13445123751 ago

Isn't it funny how every platform that allows actual free-speech (unlike the The_Donald) always turn into an anti-semitic and race realist rally?

NeoDankZer ago


ScientiaPotentia ago

These people are still unclear on the point of free speech.

HairyAssTrueMan ago

If you are scared of lefties calling you names, voat is not for you.

PorterRockwell ago

Looking respectable doesn’t do any good; you still get called a Nazi if you have normal beliefs. May as well speak plainly. There is power in truth.

Planetoftheclown ago

It's like when muslims leave their home countries because they're shitholes, get to American to escape it and instead of assimilating begin the process of turning the US into a shit hole, looking at you Minnesota!

derenotrat ago

We were kicked out of our home because of our views! How terrible!

Let's come here and kick these people out of their home because of their views!

What a fucking sheeny

RumpRangerRick ago

Found the kike.

Mortifera ago


Yuke ago

The problem with these types is that they believe these feelings or opinions towards others is based on nothing at all except blind hatred. First we must teach them that this isn't the case, that it is based on the actions and behaviour of these people, backed up by history, facts and figures. We're not the ones that are blind, we're the ones looking through the microscope whilst they try to look from two feet away crying "I can't see anything that you're talking about, you're wrong!"

BurqaFart ago

That nonsense is no different than mudslimes coming here pushing sharia.

Buff_Awesome ago

It was hard for the Qtards to assimilate, but they managed. Maybe these TD refugees will too, now that they have no choice.

DanijelStark ago

How about I show you my new oven ... its brand new , can even make kosher foods ... oh , look ... someone lost their penny in the back of the oven ...

skimster ago

OSullivan's law. Any organization which is not explicit right wing will turn left.

phoenix883 ago

Banned by every platform owned by Jews. Lost the midterm elections and almost the presidential because of interference and collusion of big tech companies owned by Jews. All actual Jews pushing for endless wars and impeachment.

Being a Trump fan and defending Jews is ironic. They all hate him and many of them work hardest to get him and everyone of his supporters under the ground.

unclegandhi ago

Guys, we're so for free speech! I can't stand these snowflakes constantly complaining about being offended. I will die for your right to free speech (unless that free speech is racist, sexist, homphobic, or anti-semitic)...

TopTierCIAShill ago

As a CIA shill, I actually have access to all the information of this niggerfaggot.

It turns out he's into interracial cuckold porn.

Imagine my shock.

Loveraft ago



He kill now.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

To the modern,leftists, rapidly going extinct white man, they typically only recognize 2 types of whites.

1. The angry, hateful racist. - They are evil because Hitler and the Nazis where white and they tried to kill all the Jews. They hated blacks. The KKK in the US and all the 'colonizers' like the US and the English have destroyed the world. Almost always these people are pathetically unaware of the difference between an Ashkenazi, fair skinned Jew and a Western white person. They are horrificly ignorant when it comes to what race most of the world billionaires are, what percentage of the world's population whites are, that the 100 year crusades were a response to 400 years of invasions, rapes, mass murder and slavery. They don't know that the Ottoman Empire was larger and lasted longer than Rome or that it sold more white slaves to N. Africa than black slaves were ever brought to the US. They have no idea about the Holodomor or all of its almost mirror image mass murders in and around former Soviet States that killed many, many times the # of people that today's Hollywood and history books tell you died in the Holocaust. They don't understand that not even the top 4 mass murderers in history were Western white men. To the modern white 'man' they see any whites right of Mao as oppressors, mass murderers and evil killers than don't want the rest of the world to experience the 'success' they have gotten, success they believe was not achieved through surviving hardships and ingenuity but was simply stolen.

**2. The Jane Goodalls **- The compassionate, wise, 'savior of the savages' herself, the Jane Goodalls always know what is best. These people epitomize 'crying out as they strike you.' Most are blissfully unaware that they hate themselves but in the last 6 years many of them have just came out of the Dodo Bird/Panda Bear closet. In fact, calling them those things would be an understatement, as at least panda bears who won't fuck to save their own species or Dodo birds who were too dumb to survive at least didn't try and actively kill off other members of their own species. This Jane Goodall, the Baizuo or the "white mother' the world needs.. They don't even realize they are literally the Danerys Targareans of the world and don't even understand why they got so upset when she went over the edge and destroyed the known world at the end of GoT. They are completely unaware of the fact that they infantalize other races. They seek acceptance and friendship of other races like Smegul seeks the one ring but they don't understand and will never understand that other races will never respect them because they don't respect themselves. They hate themselves and they wear it on them everywhere they go. This makes them untrustworthy and other people, people who have the survival instincts of a single celled organism, see this on them and naturally don't trust or respect them.

You can't convert these people. It's like trying to teach a person completely colorblind that there are numerous other colors, numerous other ways of looking at the world other than in white and black. You can't explain to them what that's like because they've never seen it and aren't capable of imagining it.

These people foolishly believe their whiteness somehow protects them but it doesn't. They foolishly believe history is only 350 years old and limited to one or two continents. While they baby other races, preach down to them and espouse the extincting of their own, they falsely believe they will be safe and ignorantly push for a race war that they are bound to be the first victims in. No one cares about them and they are so ruined that even if they ever did come out alive on the other end of a 2nd civil war that their side won, they'd quickly be slaughtered just like all other Communist useful idiots before them. That is because there is no use for them, like there is no use for anyone that betrays their own race, culture, native religion and country. They can't even be trusted to act in their own best interests, much less anyone elses. They are only useful for chaos. When this is done, whether it's Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China, Lenin's Russia, Stalin's Soviet Union, etc. etc. etc. the very dictators they champion and put into power quickly exterminates these people like the vermin they are because these dictators understand they are general vermin and parasites, not even having the ability to co-operate or survive that bacteria exhibit through a microscope.

Its_over_9000 ago

Yes, fellow conservapedes, don't you think this anti-semitism stuff has gone a little too far? I mean, what will the left think of us?

Jaga ago

Just like the Bible says "don't cast your pearls before swine", don't spend your love on the wrong people. Have love for your family, then community, then country.

pimplepeter ago

Are you fucking kidding me? What a little pussy ass (((FAGGOT))).

Merlynn ago

It often amazes me how a simple concept like "no censorship" can be so hard for people to grasp.

JonReed ago

Is that real though?

ZeframCochrane- ago

Yeah no, tell that kike lover to get back to fucking Reddit where it belongs.

ReAwakened ago

Surely there's a board for retarded people somewhere. I'd hate to come here with that attitude. Stupid motherfucker.

phillyjoe ago

Fork the code and make your own hugbox, td fags

My10thaccount ago

You guys all take Internet forums way too seriously

Doglegwarrior ago

WE OPENLY HATE THE FUCKING KIKE HUMAN PARASITE INVADERS KNOWN AS the jew! Fuck off if you dont understand that almost everything negative happening in our society leads back to the jew... EVERY FUCKING TIME IT SEEMS. so fuck off and trump is a fucking jew loving faggot at this point doing what ever they tell him to do.


Zen-Zinxe ago


pm_me_ur_money ago

Hey, this is a free speech zone, if they wanna start their own community with their own moderation rules let them. That's the whole point of voat, admins dont fuck with you.

Zanbato ago

Shouldn't they be able to run their community how they want? Why do you have to force your views on them?

whatdaheck ago

Loving American patriots love their country and don't want it to be destroyed.

voatusernamevoat ago

It would be a popcorn moment to watch td npcs contend with https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

Chimaira92 ago

T_D celebrates niggers and LGBTQ equally/more so than the left. You also cannot criticise Israel or Jews at all either.

Element115 ago

But it triggers them that we aren't racist!

No it doesn't. They can call anything they want 'racist' and they will still think you are if you don't say anything at all.

Fallasin ago

oh for fuck sake Boomers, we tolerate you because you have build and maintain the society, but your views on Israel and the jews are just plain wrong. If you had our views on them, you would have still had your precious subreddit online.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

What a bunch of retards.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

You know what people do to “kind, loving” people? Use em

prairie ago

Let's try to shape this community into T_D, a community of kind, loving American patriots.

Being anti-semitic is being kind, loving, and patriotic.

ViperCarbz ago

We get a few of these SJW faggots with every migration.

IsaacJan ago

That’s @tallest_skil alt’ing and talking to himself for upvotes.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel. Cry harder about the one thing you were wrong about years ago.

IsaacJan ago

It’s you dude. Sad you’re trying to lie.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure thing, moishe. Reported for libel.

IsaacJan ago

Reported to who?

Native ago

It’s actually me talking to myself

Tallest_Skil ago

The me is immunized against all dangers: I may call me me, me, me, me, it all runs off me like I off a me. But call me me and I will be astonished at how I recoil, how injured I am, how I suddenly shrinks back: “I’m me!”

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

@redditrefugee12 faggot kike, get the fuck out with your censorship

Hitler did nothing wrong

chemlord11 ago

sigh another group thinking they can attack this site and change it's whole culture from the start with little to no push back. how long does everyone want to bet this group lasts? Im going to bet 2 weeks unless they somehow amass enough CCP to hid on QRV.

blagjesus ago

If you can't handle Free Speech you don't belong with the goats

inzmovi ago

Fuck off we're full!

chromanin ago

If you're not racist, you're still deluded. You don't have to be hateful about it (but I totally understand if you are).

Unfortunately this redditor is either a (((fellow white man))) or suffers from Racist Derangement Syndrome.

Native ago

What does this mean?

chromanin ago

It means that racism is natural. It's simply having in-group preference, something whites have been trained to give up. Look at how racially conscious other ethnicities are, then ask yourself why this double-standard exists.

Native ago

You could have refrased your original post differently cause it sounds like you think racism is ok and then not ok

CrimsonTide10 ago

Fuck that! Critical thinking required here shit stain.

recon_johnny ago

Yeah fuck you and your kike nose.

jthun2 ago

You can be an American patriot, or you can ignore Jewish attempts to undermine America. You cannot do both.

superdong ago

God damn I love the smell of my own farts

Overdriver ago

Seriously, what the fuck is this? Get these niggerfaggots out of here!

HomerChimpson ago

At the moment he's averaging about 1 downvoat a minute.

Wiglaf ago

If their ideas and places of origins that were formed around them were so great they wouldn't be refugees running to the places that are occupied by people that they've been disavowing. It'd be worth them considering changing the views that have failed them.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

What a fucking faggot. Jews are evil. Wake the fuck up you goddamn children.

jimibulgin ago

The best thing about Voat is it's blatant antisemitism!

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Yeah. No fucking way. I love the sarcasm waaay to damn much.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

The only reason they cucked so hard originally was because reddit would have banned them otherwise, which stops the flow of red pills to normies.

We can see how well that strategy worked. Maybe somewhere along the line people forget or never learned about the "why" behind all of those rules and norms.

fluxusp ago

There's a parallel with real life mental deficient invading hordes. Those unwanted retards with an attitude, trying to enforce their backward habits and other crap.

GutterTrash ago

Ironic that they feel the need to invade an established base and assimilate to their liking at the cost of the existing user base.

dudelol ago

Removal needed


When the time comes, goodbois will be forced to fight to the death for our enjoyment

ravensedgesom ago

this looks like it was written by the kikes at the ADL

Honkpiller ago

Lol lets pretend none of this is happening on voat like we do on reddit

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Don't worry, our chemotherapy will kick in and rip them a new asshole

TheBuddha ago

I expect to be amused.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Muthafucker, do you realize who you are up against??

HiJoker ago

Hey @redditrefugee12, we're making fun of your faggot jew nigger ass here. The part where you think you're going to 'shape us up' into proper little suckers of jew cocks like yourself is giving us all a hell of a good laugh.

Just what is it that faggots like you think you're going to do here to clean it up? Hmm? Whine like SJWs? We don't give a single fuck collectively what you think. How do you like them apples?

You have NO power here. You can't whine like a nigger faggot bitch to mods to ban any of us because you'll get laughed to shame. This isn't the politically correct fagfest you nuthugged for so long over at queer central Reddit. Welcome to the jungle baby, you're gonna ...lol we know the rest.

So let's have a go at it, bitch nigger? Say something in this thread. I double dog dare you.

cursedcrusader ago

This should be called "How to make friends on Voat"

SlawaAK ago

They need to go back...

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

@redditrefugee12 - You have to go back. We do not like or want you here.

Make no mistake, you are a faggot. The only happy place for you is reddit. Find another subreddit to infect and get the fuck out of here with your glow in the dark, zionist bullshit.

Have a nice day, faggot.

IsaacJan ago

That’s tallest_shill, bro.

WesternCarnival ago

Looks like meat back on the menu boys!

whiteshower ago

What a faggot. Don't like antisemitism, make an argument against it and let your arguments stand on their own merit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"Racism" is natural and an objectively good thing. Change my mind.

Schaef ago

Guys, let's own the libs by believing exactly what they want us to believe! Epic win Pedes!

Uncle_Tractor ago

I like voat because I don't have to walk on eggshells here. How do I know I don't have to walk on eggshells? Because the actual antisemites on voat don't have to walk on eggshells.

First they came for the nazis, but I was not a nazi ...

Zoldam ago

Once you take the final step and quit caring what people think of you, it's one of the most liberating things ever. Trump fans still fear being called racist and thus cling on to civic nationalism and make up whatever lie they need to to cling to that. I'll give them credit they are much less delusional than leftist commies, but they aren't fully there yet.

Maersk ago

I got called a racist by a new employee because I told the line cooks to go back to their country if you don't like gringos. She didn't realize I've been working with them for 3 years and was sort of joking. She then mentioned she was Egyptian. I asked her if her ancestors were white or black. Blank face-no response

FLNationalist ago

fuck that guy

Anon1492 ago

Jisreal is that way, kike. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

flapjack_charlie ago

This is why we should oppose them being banned or quarantined. Not only are they a stepping stone to here, but they will pollute here if they come in numbers.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nah, we shouldn’t give a fuck what happens anywhere else. We should simply ban them HERE.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

We got this

nosejobsforequality ago

as long as the flow isn't overwhelming, most will eventually see the facts for what they are... honestly though, I think the forced migration from reddit to voat is a set-up... a (((plan))) to "radicalize" white males.... self-fulfilling prophecy sort of thing. they LOVE prophecy. I just can't tell if they're still really in control of their plan, or if this is real. either way, it's more fun to read and post here than anywhere else.

pathlesstrod ago

Don't go away mad. Just go away.

Think of how sad T_D mods are right now.

Durm ago

Technically by anti-semite would mean all the non-Christian, non-Arabic people. Great, remove yourself and let the rest of the non-cuck non-jews exodus here. Make the symmetry complete.

gonight ago


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Hahahaha... seriously, please do try that, but I really don't know if I have enough popcorn.

Nukethenarrative ago

It's so easy to play "spot the Jew".

H3r0n ago

What an absolute faggot

whyamIevenhere ago

What the fuck? Who is this asshole to tell a community to change? Go make your own fucking community, dickwad.

uvulectomy ago

Didn't they try this kind of thing before? IIRC, they were quickly sent running back to Plebbit, pants full of shit and crying about "ebil raycists."


whambamthankyouham ago

The utterances of a coward.

Nobody is safe in this bitch.

That lousy reddit cuck picked the wrong place to seek refuge.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Right? Even someone like me who hates Jews with a seething blinding rage gets called a "glow nigger" because my posts are sometimes a little TOO over-the-top.

Nobody is safe from ridicule in this bitch.

Gimmethelolz ago

Hah!! Get fucked

Javik2186 ago

NOPE! A Big fucking NOPE! I will at least help them fit into the airlock. Gas them in it and eject them out.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Guys, we need to make sure that we don't make the left angry, and we need to make sure we have their approval of our political views. Make sure to NEVER be racist or anti-semitic. Being a racist is the worst thing you could ever do, and we're not racist!!!

kenlane ago

Fuck the jews

HeebSlayer ago

The Holodomor killed 50+ million white Christian's vs. The Holohoax's 6 million Jews.

kenlane ago

I saw somewhere today that the holocaust killed 11 million people and I laughed because they used to claim it was 6 million people with most being jews... I wonder how long until 11 million jews died in the holocaust (which btw would be 0 people had it happened, just 11 million rats exterminated)

Tallest_Skil ago

The holocaust didn’t happen, so it’s not relevant.

Maersk ago

Of coarse not, but what happens when you mix red and black with alchohol?

PuritySpiral ago

Excuse me, but it was actually 6 hundred gorrilion. Please don't trivialize the Holocaust with your false numbers and underestimates. Shalom.

Armpit_and_Ass ago
















for no apparent reason

Crikes ago

You're right not to fall for communists' collectivist poison, & divide and conquer tricks..

You're wrong to adopt the communists' practice/pretense that you should be willing and able to remove people you disagree with from communicating.

Follow principles. Stay consistent.

herbalism ago

This was me about a year ago. Now I am 100% on team ⛽ 🇮🇱. The constant barrage of uncensored unfiltered truth is impossible to withstand for long. They will either leave or become one of us.

Lobotomy ago

Well, since I don't see anyone calling this fag out...

@redditrefugee12 let's hear it from you, buddy. Time to weigh in.

TestForScience ago

@70times7 actually already gave him a ring.

Lobotomy ago

And this is the price I pay for using mobile.

TestForScience ago

Don't worry about it, like, fifteen other people did too lol

Napierdalator ago

Hans, get ze gas.

CowWithBeef ago

The left never admits they're wrong because they judge on a moral scale where leftist beliefs are the most moral. The Donald not being racist had no effect on their opinion of you. Supporting who they see as racist already paints you as evil on its own.

Don't give them even an inch. In fact go out of your way to believe things they find heinous. IQ is heritable. To expect all races of men to be identical is to deny the existence of not only evolution, but even mutation. Racial equality is an anti-science position.

TheBuddha ago

This should end well.

Zenhael ago

Fuck him. He can go back to Reddit and play with the kikes over there.

TwooPsy ago

I'm convinced that this person is just a voater trolling

shrink ago


Liberals are the REAL racists!

drozzxd ago

goddamn boomer fucks will never name the jew

Deusvult1771936 ago

The spanish people kicked out the jews and got to be the mlst powerful empire known by their time. Of ciurse jews, socialist and lazy mlnarchs ruined it. all the kikes should be in Israel. Then nuke it

oneinchterror ago

That is 100% bait. Some goat is fucking with you and you bought it.

TestForScience ago

You might be right.
Let it hang as a warning, anyways.

oneinchterror ago

Agreed. I think this particular one was trolling, but people like that definitely exist.

Battlefat ago

Mfw I read that

DoomCracker ago

Wow, what is this nightmare fuel?

ThisSideofthePale ago


Battlefat ago

Jeff Foxworthy

GetWoke ago

Thunderbirds, it was an 80s Scifi puppet kids show. Now you know, baby niggers

70times7 ago


He needs a welcome to voat hug.

Soundguy21 ago

More like he need to stop sucking kike dick.

Corpse_washer ago

Why cant i upvote more than once

DSTheUndertaker ago

Censorship is censorship. That person can fuck right off with their safe space bullshit.

peacegnome ago

but if they don't fall in line the left will judge them.

slwsnowman40 ago

The left will judge him even if he falls in line.

TestForScience ago

TD fags, you’re welcome so long as you don’t try and pull what this little bitch is doing.
The whole “This is my house now!” bullshit - suck a tranny dick you token-nigger loving kike.
I fully understand the annoyance of never ending posts about Jews, but holy fuck, acting like you’re going to come up in here and start acting like you’re the new boss?
You cry like a fucking rape victim during a miscarriage about censorship, then you come HERE and try and do it?
Do the mean words hurt you that much you fucking pussy?
Grow some god damn balls you rainbow pride kike-cock-gagging faggots.

jnola2 ago

This post should have some kind of sticky.

A_Thicc_Man ago

They are acting just like the sand niggers who move from the middle east to European countries and try to implement Sharia Law. "Oh censorship is bad!" but when a "racist" or "antisemite" uses free speech, its: "Ban this person!"

Bulb33 ago

Top tier comment

Tallest_Skil ago

being told the truth is annoying

So leave.

shrink ago

You're being disingenuous here. It's not irritating because it's [being told the truth], it's [seeing the same thing over and over and over]. No need to be all gung ho, lots of us know it's true even though we're redpilled, yet it doesn't change anything. Yeah, jews being kikes everyday left right upside down and backwards 24/7 as the front of Voat gets wearying, but it still needs to be done. It's goddamn exhausting in real life too, you can't help but notice all the nose once you've taken that pill. But as the saying goes, you can sleep when you're dead, no rest for the weary.

virge ago

You're being disingenuous here.


Would you like to know more?

wokeasfook ago

Just because you are seeing it over and over doesn't mean someone else isn't seeing it for the first time. Do you not think it's important that the Goyim know the truth?

DishingShitLikeA ago

They addressed that in the comment you are replying to. Come on now.

wokeasfook ago

I apologise you are correct. I missed it again on the second read but third time was the charm.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Sounds like you were hearing what you wanted to hear rather than what they actually said. Be careful about that. I guess that could be a form of confirmation bias.

wokeasfook ago

Are you for real. What kind of asshole continues to criticize after a person has held their hand up and acknowledged their error. Pricks, that's who.

The original comment had brackets accentuating certain points. Why? I don't know but it's what I picked up on.

Many here would have turned into NPCs and argued with you.

I on the other hand reread the comment multiple times and a knowledged my error.

I wonder if a cunt like you is half as quick to acknowledge your own errors.

When someone acknowledges their error perhaps try not to continue being a cunt about it. Be careful about that.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Damn dude. I was just trying to discuss what possibly happened and why. It wasn't criticism. No need to flip out.

wokeasfook ago

Im not flipping out at all I just genuinely think you're a cunt.

DishingShitLikeA ago


Tallest_Skil ago

it’s goddamn exhausting

Official site tag line.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's all so tiresome

Maersk ago

I'll mix a lot of Gin with a splash of cranberry, and then guzzle

salumi ago

This is comment is pure art.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the cringy ones can stay too so we can bully them

TheTrigger ago

It was kinda getting boring with everyone in on it. It's fun to haze noobs. Hazing is good. It's normal. It builds communal bonds.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hazing is objectively good

virge ago

In a world of hypotheticals, everything is objective; ergo, everything must be good.

Wonder_Boy ago

Might be the best comment of the day here.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago


Simonbelmont27 ago

This person can go gas themselves.

anamazonslittle ago

Don't they realize if they leave a curated, toxic, bolshevik training ground community, and come here, they don't have to care about "looking like bigots?"

This place got off the outage treadmill, there's no reason to start it up again. You can say whatever you want. Fucking niggers.

SparkS ago

i am the one who gave u -1 :)))))... just to fuck ur shit up a lil bit lol... btw dont rly rememebr to see so much upvotes ona commentary...

glassuser ago

It's like there's freedom or something. Maybe they've forgotten what that feels like?

ExplodingHead ago

One of the "strategies" magapediots do is attempting to show that "democrats are the real bigots". This means acting like libs do in order to "own the libs".

IsaacJan ago

Highjacking to make sure everyone’s aware of this:

HIGH CHANCE this is GAYEST_SHILL alting and talking to himself. Read the posts, not only is he on every reply, they type exactly the same, repeating the same shit over and over. Looks like some of you faggots upvoted this retarded attempt.

I bet OP’s a faggot too.

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally every account here that has ever proven you wrong is one of my alts, in your delusional fantasy world.

Maersk ago

Making myself a huge Gin drink. What is your bevy tonight?

Tallest_Skil ago


Maersk ago

I think Jews are really great

Tallest_Skil ago

Go back to your shipping lanes.

jewd_law ago

the only reason to start multiple accounts under the same user is to upvoat this post. kikes have no tolerance for us, we should return the favor. Fuck them and their shabbos.

PeacefulAssassin ago

only reason to have multiple alts here is to make parody accounts

dunklederf ago

here, have a few permalinks to this foreskinmuncher's posts

https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/3299484/19392258 https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/3299484/19392038 https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/3299484/19392522

i'd like everyone to pay special attention to this jew's posts.

-note the 'haha you're all so sad' generic 'social standing' attack, in line with 'youre all virgins/neckbeards' etc, typical jewish optics to attack someone by threatening social consequences.

-calling people 'triggered', 'you're so mad', 'lol made you upset enough to post' etc. it's the same type of jewish deflection and escaperope out of having to actually adress ANYTHING.

-calling people racist, expecting... what exactly?

this poster is a jew, he feigns moral high ground, and feigns superiority by falsely claiming 'youre so mad, therefore i win'

i would next, like to call attention to the following passage:

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one’s hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more – the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods. I gradually came to hate them.

let me know when the patterns start to make make themselves known to you, and you start seeing them yourself.

carlip ago

Boy he shoah'd those comments fast... seems weird for a jew apologist

PeacefulAssassin ago

everything deleted!

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Great posts. I don't even know how to process that paragraph you quoted. It's so full of self contradiction that all I see is a sickness. That's one thing that whites are wise to their own genocide often fail to see though: The difference between the leftist Jew and the right wing Jew. It isn't that the right wing Jew doesn't think they are superior or doesn't think that whites should serve them. Most of them absolutely believe they should rule over whites but they also recognize that there will never be another golden egg like the US. They realize that the destruction of Western whites is also the end of Israel. Leftist Jews don't get that. In fact, the ideology, the bisexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, lack of religion, etc. that leftist Jews push has massively infected their own people, so much so that 1/3rd of Israel now identifies as bisexual. The rates of HIV, low reproductive health, depression rates, etc. etc. of Ashkenazi Jews living in the West reflect this. They have unintentionally become the drinkers of their own poisoned koo-laid.

ReAwakened ago

Short version: Jews lie. They torture the language. They are inherently dishonest. They have no conscience, guilt, shame or remorse. They know what they're doing and they do it intentionally.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Here's another user calling for censorship in favor of r/the_donald: https://voat.co/v/news/3299610/19398433
/u/flapjack_charlie Snakes in the fucking grass, it's an old user: 3.6 years.

flapjack_charlie ago

I'm not calling for censorship, faggot, I'm pointing out political realities. All of us started at Reddit and most of us DIDN'T get red pilled here. Things like TD are how we swell our numbers. Yeah, they're trunpfag civnats to the end, but many of them are goat larvae waiting to metamorphose. More importantly, they are a channel for more people to wake up and see what we see.

So no, you SHOULDN'T be naming the jew on TD. It will turn people off who might otherwise eventually wake up to the JQ.

TheBuddha ago

No, we didn't all start on reddit.

flapjack_charlie ago

No, but a lot of people do. We shouldnt hamstring ourselves because we think they're douchebags. We laugh at the left for eating itself and yet we do the same.

TheBuddha ago

You're pointing out "realities." Your realities should probably reflect reality.

The reality is we didn't all start on Reddit.

Accept the free lesson, say thank you, and move on about your day a wiser person.

flapjack_charlie ago

Yep, just reread my original comment. Didnt remember I said that, which was incorrect.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Oh stfu and quit trying to justify it.

flapjack_charlie ago

No, I think I'll make a rational argument instead.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Do whatever the fuck you want. You'll be talking to yourself.

Nukethenarrative ago

I just tell them they need to let go of their cultural hatred. I tell them their culture has filed them full of hate and its not their fault. It's been done to them since they were children. They simply have to let it go and forgive.

They are often surprisingly silent after that advice.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Schlomo Shill @Tallest_Shill all over those 3 links!

"Fellow White People"

slowcrash101 ago

You know that is boilerplate gaslighting.

LionElTrump ago

Convinced me

ARsandOutdoors ago

Damn son. You got a Jew-dar that’s well over 9000. Noice

dunklederf ago

thanks brother, i like to think my jew-dar is on point too; every now and then one of these big-nose-tribesmen stands out so hard that i just have to make it an example in my effors to educate my fellow white brothers in spotting the kikery-patterns that manifest themselves everywhere these days.

fun related note: there was some 'jewish fest' thing going on in a city i was visiting recently. there was a security guard for every person that was there. and i mean there were maybe 10 kikes partaking in their little party, and 10 security guards there to guard them.

imagine being so hated, so despised, that you need THAT level of security.... ANYWHERE.

ARsandOutdoors ago

What has always blown me away, is that they want to live in white neighborhoods so they can hide, at the same time they destroy the white race. Like, eventually there isn't going to be any wealthy white people to hide amongst further on down the time line, because you killed them off, and your going to stand out like a sore thumb amongst a sea of niggers. It's so short sighted that it's stupefying.

I witnessed a barmitzvah (?) while visiting a friend in Cleveland Ohio. They wore the bear hats and did their little dance while i stood at the door and watched the stereotypes come to life. Someone on the opposite side large dance hall (?) opened a door and the wind blew through the hall and out the door I was watching from. OMG. The stench. It was sweat, booze and bearfur hats all mixed with dirty money. Gross'est thing i've smelled in awhile. Stereotypes are all to true

Not_a_redfugee ago


The cringe is real. I can only imagine smug soyboys unironically using that stupid word in an argument.

handsignals ago

i use it all the time to condescending "woke" females on twitter and reddit. seeing them get triggered is so hilarious.

lord_nougat ago

Holy fuck. You are so right about that!


TheBuddha ago

Yup. I'm gonna have to start using that one myself.

TheTrigger ago

You just don't understand such intellectual cerebral sarcasm, sweaty. 😎😎😎

DayOfThePillow ago

You called him sweaty LOL it's sweetie.

TheTrigger ago

It's a meme. But I will say this: the irony of you two not getting the joke is giving me a good chuckle. @Zodiac_Killer

CRO95 ago

You fucking muppet tell me you are joking please

DayOfThePillow ago

Can you fucking spell? Short bus for you

Zodiac_Killer ago

I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not...

TheTrigger ago

It was.

Wonder_Boy ago

Heroic work. Killer T cells activated.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oy you can check the mod logs, he deleted those himself

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

i would next, like to call attention to the following passage:

I was about to reply with it but you are very thorough.

Phil_McCracken ago

Lol his highest rated comment is -11. Brutality!

jnola2 ago

This is gold:

Contribution points

Submission Contribution Points: 0

Comment Contribution Points: -429

Plant_Boy ago

Their highest rated comment is -22 now. They've been pretty much nuked.

bb22 ago

I like how you use their as their pronoun.

Plant_Boy ago

It's a fuckin' Jew, you get their pronoun wrong who knows what chaos they'll wretch on you, from legalities to anti-fa riots.

Wonder_Boy ago

Still too high.

VicariousJambi ago

'Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law'; so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens justify him and say [to the other party:] 'This is your law'; but if this can not be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him. - http://www.come-and-hear.com/babakamma/babakamma_113.html - http://archive.is/MbuIB

Corpse_washer ago

Did he use the 'have sex' ? I like the word triggered and call out triggered replies. Am i a jew?

dunklederf ago

it's not about what specific words you use, (it may be, to a degree) it's more about the pattern and context in which it's used.

you clearly missed the point friend.

Corpse_washer ago

a man can ask

So i can delete the dickpick you say?

dunklederf ago

dont worry, it's already been saved and stored safely in jerusalem servers

Corpse_washer ago

Well, the gals there are certainly in need of some good dick. I like to help where i can.

xenoPsychologist ago

theyll have to settle for black dick because thats all theyre worth. may the toll forever be paid.

Muh-Shugana ago

They truly do want to be the 'real leftists' while declaring the most leftist people on earth to be NAZIS because somehow the most right-wing people on earth are leftists, which would technically mean that the right doesn't exist AT ALL in these peoples minds.

Corpse_washer ago

Nsdp was lefty but nevermind.

2fast4u92 ago

Wrong. It was fiscally centrist and culturally right wing.

Shekelstein6M ago

Economic centrist.

RoundWheel ago

Socially leftist and fascist.

Ocelot ago

socially leftist

Yeah, it was definitely socially leftist with its thorough support of traditional roles, strong families, and spirituality.

RoundWheel ago

Many still embraced by leftists today.

Faggot, did you forget about the breeding programs? Political correctness?

You can lie to others but we both know you're a long faggot.

Literally the only reason it was ever considered right wing is because it's right off communism. Communists here then ran with it too deflect from the crimes of communism and scapegoat much of it upon Nazism.

Nazis were proud of their fascist policies. They just didn't like to call it fascism.

Corpse_washer ago

How dare you to insult the nazis! Dont you understand,a workers party is not lefty, and socislism becomes magically right wing when you put national before the word soocialism!

Ocelot ago

breeding programs

Never heard of it. Sounds like typical Jewish tricks.

political correctness

Has nothing to do with the NSDAP per se but rather with German culture. Also overexaggerated by civnat faggots who want so desperately to win that they try to draw parallels between the ethnonationalists of 1930s Germany and the anti-white marxists of 21st century America.

Literally the only reason it was ever considered right wing is because it's right of communism

Braindead post. See:

traditional roles, strong families, and spirituality racial awareness boys and girls programs martial culture promotion of physical health and fitness

All right wing, conservative values. The most leftwing things that the NSDAP did were to take the economy under state control, and they did that to wrest it from the claws of Jewish bankers who wished to enslave the German race to their currency and debt system. The government then waved the debts of the German people to the banker race. Hence why they were so loathed by Judaea. Apart from that, 1930s Germany was a free market economy.

Nazis were proud of their fascist policies. They just didn't like to call it fascism

I don't even understand what this retarded line means. The NSDAP were a Germanic brand of fascism, yes. They didn't care much for the label of fascist because they were something rather different, but they still fell in the same philosophical sphere. Saying "Nazis were proud of their fascist policies" is like saying "leftists were proud of their leftwing policies" and it's nothing I even said anything about. Or are you one of those smoothbrains who uses the word "fascist" when they mean "authoritarian"? There's nothing wrong with authoritarianism, anyways. It has upsides and downsides just like democracy. We could benefit from an ethnic monarchy or dictatorship right now.

TestForScience ago

I was the one that made the “We Got Some New Users Because of Reddit Banning Project Veritas Today”
At the end, I wrote,
“To the current users, can we for fucking once let other people actually stay here?
Roasting the newbies and giving them the 'shit test' is fine, but some of ya'll just WON'T STOP until they leave.
Beat the reddit out of them, but afterward, lay off.
Unruly bunch of bastards.”
I just want to make PERFECTLY CLEAR that Reddit’s TD fags are absolutely open game if they try and pull this “this is my house now!” Bullshit.
Jesus Christ force feed these cunts antifreeze with a dirty needle.

The_Oogie ago

People like that are why I stopped using Reddit.

thantik ago

People over there never will debate you on the subject matter at hand. It's always

*check user history*
"You post in [x sub that I don't like!] your opinion is invalid!"
The rest of reddit: downvote downvote downvote

HomerChimpson ago

People who fear words are easier to control.

You cant think that, or say this, theyll call you a [whatever]-ist.

Kids are being trained to fear words then ostracize eachother and call eachother those words should anyone stray from the liberal doctrine of approved thought.

drakesdoom2 ago

Fucking worthless cucks. Maybe they can try to breathe in all the gas before it gets too the kikes.