Kingssman ago

3.My new girl is pregnant.

You fucked up. :P

Aprioned ago

I like this Voat meme

Imeadez ago

Probably fake and definitely gay

EchoWhiskey3 ago

Take a few more. Life is good. Be awakened.

EnsignPossible ago

That's a pretty competent list of changes I'd say, except for the fornication.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#45508) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Holy shit, one of us is either on crazy pills or needs to be. And I thought my new washing machine didn't know how to count.

DamonAxemaker ago

I can't stand when I go to the gym and someone is playing black music. There was a time when black music at least had melody. Now it's put through a computer and it's just video game music.

dudelol ago

Now to clean up that language.

googoogagaimababy ago

How old are you? Cause I tried to become better but didn’t.

armday2day ago

But you didn't learn how to format submissions in voat!

I'm joking, obviously, and as one anonymous goat to another, good luck on further improvement. Don't stop!

revfelix ago

But apparently you still haven't learned how to format a post.

BentAxel ago

All shit that didn't happen. Virtue signaling isn't just for Democrats.

People: no one gives a fuck about you here. Stop trying so hard. This isn't reddit. This is free speech. If you bettered yourself great we didn't know how much of a fuck you were before. Let's keep it that way. Were you really that much of a nigger? Well congrats, you're an adult now.

No fucks or medal's give out here. Go request fag shit elsewhere. Now congrats on the nuptials and child. Because you're not gonna bastard that child, right?

YoHomie ago

Too bad about the Jesus bullshit.

goblin_ghost ago

3.My new girl is pregnant.

Congratulations, you're a white nigger now until you get married (but you'll still be a little bit of a nigger for knocking her up beforehand anyways).

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

  1. My dick grew 7 inches.
  2. My dog came back to life.
  3. My wife came back to me.
  4. My grandmother got released from prison.

DontBeRacist ago

Based on the numbering, it seems like you started smoking crack.

imdrowning ago

Yeah me too, Strong man from worthless faggot who needed to plow every thot I could find..

TrueAmerican ago

Christ? LOL

Titanbikes4ever ago

You really need to marry your girl so you don't have bastards

Jewed ago

"Red pill", "accepting Christ"

Good goy.

Distrikt7 ago

Jesus told everything about Jews more before anyone drink "red pill". Why jews always mocking and attacking Jesus?

Jewed ago

Why jews always mocking and attacking Jesus?

Because the goyim believe their absurd lies. Christians by the way are some of the strongest supporters of Israel. They are useful idiots raised on jew authored brainwash.

If the only criteria for religious belief is that it's old and has myths and parables that make moral assertions, there are many to choose from. There is no proof Christ existed, let alone as more than just a man.

But go on, drink the jew kool-aid.

fightknightHERO ago

Much Respect but please do use proper spacing

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Next on your list should be learning to count.

Doglegwarrior ago

  1. Good job

  2. No problem with that the movment beeds deltas (delta is not a bad thing) but leaders alphas through out history always have more then one woman. Thing ghegis khan forna second donald trump etc.

  3. Truly awsome congratulations have more but wait a decent amount of time before the next one let things heal care about your wifes health

  4. Gym and boxing is awsome id suggest a team sport as well it is good practice for team work if everything went to shit team work is the difference in survival i hate football but if shit hit the fan football players make excellent soldiers

5 . Awsome. You can get a lazer bullet practice system and get thousands of simulated shotz with your own weapon and it keeps track of accuracy huge money saver and good practice. Real shooting is still importsnt but this will help.

  1. Good on the shit music try some classical music while smoking a a cigar when you get bored which you will with out all the bread and circuses in your life.

  2. Excelent reading is awsome again try it with some classical music in the back ground

  3. Getting older cures you of caring about others thoughts nicely as well

  4. Good

  5. This is fine but there is a huge lie going on about christ. We are not all born evil pieces of shit that need a jew to save us. My example would be japan. Almost no rape or murder and a lower suicide rate then america that is predominatly christian. If th3se heathens dont have christ to teaxh them right and wrong how are they vastly more civil then then every christian country. Dont fall for old jew jewsus the cuck christians were a big part of americas down fall.

That being said living a christian life and following chrirt teachings is not a bad way to live.

  1. All in all good work keep it up and as a christian try not to flaunt it and or judge people. When ever you feel like doing either remember the last time you talked to a vegan? They flaunted it, they tried to convert you then they judged you for eating animals etc. Do you really want to be like a vegan? I think not

ravensedgesom ago

trump is oh so alpha fucking ridiculous.

Doglegwarrior ago

He has a ton of alpha traits. Not all alpha traits are good btw.

YoHomie ago

You sound like a pompous, boring, fuck.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im not sure ive ever been called pompous even on shit like this.. what specificaly put me in the pompous catagory? I have not been called boring often but i did stop drinking this year

based80 ago

This is good. I am glad to see so many men waking up. There is a mass-awakening happening. Your life transformation is the latest example of it I've seen.

We need to all support and encourage each other along these lines. On the internet - but also in our personal lives with the men we know.

altro87 ago

Good job

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

You missed out the bro diet.

Meat, fish, veg, rice, potatoes in moderation. Cut out the wheat and sugar. Drink water, from a mug.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Why drink water from a mug? Plz and ty.

elphantasmo ago

stainless steel?

Jimmycrackerson ago

I unno. I heard it's better than lead.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Okay, I drink mostly water. But I refill water bottles a lot. Ill have to find a couple stainless steel bottles. Or a badass canteen.

NiggerVirus ago

You basically just stole this post from the other guy who made the exact same post yesterday!!

Distrikt7 ago

I am glad that is someone else also ...i didnt notice that

NiggerVirus ago

Just giving you a hard time

imgettingmymen ago

Is this voat's form of reddit tier wank?

Rodjers04 ago

If you haven't done so yet then you should also evaluate those you associate with because they could cause a regression of your changes. Be prepared, if necessary, to say adios to all your friends so you can build the cohesiveness of your family unit. Also, despite what some people say, corporeal punishment actually works. Remember spare the rod, spoil the child. Don't be abusive but don't hesitate to whoop that ass as a last resort. Applied properly you shouldn't have to do it after age 7. By then just the threat will suffice. Congratulations on your progress and good luck going forward!

YoHomie ago

Who ghe fuck are you, his goddam dad?

robot7247 ago

evaluate those you associate with

Hang out with losers, become a loser and worse, the other losers try to keep you on their level.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Beating children is for niggers

Rodjers04 ago

Sure, because beating the niggers as children is the reason they chimp out as adults. Totally make sense to me. Because not getting your ass beat as a kid could never instill a misconception that you can get away with anything. No, that could never happen.

MrPim ago

Your list skills got all fucked up?

Judge__Dredd ago

Don't Dead Open Inside

Gothamgirl ago

Wait to you reach the blackpill

HollaKost ago

You like reaching for black things hoe

HIVchan ago

Hey GG :-)

Gothamgirl ago

Hello 🙂

HIVchan ago

Haven't across you often out here in the wild. I should check your history.

PS. Have lots of butt sex!

PPS. I'm starting to use "butt sex" like someone less writes "1990".

HollaKost ago

PS. Have lots of butt sex!

Oh, she does!

HIVchan ago

Don't take it.

YoHomie ago

Pregnant wife already did. The kid's gonna come out black.

wokeasfook ago

  1. Realised I can't count

yt4cz9 ago

129 He doesn't give a fuck about your opinion.

wokeasfook ago

You sure told me.

I promise to try not make any joke you might read in future.

yt4cz9 ago

I was joking myself...playing off his "counting" and saying "8 i dont give a fuck for other opinion."

wokeasfook ago

Shoot me now

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Or format 1. Posts

TopTierCIAShill ago

lmao its just voats automatic numbering system kind of fucks up if you dont consistently follow the format

TheAntiZealot ago

If you check the source, it's a lot worse than it looks.

I would not hire him to code any programs.

pathlesstrod ago

Not every shitposter needs to be a nerd. Oil needs infrastructure, electricity must flow, water must come and definitely go away, and on and on.

TheAntiZealot ago

A nerd? Everyone was expected to place periods at the end of their sentences a hundred years before the keyboard was invented.

pathlesstrod ago

poetic licensE

TopTierCIAShill ago

Purtitout or op?

TheAntiZealot ago


waucka ago

And hasn't quite gotten the hang of pressing the Enter key.

beece ago

Sounds good. The most important thing coming up is to be a good father. Read to your kid(s) when they are very little, spend time with them. Discipline is timeouts and discussion, not hitting. And remember to take lots of videos and photos, they grow up much much faster than you will expect or believe.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I had a blue pill and had to call the doctor because I’ve an erection lasting more than 4 hours.

FridayJones ago

It's WTC7 all over again! That particular erection should have lasted at least another century.

robot7247 ago

You called a doctor before you called your squeeze?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

She insisted before she passed out.

ALIENS2222 ago

Not a doctor... A PROFESSIONAL.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Doctors charge by the visit where a professional charges by the hour or increments of an hour.

kingdomhearts123 ago

what do you think happened to building 7?

RockmanRaiden ago

Controlled demolition.

TopTierCIAShill ago

its the jews u reatdrd

YoHomie ago

Aliens, bitch!


Knocking up a woman you're not married to is beta.

jokersmild ago

Go fuck yourself you fucking kike.

Bitches like you are so fucking cowed to believe that the blessing of the state is needed to add legitimacy to a relationship between a man and a woman.

Teatreehoney02 ago

Eesh, hate much?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the USC School of Law, and I’ve been involved in numerous family court proceedings, and I have over 300 confirmed judgments in my favor.

I am trained in rdivorce proceedings and am one of the top child support lawyers in the country. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your bank account the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking broke, kid. I can take your money anywhere, anytime, and I can prohibit you from seeing your kid ever again just with one phone call.

Not only am I extensively trained in gamesmanship, but I have access to the entire directory of every state bar and I will use it to its full extent to wipe that miserable smile off your face when you see your children, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking going to lose your kids to CPS, kiddo.

Flirp ago

This isn't reddit fag.


What made you think I needed a reminder?

yt4cz9 ago

Purism contests are for jews.

Tubesbestnoob ago

It's downright niggardly.

Smokybubbles ago

Any man who signs onto a marriage contract is a damn fool. Women initiate 70% of divorces, and they are legally no fault. He'll be paying alimony and child support for years, as she bangs other dudes. How romantic and responsible.

Ticklepaws ago

I agree that the majority of women are not marriage worthy. I would say only around 15-20% are marriage worthy these days.

Men are probably 50% marriage worthy. They have corrupted themselves, but not quite as much as women. Even if a man realizes he married the wrong woman, most of the time he has enough honor to stick with it. Women do not understand honor and duty.

The key is to choose wisely.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

You can get married without the government getting involved.

FridayJones ago

Not if you live in a state that has Common Law marriage or Palimony.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Just change your address every year.

YoHomie ago

No shit. Like they say: Never get married; it's a lot easier to simply find a bitch who hates you and buy her a house.

8_billion_weiners ago

You're an idiot. Don't ever have kids.

contrarianism ago


8_billion_weiners ago


The_Prophets_Profit ago

You told him.

meglomaniac ago

guess whos got her meal ticket for life!

Guess who's going to be paying a retard tax for 18 years!

BillyLuath ago

You don't know, perhaps they'll live happily, ever after.

TheSeer ago


Distrikt7 ago

It will be done in saturday so you can sleep well

robot7247 ago

Marriage is like an old house. Work on it everyday or it falls apart.

karmatic ago

Grow together, or grow apart.

slumbermachine ago

Respect man.

BillyLuath ago


Gopherurself ago


Native ago

Congratulations! And congrats on all your commitment to self improvement