20018727? ago

There are cameras all over the place in every walmart.

20017840? ago



20017756? ago

I am surprised that the shooter was not 'shot by the police' or 'died from a self inflicted gun shot'. The police said that they got there in 5 minutes? Is that right? What, were they just waiting in the parking lot?

20017719? ago

One woman interviewed stated she couldn't find her mother, who was presumed as one of the victims. She went on to state that her mother had seven children and 27 grandchildren. The shooter's objective was of decreasing Beaners was overcome by just one of his alleged victims. He allegedly killed 20 she popped out 27.

20016664? ago

We knew distractions were coming, real or false flags. Even if Q had not specifically warned everyone. Focus on the important things in the news. Like the Assange ruling. If one must look at the shooting events, dig into the potential therapist / antidepressant links, the obvious calls for disarming the general public, the 'loud' ones calling for any major changes. Think Jessie Smollett and booker/harris.

These people are sick.

20016182? ago

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20015743? ago

I'm sorry; this "Sandy Hook is a FF" is so fucked up, I don't know where to even begin.

Here's where your tax dollars have gone, presented and available to you, as you paid for it:


20015156? ago

Do you believe that mass shootings ever happen? Or are they all false flags?

20018110? ago

All mass shootings in the news are 100% fake. No exceptions.

Mass shootings may happen from time to time, but the media cannot get its shit together quickly enough to capitalize on them. Controlling the narrative would be much harder for a real event with real victims.

Real shootings never get national/international coverage. Your local paper might print the story though.

20014949? ago

Do we have news footage of anyone on scene wearing a masonic emblem yet?

20014866? ago

"Best" thing? They will NEVER get sentenced for all their false flags!

20014571? ago

As of 11:00 CT. Watching Fox News. I have to say the witnesses that were shown being interviewed seemed non-emotional, and weird to me. The one clip of the old lady on a flat cart with what looked like a .22 size bullet hole in her leg. I thought the shooter had an AK-47??? The people who ran to the back and into metal containers to hide said they heard shots for about 10 minutes, then a pause and then more shooting. So how the fuck did this guy have around 20 minutes to shoot without police intervention? In fact they said the shooter left, walked to his car and drove off and was stopped by two police officers and gave up peacefully.

Everything to me seems unemotional and dry. No real human emotions from witnesses AND officials. One thing that did make me feel sad if true was the reports of cell phones continuing to ring on the dead victims that are STILL in the fucking building.

Just updating the facts I have heard from Fox as of 11PM tonight. I really don't know what the hell to think.

20018123? ago

You do know what to think, but your ego is telling you “there’s no way it’s all fake, that means I’ve been tricked”

Well, you have and it is.

20014550? ago

We need to back away , collect as much as we can on this "Shooting" over the next 48 hours and then put the evidence collected together and piece this together. right now emotions are ruling over facts. The 48 hour "Fudge Rule" needs to be applied and this looked at carefully under the glaring light of cold hard facts.

Peace Y

20014453? ago

He shot migrants. Border enforcement at Walmart

20014370? ago

Time to Start downvoting fake mass shootings.

its time Voat

20014307? ago

Talked to normies today who still couldnt accept that a staged event was possible. "Too many people would have to be involved... i think there are just lots of crazy violent people out there"

Fucking television has ruined the minds of these people. No matter how fake it looks, if the news sais it happened, it happened.

20014941? ago

the opposite is also equally true

20014594? ago

All they believe is what the TV tells them.




20016672? ago

Hahaha, tell a vision. Fuck tv.

20014263? ago

I'll need to see some video proof.

20014253? ago

These staged shooting hoaxes are laughable. Does anyone here still believe they are real?

Nobody dies, nobody gets hurt. Ever. Period.

20017810? ago

but they said, 20 are dead. 20 fake funerals?

20018720? ago

If they have funerals they will be closed casket, all of them.

20017995? ago

Maybe. Who is checking, though?

Who follows up on these claims to ensure they are true? Nobody, that’s who.

It’s impossible to verify a ‘tragedy’ without someone getting offended by the possibility that it might be phoney.

20015179? ago

It's actually a deep state lie that guns can even kill people. Try it yourself. Place the barrel of a loaded pistol to your temple and pull the trigger. Nothing happens!

(Anyone who thinks I'm lying is a paid shill)

20015287? ago

Guns are real, mass shootings in the fake news media are fake.

It’s not that hard.

20015373? ago

Yeah, nobody ever shoots anybody. GOOD POINT FELLOW Q WORSHIPER

20015447? ago

What’s with the straw man arguments?

People shoot one another, but you barely read about those events.

Mass shooting events given nationwide/ international media coverage are always fake, 100% of the time.

It’s really simple. If you read it in the fake news media, chances are it’s totally fake.

20015551? ago

Because you're completely full of shit. I know I'm wasting my breath talking to someone in one of the Q subs, but even if you accept that false flags can/do happen, thinking that every big shooting is staged or something is pure schizophrenic retardation. Yes, the media highlights events that play into their narrative (like this one) while barely covering others (like the Virginia Beach shooting which turned out to be a black man), but that doesn't mean it's fake, or that they orchestrated it. You people seem to believe that the media/deep state/Mossad/CIA/whatever is this all powerful organization, when that couldn't be further from the truth. If the elites/kikes/etc were really that organized and powerful we wouldn't have a chance in hell at fighting back anyway, and talking about this stuff would be a complete waste of time. I guess I'm just fed up with this nonsense magical thinking. It's easy to get some guns and go kill people. Any of us could do it, and sometimes people actually do. The elite would prefer that you think these are all false flags, because they don't want you to realize the power that the people really possess.

20016660? ago

One problem is you have been conditioned to think people are evil. The reason mass shootings don't happen is because people are not evil. A normal human, even when enraged, could never consciously aim at and shoot to kill multiple people. Humans are not innately conditioned to be killers. Media has led you to believe these events are even possible. Think about the world wars where it is known the banks were playing both sides. Corporations too. Nazis had IBM computers. The only way people send their sons to war is if they think its normal to do so and there is a threat. How can there be a threat when the elites are at the top of both sides? Media creates a threat and corporations and banks and the military disarm it. Cycle repeats. Normal people never have a clue they are players in a game. Fun times. The good news is all I have to do is wake up, be the best human being I can be. Spread love and compassion, be a good husband or father or friend, follow the truth and speak the truth.

20021182? ago

If you dont believe that mk ultra exists. If you dont at least know that 99 percent of the last mass shootings have been done by people who saw psychiatrists (handlers)

Than you really are like an ostrich with your head in the sand.

You want to believe that normal people can be evil but never the ones who are in charge. Sorry but where were the mass shootings before the 60s?

How many centuries have we had guns, but how many pitiful decades have we had mass shootings? After of before an entire generation fed from experiments by ww genetic experimentation?


20015559? ago

If you want to believe these events are real without any evidence except that handed to you by the known liars in the fake news media, please be my guest.

They are all fake.

20015571? ago

Please take my former advice and eat a bullet, you hopelessly retarded dumbfuck piece of shit.

20015580? ago

You’re a perfect example of a retard, in the literal sense of the word.

You are literally unable to challenge your existing beliefs because it offends you.

The good news is you are in the majority.

20015628? ago

Yes, I'm a retard because I don't believe that there is a shadow organization staging every single mass shooting/terror attack that has ever happened. Yet, you can't accept basic reality/simplest explanation, and have to invent wacky conspiracies to explain away every little thing that challenges your existing beliefs. If you said "some mass shootings are false flags, these are the ones I think were fake, and here's some evidence that corroborates that" I'd possibly be more inclined to take you seriously, but that isn't how it works with you room temperature IQ paranoid fucktards. You take everything to the absolute extreme and say "it's literally all fake, nothing ever actually happens", and then shit on people when they don't play along with your delusions. Again, fucking kill yourself.

20015656? ago

You might want to ask me why I think that, instead of launching into a series of false equivalences and other logical fallacies.

Those are the tools of the intellectually weak, and the intellectually weak hate being challenged.

20015548? ago

Because you're completely full of shit. I know I'm wasting my breath talking to someone in one of the Q subs, but even if you accept that false flags can/do happen, thinking that every big shooting is staged or something is pure schizophrenic retardation. Yes, the media highlights events that play into their narrative (like this one) while barely covering others (like the Virginia Beach shooting which turned out to be a black man), but that doesn't mean it's fake, or that they orchestrated it. You people seem to believe that the media/deep state/Mossad/CIA/whatever is this all powerful organization, when that couldn't be further from the truth. If the elites/kikes/etc were really that organized and powerful we wouldn't have a chance in hell at fighting back anyway, and talking about this stuff would be a complete waste of time. I guess I'm just fed up with this nonsense magical thinking. It's easy to get some guns and go kill people. Any of us could do it, and sometimes people actually do. The elite would prefer that you think these are all false flags, because they don't want you to realize the power that the people really posess.

20014196? ago

Haven't heard from closeted, gay, pedo El Paso County Sheriff yet.....

20014173? ago

You know... sometimes I wonder if they actually own all the gun manufacturing companies, and they do these FF's to give the appearance of gun control legislation right before an election to boost gun sales. Surely it's obvious to everyone at this point that Dems calling for gun control is a boost to gun sales.

20014136? ago

OK, so I read here that shooter's dad was a therapist. Who are his parents? Clowns?

20014934? ago

I thought you were feigning ignorance because this is a well known trend and I had not read this about the new FF yet.

There are more than just Hogs and its a trend Q has mentioned in drops, IIRC, it was "follow the wives" and there was also a "follow the therapists" (I confess to poor memory if this is incorrect, maybe I heard it here)

20014987? ago

therapists are the programmers for MK ultra. C_A... the nazi programs were brought over in op paperclip after ww 2

20015138? ago

I read a thing, might have from/posted by scorcha faal, so ya know....grains of salt... but it was suppsedly written by a psychologist giving therapy to victims and he noticed the pattern and another therapist confirmed with their patients and etc etc etc....

He says he was warning therapist and telling them it was real and shared.

Pretty sure he's dead now

thanks for the info and link, I have nothing invested in belief, but I enjoy reading this material and thinking about the claims.

Actually I say that, but for a breif moment recently, after years of mocking the Targeted Individual guys, I thought for a moment I might be getting hit by what they call a noise campaign. It became very personal, and I considered it when it got weird and harassment like, but in the end I think maybe I just had a shit neighbor. Still, makes one think, for a moment I considered perhaps having drawn "covert heat" by researching the topic without vpn etc. Doubtful, but if I was a genuine schizophrenic, I would have probably been certain it was true, given the same situation. I've had too much to think, gonna read you link.

20014015? ago

Walmart should have video of this

20014229? ago

Dozens of videos, cameras all over the store

20014756? ago

video unavailable

20014010? ago

24 hours, 72 hours. You say potato. I say po toh to. This shit is dumb. Too fucking obvious.

20013890? ago

paraded around Walmart pointing to a bruise on her leg.

Well, I was getting ready for bed last night and found a huge bruise on the inside of leg. No way it was an accidental bump into something. Don't know what I did to get that big bruise, maybe I was shot in a Wal-Mart the other night?

20013877? ago

Yea. Thousands of people in a Walmart in Texas and no one is carrying. Everyone is packing in Texas.

20015386? ago

Well, they didn't REALLY want anybody to be shot during a staged event.

20014131? ago

WalMart is a gun free zone.

20017335? ago

In a gun free zone, concealed carry permit holders can be armed. If they ask you to leave, you have to leave. As long as it stays concealed, you are fine. They can ban employees from carrying at the risk of being fired, but customers can carry and they can only ask you to leave.

20014397? ago

Since when?

20014126? ago

Did anyone confirm wounded in the two hospitals?

How about the deceased---obituaries, funerals, relatives?

Any known "actors" from previous FFs?

20015325? ago

That shit never comes out on the chans for at least 24-48 hours.

20016338? ago

Yeah they're charging up the autism for a sustained power play .....

20014422? ago

Give it time. There will be endless hours of amateur staged witnesses tomorrow being “interviewed” crying gun control and Orange Man Bad caused this. This is where you spot the repeat performers.

20014034? ago

Can confirm.

20014579? ago

Me too.

20013808? ago

Now the important part, who has access to the footage of the actors being paid off camera>? It's happened at nearly every 'mass shooting' hoax the jew has been pulling for the last twenty years, if you know where to look for it. It's also worth finding out the relationships of the local police to the local media and their relationships to the jew.

20013806? ago

Don't forget about Beto laughing during his press conference. I'm sure he's so distraught. 0.40 mark.


20016684? ago

Strange that they geofenced this video??? Why? Too many eyes?

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

20013571? ago

We are SHEEP NO MORE! MSM has not caught on to that yet. We are Awakened and can see through their BS.

20014318? ago

"Police did such an amazing job protecting the citiz- shoppers! Authorities arrived in minutes and didn't fire a single shot!"

Kid shoots up Wal-Mart for more than 20 minutes, leaves, and dives away.

20013471? ago

Sandy Hook part 2?

Or is it Tucson, Aurora, etc...?

When do the normies wake up?

20014739? ago

Keep this bullshit out of Tucson

Yes. It's loaded.

20014611? ago

“Normies” “wake up” lol

20013423? ago

Don't leave out Beto cracking a smile & suppressing laughter at 40 seconds in:


20019121? ago

Wow, that's fucking special. He almost straight lost it knowing what a lovely convenient coincidence this is. This dude LOVE this shit!

"Very hard to think about right know" as you burst into laughter ... ROFL.

20017767? ago


20014264? ago

Check this cnn clip out around the 3min mark...


Perfectly natural reaction for someone who’s daughter was just gun down earlier in the day. 🤪

20022480? ago


Reminds me of Bill Clinton smiling & laughing after Ron Brown's funeral service - until he spotted the cameras.


20015395? ago


20015371? ago

These crisis actor faggots should be found and gunned down, by federal firing squad or publicly hanged.

20015100? ago

His creepy smile, like he’s so excited to act this part out, is so wrong. He’s a total fake.

20014225? ago

Beta O’dork

20014186? ago

Hard to tell with those horse teeth sticking out half the time he talks.

20013810? ago

I just posted this. My bad - didn't see that you already had it covered. 👍

20013402? ago

I remember watching the Sandy Hook thing live on TV and the helicopter news was filming the police chasing after people in the woods behind the school. But, Adam Lanza was dead inside the school, lone shooter. Who were the men in all black that the cops were chasing in the woods?

20018062? ago

Maybe a few different variations on the script which are eliminated and refined into the official story as the event plays out.

Doing this gives these scripted events a semblance of authenticity from some artificial confusion, which you’d expect to see in a real shooting scenario.

Make no mistake though, that confusion is intentional.

20015093? ago

I've never seen a good answer to that one. Memory holed, apparently.

20014392? ago

Over anxious crisis actor. They let him go. He went and paraded around the firehouse as punishment for not following the script.

20013903? ago

A woman interviewed at the scene said she saw for shooters in black at el paso.

20014119? ago

clarification...four shooters

20014266? ago

People are notoriously unreliable when it comes to witnesses.

20014751? ago

Tell that to a bible reader.

20015637? ago

Boom! I love this.

20016161? ago

Thats a better response than I expected ;)

I dont hate them, I just want to apply logic evenly across all topics.

I dont think that makes me a bad person.

20014399? ago

She's not the only one reporting this.

20013573? ago

adam is alive & well..... in fact, it was recently near there...

20014338? ago

Adam never existed. Prove me wrong.

20018191? ago

That dude looks so much like David Hogg

20013463? ago

i saw that too

20013347? ago

And no coverage of this:


This ruling totally contradicts Mueller report that Russians hacked the dnc server. This ruling is devestating to the media, the dims, and their brainwashed followers.

20013335? ago

And no coverage of this:


This ruling totally contradicts Mueller report that Russians hacked the dnc server. This ruling is devestating to the media, the dims, and their brainwashed followers.