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20845352? ago

I started waking up on and after 9/11, Obama and Hillary & co. put me in overdrive, and Q has jolted me awake. And yeah, it has profoundly affected and stressed me out (and at times has felt traumatizing) to learn what we have learned and just know as rote. and then have to deal with bring ridiculed by the Satanists still in charge in the media, social media, Hollywood, Corporate HR culture, etc., along their unhinged, brainwashed followers. I’ve had a Trump, American, and Lion flag flying outside my house since 2015. I have a Trump, Q, WWG1WGA, and Drain the Swamp stickers on my car and have had for years (Q started in 2018), I thoroughly read pilled my sister and her husband, she redpilled a good friend of ours completely, that friend redpilled her kids, we started to read pill the rest of our family, although a lot of them are “progressive liberals “. They may not believe but at least some things won’t come as a surprise as they are revealed and will make it easier for them to make the leaps of logic out of their brainwashing. I even read pilled a few coworkers when they asked about Epstein and gave them a lot to think about. They are both conservative and asked me.

THIS is our job; to help, educate, drop crumbs to the more brainwashed... it is up to us to be ports in the storm, ports of information. I imagine a time as more and more is revealed, as people look for answers, they will look to people who had the flags out and with the stickers out and look to us to see what we know - if we can help them learn about more information. It will be and it is our job to gently and calmly and logically tell them what we know and encourage them to research more for themselves, and also to acknowledge how horrific it all is, and that we’re all in this together going forward.

We are the news. We are Q.

20846772? ago

an old religion, links to a Freemasonic symbol, what cult are they praying to? it connects the Vatican, the Jewish Occult and old Arab god of Babylon... Who are the Shriners and why are the Masons using moslem ritual .... Pakistan's Intelligence Agency Logo - Symbolism will be their downfall. Wow! Cant be more blatant than that!!! Tlaib's bosses should have changed that!!!