21188085? ago

Search “brazil royal order of jesters children”.

21187759? ago

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21168030? ago

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21087489? ago

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21077286? ago

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21034844? ago

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20996696? ago

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20489287? ago

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20393205? ago

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20384354? ago

Why so many Masonic symbols withe the Epstein property @AntiMason Jews and Mason, is there a connection?

21038772? ago

In the playstaion Xbox the masonic symbolism, baphomet, trannies .... dont waste your life on a stupid video game addiction @drakesdoom2 @BlueDrache ? @ScreaminMime @killer7 @Kassina

21039275? ago

I can see your idiocy from space, @Maroonsaint

20384757? ago

Masonry heavily uses Hebrew words and letters in all of their rituals, masonry is gnosticism which was Jewish in character way before there even was Christianity.

20412128? ago

Dutch Netherlands Banker Exposes The Highest Levels Of The Zionist Luciferian Satanic Rituals (English Audio) https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3307298

20316157? ago

that is a long story behind Baphomet symbol, the snake and ISI.

21011448? ago

and bin Laden hanging out there? https://voat.co/v/politics/3478083/21008333 What does it say about the state of the republicans when a 60 year old barren woman is one of the strongest voices we have.

20320346? ago

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20315281? ago

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20314116? ago

Isn’t Satoshi Nakamoto a Pakistani, allegedly?


Chaldean numerology eh?

20314366? ago

A Kamikaze Jap with some Mason connections and ties to 4Chan's chaos and free speech. They got him with NSA spywar, worried Satoshi was an agent of Russia or Chin or that Bitcoin might be weaponized, he seems to be nothing more than a Japanese anarchist hacker type.

20314419? ago

The link, dude. This Bilal guy is claiming to be Satoshi. If fake, it’s a Pakistani Intel agent pretending.

20313542? ago

Voat’s symbol is a goat. HONEYPOT

20313653? ago

What are the Shriners? Mayor Jihad of London https://voat.co/v/anon/3284388/20213060 Search on duck duck go, human leather UK, the bones are still on the site, but all else has been removed. It's those they've killed, on their own shoes. The one place made, belts, wallets and shoes, made out of human skin. They are their own trophy shoes.

20313321? ago

The horns at top half look like 2 alien facing each other, which may have something to do with part of Log "INTER SERVICES"

Then goat are not meat eaters, yet the snake (asp) in the mouth?... FU Man Chu? Def. demonic for supposed Muslim Country, hmmm...

20315889? ago

Paki goat fuckers @dudelol using dumb mason icon crap, not very smart

20316611? ago

For Real!

20333712? ago

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20313485? ago

They pray to a Transexual Demonic god named Baphomet...The NZ shooter went to Pakistan? He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area? It's called A.A.O.N.M.S. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The Shrines and Jesters run back to the secret orders. Rothschilds and English Crown have strong ties to these orders. https://voat.co/v/whatever/3393695/20273734 ? Makes me so sad. 4 years old.

20316579? ago

Thanks, so he belonged to Order of Masons, + AAONMS & a Shriner/Jester? For his age that's intense. My Grand Dad & Great were Masons & I was in Job's Daughter;s & Rainbow... So even though I never saw or heard anything unusual (TG) However, Like with many Subjects that the Truth of which, is distorted as a child, sometimes forever, unless you ?? & ? again until it resonates within, Thankful, no bullet dodged. Yet Eyes Wide Open! I just found this by chance. Found it in element of another... Knowledge of Today Site is jam full!

20312782? ago

Anyone else seeing the butterfly in the horns?

21160273? ago

NY Drag Queen "Blair Back" performs a satanic mock abortion cannibalism ritual in a night club. It's time to disavow these fucking perverts and stop the left while it's still legal to do so. https://voat.co/v/politics/3495653/21159681 A while back I saw video of some Australian guys interrupting a tranny performer on some street venue, and shutting it down by pointing out loudly and determined that there were children around. Cops came but the tranny was so upset he packed it in for the day. That's what we need. Be visible, be concise in your disgust and shut it down.

20315814? ago

Most you would expect some kind of police style badge or maybe a bird some other weird ones, I think India is like 3 dogs or maybe 3 Lions, the Russians have one which looks like an Adam West Batman logo and Iran has a very masonic pattern in green, an eye with a world inside.

20313334? ago

It's a barrette like little girls wear.

20313230? ago

What are the Shriners? Kike and Kebabs working together? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3307378/19480457 jews subvert and muslims convert. got it. why are we letting this happen again? seems like a good time for a revolt.

21188029? ago

The kikes and muslims worship the same god- the Lord God of Genesis. Jesus spoke of God, the Father, and called the Lord God the Devil. This is where most Christians go wrong. They have been duped into worshiping the Lord God, YHWH/Jehovah.

20312976? ago

at the base, yes

20312337? ago

He is the god of the WORLD!!! Stop thinking like an ants and realize this crosses ALL borders and nationalities.

20314731? ago


20313568? ago

The elite fags seem to be worried since the Epstein shit dropped https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=cIMZZsB8Wrg What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

20313528? ago

What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=cIMZZsB8Wrg

20313140? ago

The Anglo-Dutch secret clubs let a lot of Masonic stuff behind, what do you think pedo Savile was? Who do you think covers up for the islamo rape gangs in England? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3247847 He used to be trans - - it's Masonic child abuse created by an elite satanic religion who worship Baphomet from Babylon. An evil combo of Media and Medical Industry makes their depression / anxiety.

20312334? ago

Bible and Koran tell many of the same stories from opposite viewpoints. They are recognizable.

Allah is satan. Allah is a 2 legged goatish creature with hooves and horns. I will take a pic next time I am in the nearby persion restaurant with the statues etc . Pakistan was carved out of India to give muslims a place of thier own so they could leave the Hindus and buddhas alone.

20313183? ago

Have you read the Masonic Shriner Bible?

21187872? ago

Not the person above, but do you have a link to it?

I know a retired air force colonel who joined freemasonry because everyone else was and he wanted to be promoted. He became a shriner but left because he realized it is not what he thought. He is a Christian, so they showed him the Christian version of freemasonry.

20933917? ago

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20312868? ago

Thanks for the share. Very thoughtful! Especially your last sentence, very interesting indeed.

20313552? ago

What is the Shriner, why islamic rituals and does it connect to Masons? @philmchawk ? @white_male30 @Moln0014 @worldofmadness the Euro elite with their Babylon horned goat ritual the Jewish Occult and Mason is there a connection? @hello_reddit

21230531? ago

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20325515? ago

The horned beast from the bible?

20314790? ago

Shriners, euro elite, CFR, satanists, jewish occult, the Vatican, DC deep state, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, all the Monarchies, etc. all buddies, one big fucked up team.

20314763? ago

Shriners ARE masons. It's a sect of them. Like one of the disgusting legs to the octopus. It's all connected.

21187886? ago

And the Royal Order of Jesters are a sect of the Shriners.

20313695? ago

Hmm wonder if they are going to give India to house of saad so the Zionist can take the middle east?

20313488? ago

Remember - any country with stan is designed from the beginning to be Muslim based.

20312278? ago

Wow! Cant be more blatant than that!!! Tlaib's bosses should have changed that!!!

20846773? ago

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20312267? ago

Home of the Indian rug pilots. No surprise.

21011427? ago

a mystery babylonian religion, using rituals from Arabia, the pedo Vatican and the Jewish Occult? @PhilKDick @Armpit_and_Ass ? @MassTooter @4n0n3m0u5e @itsALWAYStheBANKERS what do they really pray to and who is pushing for open borders?

20313425? ago

Masonic group ? ? They are Muslims in disguise. Where do you think the fez came from? https://streamable.com/hmkx6

20315251? ago

Arabia was once a network of cultures, all type, some good, some bad, at one time trade and languages and culture and goods and coins connected across Greece, across India, across Rome, Arabia, China and Egypt, this Bull or Goat might be of Babylon origin, maybe connects to really dark shit, it might also connect to the Baʿal Ḥammon the chief god of Carthage, this form of Masonry is very corrupt, dark and twisted, the Mendez goat, Sabbatic goat or the Goat of Mendez a Baphomet tranny creature. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11956&page=1113 , the Mystery Babylon Religion? http://www.thelearnedpig.org/of-shadows/5199 , https://www.luciferianapotheca.com/products/baphomet-goblet-chalice ... Black Sabbath the Sabbatic Star, Sabbatai Zevi a weird ass Jew Christian Turk Islamic, he would constantly shape shift said the was the Second Christ or was he an Anti-Christ the same year London burns to the ground in a great Fire of 1666 a lot of cult followers in Dutch Netherlands at that time in history. https://zosotruthtalk.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/jewish-sabbateans-rule-the-world-for-satan/ , https://encyclopediasatanica.wordpress.com/2013/08/24/a-shrine-to-baphomet-the-goat-of-mendes/ , http://feedtheflies.tumblr.com/post/26723753182/hexentexte-the-goat-of-mendes-the-devil , http://linesinwax.blogspot.com/2013/01/akercocke-goat-of-mendes.html , http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/90636-the-goat-of-mendes?in=358 , there was a City of Mendes which had Ancient Egyptian culture some Greek, an Egyptian city of Djedet, a French Occult guy Éliphas Lévi Zahed studied the old ritual where everyone around the sanctuary mourns the death of the ram and finally they bury it in a sacred tomb, the dumb voodoo masonic crap he wrote had a deep impact on the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

20318512? ago

Doesn't change the fact that America has its symbolism's that link to the Masons and the way Washington DC was laid out as a Pentagram. The Pentagon is a Pentagram. If you ever have a chance go to Washington DC and you will see the Owl symbolism, the Baphomet Goat symbolism, the Pentagram symbolism is the architecture. Same with Boston and Philadelphia..

21187967? ago

It is interesting that the Declaration of Independence says “Our Creator” and not “Our Architect”. Was all this symbolism put in place in an infiltration and subversion of what the Founding Fathers intended? Or, did the Founding Fathers approve?

I know that Washington was not an active mason for the last 30 years of his life, and he was concerned about the Jesuit infiltration of America.


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20312260? ago

Federal Reserve influence.

Symbolism will be it's downfall

20312272? ago

Babylon America is already falling. A kingdom divided will not stand.

20312306? ago

Babylon America.

I've never heard it like that. It is falling and Patriot America will have it's return.

20314892? ago

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20311975? ago

Why is it in English?

20341999? ago

Red hats ... and red shoes? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400980 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children?

20315694? ago

Britbong was there, Reddit is half Paki, Commie and Turk now, the rest who knows, degenerate fag atheists? dumb criminals? satanists? @itsALWAYStheBANKERS @tendiesonfloor ... @Splooge @speedisavirus the symbols, that's how they show, so why did reddit ban pizzagate again

20313287? ago

Paki/India was once an English colony, part of the Masonic Anglo-Dutch Empire, the Shriners are the crypto jihad, human smuggling and blackmail part of Masonry

20314824? ago


20311823? ago

Funny since we are posting on a site with goat as the mascot and has the "as above, so below" symbols in the logo. What's up with that?

20313202? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18990390 I didn't know anything about the Illuminati until the Podesta emails dropped. Rabbitholes were everywhere. Now I'm living in a clown world.

20314740? ago

Yes you are my friend.. we all are. Welcome to the show!

And hang on tight, it's going to get a little bumpy ;)

20312495? ago

I've been questiong this since Q sent us here!

20312387? ago

What came first, voat or goat? Big question.

I think it was voat, because you upvote and down vote like on reddit, but had to get cute with the name, voat, and of course the mascot needed to be simple and rhyme , boat is the app, we cant be moats or totes (bags), though I guess throats would have worked.

Goats are not inherently evil.

Just my take, have no idea if I am just justifying something I shouldn't be.

20314361? ago

Kek, Lol.... Covers both!

20312209? ago

No one ever answers that. Please let me know if you get a good answer.

20311781? ago


20834958? ago

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20315915? ago

These are the Satanic goat fuckers who hid bin Laden ?? @TheKalergiFan @burtzev @JonReed ? @CognitiveDissident5 @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS

20314322? ago

In the West the USA look at Mason lodges, maybe they don't believe the islamic crap but they do the jihadi rituals. Look at how many celebs and political elite were 'Shriners'.


Roman Polanski and Woody Allen are %100 proof that PEDOWOOD can’t be saved and needs gone

The fact that both of them are not only accepted - but fucking idolized there? That’s says everything

Look at Weinstein and Tarantino. Somehow Tarantino is immune to Weinstein and knowing all of it and still gets lavishly treated?

20313196? ago

the Koranimal the blunt hammer? What are those little red hats the Mason Shriner would wear? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3307296 illuminati most value paper is still in dutch hands. [The modern dutch-Anglo Empire] ?

20311398? ago

That is literally the baphomet

21040329? ago

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20824849? ago

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20412101? ago

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20342183? ago

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20314747? ago

Yup yup! Without a doubt!!!

20313709? ago

Ok let's ask the pizzagate heads, human smuggling, drug running, dancing kids in Afghanistan ... @flyingcuttlefish @think- is there something real to that wikileak conspiracy @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @NinaSparrow ? My guess is they are going to hit voat again hard, i guess maybe will see some conspiracy heads at minds or 4chan or gab or some other place when this site goes down again

20314709? ago

Oh most definitely! Of course there is! Symbolism will be their downfall. It rules the world. It is connected in the most wickedly evil ways.. a black widows spiderweb of deceit, control & descruction. It is all connected and they're PISSED we are on to them. God is shining his light on all this evil.

That is baphomet, no doubt about it.

It's disgusting.

20313176? ago

Shriners and Jesters why was the NZ shooter in Pakistan?? https://voat.co/v/anon/3285751 Masonics, Shriners? The Emissaries Of Jahbulon part 4 of 4