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dtaraasdfasdf ago

why dont you just wait until the pv goon squad doesnt like what they do, then lie about them, then downvoat brigade them to nothing?

That the protectvoat way @puttitout

oiseaulibre ago

They literally downvoated @Coors_Nationalist to the point where he can't vote, post, or comment. Who is the real censor? The guy who has a sub for a specific Minecraft server and doesn't want his sub filled with off topic garbage? Or the people who take away his ability to use the website? @PuttItOut, this is a problem I've touched on over the years. If someone isn't a spammer but just isn't liked or has "the wrong opinions" they are prevented from using the site.

Possible solution: an appeal process where someone downvoated to oblivion can have their site privileges returned to them.

CameraCode ago

We really should have a little critical thought on this. At this point people are just downvoating him just to downvoat him, I doubt they even read all the posts and understand what is going on.

Mumbleberry ago

He could have stopped it with a mea culpa and un-bannings. But decided to dig his hole deeper instead.

CameraCode ago

Maybe you guys could have explained what he was doing wrong instead of just mass downvoating him and sending him petty insults. I get it, you want to crush any censorship, but the guy mostly believes what "we" do and he did say he hasn't been a mod before. It's not like he was trying to subvert voat and make an upvoating farm or anything. I think if we had a rational discussion with him and explained why deleting posts is overall more harmful even if those posts have nothing to do with his subverse, this whole situation could have been avoided and we could have had a cool place for people who like Minecraft. I don't even play it.

Mumbleberry ago

Besides, he should have known;

CameraCode ago

That seems more like a threat than a rational explaination. You could have said something like "you're better off not deleting stuff because upholding the principle of non-censorship is more important than having off-topic posts." Yeah, you didn't have to, but a little calm and kindness goes a long way.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

responding to tone