I found my first obvious jew shill! @Men13 does nothing but comment on Israel, Holocaust and kike posts. (whatever)
submitted 5.8 years ago by shadow332
"In Israel, the demographic problem is that the Palestinians breed to fast": https://voat.co/v/TIL/3137320/17803592
Getting butthurt about a jew meme
Claiming Soros is "anti-zionist and "anti-Israel"
Showing how "not all jews" are in the industry
Getting asshurt again when people talk about kikes
Talking about his home nation
Note he says: "Also, you know religion isn't race, right?"
Has to post in a holohoax thread again
"Many Jews died in the towers on 9/11. So if you have such blatant and easily disprovable lie in your title, I'm pretty sure your entire point is bullshit."
Showing up in @Ex-redditor's post about Israelis killing Palestinians: https://voat.co/v/Worldnews/3156225
He's all over this holohoax thread by @mralexson: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3092841/17937097/10#17937097.
There's tons more of examples. Disgusting fucking rat-nosed kike.
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sane 5.8 years ago
Men13 lied in : https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3172024/18154487/10#18154487
It is easy to prove using jew sources that a Jew cannot marry a non-jew (arab for example) within Isreal. And its about the "jewish race".
for example :
"Israeli law does NOT PERMIT marriages between members of different religions within its borders"
So he is lying for deceptive pro-Israel motivations.
Men13 5.8 years ago
You know religion isn't race, right?
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sane ago
Men13 lied in : https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3172024/18154487/10#18154487
It is easy to prove using jew sources that a Jew cannot marry a non-jew (arab for example) within Isreal. And its about the "jewish race".
for example :
"Israeli law does NOT PERMIT marriages between members of different religions within its borders"
So he is lying for deceptive pro-Israel motivations.
Men13 ago
You know religion isn't race, right?