20850853? ago

2 years? More like 25+ for this anon. After red-pilling on Eustace Mullins, submitted proposal for feature film on origins of FedRes to supposedly woke, already controversial, Oscar-winning A-list writer/director. Package was returned with a nice "Thanks, but not something we can do, and good luck with your project" note.

20848736? ago

how about some love for the real patriots who planned this whole op years, maybe decades ago?

two years is nothing compared to the weight and stress of knowledge they were burdened with.

20849028? ago

Yes we love them too. Much more stressful than our 2 years but we have to give ourselves encouragement and love once in a while. Many Patriots on here get very discouraged sometimes, once in a while myself included, but I personally will hang in, come hell or high water until we are free from slavery to the cabal.

20847243? ago

Ive been called brainwashed, crazy, and unstable by my own father who is dying of fast growing Lymphoma this week. Imagine that. No vindication. I only pray he holds on long enough to see his boy isnt crazy.

20847988? ago

Rick Simpson Oil can help your father's health issues.

20847208? ago

And what is stress of ignorance?

20847143? ago

I probably mention Q to on average 50 new people a month and pass links to 40 of them. Most are receptive but conspiracy cautious. I've encountered only 3 that already knew about Q. Ive been in the Q loop since 2017. And conscious since the 90s.

Thru this Ive learned that the choice to know is truly theirs. I start talking and it's just too much to get out. It becomes diarrhea of the mouth. So I pass out 3 Links.... Qanon.pub Qmap.pub and a link to the "Q The Plan to Save the World" original video. I actually downloaded that vid, and a few others, uploaded them to my Channel and set them to private links so I could discreetly let people access them..

I find it obvious that all sides involved are past the point of any return now.. And I believe it's going to go one way or the [other].. I'm prepared for both.. I could be wrong.. we'll see.. WWG1WGA I love God

20847712? ago

all sides involved are past the point of any return now.. And I believe it's going to go one way or the [other].. I'm prepared for both.. I could be wrong.. we'll see.. WWG1WGA I love God

No truer words written.

20846650? ago

Hear, Hear and Amen!!!

20846642? ago

This ain’t shit. At least we aren’t in the trenches slaughtering other human beings in hand to hand combat, we are lucky to be able to be on the front lines of this war.

20847696? ago

Entirely agree.

20846592? ago


across my back car window, each letter a different color, red, white, and blue

I live in rural Texas, 95% republican never been stopped, get thumbs up all the time

20846460? ago

fuck all of you mother fuckers.

20846428? ago

2 whole years?? Fucking newbs. This is why you all act like a cult.

20847682? ago

2 whole years that we know Q and are crystallized as a movement.

Everyone was at different degrees of wakefulness on different subjects for variable amounts of time previous to that.

20846190? ago

No WMD's in Iraq did it for me. The Ron Paul Revolution, Obama, Crooked Hillary. It has been a very, very long time. Gave up trying to red pill the normies a long time ago. If they don't get it by now it means they just don't want to get it and probably never will. Perhaps a perp. parade into GITMO with military tribunals will red pill them.

20846002? ago

Ooooooohhhhh....SO much stress!

20847378? ago

Those who know can't sleep.

20845930? ago

Most of us have lost friends and family for our faith in Q and commitment to this cause.

Correction: they lost us. It's their loss(for choosing to remain in the Matrix when given the opportunity to wake up), not ours.

20846316? ago

You don't acknowledge you left them to join a political cult?

20846365? ago

A cult where I've never met the leader or other members, and no one asked for any money?

20845832? ago

My wife says I am not the same man. Have lost my joy. See lies every time the news is on. All is true. But I cannot look away. I don’t want to live a lie. #wwg1wga. But I really do miss the frens on 8chan. It was the only place to gain wisdom and be free

20847576? ago

Remove the news from your family life.

They are designed to put everyone & anyone on edge (even subconsciously) and as someone who now sees their blatant lies, it may become 'gaslighting' to you.

20846716? ago

Funny, I have experienced the opposite. As a Q follower I have strong faith as to what is to come and hope for the future. I've tried to red pill my husband but have not been successful. He worries about the future, the country and the President. A once optimistic man is now declaring the Dems will take down this President. It breaks my heart. I, however, carry on. WWG1WGA

20847611? ago

I became optimistic and gained hope as well, since the start of the Trump presidency, moreso when Q started, but especially since start of this year (2019).

20845742? ago

I was redpilled as a kid 50 years ago. It's weird. I didn't choose this path. It chose me. I'm guessing that many of you feel the same way. And, it's not an easy road to travel. But ultimately, a freeing one.

Here's what I find really exciting. Someone posted a Q drop yesterday and it reminded me of 80/20. Drop 190. 80% covert, 20% public. Then in Q drp 527 it changes.

We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. To me that says that our efforts are producing more redpilled people. Q team has a good read on what's going on and upped the percentage of what the public can handle. That's my take on it.

God Bless all of you Patriots. I have learned so much and continue to do so from all of you. This is an awesome time to be alive!

20847416? ago

527 is a great Q post....there is hope for the public to wake up bit by bit. Thanks for the reminder.

20845352? ago

I started waking up on and after 9/11, Obama and Hillary & co. put me in overdrive, and Q has jolted me awake. And yeah, it has profoundly affected and stressed me out (and at times has felt traumatizing) to learn what we have learned and just know as rote. and then have to deal with bring ridiculed by the Satanists still in charge in the media, social media, Hollywood, Corporate HR culture, etc., along their unhinged, brainwashed followers. I’ve had a Trump, American, and Lion flag flying outside my house since 2015. I have a Trump, Q, WWG1WGA, and Drain the Swamp stickers on my car and have had for years (Q started in 2018), I thoroughly read pilled my sister and her husband, she redpilled a good friend of ours completely, that friend redpilled her kids, we started to read pill the rest of our family, although a lot of them are “progressive liberals “. They may not believe but at least some things won’t come as a surprise as they are revealed and will make it easier for them to make the leaps of logic out of their brainwashing. I even read pilled a few coworkers when they asked about Epstein and gave them a lot to think about. They are both conservative and asked me.

THIS is our job; to help, educate, drop crumbs to the more brainwashed... it is up to us to be ports in the storm, ports of information. I imagine a time as more and more is revealed, as people look for answers, they will look to people who had the flags out and with the stickers out and look to us to see what we know - if we can help them learn about more information. It will be and it is our job to gently and calmly and logically tell them what we know and encourage them to research more for themselves, and also to acknowledge how horrific it all is, and that we’re all in this together going forward.

We are the news. We are Q.

20846772? ago

an old religion, links to a Freemasonic symbol, what cult are they praying to? it connects the Vatican, the Jewish Occult and old Arab god of Babylon... Who are the Shriners and why are the Masons using moslem ritual .... Pakistan's Intelligence Agency Logo - Symbolism will be their downfall. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625/20312278 Wow! Cant be more blatant than that!!! Tlaib's bosses should have changed that!!!

20845313? ago

Like the 'littlr book' of revelation.

Sweet in the mouth, sour to the stomach..

20845015? ago

2 Years....I have been screaming about the Deep State labelled a nut job conspiracy theorist for the last 30 years...I don't think people appreciate how far we have come in these 3 short years since Trump...what he has actually done....

I hear arrests or get the fuck out ....or whining how shit ain't happening fast enough and I want to kick a whiny bitch in the face...They can whine after 30 years of watching the Twilight Zone happening before their eyes....knowing exactly whats going on...but powerless to do a fucking thing about it...

20854491? ago

The music and tv, Taylor MKUltra controlled puppet? Taylor Swift Blank Space has just surpassed 2.5 BILLION views! ...Try a different music vid 'The Africa Pill' ...and who pays for the boats? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451570

20845189? ago


20844949? ago

Now it's time to Show WHO YOU agree with.

Yourself of limited knowledge? Yourself of profound knowledge.

It's a matter of. Ethics's with OP.

20844772? ago

It's time for the world to know!

20844765? ago

Thank YOU and your Gift of gratitude. It really means the WORLD to those.....


20844725? ago

Three years. FBIanon brought me into the loop.

20844467? ago

Patriots have carried the knowledge a lot longer than anyone has been alive while our principles of liberty have been sabotaged one by one.

If you don't see that, you will come and go, and real patriots will continue to pursue real liberty.

20844525? ago

We get it, ONLY YOU are for real, the rest of us are losers! Why don't you spew your holier than thou shit somewhere where they don't recognize it for what it is.

20847471? ago

Not the same anon. He didn't say that (at least this time).

He said that Patriots were there even before he was born, thus putting himself in the same category as you and us, as latter-day Patriots that are just passing the torch forward.

20846346? ago

You're a brainwashed cult member, and the designers targeted you morons because you're easy pickings. I swear, most of you will be in the hospital if you ever catch on to how easily they fooled you.

20846733? ago

And yet here you are ...

20846862? ago

Here on the internet... Looks like you figured me out.

20844188? ago

Great post. WWG1WGA. Praise the LORD

20846743? ago

Nickelodeon? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457498/20837727 You wanna fix this crap, bring attention to the fact that anti child labor laws should prevent this crap altogether... There should not be child actors. Period.

20844137? ago

It feels good to know and I gladly carry the weight of truth along with all of you. Haven’t lost any friends and family, but they do think I’ve lost it and need help. Some are starting to realize there may be something to what I’ve been saying.

20844131? ago

Lots of patriots have been stressed out without all the knowledge. They know something is wrong - they just don't know what.

20846672? ago

Felt this very thing during the 8 year reign of error. Something was terribly wrong but very difficult to suds out what exactly...

20847421? ago

Obama .. I see what you mean.

20844576? ago

People who were curious enough have definitely known since the 1970s (some books available much earlier) but up to a certain point it was easy to just ignore it since there was plenty of money to be made and we weren't full on globohomo yet.

20843999? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ive carried the weight of knowing for a very long time that this country is fucked up and evil fucks is running everything for ablong long time.

20844187? ago

I have known for many years that the system was fucked up and that it was mostly the dems, throw in some R's too, but I was not aware of the enormity of it until I started researching SERIOUSLY about 8 years ago. Being bed-ridden for months due to an accident makes one think a little harder to try and figure things out. I was a partyer until about the late 90's. I thought life was just grand until I quit the party scene. Finally saw the writing on the wall.

20844610? ago

from: doglegwarrior

alchol is a big problem and sports the two things ive wasted a bunch of time on. i think sportd could be ok but not the way it is now rsn by jews and their star system where the individual is bigger then the team.. the star system amd jews over representation in owenership and especialy in the sports agency industry and lawyerd representing athletes has ruined sports. glad u got your shit together

20845942? ago

Big news coming about professional sports being rigged; for many this is probably going to matter more than what's happening to the kids.

20846254? ago

Anyone who cares about "professional sports" is an utterly worthless human being. Toss em into the "discard" bin.

20846371? ago

But but but what will macho emasculated men discuss at the water cooler in order to avoid real conversation about real topics?

20847409? ago

True, it's either sports, mechanics or women.... Maybe fishing/hunting once in a while ?

20844233? ago

I was a fucking hippie spits We grow and hopefully learn. Then teach those willing to listen.

20847383? ago

Sorry for your loss.

20843833? ago

Yes, so much stress knowing but not knowing when!

20846035? ago

A modernised member of the Watchmen.

20843808? ago

2 years? Welcome noobs. Most of us have been JQ pilled for years. Some for decades.

20843867? ago

Most of us? Me thinks you are bragging or exagerating...And, in case you missed it altogether, I was specifically referring to "Q" anons. Oct. 27, 2017 = 2 years.

20846293? ago

I'm a "shill" who scoffs at the idea that Q isn't part of the package, and who wasn't aware of the jews back in the 70s? Meh, cults will always be a thing with humans, and the masses will continue to fall for them.

20845261? ago

Most of us as in most of Voat.

20844652? ago

No, when referring to anons that isn't an exaggeration. You guys are the new fish. If you act like anons haven't tried telling you of this shit for years then you are either obtuse or retarded.

20843891? ago

"Most of us? Me thinks you are bragging or exagerating..." (exaggerating?)

Poe's Law?

20843875? ago


20843814? ago

hear. hear!

20843789? ago

"...but our real reward is still to come = Freedom from slavery."

What is a slave? Simply put, a slave is a person (man???) who kowtows and submits to another in fear for/of his life.

Cut the bullshit.

20843903? ago

whoever downvoated this ... without commenting or chastising ... fuck off.

20843765? ago

Cheers faggot

20843741? ago


20843717? ago

2 Years? Wow. Seriously?

20843766? ago

For me since the beginning November 2017.

20843805? ago

better late than never. for me since the beginning of '67.

of course that means nothing. since i'm a deplorable boomer.

20843943? ago

Never ever, degrade yourself. Be proud Veteran, of Nam? Boomer here too but a little behind you.

20843964? ago

you're not behind me (i suspect). i was an early b(l)oomer. i served post nam. either way. thanks. i hear you.

20843967? ago

and... there IS some pride. and... i'm still ready to die for the cause.

20844012? ago

Hope you never have to, but you are noble for you readiness.

20843585? ago

I am steadfast in my mission to awaken the zombies and bring light to the darkness. Love to Q, love to POTUS, love to the USA, love to our world. Like mom used to tell me, "I love you but it's time to wake the hell up now! "

20844408? ago


20843827? ago

Me too but facing much resistance with normie family and friends who have never given life a serious thought except for church concerns and/or booze and parties. Dark to Light is my mission too. It will happen.

20843301? ago

Someone here on QRV took this pic.


20843325? ago

Yes, someone in this thread posted it.

20843357? ago

Video is Nederland Co at Frozen Dead Guy festival, Pic is Georgetown Co.

20845001? ago

It's bad enough that pot faggots, California libtards, and illegal spics have infested my beautiful home.

But you qtard faggots? The worst.

Fuck off. Go somewhere else. That is my state. Die

20847349? ago

You forgot the NWOtards in your state, but I guess you don't mind them.

20849771? ago

Fucking qtard.

NWOtards would include, in part, the aforementioned California libtards as the foot soldiers, and their biological weapons in the form of illegal spics.

Degenetate potheads are just faggot icing on a faggot cake.

Oh, in case you haven't figured it out (you haven't, because you're a qtard), you stupid fucking qtards are tools of the "NWOtards."

Lol stupid







20850699? ago

You certainly forgot to mention any ((tribes)) in your 'rallying call against the NWO'.

Is certainly not your fucking state. Your state is Israel, if the Palestinians allow you to live there, that is.

20851912? ago

Israel is an illegitimate state. Jew

20851953? ago

I said "if the Palestinians allow you to live there', acknowledging the real owners of the place informally known as 'Israel'.

20852350? ago


20852484? ago

Great, you're admitting it yourself.

20852711? ago

Yes, I am admitting that you are a qtard and a jew.

20845938? ago

Fuck off. Go somewhere else. That is my state. Die

May every intention you've ever put out toward anyone throughout all of time and space - past, present, and future - be returned to you with great specificity.

20846032? ago

Blah blah blah

20846055? ago

Good start.

20843281? ago

You can never go back to your old life , there will always be a need for patriots and killers alike.

Please read Cats Cradle . It isn’t too long and speaks to modern times

20844291? ago

Any Vonnegut is mind-opening. That's why he is my favorite fiction writer. One of the things I love most is how he points out unpopular and ugly truths of the world through Kilgore Trout's crazy stories. He also did the same through his made-up religion of Bokonism. He was brilliant, yet his style is approachable by anyone.

20844627? ago

Exactly . Well put sir.

It is a man that writes for adults yet children see the truth. Slaughter House 5 when I read it but the children’s parade was another name for it and it blew my mind reading about the captured soldiers acting like children because all men are children at heart, even in war .... men just to play and goof around. As innocent as a child.

20843372? ago

I have read cats cradle. How does it speak to modern times? Ice 9? Boknonism?

20843404? ago

Yes , ice9 and the way ideas are formed and implemented is one.

The other is the need for balance on the stage of politics and even your most hated enemy still serves his purpose in maintaining the populace in complacency as they have a villian to hate yet live and adore. It’s a complicated mix

20843446? ago

It’s been years since I have read it, i’ll Have to reread it. I have been seeing parallels with 1984

20843490? ago

Oh yea , there are similarities but the craft of Cats Cradle is what I enjoyed. Blew my mind especially around the time of Osama bin Laden .... mind blowing.

20843553? ago

Vonnegut is a good writer. Completely manipulative, but good. Did you read his post 911 speech to the fireman in rolling stone?

20844398? ago

I remember he loved civil servants and called firefighters men who count people as people.

Opposed to dollar signs and vices of the flesh I assume.

I also enjoy Harlan Ellison : I have to scream but have no mouth . Or something to that title. No reason , all chaos short story lol

The twisted make excellent writers

20846269? ago

I have no mouth and I must scream.

20843309? ago

You are right about going back. You cannot UN-KNOW what you KNOW.

20846261? ago

You cannot UN-KNOW what you KNOW.

That typically happens quite often with people who are open to correcting their erroneous beliefs.

20843389? ago

And what you see , the smells , the cool breeze against your flesh in a foreign land your forefathers once conquered...

20847280? ago

Next, Q standstills.

20843219? ago

Some still never needed Q,we still stand

You want to contest my Oath with social media circle jerks?

I will never need Q to stand for my country

Eat a fuckin Tide pod and clean your selves of the social media brain washing you all suffer from.

Facebook PTSD bunch of idiots

20843256? ago

Go away nicely shill.

20843304? ago

Stand before me antifa coward,Ill shit in your throat.

Sandbox didnt get me,be damned if I let a keyboard fatass spook what the sandbox failed to do as well.

Punk ass Walmart sign looking ass gringo

20847269? ago

Your scatophilia gave you away, leftard.

20843153? ago

I have had a boner for two years.

20843225? ago

Porn addiction does that

20843200? ago

Oh good. So it's not just me.

20843147? ago

Woo hooo! WWG1WGA!!

(P.S. We are the lucky ones as well. We get the slow version of all this - imagine how they'll feel!

Good thing they have US! ;)

20843230? ago

I have thought about that many times. Tried to red pill people, they reject and then I think of what will happen to them when whammo they get hit by a lot of the bad news all at once. Many will end up in hospitals. We will be there for them though, you are right.

20847833? ago

Many will end up in hospitals. We will be there for them though, you are right.

Exactly! I hope to "be there" for them physically as well, operating the frequency healing machine that brought 99% of the people into the hospital -- for the cure.

20846235? ago

Many will end up in hospitals.

You Qultists claim to hang out with some seriously pathetic people. But I'm pretty sure Q was referring to you people - for when you discover how you've been used, "patriot". How did the Breatharians feel when Wiley Brooks was caught coming out of a McDonalds? How did the Sannyasins feel when it was revealed that Rajneesh had a squad of machine gun equipped enforcers, and had poisoned hundreds of townspeople? How are the Qultists going to feel when the details of the psyop are revealed? Make your hospital reservations in advance!

20847237? ago

Revealing the 'details of the psyop' would also confirm (with zero doubts) the Deep State under which non-QAnons live as well, thus confirming that QAnons were right even if misguided.

Keep dreaming shill, that will never happen.

20854854? ago

Keep dreaming shill

Did you mean "of shills"? Because that's not a functional sentence in English. I notice a pattern of people with poor command of their own primary language also succumbing to various types of fanciful thought, like believing in an anon internet riddler. Say, are you looking for a financial investment that will set you up for life in as little as three weeks?

20855052? ago

Keep sliding shill.

20855541? ago

I have to laugh at how you don't care about your own ignorance, and also trumpet your worship of "Q".

20843075? ago

oh shit it's Saturday!


20843596? ago


20844639? ago

That was meant to mock your inactivity.

20844959? ago

Yes, but I was enjoying it for a moment


20843073? ago

2 years what are you talkin about? My tinfoil hats at least as old as 9-11-2001.

20844554? ago

Same. More like 2003 once the videos started coming out for sure but the whole "welp, we know who who did it, pack it up, we're going to...Iraq?!" seemed pretty sketchy even to me as a kid back then. I remember explaining to my father that it was all bullshit but he wouldn't listen.

20843979? ago

Same here too

20843166? ago

Well, good for you, or poor you (long time)....lol. I was asleep in 2001 and loved traitor GWB back then. I loved it when he got on the horn at Ground Zero and said 'we're comin' for ya'. And that my fren is how many normies still think! We have work to do.

20845510? ago

I was just learning to go online and look stuff up back then. I totally accepted the official 9-11 narrative. Then a pastor gently asked me how it was possible for those two buildings to go down like that and trusted me because I am a steel worker and should know if the government was telling the truth or not. He had doubts. I assured him the narrative was correct and I would go online and do a bit of research just to make sure. Uh oh. I went online to gather some data and came back to him saying, now I too had doubts. Started looking deeper. More doubts. I kept calling the pastor up and giving him more information I had found. After that, I began researching more stuff and soon came to an uneasy realization that most of the stuff on the news is just propaganda. Went back and started really researching Bush. I've been looking up stuff since then about Islam, the Koran, 9-11, just everything. So, ya, when I finally started paying attention to Q, it was like I was ready to be a Q follower.

20846013? ago

I've been looking up stuff since then about Islam, the Koran

synopsis? We share similar awakenings and I am intrigued.

20848270? ago

Two things happened that woke me up. First, 9-11. That made me look up to learn more about Islam and read the Koran and learn about the massacres committed by Mohammed and how his religion was established. At the same time I was learning how the government lied about 9-11. Islam is bad, ok. But having your own government colluding to kill Americans is a thousand times worse. Let's say, 3000 times worse. Without government collusion the attacks could not have happened at all. Whether those planes were remotely controlled, (didn't even exist according to some theories) or were flown by Islamic Jihadis doesn't much matter to me, the fact is, the government was lying their asses off on the details and their involvement.

Then, 2008, the housing market collapse that many of us were caught in. I researched the mortgage industry, the recession, our monetary system, federal reserve bank, gold confiscations, tungsten bars posing as gold bars, fiat currency, gold backing, IRS, just on and on.

People really want to believe they live in a free country but the traps to keep us enslaved and poor are all around us while the international bankers siphon off the wealth of our nation. Crush Christianity import muslims and make them a protected class, teach atheism in our universities and mock the bible and God but Islam is special. Of course there's an agenda, always has been but we are just waking up to it.

Here's something even stranger. Back in 1990 I was reading a book about Islam and it alarmed me. I believed the Islamic leaders had a plan to infiltrate our government and culture but it wasn't a big deal back then to anyone. I went on a radio show to express my concerns to the host who literally started talking over me, interrupting and claiming I was delusional and wanted a war with billions of peaceful muslims around the world. Blah blah. You've heard all the arguments. I gave up, forgot about it and went about my job earning a living as a construction welder. After 9-11 I remembered how I was once concerned and then just kind of forgot about it.

20851453? ago

Thank you.

I enjoyed reading your response, in many ways it reminds me of my own 'dawning' moments. There were many times I had to accept that I was wrong to forget the elephant that I had previously seen in the room.

20844544? ago

Well, at least you admit it. Many won't.

20843070? ago

I call it the Terrible Twos

20847147? ago

No, the Terrible Twos were 2015/2016 when it was the darkest (before the dawn), most hopeless period I ever knew.

20843063? ago

I have a crane, a flag and a 16' x 8' who is Q sign. They have called the cops on me several times for sign ordinance violations, attacked me physically, and attacked my truck. Totally worth it every time. So far I have a 100% red Q pill rate on the cops. Qolorado. WWG1WGA!

20847644? ago

Nice to know Qolorado is well-represented. Time for us to flip this state back to red.

20847635? ago

phucking great fren!! WWG1WGA!! IN Nevada, have a Q on my van. Seen others here and there.

20847787? ago

My official residence is still Reno, NV. Mostly don't stay there anymore though. I will be in Reno in November for a few weeks, will look for Q labels in places.

20848118? ago

Thanks Patriot!

20849038? ago

Your are welcome and thank you for your presence on this board.

20846779? ago


20845137? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @PygmyGoat.

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20845120? ago

I bet this is you isn’t it?


20845155? ago

That's a truck, I'm not in this picture.

20845165? ago

You know what I meant. This is your crane truck, flag, and Q sign. Kek

20845209? ago

I'm not in this one either


20847130? ago

Q on Patriot, Q on.

20845379? ago


20844969? ago

Gayer than 2 dudes fucking

20844217? ago

100% red pill rate? As in, you let them know they're part of the Masonic New World Order? Did you let them know the upper crust of the secret societies refer to the police as pets?

20844542? ago

Most are doing an honorable job. The Law of this country is important.

20846118? ago

No, natural law is important. Many laws fly in the face of natural law and because of that, the police are enforcing slavery.

20846618? ago

We live in a society. Time for you to grow up.

20849274? ago



Did you tell them that they were part of the Zionist Masonic Occult World Order or NOT?


20852700? ago

Our great leader supports law enforcement. Thoughts?

20847811? ago

Time for you to learn why there's fringe on the flags.

20846534? ago

And if push came to shove during the final days of our republic, before pushing us into the UN, I wonder who’s side they would be on? Luckily, we don’t have to face that reality as we duly elected president trump.

20849284? ago

They would side with the man who cuts their check.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF2-VX6TR6g Expose on the Zionist-Masonic-Occult New World Order system that police belong to.

In picture form: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/q-anon-learn-to-read-the-map/

20844178? ago

Thank you neighbor from Colorado! Thank you and W on!

20843909? ago

I've seen pictures\vids several times. The fight to save the world. Very impressed by your courage.

You are a non-digital soldier. Thank you for battling. God bless.

20847110? ago

Can you link one ? Got me curious.

20847808? ago

20843882? ago

I’m thinking of movingly family to Colorado, is it a good place to live?

20849171? ago

CO pede reporting for duty. Denver has a major homelessness problem “the needle San Fran type homeless” enabled by weak city policies and non enforcement of law. Denver also has a handgun ban and is full of pretty beard hipster men and John Oliver types. Boulder is even worse as it’s filled with Land Rover Liberals, successful and rich and think they are well read, hate Trump with a passion. All cause they are “too smart” to ever think they got lied to by MSM.

Beautiful state, amazing weather but the people here “90% transplants from Cali” have ruined it. Traffic, anti gun, anti freedom drones have taken over. Already planning my exit strategy.

We need a new promise land.... problem is Cali is migrating into all Red areas as they have low taxes and working policies and bringing their broken thinking with them.

20849971? ago

That’s certainly a turn off. Thoughts on Colorado Springs area or more remote mountain-y towns?

20843965? ago

I don't live there but have visited Denver recently. It would be an amazing place to live, but housing is terribly overpriced, traffic is a horrendous mess all the time, and it's being flooded with pot heads. I wish I could find a way to work from home and just get a place up in the mountains there. I don't think I could do Denver for the reasons mentioned.

20846334? ago

Fort Collins, Larimer County are “crown jewels” of ICLEI/Agenda 21/2030....very heavily fluoridated, very corrupt. Insane....

20844502? ago

Was thinking more like Colorado Springs area, but thanks!

20844175? ago

Yeah it is filled with the bad kind of potheads, the "never grow out of college binging" type.

Some of us red states are full of the "after work or after 5 and don't preach it like a damn religion" type ;)

20844222? ago

That's what I saw. Colorado is attracting the worst kind of pot heads. I frankly don't care if anyone smokes pot, but I don't necessarily want to live around the first type you described. I actually like the second type...the ones who are grown up and use it responsibly just like most people use alcohol.

20844981? ago

the worst kind of potheads


Get fucked, degenerate junkies

20846544? ago

Stop. Silly.

20844055? ago

For the reasons stated above I stick to the mountains.

20844066? ago

You are so lucky. I envy you.

20844108? ago

What is stopping you? Wood + Paint + a little courage = Q traffic

20844148? ago

Lack of good employment opportunities up in the mountains, primarily. Like I said, if I could figure out a way to work from home I would move up there in a heartbeat. I'm a wage slave like most Americans. I would also have to convince the wife to go move up into the mountains. She agrees it's beautiful out there, but she doesn't want to be completely rural.

20847380? ago

I have a 65 mile 1.5 hour one-way commute from the mountains every day. It is SOOOO worth it.

20844384? ago

1 hour commute across city traffic or mountain roads? Best decision I ever made.

20843657? ago

You had me at “I have a crane” ... would you please describe how you exactly use this crane ?

20844046? ago

I raise Freedom, and the company is named after Q. but only a autist would know.

20844212? ago

All makes sense.

17 Sent Me.

20844365? ago

Mr Barr?

20855631? ago

We'll never know, will we!

20855862? ago

We could... If Barr used the word Tree soon we would. But what are the odds of that?

20844085? ago

Q in my back car window and Q pin on my jacket, nice and shiny. Always reppin'

20845504? ago

Where do I get a Q pin for my 'Lapel'?

20846525? ago


20845995? ago


20843229? ago

That's awesome. Got a picture?

20843261? ago

look again

20847347? ago


20847866? ago

Holy shit, an OP actually comes through! That's awesome! MAGA, patriot

20847995? ago

Flight for life flew by that day twice, the second time they flew over me and wagged the tail.

20843182? ago

I love that story. cops? Now we're talking.

20843116? ago

Blessings patriot! Wish every neighborhood had one of you-

20846310? ago

They do, we are watching and waiting patiently.

20848845? ago

Patriot, you just made my day.

It's been a pleasure watching an age change with you all.

20843100? ago

Bless you patriot!!