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20313321? ago

The horns at top half look like 2 alien facing each other, which may have something to do with part of Log "INTER SERVICES"

Then goat are not meat eaters, yet the snake (asp) in the mouth?... FU Man Chu? Def. demonic for supposed Muslim Country, hmmm...

20313485? ago

They pray to a Transexual Demonic god named Baphomet...The NZ shooter went to Pakistan? He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area? It's called A.A.O.N.M.S. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The Shrines and Jesters run back to the secret orders. Rothschilds and English Crown have strong ties to these orders. ? Makes me so sad. 4 years old.

20316579? ago

Thanks, so he belonged to Order of Masons, + AAONMS & a Shriner/Jester? For his age that's intense. My Grand Dad & Great were Masons & I was in Job's Daughter;s & Rainbow... So even though I never saw or heard anything unusual (TG) However, Like with many Subjects that the Truth of which, is distorted as a child, sometimes forever, unless you ?? & ? again until it resonates within, Thankful, no bullet dodged. Yet Eyes Wide Open! I just found this by chance. Found it in element of another... Knowledge of Today Site is jam full!