El Paso is my home town, and this is probably not the case.
Not for the reasons you think I'm gonna say. It's cause El Paso barely has any black people. It's mostly Mexicans and white people. They are only 3.9% of the population https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/elpasocountytexas/PST045218 and the ones there are either Military who have the army keeping them in line or job transplants in professional fields.
Also El Paso is third safest city in the US. Juarez which is right across the fence is the most violent city on earth and has more murders than anywhere else on earth.
Liberal hell hole Milwaukee would match but not enough niggers there. The cops for the most part let them congregate, shoot, and then the cops go break it up. They wan nothing to do with niggers until there is a crime and they know there will be a crime so it seems the mayor has made orders to not fuck with the niggers or the beaners. The beaners hood is no policed, they run wild. If the police wanted an orderly society they would do some something about all the blatantly open crime on the streets.
more or less half. You also get tons of mixed kids who tick latino for benefits. Half the mexicans also have white skin so its taking a look at a glance doesn't work too well.
That said, cholos (who are mexican, both white and brown) usually cause the problems
Rubah ago
Meanwhile, Dayton, OH is like hold my beer.
Holonomic ago
Well, there were 4 in Chimpcago alone.....
Dismal_Swamp ago
293 in Chicago this year and 5 more months to go.
lovehate123 ago
KosherHiveKicker ago
Chimpcago for MVP!
PatriotHundoP ago
yea all u can bet is a dollar cuz u broke as fuck! Go get a job and quit posting racist shit from your grandmother garage u faggot ass bitch
Pubiclouse ago
HoneyTrap1488 ago
Found the nigger.
PsiloTheWolf ago
Nice nigger speak, fucking ape.
speedisavirus ago
A lot more. There were like a dozen nigger shootings in Baltimore alone.
Holonomic ago
Year-to-date, there were 115, but in the past week there was only one, which surprised TF outta me.
totallynotFBI ago
bet yo7u 5 American whites have too
RustyEquipment ago
Upchallenge my foreskin. If I can find it!
Oy vey
ViperCarbz ago
Hello, Chicago.
Derpfroot ago
A white guy fighting against multikulti? I'm OK with this.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
Is the shooter Jewish? I haven't looked into it yet!
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
he looks like one
14WordsToFreedom ago
Not enough info out yet to tell.
blackguard19 ago
Probably a staged shooting hoax.
You can’t just believe anything the television says.
ArcherMcTaco ago
El Paso is my home town, and this is probably not the case.
Not for the reasons you think I'm gonna say. It's cause El Paso barely has any black people. It's mostly Mexicans and white people. They are only 3.9% of the population https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/elpasocountytexas/PST045218 and the ones there are either Military who have the army keeping them in line or job transplants in professional fields.
Also El Paso is third safest city in the US. Juarez which is right across the fence is the most violent city on earth and has more murders than anywhere else on earth.
ViperCarbz ago
Sounds like one of those cities is proactive about security.
DryerBox ago
He didn't say the blacks have to live in El Paso
ArcherMcTaco ago
Fair enough
Bengyclayton ago
Balt/chic/Detroit/Stl/philly for 20 tonite
GoatyMcGoatface ago
And we have a winner
turtlesareNotevil ago
Most assuredly.
The_Duke_of_Dabs ago
Hah! Jokes on you! I NEVER bet on a sure thing!
Pointyball ago
In only one city, not a national total.
Poz_My_Neg_Fuck_Hole ago
But they're gang related, so it doesn't count.
Anon1492 ago
But we'll never know, because the nosebergs will never let it come out in the media.
t9spjtws ago
You'll know, just go walk around section ape for a few hours
Thornamajig ago
Shit thats a light weekend in Shitcago
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Liberal hell hole Milwaukee would match but not enough niggers there. The cops for the most part let them congregate, shoot, and then the cops go break it up. They wan nothing to do with niggers until there is a crime and they know there will be a crime so it seems the mayor has made orders to not fuck with the niggers or the beaners. The beaners hood is no policed, they run wild. If the police wanted an orderly society they would do some something about all the blatantly open crime on the streets.
muffalettadiver ago
tanukihat ago
Making up
ratsmack ago
ArcherMcTaco ago
Actually El paso doesn't really have black people. They only make 3.9% of the population https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/elpasocountytexas/PST045218
ratsmack ago
Beaners are probably a good portion of the population though.
ArcherMcTaco ago
more or less half. You also get tons of mixed kids who tick latino for benefits. Half the mexicans also have white skin so its taking a look at a glance doesn't work too well.
That said, cholos (who are mexican, both white and brown) usually cause the problems
ratsmack ago
What were the Spaniards thinking, the indigenous Mayan women were ass ugly... they really screwed up their bloodline.
Strontium_Dawg ago
After 3 months on ship, and two months on foot, you’d be thirsty too.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
ratsmack ago
Wonder what the breakdown is of Spaniards, Mestizo and Indigenous Mexican (Maya) is. Most of the Spanish are indistinguishable from whites.
Jimmycrackerson ago
they all smell like tapatio sauce and mexican rice
cuzimloony ago
rektumsempra ago
the population, African-Americans are responsible for at least 50% of all violent crimes.
Blompf ago
TopTierCIAShill ago
King_Leopold_II ago
A11ahuSnackbar ago
King_Leopold_II ago
That works as well. Unlike the people it's describing.
Jimmycrackerson ago
Broc_Lia ago
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Anon83 ago
Of all violent crime..
NotDrunkEnough ago
hurray you lot did it.
c0ck ago
I’ll match that bet and raise you at least a few dozen rapes too. If we throw in Africa/Europe we might even be in the hundreds by now.
con77 ago
I bet youre right