Corpse_washer ago

I concluded that all of you is female.

sguevar ago

To him I was u/WhiteRonin, then I was u/Dial_Indicator and now I am sanegoat... He denies all the lies he has told about me in the past and he now engage in new ones.

This is the behavior of a "builder" apparently...

WhiteRonin ago

Wait! You are my alt! Shut up self!

sguevar ago

This guy loves to apply guilty by association without showing one bit of evidence of his claims and then he dismisses anything that criticises him as "you must be an alt/sockpuppet" etc...

virge ago

Keep doing your thing, SaneGoat.

sguevar ago

I will reply to your edit here:

I am not afraid to vote transparency. I have no fear for it. I simply dislike that you push for transparency for others but not for you.

You continuously keep denying your false accusations and that you are wrong about me and also that your motives regarding public voting is more related to encourage brigading on users you don't like.

Much as you do while you keep throwing false accusations to discredit those that argue against you and then you try to play the victim card.

But nice try. As I have told you before in more than one occasion and many others that have falsely accused me of having multiple accounts: The one that owes nothing, fears nothing. Specially not a deceptive shill like yourself.

sguevar ago

When you are ready to leave the convenience and acknowledge your flawed logic then we might have a gentlemen discussion. Until then I will keep calling your deceptive and manipulative ways out virge.

virge ago

Whatever you say, SaneGoat.

I expect you to sperg out and switch to Dial or WhiteRonin soon.

sguevar ago

So to you what would suffice as proof that I only have one account?

What evidence should I provide for you to see how wrong you are?

virge ago

Whatever you say, SaneGoat. Whatever you say.

sguevar ago

Oh so no evidence would be enough to change your mind on the falsehoods you spread around?

And then you wonder why I have been so hostile against you and your shilling nature?

virge ago

Sure thing, SaneGoat. Sure thing.

sguevar ago

I thought you called yourself one of the "adults of Voat" and yet you engage in childish behavior.

You might have fooled some, sadly I admit that has happen. But it seems you are the one afraid to face the fact that you were wrong about me.

I stand by the Truth. That is enough for me.

Have a good one.

virge ago

I don't read SaneGoat posts, because SaneGoat is a liar and everything he says is said to manipulate.

Whatever you say, SaneGoat.

sguevar ago

Sure virge... whatever your convenience leads you to... but you can keep projecting.

I stand by the Truth.

virge ago

Ok, SaneGoat. Whatever you say.

sguevar ago

Likewise I guess.

Have a good one son.

virge ago

Sure thing, SaneGoat. Whatever you say.

@crensch @gabara @kevdude @kestrel9 @madworld - See the similarities? You guys tell me.

gabara ago

@sguevar isn't sanegoat. My dealings with @sguevar have been fine.

sguevar ago

Even when we had our initial encounters I never showed trends of being someone else. But u/virge likes to throw false accusations.

He can definitely keep going and keep fooling u/Crensch and u/kestrel9 but in the end all I do is to show how deceptive he really is.


gabara ago

@virge is okay, just a bit heavy on the false positives. Let's all get along.

virge ago

Dunno why else he'd lie so much.

gabara ago

I think this is really more a fight between crensch and squevar that is spilling out. The sump pump is broken but PuttItOut is just about to return is a brand new one, so stick arround and trying to take it all in stride.

virge ago

I think this is really more a fight between crensch and squevar that is spilling out.

sguevar is a lying subversive, so if that's the case then this is the first time I can ever say I fully stand behind @crensch

@kevdude pinging you because I've been unfair to you in the past and we don't see eye to eye but I don't think you're one of the subversives, so enemy of my enemy and that means I trust you to tell me if this is bullshit and why. sguevar isn't being honest and you know it just as much as I do - why is he so afraid of voting transparency?

Is this entire situation not classic SaneGoat?

gabara ago

Yes, IF you buy into the idea that SaneGoat is a group, the so called Sparticus group with members such as Dial Indiacator, and freshmeat, and wombraider. I thought sguevar was friends with crensch but maybe I'm thinking of @argociv. Now THAT goat is cool.

Maybe we need to form a chapter of the most hated group in history: The Neutrals.

sguevar ago

So I would be part of the neutrals?

I have tried to show objectivity on all the fighting in the best way that I could but it certainly is hard to follow through with u/virge slandering me all the way without proof or evidence of what he says.

He doesn't see for example that I saw another user before looking for voting transparency that use "preaching to the choir" tactics in the past:

The same user commented on a different post that same day that he would push for this at any cost using alts and engaging in vote manipulation.

The same user deleted the posts and his comments much like all the interactions I had with u/virge. Virge stopped deleting his content and comments until less than a month again.

@MadWorld knows this.

Why do I have a problem with what he pushes? Because from the one that it is coming it seems fishy. Specially because of the fact that it is an user that calls for transparency but is the least transparent of all.

He even denies our previous interactions. He doesn't back down on his slandering and then he tries to divert in order to remove attention from his past actions.

Personally I distrust in full that type of manipulative behavior.

Had this been pushed by a trustworthy user I might have been a little more supportive. But the two times I saw it come to Voat, it was from questionable characters such as u/virge,

virge ago

Poor SaneGoat, so afraid of voting transparency.

virge ago

Whatever you say, SaneGoat. Everyone believes you.

virge ago

@sguevar isn't sanegoat.


My dealings with @sguevar have been fine.


sguevar ago

Only to a prideful man it hurts to be wrong. But you proved all along everything I have said about you.

Thanks :)

virge ago

Sure thing, SaneGoat. Whatever you say.

gabara ago

That is all.

virge ago

That's not good enough.

gabara ago

Ask others then. @peaceseeker, @truthseeker

virge ago

Thanks, gabara.

gabara ago

np. Let's (re)build this community!

virge ago

Let's (re)build this community!

Not possible when people like this are doing what they do.

gabara ago

There is a bit of a fight going on right now. Lets work to defuse it. Shills always end up exposed eventually.

virge ago

There is a bit of a fight going on right now. Lets work to defuse it. Shills always end up exposed eventually.

When one side does not want to diffuse and only wants to distract away from conversation, how can you?

Sguevar and WhiteRonin both sperg out when you suggest voting transparency. Why?

It's literally the only reason both of him are brigading me.

sguevar ago

No my reasons to downvote you come from the first interactions we had and that now you are denying them like a coward and throwing false accusations like you did before. Recognize that you were wrong and stop slandering me and I may dialogue with you. Otherwise you and I can keep this up.

virge ago

Go away SaneGoat. I told you I'm never reading your posts again and I mean it, so responding is pointless and 100% of my replies to you are going to be calling you out.

Deal with it and move on, nobody cares, SaneGoat.

sguevar ago

Typical coward.

virge ago

Sure thing, SaneGoat.

gabara ago

Ah, WhiteRonin went full retard, maybe that's it. I need to maintain a map of the contagion.

virge ago

WhiteRonin "went full retard" and started his behavior the very same day I posted a thesis on voting transparency.

@kevdude @crensch @kestrel9 @madworld - Anyone can validate this is true. The real question is why.

sguevar ago

Sure, ping them.

You again can keep trying to character assassinate me just like you tried to do here and failed:

Where you took comments out of context and you tried to paint a convenient image against your main detractor.

But well I will leave my words and actions to speak for me.

virge ago

Your actions definitely speak for you, SaneGoat. This is the only true thing you've ever said.

sguevar ago

Sure u/virge,

virge ago

Ok, SaneGoat. Sure thing.