20338480? ago

I figured out that my brother has been a Mason all his adult life. He's a conceited asshole who thinks he's very smart but is as dumb as a rock. I caught him trying to use spyware on me. He belongs to a christian church but he doesn't believe in that religion. He's a fake fake fakle. He needs to be outed and shamed for how he's treated me all my life. I want to hurt him for it.

20341701? ago

Keep talking about Masonic Shriners and their pedophile connections, also mention the Masonic Symbols at Epstein property, it will drive him nuts

20350737? ago

He won't talk to me any more, after I found out what he was doing. I want to go to his church and confront him in front of everybody there, in order to make them question his motives for being there. He involves himself in experiments in hypnosis with the church-goers. I know this because he told me himself. That's one of the things that made me really start looking into his life and past and wondering who/what he's really involved in. Worked for Telus all his life. Telus was once BCTel in Canada, but was bought out by AT&T after he started there. AT&T is Deep State.

20336643? ago

'The Grotto' M.O.V.P.E.R https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914 also look into Joseph Levitch aka Jerry Lewis, Tall Cedars of Lebanon

20335695? ago

let's not forget to mention the preferred religion of child raping freemasons, the mormons

20341709? ago

Are the Masons going to Turn on Each other?


The Freemasons have already turned on each other. The P2 Freemasons (the a**holes) vs other Masons who disagree with the P2's genocidal plans.

Add to that the Rotschilds and the Illuminati which have split into factions as well.

One part of the Rotschild family has agreed to help Trump and the patriots and the other part wants to kill him.

The Illuminati (mainly H'wood and CEO's) is at war with the Gnostic Illuminati who have returned to their founding principles as established in Munich Germany in 1776.

The "hidden civil war" we are witnessing is a battle of factions against factions, but for the first time in 6000 years one side is fighting with us.

The ones fighting with us are guilty of many crimes and they are forced to work with us to later claim clemency and not end up in front of the firing squads.

One source you can look into on this is Benjamin Fulford

20346878? ago

Only problem is Fulford is selling his opinion to the tune of 11 bucks a month.. I would love to look into his "intel". May i use your username and password?

20335173? ago

Luke 8: 17

For nothing is SECRET, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Luke 11: 33

No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.

John 18: 20

Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whether the jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.

Ephesians 5: 12

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret!

Your masons, not the leaders but the rank and file, scream they are doing Gods work! If they would read, and understand, the word they would know they are not doing Gods work. There are NO secret societies in Gods word and plan. Secret societies are spoken against in Gods word! They all claim to be following the word of God, but as I've shown, the word they claim to follow speaks against what they are doing!

20334265? ago

Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you Become

20334296? ago

Like homosexuality

20334355? ago

We will be at the naval lodge until 8chan is back up


20334341? ago

Come join us for a sit down when youre in dc on U street, open to all, not far from Q street

20334249? ago

Mason here. If you guys knew the actual truth, you'd be blown away by how boring the organization is. Really, it's just an excuse to get away from our wives and drink.

20341684? ago

youre bottom of their ladder

20347541? ago

Tell me about the ladder then. Each rung, from top to bottom.

20334211? ago

Nah, were just a frat for old guys. Maybe some of us are into to bad shit but everyone I've met at lodge are family men. And we don't want to disrupt your churches. We want you to be happy, and worship whatever God you choose to.

20341691? ago

sounds like you need to take some documents, put a mic in one of the more important meet ups, you might be shocked to see where connections go.

20333765? ago

Most Masons haven't a clue what goes on at the higher degrees....they're naive, lowly foot soldiers following orders from [Order] at the top (see: Vatican, Jesuits/Joosinsuits, aka Synagogue of Satan).

20452252? ago

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20334282? ago

Theres only three degrees in masonry.

20332850? ago

Oy shareblue has new orders I see

20332231? ago

My man, Fuck the masons, let em hang

20334285? ago

Masons have destroyed many a city not just Port-au-Prince or Detroit or Amsterdam, are they these orginal shadow people who originally made Babylon Fall?

20332111? ago

The FMs are are one of the types of scripture twisters. Ever preach in a church ran by Freemasons? They hate the Bible and anyone who dares deliver it, accurately dividing the Word of Truth, fully taught. Their doctrines and secret society is put to the test of Holy Writ (Hello Southern Baptists! Hello King James Only thumpers who do not abide in the things written therein!):

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.

(2 Timothy 4:1-4) NASB-1977

I know personally what it is like to be opposed by freemasons and to be forced from a church because the pastor was owned by them and would not stand up to their beliefs.

20332134? ago

You're definitely not alone.

20331743? ago

William Cooper. The Original [QAnon] Gangster.

20332058? ago

Cooper was good. Qanon is a trap.

20332735? ago

Cooper said that people like you were retards. People who blame the Jews and the Freemasons are fucking idiots. It's the hidden elites at the top that are the problem. Jews and Freemasons are just firewalls for retards to point at and hide the real problem. Surprised you can claim Cooper is good when he directly called out people like you as retarded.

20332826? ago

He wasnt infalliable. It is undeniable that Talmudic Jews are trying to rule the world.

20332926? ago

So you are saying "Cooper was good. Cooper was wrong." ... not very logical. Are you claiming you know more than Cooper? Are you saying that we should listen to you and not Cooper ... because he was wrong? I'm not following your line of reasoning.

20331300? ago

Little did satan know that by saving my life via shiners as an infant born with a birth defect that nearly killed me, that I would DEDICATE MY FUCKING LIFE TO THE LIGHT AND USE IT TO HELP TAKE DOWN THESE EVIL BASTARDS.

That is all..

20337544? ago

Shame on you!

20333713? ago

masons seek the light - what have you accomplished?

20335407? ago

Shining light on NPCs like yourself.

20331800? ago

That was an interesting comic Hellboy, I kinda like Blade a black vampire who fights vampire-ism

20331490? ago

Biting the hand that feeds, in a way

20332668? ago

Cutting the head of the snake that paid for my surgery.

Especially proves, to me at least, that satan (if real, which I doubt), is not omnipotent or omnipresent.

Just a bunch of faggots raping kids and circle jerking on black and white tile floors.

20331255? ago

Dear OP,

Like all sweeping and overly broad generalizations about groups, whether you approve of those groups or not, is a form of religious fanaticism.

Please do more research, since a lit dig, would reveal that Templars and Masons share knowledge and experience. Also, both are recognized as Founders of this Country.

Try some other books friends. Don't keep your noses buried in one book.

20333649? ago

Why was Hyram Abiff killed?

20347925? ago

He had a guard killed for revealing letting in a jew to see the halls and ark.

20332069? ago

I come from a family with a large Masonic tradition. I am a direct descendant of a very famous Mason.

20348007? ago

Blue Masons have not mad to any sufficient knowledge. While you may contain a library, you may have not studied beyond that library. Masons are prong on larger system. Any hate or enmity towards your family and friends might lead you to ask why they choose it or why the support it.

20331910? ago

Why do so many Shiner Masons connect with abuse, why are they praying to Mahomet and the Moongod al-Lah calling for the end of the West and the destruction of America?

20348034? ago

Shriner masons are not all masons, as that statement would fit with christians, jews, alchemists, whatever—Aspects of rosicrucianism and sex/stellar occult knowledge were mis-communicated and later lead to pedophilia. They don't even hide it. Once you learn the symbols, you know which factions are which.

20331176? ago

The number one conspiracy that's been "allowed" to survive in the sheeples thought matrix without scrutiny....

Folks, what you are seeing is the epitome of "Orange Man Bad"

Dig anons... Masons built this country. Masons are organized. Masons are a threat to the cabal if an ages old peaceful and patriotic force is re awakened... Masons are builders. Masons dont see color, or religion. They want you divided... Masons are united.

Think Logically.

Orange man Bad... Mason Bad... Look over there!

If it weren't for Mason, we would have no America. It's time to get back to our roots...

20332467? ago

Masons are Dead Men Walking. They have NO light. They do not represent the truth. Their oath keeping undermines civil and natural law. They are steeped in ungodly and satanic symbolism (see Eastern Star [women's branch of FM] for the most blatant symbols). They oppose the Gospel of Christ and the Mason Temple becomes their focus of spiritual affection.


No, you are mistaken, and that to your undoing; the United States was established by God through the Pilgrims who wrote up the Charter that pre-dated our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. Freemasons pervert truth, they do not keep the truth.

20331829? ago

Why isn't Jesus allowed to be included in the prayer during meetings, hmm?

20337002? ago

At my lodge, before eating supper, the chaplain always says a blessing in Jesus' name. But during the actual lodge meeting, politics and denominational religions are not discussed. This is for unity's sake - the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of Almighty God.

20337338? ago

Do you think it pleases God that his only begotten Son is not allowed to be mentioned? Did Jesus not die for each man's sins? Why do masons worry about offending mortal men, but not God?

20349988? ago

Yes, I do think the good works Masons do pleases God. And no, I don't think God is offended by people not talking about Jesus 24/7.

20350047? ago

Did I say 24/7? No, I did not nor did I imply it. You sound like an arrogant schmuck, which is exactly like most masons I've met.

20331824? ago

Why are Masons today saying a prayer to Mahomet and Al-Lah who calls for the end of the West and the destruction of America? Why do so many cases of abuse connect to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine??

20331682? ago

Any bets this ^ jackass is a slimy Mason?

20331484? ago

Masons don't see color

Yet blacks were originally not allowed to be members. Now black masons have their own lodges, which are not officially recognized by masons.


20331204? ago

Masons are bad. It's a gnostic cult that is based on occult Jewish mysticism. You cant hide it anymore. Who cares if you built this country? Go fuck yourselves.

20331154? ago

They dress like buffoons.

20331790? ago

Waht is the real religion? https://files.catbox.moe/tc3e3e.png

20332013? ago

Jahbulon is Jehovah/YHWH, Baal, and Osiris. They want YHWH to once again have absolute rule over Earth.

It is not Lucifer, who told us we are of a divine nature and are not meant to be slaves.

20331913? ago

The real religion is to be kind to others who deserve it, trust yourself and speak up for truth.

20332331? ago

The Bible opposes your definition:

"But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

(Luke 6:27-28 NASB 1977)

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

(James 1:26-27 NASB 1977)

20332117? ago

Wrong. The real religion is faith in Jesus Christ.

20331098? ago

This is a Jesuit operative that is posting this. The Mason's are the good guys, it's the Jesuits that keep blaming them for horrible things that THEY caused.

Relax people...The Mason's are our friends. So many brainwashed souls, it's sad.

20331218? ago

I am no Jesuit. The Jesuits invented the high degrees of Kadosh that the Scottish Rite still use.

20331169? ago

Shut up you fucking matrix kike

20331429? ago

Please look up and lick my balls.

20331494? ago

Youre talking to a man of superior intellect. Know your role, shaboz goi. I just verbally destroyed you. You are nothing but a slave to your owners, a pawn. Satans bitch. How can you possibly be proud of yourself? Deep down inside you know something terrible awaits you and its only a matter of time.

20331063? ago


20333438? ago

There is also a Grotto group or see also 'Movper' lots of money and meetings, the Zvi/Zebi or Sabbatean, the rituals of Carthage, the Frankist culture, the Jewish Occult, is there some old mystery Babylon religion connecting it all? Movper = Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm

20330991? ago

Name the jew first

20331046? ago

... a temple called the Elders Temple which is considered to be a NWO club house where Elite come to talk about the "Worlds problems". https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3092071

20330964? ago

Police... All the police are these guys

20331624? ago

Masonry is a dying its an old creature, an old Dodo ready to go extinct and about to be eaten by Eagles, Lions, Bears, Dragons and other creatures. To eat and profit from a Mason building, you need to get yourself a van or truck with lots of room in the back, get some traffic cone, yellow tape, work tools...now here is some extre prep, maybe get yourself a cheap phone to burn, this preparation might take an extra day or two but it might be an idea to pick up some plants and seeds for example plant pot cuttings, go to wild areas were troublesome bush and weeds grow, get all the nasty plants peope don't want, collect it all Mexican bamboo, Japanese Knotweed, the Ivy , Giant Ragweed. I will explain later why you need this stuff.

When you hear Mason just think of an old miserable animal lying around in pain wanting to be put out of its misery. The old dying Mason is an opportunity to loot, literally eat and smash. Don't fear the Mason they are dying morons and in order for 'magic' to work, you have to believe in their bullshit historical fakery, the dumb hypnotic rituals. When you hear of Mason, this is what to do ... ask where the Temples are and then get yourself a network of people, know someone who does lawns, who fixes car parts, the guy who does cables and some audio stuff on the side, the gambler swindler type and avoids taxes. Now get yourself 3 very trusted people, maybe Yourself, Your Best Friend, maybe only three Your Brother, nobody else. Find the Shriner buildings, sometimes these places are Fucking Huge, Dinning Halls, Turkish Baths, Burial Camber, an Undergournd Cinema, they are Massive Underground Buildings. The Shiner today as a masonic group have fake fronts, they have secret rituals they pray to this Arabic god al Lah, saying al Lah is greater, they pray for the Death and Downfall of America...most Shriner groups are now dying, after 911 the islamist stuff became unpopular and many walked away, donations drop, they need the Childrens stuff and Clown circus as fronts to surive but they are corrupt and everyone knows the game. You will find many Abandoned Shiner buildings, get yourself a face mask, gloves because inside an old building the rats are probably running around, some yellow Tape, get Traffic Cones, get a van and make yourself look official. Get yourself an alarm on your phone, a hammer or bolt cutters go in with a camera, set your phone alarm ONE HOUR, now go in film EVERYTHING, go through the building 1 hour. Next day look at the film, it might be an idea to park up again, decide what is valuable in that building and what you are going to see, an old clock, maybe even get yourself a bigger van or truck, is there some silver, some marble, is there some steel in there a Carnie Gypsy or Roma type might be able to melt down as metal scrap and sell on, a pawn shop, an online auction, there are possible Thousands upon thousands in Dollars or Euro inside, phone a few people and try to sell as much as this stuff as possible, categorize what is there, name it, item the stuff before you even loot or collect it.

Final day Looting day ...The next finally day, you park up your Van put up the Yellow Tape, go in and loot everything, you are not stealing this stuff because all this stuff is abandoned, think of yourself as some imperial explorer hundreds of years ago going acorss some desert in Egypt or Africa and Arabia and finding an old pot nobody has claimed and then you claim it and sell it on. Most of the texts, literature and prayer you find inside is garbage, Shriners pray these demonic islamist rituals the Shriners & other Arabic sects of Masons believe in ALL religions as a path to this demonic Moongod called Al-Lah they hope Mahomet destroys the West and America, if you want you can film some of these dumb literature and get it all on vid. However make sure you loot and destroy as much of the building as possible. Most Shiners btw are crazy control freak faggots, they have been flying out to Saudi and Lebanon and Iran and Pakistan other places for many generations, they were doing Epstein weird blackmail and abusive crap, maybe even young girls and young boys. People maybe foreign people have blackmail and control over the Shiners and the Freemason / Shiner in turn has blackmail and control over others, control over many Americans. Right now their buildings are dying and decaying, however they can be re-made into refugee outposts, they start rebuilding make them into islamist mosques, Shiners funding someone and someone else demonic in turn was funding the Shriner meet ups. You have 1 hr to get the job done, Make sure you loot and destroy it all but take anything that will fit into your truck and you can re-sell as money. Finally before you leave deal with the building itself, you can have faucet dripping the tap of water dripping somewhere, at the site scatter all those tree seeds, the plant pot, Crab grass, Bermuda grass, the Bamboo and weed plants.

These plants are fantastic to wreck and eat old Masonic buildings, they will do incredible damage to the buidlins scatter the seeds in as many places as possible, it can even crack walls and the foundation of a building. Even if they do not transform their Masonic building into some refugee immigrant outpost or a mosque, its possible these buildings can become drug dens for junkies to hang out in. Whatever you do when you are finish looting and about to leave, make sure the building is on a path to be destroyed.

It's doubtful anyone will investigate because the building was already left alone decaying. Sometimes you see religious stuff inside the Shriner building, its usually the demonic Arabic Allah stuff, sometimes they have names of entertainers or political people or priests inside on some book or some list of important people. Wait a good few months before you upload anything on your phone to youtube or any place.

Sell all the stuff you looted, make some free cash.

20332572? ago

Whew... Everyone needs a hobby I guess.

20333561? ago

A hobby where you make some cash, buildings rot as they grow old and buildings should beome normal stores, schools, become factories, buildings can become homes, you do good for a community not allowing a building to become a junkie house or a mosque or a Shriner house. A troublesome building can be looted and demonlished, it does a village or a city good but letting decay, age and rot set is not good. The Shriner often connects to un-told Masonic horrors, do not be afraid to make them feel unwelcome in your city or town, even a Shriner building in a town miles away could do damage to your people suck blood and suck energy from friends of yours.

20333848? ago

You live in Detroit huh? THis is a very detroitish post.

20330920? ago


20337229? ago

Franklin Cover-Up book is available for free online PDF https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391886

20334221? ago


20331022? ago

The islamist Shriner prayer in Masonry, the Jews Occult, the fake Christians with their old rituals, is there some mystery religion connecting all these guys.

20332110? ago


20333909? ago

Why so anti masonic

20332505? ago

What would that be? Any ideas?

20333164? ago

Mystery Babylon, created by Nimrod and Semiramis at the tower of babel.

Mystery Babylon is war against The Creator.

Nimrod will be returning to slaughter all who follow The Way.

The nwo and ai are the tools in which he will use.

Repent in the name of Jesus Now!

20330874? ago

Benjamin Franklin, of the Tun Tavern Lodge at Philadelphia;

John Hancock, of St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston;

Joseph Hewes, who was recorded as a Masonic visitor to Unanimity Lodge No. 7, Edenton, North Carolina, in December 1776;

William Hooper, of Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, North Carolina;

Robert Treat Payne, present at Grand Lodge at Roxbury, Massachusetts, in June 1759;

Richard Stockton, charter Master of St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, Massachusetts in 1765;

George Walton, of Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia; and

William Whipple, of St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

20330943? ago

Not all founding Fathers were Masons, some were scientists, others were Spirtualist or Deism and New Age Religion, they were free thinkers and belonged to different new sects of Christianity? I think the founding fathers more than whatever sect or new age cult they were with supported Free Speech and Freedom, they wanted to break away from the Imperial powers of England, Spanish, France, the King's Taxes and the corruption of the Rome and Catholics. Something happened to Masonry over time, I don't know when it went so weird, maybe it is the fate of every group to get rotten inside, every group finally is corrupted? The Mason,maybe it was not so bad at the start but if the Fathers of America were to see the tranny masonic crap at the MTV awards, groups like the Eastern Star and their crimes and pentagrams, the Shriners who sometimes connect to Child Abuse and pray to a Moon god Al-Lah I'm pretty sure they would have them arrested for a criminal conspiracy maybe even hang a few for treason!?

20331524? ago

About 150 years ago Masons were taken over by Satanists.

20331898? ago

Started a few years before Albert Pike who might have been a satanic kike, the Moon he said was the symbol of the passive capacity of nature to produce, the female, of which the life-giving power and energy was the male. It was the symbol of Isis, Astarte, and Artemis, or Diana.

20333597? ago

All the original Masons from about 7th degree on up---"died" around the time they were taken over.

20330806? ago

They want you DIVIDED. Uneducated shill.

20331238? ago

The masons are the ones dividing themselves from us with their privileges. They call people that arent part of their gay club "profanes" so squarely go fuck yourselves.

20337066? ago

It's not an insult.




relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular rather than religious.

"a talk that tackled topics both sacred and profane"


secular · lay · nonreligious · nonchurch · temporal · worldly · earthly ·

20331391? ago

You seriously used the word "privileges" ... fuck me ... it's too easy to expose you leftist shills.

"They call people that arent part of their gay club "profanes"" ... sauce please. That's the first time I've ever heard that word used.

20330859? ago

20331059? ago

Do you even know what a Shriner is? Do Shriners exist outside of the U.S.? Are International Masons allowed to associate with Shiners? What percentage of Masons are Shriners? What is the prerequisite to becoming a Shriner? ... You don't know the answers to any of these because you are ignorant, as evidenced by your link. Attacking Masons like the OP is, and defending the OP by pointing to Shriners ... is the equivalent of "kill everyone who works in the banking industry from the bottom to the top, because they are Satanists." .... If you can't approach or deal with something logically, if you act like you are a fucking expert because you watched a youtube video without doing any of your own fucking research, you are as bad as any leftist cunt.

20333663? ago

Why was Hyram Abiff murdered?

20333975? ago

I'm waiting for my questions to be answered ... but if you google "Hiram Abif(f)" (correct spelling) you'll get your answer.

20426195? ago

You won't if you google it.

20426780? ago

I misspoke. I use DDG .. but my point still stands.

20332208? ago

So which ones would you like to talk of? the Ones of still operate inside French lands, Institut de France, their voodoo Afro rituals? their abuse? rite maçonnerie française? Would you like to talk about the Aussies, the other international ones who go to the same corrupt meetings as the Roman Catholic elite, the same pedophile groups of Rome? Would you like to talk of the Orange in North of Ireland connects with years of terror and miltia groups, Maybe you could desribe the Masonic groups in the Far East links to human smuggling, HongKong Triad groups, radical sects and cults inside Hindu cults and across India, islamist Pakistan homes or the Thule Masons connecting to the Fascism of WW2, would you like to talk of the Belgian and Dutch masons who sold out their own people in South Africa? ... you still do not see the banker pulling the string and Mystery Babylon religion?

20332386? ago

Answer my fucking questions before going off on a complete fucking rant, spouting fucking bullshit about groups that aren't even affiliated ... you do understand the importance of "affiliated" don't you? You haven't answered my questions because as I correctly asserted, you don't know the answers and yet you try to pass yourself off as knowledgeable. Masonry is banned in Pakistan, as it is in most muslim countries .... but I'm not surprised you don't know this. The Orange Order in Northern Ireland is not Masonry and is banned in Irish masonry .... something else you didn't fucking know. You are an uneducated bullshit artist and nothing you have said indicates anything otherwise. Answer my fucking questions.

20333709? ago

There are still many Masonic buildings in Pakistan, would you like to see the pix and Anglo Dutch left something behind with the Paki goat fuckers? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625/20316611 For Real!

20334048? ago

Dude ... I'm the guy that made that fucking post! I'm also MasonAnon on 8chan ... you know .. the guy who uploads documents and ritual that prove that most of what the "self proclaimed experts" is bullshit. Are you going to answer my questions?

20452220? ago

the Shriners, some of them connected to criminals and trying to get children in Detroit again?

20452449? ago

Any fucking Shriner involved in something like this, should be found lying in a ditch with a bullet in the back of their heads, in fact any person involved should meet the same fate ... the thing that these "so called experts" don't understand, is that 99.9% of Masons would volunteer to shoot the pedophiles themselves. Anyone attacking freemasonry, isn't educated on the subject, obviously isn't a Qanon or doesn't bother to read Q drops. They are just sheep repeating the propaganda and here to divide.

20330709? ago

Also, most of the comments in this thread were made by OP using an alt.

I'll leave you to wonder how it is I know that.

20330783? ago

You are a complete retard if you believe a bafoon like this

20330754? ago

... rubbish

20330721? ago

Wrong bitch!!!! You dont know shit.

20330724? ago

Cry harder. It amuses me.

20330698? ago


Your impotent rage is amusing, however.

We will do whatever we damned well please, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it.

20330793? ago

Oh, but there is.

We have your bibles and we're going to show the normies what you've done. There is no escaping this.

The Hammer has already fallen, my friend. Your clock ticks.

20330829? ago

Your delusions are amusing.

20330986? ago

We know significantly more than you could guess.

Alea iacta est

20331083? ago

Oh no! We are terrified!

You're deluded idiots that lack ability to perform even the most basic tasks. The only things you scare are your relatives.

20331373? ago

You should be terrified but the jewish tumor growing on the side of your head has you thinking that your higher ups think of you as anything but cannon fodder. Jews will throw their own infants into a burning fire for Gods sake. Youre a mason and youre this ignorant of history? A disgrace to your own order.

Even if, worst case scenario, you people "win" and set up your new world order, your short life of iniquity will have consequences you cannot imagine when your heart stops beating. You cant take your shekels with you.

No matter what you do, youve already lost, satan-cuck.

20331631? ago

Yeah, terrified!

Your delusions amuse me. You're impotent.

20331739? ago

Good response. Just repeating yourself over and over like a dumb child. There is no one walking this earth under greater delusion than a shaboz goi, masonic satan-cuck. None. Zilch.

You are an expendable pawn and will pay for your iniquity ten fold.

20331809? ago

Uh huh...

Let's just compare a list of what you've accomplished against a list of what we've accomplished.

Us: Everything.

You: Nothing.

You're a joke.

Deep down, you know it. Cry harder. Your tears are delicious.

20331877? ago

You are so far removed from the masons who actually built cathedrals it isnt even funny. You are a modern day prison bitch, who swore an oath to rich jews so you wouldnt have your throat cut from left to right, got tossed some cheap watered down cabalistic new age dog food, and you think your part of something with accomplishments. Modern day masons cover for murderers and pedophiles, thats it. You swore into a criminal, treasonous empire, that was already wealthy long before your silly ass was even born. All built off of pure evil by the way. YOU had nothing to do with it, you signed a deal hoping for scraps from rich kikes to make your worthless life easier.

Youre a used condom at best.

I do not envy you cucks in any way shape or form

20331939? ago

Uh huh... Your understanding of reality is on par with your predictions.

Your fear is palpable. Good. It matches your cowardice.

20332044? ago

What a stupid low IQ reply. I actually expected a better argument from you but you just went full tel-aviv.

I destroyed you in this exchange

20332057? ago

Your association with reality is broken.

20332238? ago

Not an argument kike

20332282? ago

I don't need to argue, tallest_skil.

20332447? ago

You CANT argue. Youre terrible at it and the truth isnt on your side. Even if it was youre so piss poor at debating it wouldnt even matter.

Youre the perfect candidate to be a shaboz cuck.

20332499? ago

It's cute that you think you're owed an argument.

You're not, because you're powerless.

20332551? ago

Youre in one right now cuck and losing it in embarassing fashion.

20332657? ago

You're deluded.

I'm going to go drink the blood of babies and there's fuck all you can do about it. Sweet dreams, cupcake.

20332821? ago

Lol i wipe my ass with your dumb brain.

20331095? ago

Is that why you keep responding so that you can reassure yourself?

20331247? ago

No? It's so I can make use of you for what you're best at - that is to amuse myself.

You make me laugh. I do appreciate that. You're a good pet.

20331795? ago

Fun larp, bud.

20331823? ago

pets you on the head

20331875? ago

They're watching. They're unhappy with you.

Respice finem

20331947? ago

Are you on drugs?

20330766? ago

America already had its anti-Mason party and did Q say there would be a time they are afraid to Walk the streets .... fear goes both ways fool

20330820? ago

Yeah, they did - and the very next president elected was a Freemason.

We aren't afraid. You're powerless. The most you can do is make us chuckle.

20330514? ago

You'll never find all the Freemasons because the "normal Jews" will provide protection for them.

20330599? ago

Simple solution.

Oven all Catholics on maximum.

20330933? ago

I initially read this as Canadians instead of Catholics...

20330800? ago

Thrusting a paradigm shift at the Catholics (yeah, they're just Jews) is the best way to awaken them.

20330694? ago

But muh logistics sir

20330616? ago


Obvious Jew is obvious - (((they))) wet-dream about Christians killing each other.

20330507? ago

OMG you people are so dumb. So dumb.

20333572? ago

What was the purpose of the syllable Hyram Abiff was killed over? Why do they use a substitute word in rituals? What was the purpose of the word in which King Solomon, King Hyram and Hyram Abiff all had a syllable to kept secret from the others?

20331019? ago

Why don’t you educate them then? How can people be expected to know the truth of a matter when it’s shrouded in secrecy?

As George Carlin said, “It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for you.”

20330587? ago

God does not exist.

20330814? ago

Not your "God".

20330473? ago

You will all hang for your gangstalking and child trafficking!

We are awakening world wide. No where for you to hide.

20330885? ago

The Simpsons guy on the Epstein aircraft, a weird temple on that island strange Symbolism and news on a Nobles of the Mystic Shrine-Melha Temple in Springfield? https://www.bitchute.com/video/PSpLlEqERwCS/

20330469? ago

Repentance is a niggerish catholic concept.

Fucking failure.

Try not acting like a faggot in the first plave.

20330836? ago

Would revenge be better? What would it look like if the Boer, the Hindu, Polish and the Japanese man all one day took revenage one day for the crimes done against them and their people in the name of an Anglo-Dutch masonic Empire??

20330463? ago

Attention catholics: Hitler had the right concept but targeted the wrong group.

Instead of Jews it should've been catholics.

20330823? ago

not knowing they're literally the same thing

God you people are so dense...

20330816? ago

Why did Anglo-Dutch Masons kill each other in wars, put their own White brothers into concentration camps and then surrender Capetown, Port Elizabeth and other cities to Bantu invaders from the Congo and Niger

20330455? ago

Get out of our COURTS.

20332100? ago

Damn this post brought out the cockroaches. Lol fuckin Masons. What a bunch of fags.

20334271? ago

We bring the light

20332136? ago

Yup, its a sodomy club.

The "eye" is a butthole.

20333799? ago

The Eye that stinks, not the Eye that blinks.

20332210? ago

The rose is a prolapsed anus.

20332313? ago

The obelisk/pyramid is a penis.

The eye (butthole) is depicted at the pointy end of the pyramid (penis).

20331367? ago

And out of Law Enforcement.

20330750? ago

The Freemasons, the abusive crazy Communists, the crazy subversive Jews, islamic rituals and Shiners, the pedo Roman Catholic club ...maybe something connects? ? .... are you starting to see Epstien was part of an old Myserty Babylon religion, what is that temple and was Jimmy Savile praying to an old god Baʿal Ḥammon?

20330774? ago

Molech/Baal, Osiris/Lucifer, Tanit/Ishtar


Doesn't this look familiar guys?...

Wake the fuck up normies. History is screaming at you from those pages you're reading.


20331324? ago

Now for a time I descend,

and the men of KHEM (Khem is alchemy in ancient Egypt)

shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,

mighty and potent, requiring an accounting

of those left behind me.

Then beware, O men of KHEM,

if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,

for I shall cast ye down from your high estate

into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.

Betray not my secrets

to the men of the North

or the men of the South

lest my curse fall upon ye.

Remember and heed my words,

for surely will I return again

and require of thee that which ye guard.

Aye, even from beyond time and

from beyond death will I return,

rewarding or punishing

as ye have requited your trust.

Their own fucking religion dooms them for their actions.

Their book tells them they're all manifestations of the creator.

They cause disharmony in our world.

They will be destroyed.

By God, by Jesus, by Thoth... they will be destroyed.

20331855? ago

The only way to sever the ties is to awaken them like the Logos taught us to before, as was done through Yeshua/Lesus/Jesus, as Osiris and their iterations have done, as Lucifer always does. Darkness must be shown Light.

The Light-Bringer is an archetype. The Morning Star is Logos manifesting.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

20330727? ago

Yeah that too!

20331038? ago

No. We raise money for children's hospitals

20331756? ago

Jimmy Savile "helped" at children's hospitals, too.

20331386? ago

No. We raise money for children's hospitals

To experiment on them.

20331245? ago

You also run corporations that poison our children and give them cancer.

20331333? ago
