...beyond child abuse. My son pretends he’s a ninja turtle every day. Four year olds have zero fucking thoughts about gender.

These parents should be severely beaten and then jailed for the rest of their lives

Deplorabelle ago

Please fill out your government form to legally transition your son into a turtle. Doing otherwise is turtle phobic. He clearly has decided that he will live in a sewer, eating pizza. Any choices regarding identity at 4 are now legally binding. Don’t forget to bring him in for his turtle hormone pills and injections- this will prepare him for his turtle shell impalant in a few years (all funded by the taxpayer of course!) Honk, honk.

uvulectomy ago

Whatabout jailed AND severely beaten for the rest of their lives? I'm sure gen-pop would be perfect for that.

chubsta ago

How the hell can anyone possibly think a child of four has any idea about wanting to change their gender - most kids that age want to be a dinosaur or a fire engine or some other make believe shit that they grow out of.

And they even say how much hassle it has been to do, which means they probably started the process much earlier, possibly when the kid was 3 or even 2 - those fuckewrs should be shot but instead they will be revelling in social-media points and basking in the glory of everyone telling them how brave they are, with no-one giving a fuck about the poor kid.

It used to be that people said you were lucky to be born in the West compared to Africans etc, but now you are lucky if your parents aren't complete psychos who try to destroy you

WeAllGlowDownHere ago

Soon to be part of the 40%, unfortunately.

herbalism ago

That is just so depressing. Yuck. What kind of "man" would do this to his son?

Patriot15690 ago

Good destroy your child’s life no one cares. I love how they’ll do it to their children but not themselves. God will take hold and nature will it’s part for messing with biology

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

Oh I didn’t see an article.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

As late as 1970 these people would rightfully be in an asylum for the insane.

The bible warned us what would happen if we turned away ... exchanging the truth for a lie.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Kudos for not blanking the soyboy cuck's name.

Obviously i'm not condoning any kind of retribution, either online or in minecraft.

Adminstrater ago

Look at the need to show everyone online. Look at this need to get acceptance for their actions.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Yup; these fucks need to be in jail!

therage96 ago

I checked this person's Twitter and it's actually an Army Vet's account. Is this some shill ploy to defame an innocent army vet?

TestForScience ago

This might explain some things for you; an article, written by this child's mother, if you can even call her that:

Jippymausen ago


boekanier ago

Ah, that's what the jews and their mass media like so much!

Crackrocknigga ago

Look at what happens when people say "gay rights won't be so bad!". NO MORE RIGHTS FOR FAGS. STOMP THEM IN THE STREETS

badruns ago

It's a family of Jews in Academia. The mother is a child psychologist who wrote this:

This is the shit that the Nazi's burned. She is the authors that they banned.

wanderingblade ago

They burned pornography and (((psychology))) whic was essentially a precursor to alfred Kinsey's work raping children and calling sexology

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

I looked for the tweet but it was either deleted or the pic is a fake.

TestForScience ago

[Taken from LeonardoDaTiddies 's reply on Reddit]

The Twitter user's profile and tweets are private, probably to avoid harassment, but I did find this article:

Deep down, I was very opposed to the idea that he could be trans. I fully support trans people, I understand the biology, the science, the identity. Yet, despite my support and understanding, I never wanted that for my child.

It was perhaps THE hardest life I had ever witnessed for a person, and certainly could be made harder by other other factors too — like having a disability or being a person of color.

When a friend asked me when I was pregnant with Wilson what potential issues in a child I felt I could NOT handle — I responded, “I would never want a trans child. I couldn’t bear to watch a child go through that life.”

ViperCarbz ago

Crazy mother. Cucked father.

oldzeke ago

The mom is a psychology Ph.D and mental health counselor. Who'd have guessed?

AnonTruthHurts ago

Dad looks like a weirdo and mom looks like a liberal lesbian. Ffs.

he_found_wepon ago

Don't forget that just under 50% of trannies will attempt suicide before the age of 30.

Might as well flip a coin.

Dauphin ago

In 10-14 years there will be a rash of kids who kill their parents/families and then themselves... you'll remember this.

ArielQflip ago

Cucks the lot off them.

CrudOMatic ago


Wait... I thought this was only about "gender" and that it would never extend to the definition of biological sex? OF COURSE IT WAS A SLIPPERY SLOPE

4 year old

Everyone there needs to die in a house fire, in minecraft.

TheKalergiFan ago

Massive Ed Kempers in our future

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Yep. Just read about him for the first time.

You are correct. Loads of these abused kids will kill themselves, most of the remainder will hate themselves and their parents/society. A small minority will be happy (Stockholm syndrome), and a blessed few will murder everyone involved in mutilating them when they were a child

MrCobraFace ago

4 years old. Holy shit. I actually have zero problem with an adult deciding to do this, but a 4 year old kid? How can anyone think this is morally defensible?

Grunge ago

I want everyone to remember shit like this. In 10 years time, we'll be right in the midst of a dark age. When you look back at how we got to there, remember shit like this.


Hopefully this is the dark age and we will achieve a renaissance.

Floralei ago

Told a coworker in 2015 that first it's gay marriage, within five years the transgender thing will be next and then the children. He didn't believe me; said no way would people allow that.

It didn't even take three.

Professorballs ago

Satan is pleased.

Strontium_Dawg ago

I don’t believe in Satan, but if he was real I bet he would be tired of his job by now.

Professorballs ago

He'd certainly be busy af handing out merit badges.

giveitup ago

and their dear little girl has a penis and has no idea what it means to be a boy or girl and could not possibly make that decision. those sick fucks.

d33t ago

Yet, CPS can take a child from a normal household for not complying with the trend-gender agenda. State-enforced faggotry if I have ever seen it. Also note how it is only young white boys that are foisted into this nonconsentual sex cult?

I pray that for every false flag FBI patsy shooter that we see over the next two decades, we see twice as many of these terminally-damaged suicidal lost souls raised in this mental asylum of a society go on killing sprees. Then, THEN, we can point to them as an example of why the faggot left's agenda is total bullshit.

Who am I kidding. They will just blame it on whitey somehow. I guess I will just wait for the Minecraft civil war to start, wake me up when it is ready...

wanderingblade ago

I'm already considering going to fight in South Africa the war is obviously about to break out there

toobaditworks ago

State-enforced faggotry = State enforced genocide.

Gorillion ago

Genocide via carefully curated bureaucracy and media management.

Planetoftheclown ago

It's literally the poison apple from Snow White....for the people who choose to go that route thinking they're seeking their true self when in the end with a 40% suicide rate I'd imagine 95% regret it and 40% actually realize how much they've fucked their life, grow the pair of balls they cut off and the rest just stop taking hormones and be the sterile wastes of flesh they were tricked into becoming.

Obelisk79 ago

That poor child...

Those parents will one day live in regret for destroying his innocence

vanievilgenius ago

I doubt it. Takes a special kind of psycho to do this shit and then broadcast it publicly.

wanderingblade ago

Vengeance will be biblical

Firinmahlazer ago

Dead by 17 at the latest. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

PewterKey ago

Maybe he will kill both parents before his suicide. The abuse he will experience will be insane.

uvulectomy ago

Will? Guarantee you he's already being severely abused.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Child abuse.

Parents should be jailed, sterilized and forced to stay X number of feet away from children for the rest of their lives.

herbert_west ago

why are you getting so extreme, goy?

eronburr ago

When I was four, I wanted to be a dinosaur. Thank God I wasn't born before everyone lost their common sense. I don't think I could survive without any dinosaur rights activists.

AntiMason ago

In a perfect world........

uvulectomy ago

"Parents should be jailed, sterilized and forced to stay X number of feet away from children for the rest of their lives."

I prefer sterilization without anesthetic, followed by the boats. (In Minecraft, of course)

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Publibly hanged.

uvulectomy ago

And whoever takes them down before the birds pick their bones clean gets the same treatment?

ChiCom ago

Shit you see on Twitter is creepier than anything because it's PC mainstream approved so you are going to run into more sick fucks like this IRL.

VoatsNewfag ago

Most people are blind to cruelty as long as it's socially approved.

At some point in americas culture it became mainstream to cut part of a boy's penis off, at an age where you cannot give effective anesthesia.

user9713 ago

I'm wondering at what point will we stand up for the children and take matters into our own hands.

Lord knows the G men aren't gonna do anything about it.

Neon_daemon ago

Then lets start doing something here and now

GumbyTM ago

Look behind you.


No, further back.


That's where we didn't.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yeah man. Try growing up knowing, but no one does shit.

Happy 4th in 3 years. Pride flags everywhere, fat chicks, and no one partying for shit

Thats_not_my_dog ago

We are left alone on this one.

Criticize it publicly you are a hateful bigot and your personal life is attacked.

Challenge the schools who teach this crap as tolerance, same thing.

Try to form a community and remove this influence from your life it will be destroyed, quite possibly by G men.

Ignore it and it will only get worse.

Our best hope is Generation Z. Kids in high school and younger are standing up to this nonsense they see around them. They are laughing at the generation of millennials that embraced all this propaganda they were fed.

Unfortunately the entire point of this exercise is a complete breakdown of society.

I have hope the rebuilding of society after that breakdown is not going to turn out the way TPTB think it will.

d33t ago

I hold a nihilstic view toward the near future, but a hopeful one toward the distant future that I will probably not live to see. Many of our bloodlines will perish, but I am confident that the iron will of the white spirit, white might, will prevail.

Maybe the surviving whites will not have as much land as their ancestors once had, but I am confident that even the ZOG will not question whites' right to clay after losing a war of attrition.

I recommend reading up on the Chechen War and the civil war(s) of Eastern Europe following the collapse of the Soviet Union. They are an inspiring story of how effective gorilla warfare is against a formidable military as well as just how more important numbers are than raw firepower.

The long story short is even the might of the Russian army could not squash these tenacious people. Sure, they went back and forth over the course of two decades with no clear winner, but at some point even the Russian military threw up their arms and said "Fuck it, you guys keep it" and agreed to an uneady truce. Also the Chechens were Muslim Russians that I would have rather seen lose buuut...the story is inspiring nonetheless.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

I think if a civil war occurs, not between citizens and military, but citizen versus citizen, we will end up designating states to various factions. The US will break down completely, each faction will take a new name and be recognized internationally.

There are huge portions of this nation I would be happy never to have to engage with again.

Neon_daemon ago

We should be doing it here and now

Thats_not_my_dog ago

I do. Holy shit, do I get hell for it. I criticize shit openly.

Funny thing is so many people assume everyone is a liberal, multicultural, etc. and when I say shit I have actually seen people's mouths fall open.

I always find a way to turn the conversation to a point of view I know people can relate to. I got into a lot of shit for complaining about the rap music a friend of mine was playing at a party. Granted I was freaking drunk, but whatever. The music was disgusting, the background singers were just repeating "Nigger' after every line the lead singer spoke.

"I can't stand this nigger ass shit" I said. HOLY FUCK! You could have heard a pin drop. A white guy saying nigger in a house filled with all kinds of people. After a few people talked shit I even had friends saying, "What he meant was...".

"No, I said I hate this fucking music". How many kids have died living up the values in this music? How many broken families? How many dead from the gang banging bull shit they sing about? How many fatherless homes? How many girls see themselves as Ho's and bitches with no self respect?

This shit isn't real. Those fuckers aren't gangsters, their entertainers that would shit their pants at the first sight of a gun. I actually engaged the whole damn party in a conversation about how rap music has destroyed an entire generation and has a degenerative affect on society.

Fuck it. I am too damn old to keep my mouth shut and too damn many people need their paradigms challenged.

So yeah, we should be doing here and now. Join me, wont you!

Jiggggg ago

Hell yeah dude.

HiJoker ago

Everyone involved in this needs to face justice. From the politicians, the bureaucrats and every fucking sick fuck social worker involved. All of them. Parents that do this need hung.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

I thought you said need a hug at the end I was so confused.

Neon_daemon ago

Faggot. There should be no put off. No handing off of the task. This simply shouldnt be allowed. Literally. When it happens someone must go and fix this leaking pipe in society

HiJoker ago

Then go do it cocksmoke, don't be calling me fucking faggot if you feel like that and in turn try to hand it the fuck off yourself. Jesus. Kill yourself, for fucks sake. We don't need this level of retardation on our side. Go join the fucking left.

Gorillion ago

The great thing about invasive bureaucracy - they keep extensive paper trails for this sort of shit.

HiJoker ago

That means they'll all be easy to hunt.

AgentSakura ago

They are all guilty by association and for supporting this behavior. Shame on them all. They deserve the oven

scandalous-goat ago


Nothing healthier than someone with mutilated genitals and a body full of artificial 'mones of the other sex. 👍

SurfinMindWaves ago

Makes me so sad. 4 years old.

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Gorillion ago

Yep, didn't stand a chance. And by the time it's possible for anyone to realistically step in, it'll be too late for him shy of miracle nanotech re-writing all his broken biology and psychology. His memories would literally have to be re-written for him not to carry the betrayal with him his whole life.]

Parents are meant to be a child's first line of defense against outside forces, not the first line of attack.

d33t ago

I hope, if these sick fucks succeed in ruining this perfectly normal boy, that he becomes a crazed shooter once he reachea adulthood and kills his parents as his first victims...hypothetically theoretically in an Amazon AWS instance running a Windows 7 VM playing Mincraft in VirtualBox.

recon_johnny ago

Seems like the children aren't treated as real humans, just accessories.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

They must be filled with hate and spite for some reason... To deny the humanity and existence of another person, forcing it to conform to some weird ideal. There should be laws to protect kids against sexual alteration, friggin circumciaion included. Maybe at like 16 with the consent of your parents you could choose to agree to whatever religious retardation you wanted to subscribe to... I wonder how Russia frames its laws. I know they don't fuck with kids... American kids are a highly targeted market for all kinds of fuckery like propaganda and secret studies. The school systems are the backbone of it all. It's nuts actually. We're definitely, on a certain level, domesticating ourselves.

Warnos44 ago

I always have such a hard time not down voting shit like this. It makes me feel so disgusted how would I upvote it? Fuck them all with a rusty barbed wire bat.

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

gotta take a look at the sub before making your voting choice. it's how I've come to make my voats on things i dont like.

is the sub promoting this as a positive? Downvoat

is the sub promoting this as a negative? upgoat

Floralei ago

Right there with you on that one.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

It's not a disagree button it's supposed to be for worthwhile content, go do that shit at reddit

Notimportant36 ago

I see these images of Twitter and just want to make a response, it enrages me just how gleefully these parents just core a hole in their kids brain and just fucks them out of a normal life.

UEMcGill ago

You can't respond, the tweet has been deleted

giveitup ago

you up vote it for bringing it to our attention.

1person10voats ago

Mazel tav on your sterilized offspring, goyim!