MustyMackerel ago

Proud of you.

EnsignPossible ago

It's SO easy to fall down the pop culture abyss, and yet FAR more difficult to climb out again. Good luck to you. I'm on a similar journey. Stay focused. Evil is relentless, it WILL pursue you.

FSA-got-aleppo ago

Make another child for good measure

Ocelot ago

Good. Now have five more kids.

SearchVoatBot ago

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foxtrot45 ago

I was just on the phone (customer support) with some lady like a 'la teesha'. The M was mistaken for the N I could not for the life of me think of any other phonetic word that sounds like N other then nigger at that moment. I thought I was in south park wheel of fortune episode. It took me a long pause before I found a word that starts with N. gawd I never used to have that problem before voat. lol

DrunkViking ago

I have a spankbank in my head already, dont need watching no stinking porn.

robot7247 ago

Dumping alcohol & fast food is almost immediately transforming. Also, avoid churches where they handle snakes.

everlastingphelps ago

Nobody is having more fun than us.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I go to church for the delicious food and absurd stories.

VicariousJambi ago

I need to get back on the path myself, I fell off it a bit.

odd_pain ago

have three or four more kids, or you're a beta faggot

Kleemin ago

christ cucks says ghost man calls him to church. GJ on the rest of it goyim, now remember to turn the other cheek like a good little goy.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Now,do,you see how dangerous the alt right,propaganda is got? You gotta unwind after work and have beer everyday and your too tires to,cook so,you,may as well order a pizza again.

Had ago

Good for you man. I am roughly in the same boat, just a few months ahead of you, and I have Voat and Stoicism to thank for it. I'm not huge on religion personally, though I am not against it completely. I have just had some bad experiences with organized religion, and I tend to avoid churches. I guess I have substituted Stoicism for religion, but it works for me.

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Shit like this got me off my ass and keeps me going. I am trying to raise my boys to be good men, but how can I do that if I am not one myself?

Professorballs ago

Holy fucking shit. I thought about making a thread like this yesterday. Not to the same extent as you OP...but wow. And I thought...if this is all it took - having a source of positive messaging and identity...imagine what the world would be like if this was the dominant thinking!!!

NotADilophosaurus ago

Yeah man it’s crazy huh! Solidarity and positivity is everywhere with places like this it’s wild. So transformative

LightningAndTheSun ago

gone back to (((church)))


Did you bend the knee to Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef (a.k.a. Jesus)? Did you give him your money in the offering tray like a tax cattle?

florby ago

I'm in my 30s and can't find a wife. I jerk it all the time and drink often. I'll be a gay retard man baby forever.

IquitzuOcha ago

Religion is for the weak.

ldjafs45345 ago

fucking shit alt

is your next post going to be Hitler is kewl 1488? White people!!!!!!!



courtjester1111 ago

Bully for you!!!

ClansmanwithaC ago


If you don't already, read the ingredients on the food you eat. The Jew is sneaky and sneaks soy into everything.

Iornukrum ago

Change we can believe in.

keksupreme ago

going to church, lifting and not drinking...and being "spiritual."

sounds super gay

mudbear ago

good work you homosexual black man.

matthew-- ago

And this is why right wing extremism is so damn dangerous. God damn Nazis.

MyNameIsMud ago

I really like that movie, in fact it's one of my favorite gangster films

imdrowning ago

porn is a hard one for me, I dropped weed, booze to like 2x a month and getting married but I MISS FUCKING THOTS... ugh My wife is hot as fuck but I just miss pounding away at dumb ass broads like cattle.. Ugh.. I try to not watch porn but it's harder to quit for me than anything, and I still get messages from old cunts who want the D,, im like lose my number but the devil on my shoulder is like, uhh, NOBODY WILL KNOW JUST GO NUKE HER>....lkflsdj


ClansmanwithaC ago

Man up faggot. You cheat on that woman and you're a nigger.

Try melatonin.

imdrowning ago

couldn't agree more dude, thanks for the harsh words. I`ll use them to berate myself when I feel like a retard

BurqaFart ago

I just want to kill jews.


Amen. Same here. Got clean, got a nice child free fiance, go to church and aa and na, work out, eat healthy, spread the word to my brothers.

jthun2 ago

Good for you. I'm jealous, largely because I started having kids at 41 (albeit my wife was 29) and I wish I had done it sooner. Kids are great.

RayPinpilage ago

When i realised how sick the world was i also turned to Jesus and started training my body and mind so i am ready to defend and fight.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Wow, maybe VOAT converted an Agent. Romans 10:9. Its possible. ..................... The no jacking stuff is a bit over the top, though.

Intrixina ago

Congratulations! Glad to see there's others who have their shit together.

KVD ago

Pic of your debt-free virgin or it didn't happen.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Now all you need to do is stop by v/thegreatoutdoors and go fishing.

ALIENS2222 ago

Plant a garden! There Is still time.

cursedcrusader ago

We need Noseberg in here to get you back on the path goyim!

Anyways, congratulations and God bless. Stick to the teachings of Christ only. The law of Moses is Jew contaminated. You forgot to mention you distrust jews.

carl_gauss ago

Good on ya m8. Those are all healthy things every white man needs to do. Of course, to defeat the Jew in society, we must first defeat the Jew in ourselves.

boekanier ago

And all that in just 28 days...

boekanier ago

I didn't know voat converted (some) people to christianity.

con77 ago

28 days? yeah right. niggerfaggot

con77 ago

arm yourself. Things are gonna get worse before they get better. Well done on the rest. Go with God brother!

jinglejangle101 ago

I quit masturbating and watching porn.

No more of that garbage. I used to watch a lot of creampie videos.

DayOfThePillow ago

Haha don't know why that made me laugh but glad you stopped

Cultural ago

You watched porn in the same house your kids live in?

Dark_Shroud ago

Locked door and head phones.

Sadly many of us figured out how to hide this kind of stuff very well.

When I was a teen we only had dial-up and the internet was a very different kind of beast back then. It's very easy to see how these young boys loose their damn minds with today's internet. Meanwhile young girls are encouraged to be cam whores. Absolute filth.

Cultural ago

Does your sexy body wife know?

Dark_Shroud ago

Did you accidentally a word?

Cultural ago

Are you retarted? Does your wife (who just like op's wife has a sexy body) know that you masturbate in the same house (just like op did) your children live in? He goes to church now, so its ok!

oneinchterror ago

That's not OP

Cultural ago

I know. Its a jab at op

dassaer ago

Who do you think locks the door ...

NiggerVirus ago

Did I have anything to do with you starting to lift weights again?

con77 ago

you fukn cunt. youre a cancer on this site

NiggerVirus ago

I love you too con : )

con77 ago

I am stronger. Tougher. More intelligent. And more mature than you. Go back to reddit cunt

NiggerVirus ago

You keep telling yourself that. I'm betting you are broken down and live in constant mental and physical pain. The fact that you have such a negative attitude probably amplifies these problems.

con77 ago

says the juvenile asshole

NiggerVirus ago

I am juvenile for sure! I'm also happy, extremely healthy and fit, relatively intelligent, positive and blessed as fuck. I literally woke up this morning with a smile excited for a new day and that's how I wake up every single day. No one's having more fun than me. I

don't know why you have such a problem with me. If I had to guess it's because you are extremely depressed, broken down both mentally and physically like I said and seeing someone enjoying life and being happy just rubs you the wrong way because it reminds you of all the things you are lacking in life. Well guess what? Having that kind of negative attitude makes you a shity and weak-minded person which is the whole reason you're in the predicament you're in to begin with.

Here's some free advice, start being more positive. It's that simple. Try to be someone's friend where you would typically be a asshole to them. Make small changes like that in your life and all the other pieces will start to fall into place and you'll probably find some happiness.

con77 ago

your constant barrage of childish in poor taste posts detract from this site. Grow the fuck up. Plus youre a phony that lied about military service. Faggot.

NiggerVirus ago

I've worked pretty hard not to make my life all about my experiences in the military like so many other people seem to get stuck doing. Is that what's happened to you? Is that why you're so damn miserable? It's not something I think about or talk about very often anymore I honestly whether you believe me makes no difference in my life whatsoever. Try to be less of an asshole, buck up and be a better person. Nigger.

con77 ago

save the child psychology for yourself. bitch

NiggerVirus ago

I'm not your enemy

con77 ago

lucky for you

NiggerVirus ago

You couldn't step one foot onto my property without me knowing it.

con77 ago

you'd wake up with my foot on your throat

NiggerVirus ago

I'm not into that kind of thing you pervert

Eualos ago

Have more kids, you're not too old

ClansmanwithaC ago

Just bought my wife a 7 seater for our coming first baby; she knows what's up.

TheKalergiFan ago

Lifting and has a wife and kids??

Super faggy bro

Boyakasha ago

Blocking all of the degenerate porn shit improved my voat experience immensely. Glad to hear you’re making your life better.

Sosacms ago

Haha, made you improve your life. Can't believe you fell for it. What a faggot.

Crayonall9t ago

We should try to label fitness as a rascist activity. Oh wait, it already is.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Nappy hair is bad for sweating.

DrShitlord ago

It creates a patriarchal structures by which some bodies become stronger than others. Plus the Nazis did a lot of exercise. So fitness is a total no-go for the left.

Trousersnake1488 ago

If you didn't already know, a point was taken to destroy Nazi fitness books after the war

DrShitlord ago

I've heard that. But I doubt that they had some exceptional techniques that made them superior physically, the superiority came much more likely from their giant motivation to be fit.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh I agree, I'm more thinking that it was more about just destroying

NotADilophosaurus ago

Loll fuck!

anamazonslittle ago

You got trololololed

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Member for 28 days/one month... claims voat changed his life...

OP is a niggerfaggot who is only looking for fake internet points.

Those who downvote me are glowing in the dark.

olltre ago

says the 9 month account Q badger cuckboi....suck my cock fag

NotADilophosaurus ago

I said “since I started coming here”, not since I created an account. Try reading comprehension.

Wooden_door ago

So you've been using day mode for how long? What is wrong with you?

antiliberalsociety ago

White is right. Night mode makes dark the majority.

knije_tahou ago

What a great post. Good job. Keep up the great work. This is the kind of stuff that makes this site worthwhile.

Revelations2_9 ago

Godspeed, your family and you will be in my prayers tonight!

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Only 2 kids? You need to make at least one more in order to be above replacement level.

Adminstrater ago

I literally married a debt free virgin with no tattoos about a decade ago and her sexy body still lights me up.

You've won. Where ever you go from here, you know your job is just to make her happy, and watch as she raises your children to be great human beings. Good job.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Thank you man :(

Ocelot ago

I think your smile is upside down.

Romanium ago

Good work, love to hear other Goat's success stories.

This is literally how we turn the world around.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Yep, one at a time. People will see the light

ruck_feddit ago

I'm not convinced of your not being a dilophosaurus. This is exactly the kind of shit those fuckers would try to pull.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Oh you... lemme just wipe my hood back down..... you make me wanna spit venom in you your face, which is impossible because I’m definitely NOT,.............

ruck_feddit ago

Lol. I'm in the same boat as you wife and family-wise. No one told me about the debt-free virgin thing back then; that's just sort of how it worked out. I'm sincerely happy for you, even if your cousin did eat Newman in that jeep.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Haha man, I’m the same. I first heard the debt free virgin thing about a year ago and was like wait, that shift is what I ended up getting,

And fuckkkkk Nedry. The magic word is SCREAM

ruck_feddit ago

There was an article a while back about how sperm doesn't die or some shit. It just embeds itself into a woman's body in whatever cavity it entered. Any of my friends or co-workers who have given me shit about the virgin thing or her being younger than me have to listen to me talk about that article. "How's it feel knowing some other man's seed is living in your wife's sinuses?" You can imagine how well that goes over. I suggest you give it a mention should you be in that position.

ChiCom ago

You didn't mention target shooting but hopefully that's going on

NotADilophosaurus ago

That I never stopped. Raised around guns since birth

QuickMafs ago

Great job I'm happy for you, but when are you going to start killing niggers?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

My penis grew 12 inches and my dog came back to life.

Peacethroughpower ago

Shut up niggerfaggot. And congrats

NotADilophosaurus ago

Thanks Nigerian homo, you probably contributed to my “racism”

MoteMoteKek11 ago

It’s call race realization you dumb faggot.

Now take it a step further and quit all sugars, quit everything unnatural. Proud of you.

pgd7 ago

Fuck yeah. Garbage in, garbage out. No amount of lifting will compensate for filling your body with jew poison.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Exactly. You get better results with natural animal meats, rice, natural shit. (I’m grinding for the ability to raise and grow my own). Then just fucking bust ass, the feeling of accomplishment is far better than the feeling of shoving pre workout down your throat just to get going or to “go farther faster”.

I love how I got down votes, voat really is filled with old fuckers that don’t understand internet/meme culture.

smokratez ago

Rice gets absorbed as sugar.

A diet that consists primarily of white rice and other refined carbohydrates can put you at a greater risk of certain diseases, particularly Type 2 diabetes. These refined carbs cause too much sugar to be released into your bloodstream too quickly, disturbing the release of insulin. When your insulin levels are off, you cannot store the energy in your cells, and end up with too much blood sugar circulating in your system.

lexsird ago

Whole grain rice?

smokratez ago

That's a bit better, yet still not good to eat.

MrShekelstein ago

i wouldnt trust the church if I were you.

once they start pushing libtard bullshit during mass its time to stop going.

everlastingphelps ago

We will always have false teachers. They were already starting when Paul was warning us against it.

It doesn't mean that we give up on the church. It means we flip some tables and run the fuckers out with whips.

Intrixina ago

Churches are just another variant of fake news, a mere interpretation of what was written in the Bible, to be fair.

GuantanamObama ago

I've always found it very interesting that the Bible is referred to as the word of God, but clearly says "Version" on the front, plainly confirming that it has been manipulated by men to control other men.

Intrixina ago

If such a supernatural being exists, anything written by men is an interpretation at best - which can never be 100% true. It can be close, but it depends on the corruptibility of the person.

everlastingphelps ago

You don't know what version means. Fuck off and die in a fire, (((faggot))).

BushChuck ago

Yes, yes. "Version" can refer to a translation from another language.

His point still stands.


everlastingphelps ago

No, it doesn't. His point is that it was manipulated to control other men.

Learn to speak (((wizard))) and stop falling for propaganda.

GuantanamObama ago

You are a literal retard. Congrats on millions of years of evolution ending with you and your third copy of chromosome 21.

everlastingphelps ago

You literally don't know what literal means.

BushChuck ago

The fuck?

Did you just tell me to stop believing propaganda, but start believing the bible is the literal word of god?

everlastingphelps ago



BushChuck ago

You are fucking stupid.

critias ago

It's not about trusting the church, it's about making connections and relationships with other people of your race

imdrowning ago

exactly, its about comminity that isnt a bunch of degenerates

Chimaira92 ago

Better to do that at a firing range than church.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Church is good for women and children.

critias ago

If you have access to both then go for it. It's not like either is perfect, institutionally, but they both have merits if you can focus on the positives

watitdew ago

I'm really tempted to just go to services at one of these churches that I see with the rainbow flags out and call them on their bullshit.

everlastingphelps ago

There's no one to call out. When you go into one they are empty.

PsiloTheWolf ago

Id expect that shit from big city churches. Today i drove through the nearest town to the south of me, population about 2600. Fucking rainbow flag flying from the church. Had a bunch of bullshit written on it in the lines. I read one random line as i drove by. "Reject racism."

NotADilophosaurus ago

Catholic or nothing. Catholicism is the direct root to Christ. Anything else is heathen bullshit.

Crayonall9t ago

The advatage of free speech is that you will always find someone critizing you for something. It gives you the oppurtunity to change, or don’t give a fuck about complaining niggerfaggots.

oneinchterror ago


Helbrecht ago

Roman paganism is the direct route to Christ

Antichrist, maybe.

(Pipe down, eastern orthodoxy. You're just as bad)

NarrativeControl ago

The word you're looking for is "Orthodox."

SurfinMindWaves ago

Hahahahaha… That's a good one.

watitdew ago

So uh about that 2nd vatican counsel....

NotADilophosaurus ago

Oh I’ve been around long enough to know who to trust. Trust the Word. Not the folks that put Francis in charge

dudelol ago


thelma ago

See what meth can do for you ?

Its a miracle cure .. for everything.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Meth like gunnit meth?

thelma ago

Whatever meth you got can post it. Don't worry, I won't call the cops or nothing like that.

NotADilophosaurus ago

If you do just FYI I’ve just been in a terrible boating accident...**

Pubiclouse ago

The Departed was alright. Congrats too man

NotADilophosaurus ago

Thanks man, just feeling it tonight. You motherfuckers are alright

Wazhappenin1 ago

Great Job!!!

NotADilophosaurus ago

Thanks man!

Wazhappenin1 ago

Dont give up and Never quit improving yourself and your family!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The exact opposite happened to me after coming here. I must not be doing Voat right.

Anyways, good for you. Keep on killing it.

NotADilophosaurus ago

Age probably has something to do with it. I assume you’re in your early 20s? Most people I know think the way we think here, we discuss it in lowered voices in private moments. Life is an amazing thing and good will prevail.

Improve yourself. Read what’s really going on. Get ready for any situation; intellectual, physical, or emotional.

albatrosv15 ago

5 times more alcohol?