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20330806? ago

They want you DIVIDED. Uneducated shill.

20330859? ago

20331059? ago

Do you even know what a Shriner is? Do Shriners exist outside of the U.S.? Are International Masons allowed to associate with Shiners? What percentage of Masons are Shriners? What is the prerequisite to becoming a Shriner? ... You don't know the answers to any of these because you are ignorant, as evidenced by your link. Attacking Masons like the OP is, and defending the OP by pointing to Shriners ... is the equivalent of "kill everyone who works in the banking industry from the bottom to the top, because they are Satanists." .... If you can't approach or deal with something logically, if you act like you are a fucking expert because you watched a youtube video without doing any of your own fucking research, you are as bad as any leftist cunt.

20332208? ago

So which ones would you like to talk of? the Ones of still operate inside French lands, Institut de France, their voodoo Afro rituals? their abuse? rite maçonnerie française? Would you like to talk about the Aussies, the other international ones who go to the same corrupt meetings as the Roman Catholic elite, the same pedophile groups of Rome? Would you like to talk of the Orange in North of Ireland connects with years of terror and miltia groups, Maybe you could desribe the Masonic groups in the Far East links to human smuggling, HongKong Triad groups, radical sects and cults inside Hindu cults and across India, islamist Pakistan homes or the Thule Masons connecting to the Fascism of WW2, would you like to talk of the Belgian and Dutch masons who sold out their own people in South Africa? ... you still do not see the banker pulling the string and Mystery Babylon religion?

20332386? ago

Answer my fucking questions before going off on a complete fucking rant, spouting fucking bullshit about groups that aren't even affiliated ... you do understand the importance of "affiliated" don't you? You haven't answered my questions because as I correctly asserted, you don't know the answers and yet you try to pass yourself off as knowledgeable. Masonry is banned in Pakistan, as it is in most muslim countries .... but I'm not surprised you don't know this. The Orange Order in Northern Ireland is not Masonry and is banned in Irish masonry .... something else you didn't fucking know. You are an uneducated bullshit artist and nothing you have said indicates anything otherwise. Answer my fucking questions.

20333709? ago

There are still many Masonic buildings in Pakistan, would you like to see the pix and Anglo Dutch left something behind with the Paki goat fuckers? For Real!

20334048? ago

Dude ... I'm the guy that made that fucking post! I'm also MasonAnon on 8chan ... you know .. the guy who uploads documents and ritual that prove that most of what the "self proclaimed experts" is bullshit. Are you going to answer my questions?

20452220? ago

the Shriners, some of them connected to criminals and trying to get children in Detroit again?

20452449? ago

Any fucking Shriner involved in something like this, should be found lying in a ditch with a bullet in the back of their heads, in fact any person involved should meet the same fate ... the thing that these "so called experts" don't understand, is that 99.9% of Masons would volunteer to shoot the pedophiles themselves. Anyone attacking freemasonry, isn't educated on the subject, obviously isn't a Qanon or doesn't bother to read Q drops. They are just sheep repeating the propaganda and here to divide.